
  • It All Begins With Fire
    Apr 8 2024

    Moving forward and forward and forward. Just doing what I want to do with this show. If you have audio of any kind, so long as it be work you created and work you are willing to share with the world, send it to musicisartnotproduct@gmail.com. Love from the Dystopia. Artists on this episode The Unbranded - Novacaine


    Leaf House - Astigmatisms


    Bailey Lingen - Mixolydian Mixup

    Ren Santos - Is that a Contract in your Pocket or are You just Happy to See Me?


    Dawn Viola - Pretty as a Picture


    All music released under a Creative Commons license, probably. I dunno. I stopped checking and just started taking the artists' words for it. When has a musician ever lied?

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    26 mins
  • Update from the Dystopia! We have a community resource now!
    Feb 24 2024

    Well thanks very much to Jaimie we now have a discord and a subreddit! I can't wait to not be the only person in charge of how we all communicate!

    https://discord.gg/gC5drTt2J2 https://www.reddit.com/r/RadioFreeDystopia/ love y'all!
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    4 mins
  • Songs from the Dystopia
    Feb 23 2024

    credits in order Dawn Viola - Satellite Communication https://dawnviola.bandcamp.com/ Nix and Them - Fission Anomoly https://nixandthem.bandcamp.com/ ambermachinesatan - Interface Radio Program https://open.spotify.com/artist/6W7vaFDKuTKKDO19SYc9Kw?si=abZemWr0Qb-VUGH6EZo9lg

    Zara - Zygomaticus www.zaraband.com

    KC Haze - We Are The Future https://www.reverbnation.com/kchaze

    Car Crash Requiem - At The End Of It All https://carcrashrequiem.bandcamp.com/ All Music Featured On Radio Free Dystopia Is Released Under Creative Commons Licenses Probably Attempts to copy or redistribute this program will be met with swift legal inaction. To submit to the show email musicisartnotproduct@gmail.com To submit to Dawn, see her OF

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    31 mins
  • Untamed Music for the Feral
    Feb 5 2024

    Episode two of Radio Free Dystopia is proud to share with you the music of: Leaf House - IDM Alt Mix https://soundcloud.com/clay-hale-939890839/idm-alt-mix Ren Santos - My Ex is Hot, But So Are His Parents https://on.soundcloud.com/f9kJJ

    Dawn Viola - Warm Beers in the Dark https://dawnviola.bandcamp.com/

    Zara - Freefall www.zaraband.com

    Car Crash Requiem - Confession https://carcrashrequiem.bandcamp.com/

    Meadow (let me know if you get a url and I'll edit this lol) - Protest Music The Sirago 17 - Time Becomes Sarcastic https://thesirago17.bandcamp.com/ ... Radio Free Dystopia is a Production by Some Weirdo in the Desert All Music Shared under a Creative Commons license, probably. What are you a cop? No I didn't mean to put a song that starts off about beer after my song about beer. Yes the warm beer from my song was MGD. We were young lol.

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    39 mins
  • Music from the Dystopia
    Jan 23 2024

    To submit your music to Radio Free Dystopia, please post it publicly somewhere you can list it under a Creative Commons license and then email a link to musicisartnotproduct@gmail.com Artists on our program:

    Band Aid by Kc Haze


    Falling by Ren Santos https://on.soundcloud.com/f9kJJ

    Fever Dream by The Sirago 17 https://soundcloud.com/thesirago17?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing Broken by Tito Jimenez https://soundcloud.com/tito-jimenez-3/sets/completed-mojave-johnson-songs?si=7bf5739342f640da8763fd67e7d1ba90&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

    Growling through a Flow by Astra the Dragon https://astrathedragon.bandcamp.com/track/growling-through-a-flow

    We Only Live Once by Dawn Viola


    The Beginning by LUCI No link for this one. If you want more email me at musicisartnotproduct@gmail.com and I’ll forward it to them lol

    ... All music released under Creative Commons Radio Free Dystopia is proudly Not a Real Thing Music is just Wiggly Air Private Ownership is a Social Construct Copyright Law is Laughable

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    32 mins
  • Welcome to RFD
    Jan 16 2024

    This is the first short episode featuring music made entirely by me as I get things set up for the first proper episode featuring your music. Music by me and some friends of mine messing around in my studio.

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    6 mins