
  • He Helps Business Owners Generate Millions Of Dollars (With Shaun Khoo)
    Jul 2 2024

    Today, we have Shaun Khoo on the show.

    Shaun runs a marketing agency that helps business owners generate an extra 6 or even 7 figures per year.

    His secret? He uses an approach called, Direct response marketing (we’ll get into more details later).

    What’s interesting is direct response marketing can be applied across different industries whether it’s in finance, property investing, health and nutrition, financial planning, etc.

    As long as you sell something, direct response marketing will be relevant to you.

    Now moving on…

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:

    1. What is direct response marketing and how does it work
    2. What are the pros and cons of direct response marketing
    3. What types of businesses are suitable for direct response marketing
    4. How to improve an ad campaign
    5. What are the low-hanging fruits to optimize so you can lower your CPA
    6. How did he set up his own e-commerce business using the principles of direct response marketing
    7. And much more…

    Sounds good?

    Then go listen now.


    Get it here: https://raynerteo.com/script/

    Más Menos
    1 h y 30 m
  • How To Invest In UK Properties For Positive Cashflow (With Daniel Sim)
    May 21 2024

    Today, we have Daniel Sim on the show.

    He is the founder of Golden Goose Property where he teaches people how to invest in UK property for positive cashflow.

    What’s interesting about Daniel is he used to sign on as an army officer.

    Now for most people who sign on, they never leave the army because it’s an “iron” rice bowl.

    That’s not the case for Daniel because not only did he leave the army, he became a full-time property investor and started his own education business.

    So in today’s episode, we talk about…

    • Daniel’s formative years (things he did in the army and the public sector)
    • Why did Daniel decide to leave a comfortable paying job to become a full-time property investor (his thought process behind it)
    • Why invest in UK properties instead of Singapore properties
    • Things to look out for before investing in a UK property
    • Can this strategy be applied to other markets?
    • How do interest rates affect his investments?
    • Mistakes to avoid when investing in UK properties

    Sounds good?

    Then go listen now…

    Linkedin: / maildanielsim

    Más Menos
    2 h y 32 m
  • Business, Life, And Money (With Collin Seow)
    Apr 21 2024

    Today we have Collin Seow on the show!

    Collin has led an interesting career path, from being an insurance agent, to a remisier, and today, he’s a traderpreneur.

    Someone who’s both a trader and an entrepreneur.

    What’s interesting about Collin is he’s someone who’s always smiling, laughing, and bringing a ton of positive energy to the table.

    You can’t help but feel happy being around him—which is an invaluable trait.

    So in today’s happy interview, we spoke about…

    • Collin’s childhood, his growing up years, and formative moments

    • Why he left a successful career in insurance to become a remisier

    • How he got started in the trading business (challenges and lessons learned)

    • His relationship with money (crypto, real estate, asset allocation)

    • How he raises his kids (things he does with them to build strong bonds and things he wished he had done better)

    So all this and more in today’s interview.

    Sounds good?

    Then go listen right now…


    Facebook: /collinseow

    Más Menos
    2 h y 27 m
  • He Made Millions From Crypto (With Chris Long)
    Apr 10 2024

    Today, we have Chris Long on the show.

    So Chris used to be an investment banker and then left his high-paying job for, you guessed it… Crypto.

    You’re probably wondering:

    “Why would he leave such a cushy job for something so volatile and risky?”

    Well, that’s what we covered in today’s episode.

    Specifically, here’s what we discussed:

    • The unorthodox method Chris used to land a job as an investment banker

    • The life of an investment banker (pros and cons)

    • The reason why he left investment banking for crypto

    • Chris’s current crypto holdings

    • His favourite strategy to profit from the crypto markets

    • How Crypto Knight Academy got started even though he has no experience in business

    • And much more…

    Sound good?

    Then go listen now…


    Facebook: /chrislhz

    Más Menos
    2 h y 25 m
  • He Made Millions From The Stock Market (With Robin Ho)
    Mar 19 2024

    Today, we have Robin Ho on the show. An ex-naval officer who left the navy to become a stock trader.

    Now, there are many interesting things about Robin.

    But one thing to share is during the 2008 financial crisis when the world was panicking with fear, Robin turned $100k into $2m during that period. Crazy right?

    Moving on, here’s what we covered during our conversation…

    1. What’s life like as a naval officer in Singapore

    2. Why did Robin leave a stable comfortable job to become a stock trader

    3. An overview of how “insiders” manipulate stocks to fool retail traders

    4. Robin’s battle with stage 4 cancer and how he deals with it

    5. Religion, outlook, and the purpose of life

    Sounds good?

    Then go watch it now…


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robin.ho.756/
    Website: https://www.robinhosmartrade.com/

    Más Menos
    2 h y 22 m
  • From F Student To Multi Millionaire (With Adam Khoo)
    Feb 20 2024

    Today, we have Adam Khoo, a professional investor, the co-founder of Adam Khoo’s Learning Technologies, and has over a million subscribers on YouTube.

    And here’s a fun fact…

    Do you know he holds his wife’s hand and goes to sleep every night?

    So yes, not only is he a master of finance but he is also a master of love!

    Now, here’s what we covered in today’s conversation…

    1. How did Adam Khoo go from an F student to getting straight As in school.

    2. How he grew his business from zero to 8-figures per year (from organizing disco parties to developing education programs for both children and adults).

    3. His secrets to a happy marriage (he talks about the thing he does with his wife that shows you a side that you rarely see).

    4. Parenting values he believes in and how it has shaped his children.

    5. Important lessons he has learned in both business and life.

    Sounds good?

    Then go listen right now…


    Facebook: /adamkhoosuccess

    YouTube: /adamkhoo

    Más Menos
    2 h y 8 m
  • Running A Funeral Business (With Angjolie)
    Feb 1 2024

    Hey hey, what’s up my friend!

    Today, we have Angjolie who runs a funeral business called, The Life Celebrant.

    Unlike most funerals which are a sad event, her company helps to do it in a positive and uplifting manner.

    Imagine, having a karaoke machine at a funeral. Yes, that’s something that can be done and we’ll talk more about it later.

    If you want to connect with Angjolie, I’ll put her social media profile in the description below.

    Now, here’s what we covered in today’s conversation…

    1. How Angjolie got started in the funeral business

    2. How a funeral business works, the process from start to finish

    3. The different types of funeral cultures around the world

    4. Important things you need to have in order so your family will have an easier time after you pass on (LPA, financial will, emotional will, etc.)

    5. Her take on death and transition to the next stage of life

    Sounds good?

    Then go listen right now…


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheAngjolieMei/
    Website: https://www.thelifecelebrant.sg/

    Más Menos
    1 h y 56 m
  • Dollars And Sense: The Rise Of Singapore’s Leading Personal Finance Website (With Dinesh Dayani)
    Dec 19 2023

    Hey hey, what’s up my friend!

    Today we have Dinesh Dayani on the show.

    Dinesh is a friend and we served in the army together as Commandos in our younger days. Those crazy times which we’ll some stories about it later.

    Today, he is the co-founder of DollarsAndSense, a leading personal financial website that helps people make better financial decisions.

    So in today’s episode, we talk about:

    • How DollarsAndSense got started
    • How they approach SEO (search engine optimization)
    • How to constantly generate new ideas for articles
    • Which articles to update and why
    • How the business model works
    • Future expansion plans
    • And much more…

    Sounds good?

    Then go listen now...


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dinesh.dayani
    Website: https://dollarsandsense.sg/

    Más Menos
    2 h y 14 m