• Reimagining Your Group Program (+ Introducing the RSC Accelerator)
    Jul 3 2024

    This week’s episode discusses reimagining your group coaching program. Em and Lex discuss the opportunity to co-create and evolve a group program at different stages of your coaching business and how to do so authentically and strategically. Em and Lex also introduced the Ready Set Coach (RSC) Accelerator group program. They discuss what it is, how they came up with the idea, who it is serving, and what it means for the future of their programs.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    • How group programs can evolve through different phases of your business and life
    • Tips on figuring out when it’s time to reiterate a group program
    • How RSC has evolved and changed with different cohorts
    • What Em and Lex have learned from each cohort
    • Tips on how to reimage your group program thoughtfully
    • What the RSC Accelerator is
    • And more!

    Listener Links:

    • Follow Em & Lex on Instagram at @readysetcoachcommunity
    • Sign up for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference/Learn More: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Join the Ready Set Coach Community: www.readysetcoachcommunity.com
    • Learn more about Second Degree Society and THEPRBAR inc.
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    28 mins
  • How to Attract Qualified Leads for Your Coaching Business
    Jun 26 2024

    This week’s topic covers how to attract qualified leads for your coaching business. Em & Lex discuss how to define a qualified lead, how to set up parameters to weed out those who are unqualified, and what type of marketing is needed to find them in the first place.

    Here’s What You’ll Learn:

    • What a qualified lead is, and what factors make a lead qualified
    • Tips on attracting the types of people who understand and need what you are selling
    • Different considerations of what makes a lead qualified for your business
    • Tips on identifying your qualifiers for your business
    • How to set up lead qualifies throughout your business
    • Tangible things that you can do to weed out the non-qualified leads
    • Tips on making sure your branding is attracting the type of clients you want to have
    • And more!

    Listener Links:

    • Follow Em & Lex on Instagram at @readysetcoachcommunity
    • Sign up for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference/Learn More: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Join the Ready Set Coach Community: www.readysetcoachcommunity.com
    • Learn more about Second Degree Society and THEPRBAR inc.
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    27 mins
  • Real Talk: Red Flags & Wellness Check-in for All Coaches
    Jun 19 2024

    This week’s episode is a wellness check-in for ALL coaches. Inspired by a recent personal health event, Em and Lex share their experiences identifying wellness red flags and how to navigate your business and life through different seasons of health.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    • Real talk on wellness as a business owner
    • Tips on identifying red flags ahead of time and focusing on preventative care instead of reactive care
    • What Em and Lex have started doing as they continue to get even busier with business and life.
    • You can’t pour from an empty cup
    • Tips on maintaining your wellness and self-care to be able to pour into your clients
    • Ideas on finding solutions that allow you to avoid hitting rock bottom physically, mentally, and emotionally etc.
    • Tips on creating a list of things that will support you holistically
    • Having your business plan solidly in place so your team can help you if you have to take time for wellness
    • And more!

    Listener Links:

    • Follow Em & Lex on Instagram at @readysetcoachcommunity
    • Sign up for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference/Learn More: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Join the Ready Set Coach Community: www.readysetcoachcommunity.com
    • Learn more about Second Degree Society and THEPRBAR inc.
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    27 mins
  • Managing Client Expectations in the Coaching Industry
    Jun 12 2024

    This week’s episode discusses managing client expectations in the coaching industry. Em and Lex discuss how to help set and manage expectations with potential and active clients from the sales call through the end of a coaching engagement.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    • Tools that Em and Lex use while they are working with clients to help set expectations
    • Why it’s important to set expectations early on in the coach-client relationship
    • Meeting your clients where they are and operating with a solution-driven mindset
    • Your role as a coach
    • The importance of boundaries as a coach
    • How Em and Lex have set boundaries for themselves to maintain being able to show up for your clients
    • How setting expectations at the get-go can help your clients appreciate and value your time together, coaching more
    • And more!

    Listener Links:

    • Follow Em & Lex on Instagram at @readysetcoachcommunity
    • Sign up for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference/Learn More: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Join the Ready Set Coach Community: www.readysetcoachcommunity.com
    • Learn more about Second Degree Society and THEPRBAR inc.
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    25 mins
  • Lessons Learned from Hosting our First Conference for Coaches
    May 29 2024

    This week’s episode recaps the lessons Em and Lex learned after hosting their first conference for Ready Set Coach last week. They break down what went well, what didn’t go as well, and changes they would make in the future. For any coach interested in hosting a virtual conference, take a listen!

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    • What the conference was and how they pulled it off
    • Reflections on the lessons they learned in putting on the conference
    • How the conference worked being entirely virtual
    • Reflections on how a smaller volume of attendees worked out better than a large volume
    • What worked well for marketing, and what didn’t.
    • Objections that came up in the sales process
    • Challenges and successes hosting day of
    • And more!

    Listener Links:

    • Follow Em & Lex on Instagram at @readysetcoachcommunity
    • Sign up for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference/Learn More: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Join the Ready Set Coach Community: www.readysetcoachcommunity.com
    • Learn more about Second Degree Society and THEPRBAR inc.
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    25 mins
  • Building and Scaling Your Coaching Team
    May 8 2024

    This week’s episode focuses on how to build and scale your coaching team. Em and Lex discuss their own experiences with building their team - from their hires to their first fires, and lessons learned. They explore the pros and cons of different hiring structures and how to know when you’re ready to expand your coaching team.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    • Tips on when to hire your first team member for your coaching business
    • What indications come up that may alert you to needing to hire another team member
    • Their tips on when to start the process of hiring and how to go about firing
    • Best hiring practices and the importance of creating SOPs
    • How to set expectations and communicate with your new hire
    • The benefits and challenges of remote hires
    • How you can strategically continue to build your team as you scale
    • And more!

    Listener Links:

    • Grab your ticket for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference on May 13th here: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Follow Em & Lex on Instagram at @readysetcoachcommunity
    • Sign up for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference/Learn More: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Join the Ready Set Coach Community: www.readysetcoachcommunity.com

    Learn more about Second Degree Society and THEPRBAR inc.

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    36 mins
  • 5 Reasons We've Seen Other Coaches Fail
    May 1 2024

    This week’s episode focuses on 5 different reasons Em & Lex have seen other coaches fail. Drawing from real-world examples, they also share how these reflections can be reframed as an opportunity for growth. They emphasize the importance of mindset, self-awareness, time management, and marketing. They wrap things up by offering a way to audit your own business to ensure you’re not making one of these common mistakes.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    • What having a scarcity mindset means, and how it affects your coaching business
    • How desperate energy is transferable onto sales calls
    • Some of the main reasons businesses fail in a cyclical fashion
    • Why time dictates whether a coach finds success, or not
    • Tips on setting realistic time expectations
    • The concept of trend hopping, how to avoid it, and what to do instead
    • And more!

    Listener Links:

    • Grab your ticket for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference on May 13th here: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Follow Em & Lex on Instagram at @readysetcoachcommunity
    • Sign up for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference/Learn More: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Join the Ready Set Coach Community: www.readysetcoachcommunity.com
    • Learn more about Second Degree Society and THEPRBAR inc.
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    22 mins
  • Systems and Tools That Have Transformed Our Business
    Apr 24 2024

    This week’s episode focuses on what tools Em and Lex use in the Ready Set Coach community and what works and doesn’t. Em and Lex share their favorite types of business tools, including apps, software, extensions, programs, and more. They discuss what works well in each one and what they use within their businesses and workflows.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    • Types of apps and systems Em and Lex use for the Ready Set Coach Community
    • What they like about apps, software and systems
    • What elements worked and what didn’t
    • Different solutions for specific systems they’ve both experimented with
    • What systems they use for purchases of services
    • Types of plug-ins and tools that work best for payments
    • Ways they try to connect their community members and platforms that work for the type of community they want to have
    • Tips on looking at what types of paid subscriptions of services would work best for your business
    • And more!

    Listener Links:

    • Follow Em & Lex on Instagram at @readysetcoachcommunity
    • Sign up for the Ready Set CLIENTS Conference/Learn More: https://www.readysetcoachprogram.com/clients
    • Join the Ready Set Coach Community: www.readysetcoachcommunity.com
    • Learn more about Second Degree Society and THEPRBAR inc.
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    28 mins