• 8 | Unlock Your Singing Voice from the Inside Out with the B.R.E.A.T.H.E. Formula
    Jun 25 2024

    Hey there, Songbird!

    Perhaps you know by now that the desire to express yourself through your voice ~ to experience what it feels like to sing with freedom and feeling ~ that desire is not going away. When the calling ~ the deep longing ~ is there, I believe it was planted there for a reason. That means it’s IN you ~ the music, the gift, the song in your heart. It’s just a matter of tapping into it. But how?

    In today’s episode, I’ll outline my B.R.E.A.T.H.E. formula ~ the 7 physical AND energetic keys to unlock your singing voice from the inside out. This will help you identify where you may be getting stuck and what you can do to open it up… and *hint*... it may not be what you expect. Because beautiful, expressive singing goes far beyond vocal technique.

    So if you want to know how to access the natural beauty, expression, and unique sound of your instrument, to uncover the music that’s already inside of you, calling you to set it free ~ tune in.

    <3 Lainey

    Next Steps:

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

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    35 mins
  • 7 | Fear of Singing in Front of Others? 4 Steps to Find Your Courage & Build the Confidence to Share Your Voice
    Jun 18 2024

    Hey Friend,

    Some call it performance anxiety. Others call it stage fright. Whatever name you give it ~ it’s that feeling you get in your gut when you even think about singing in front of people. That feeling when your breath gets shallow, your palms get sweaty, your heart starts pounding, your body starts shaking uncontrollably and your throat closes up. I know it so well because I’ve been there! And I’m here to tell you ~ you can overcome this!

    If you’re struggling with this fear of singing in front of others, but your heart is longing to sing, to perform, to share your voice with freedom and feeling, today’s episode is especially for you.

    I’ll guide you through 4 steps to find your courage and build the confidence to sing in front of people so you can move beyond the fear and make your dream of singing a reality.

    You can do this.

    <3 Lainey

    Next Steps:

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

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    32 mins
  • 6 | Stuck Between the Old and the New? 3 Steps to Navigate a Season of Change as a Singer & Artist
    Jun 11 2024

    Hey Friend,

    Today I’m talking about that uncomfortable, voiceless place we sometimes find ourselves in when we’re stuck between the old and the new.

    What do you do when you find yourself feeling totally disconnected from things you created in the past, but a bit intimidated to tap into and create from where you are today?

    What do you do when the old way of using your voice, the old music you used to make, the old songs you used to sing ~ just aren’t lighting you up the way they once did?

    If you’re trying to navigate a new phase of your life and you’re wondering what that means for your art, or if you’re feeling a little lost in a season of change, today’s episode is for you!

    I’ll walk you through 3 steps to navigate the “in-between” so you can release the old, embrace the current season you’re in, and ignite that spark of inspiration that will lead you into the next evolution of your creative journey!

    See you there!

    <3 Lainey

    Mentions: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

    Next Steps:

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

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    27 mins
  • 5 | Break Free from the Inner Critic & Get Back to the Heart of Singing with this ONE Simple Shift
    Jun 4 2024

    Hey there, Songbird!

    Do you ever feel like you’ve forgotten why you started singing in the first place?

    Like you’ve somehow drifted away from the heart of it all?

    If you’ve found yourself caught up in your head about vocal technique and the inner critic has taken over, this episode is a must listen. Today I’m sharing with you one simple shift in how you think about “performing” that will help you realign with the true meaning of singing, making music, sharing your voice ~ so that singing can feel good again.

    Let today’s conversation be a reminder of your “Why” and a permission slip to take the pressure off of yourself to be “perfect.” Because singing is about so much more than vocal technique and notes on a page.

    It’s time to get back to the heart of it all!

    <3 Lainey

    Next Steps:

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

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    19 mins
  • 4 | "Is it finished?" Sharing Your Music & the Art of Letting Go
    May 28 2024

    Hey there Songbird!

    Are you wondering if your creative work is ready to share?

    How do you know if it’s finished?

    Today we’re talking about the art of letting go… letting go of your creations, sharing your music, putting your songs out there, releasing your creative work into the world. And sometimes, this “letting go” means… putting a piece to rest and allowing it to remain unfinished.

    I’ll take you through my process as I sort through old songs and discern whether to record them, release them, or leave them to remain unfinished (at least for now). I’ll share with you 5 questions to ask yourself that will help you determine if it’s time to let go ~ whatever that means to you in the case of your art ~ and if so, how to move forward so you can keep that creativity flowing.

    Grab some tea, your journal, your favorite pens ~ and join me for a little heart to heart!

    <3 Lainey

    Next Steps:

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

    Work w/ Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Show more Show less
    44 mins
  • 3 | Reconnect with Your Voice & Access Creative Flow with these 5 Tips for Female Singers & Songwriters
    May 21 2024

    Hey Friend!

    Ever feel like your voice practice is more of a chore on your to-do list than a creative playground that draws you in?

    Are you longing for that feeling of getting in the zone with your music?

    Do you want to reconnect with your voice and with your natural desire to actually work on your art?

    If you’re feeling the need to spice up your singing practice so you actually feel like doing it, today’s episode is for you. We’re talking about creating a fun, inspired voice practice that feels less like a chore and more like a singer’s playground. I’m gonna give you 5 tips that can absolutely transform your voice practice ~ So if you’re seeking more flow in your singing and creative expression as a whole, join me inside of today’s episode.

    Because the world needs your voice ~ and so do you.

    I’ll see you there!

    <3 Lainey

    Next Steps:

    Watch the FREE Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

    Work w/ Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

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    29 mins
  • 2 | 3 Things Holding You Back From Sharing Your Voice as a Singer and How to Release Them
    May 21 2024

    Hey Friend!

    In this episode of Reawaken Your Voice, we’re talking about 3 things that are keeping you from sharing your voice. These are common pitfalls that I see over and over again in the artists I work with (and that I’ve experienced myself on my own vocal journey!). But I won’t leave you hanging ~ I’ll also be giving you a simple yet profound process that you can use to uncover and release the block that’s keeping you stuck so you can gain clarity on your next step forward toward your dreams. I pray this episode will help you to reclaim your voice and step into your next evolution as a singer, musician, and artist.

    Because the world needs your voice ~ and so do you.

    <3 Lainey

    Next Steps:

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Show more Show less
    31 mins
  • 1 | My Story & Why Reawaken Your Voice
    May 21 2024

    Hey Friend!

    In this first episode of Reawaken Your Voice, I'll share my story with you… how I went from opera singer & voice teacher to silent cave dweller and artist in hiding to holistic voice coach, sound healer, and singer songwriter.

    I’ll also share my vision for the show and how I’ve been inspired to pour into YOU as we embark on this podcast journey together. I’m here to support your vocal revival, your creative expansion, and your next evolution as a singer, a musician, and an artist.

    Because the world needs your voice ~ and so do you.

    <3 Lainey

    Next Steps:

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Show more Show less
    34 mins