• What Douche-Bags, "Nice" Guys, and Sad-Sacks All Have in Common Around Beautiful Women | RR46
    Jun 26 2024

    In this episode, I talk about some of the “faces” men put on around women to whom they’re attracted. I also talk about why men do this and why you should avoid doing this yourself.

    Episode Notes:

    RR46. Remove the mask you’re wearing that’s making you ugly because most guys never do.

    • Insecurity Tells = overcompensation + arrogance + disconnection
    • Wearing a Douchebag Mask, Nice Guy Mask, or Victim Mask communicates insecurity.
    • The more attractive a woman is, the more she has seen men wearing these kinds of masks.
    • If you catch yourself wearing one of these masks, pause…and go back to acting normally.
    • The more you notice these masks in other guys, the less likely you are to wear them yourself.

    Quote to Remember:

    “Masks are for Halloween only, not for the rest of the year. On Halloween masks are fun, any other time, masks are weird and scary - especially to women on dating apps or in bars or clubs.”

    Learn more about the Reboundy Program: https://reboundy.com/

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    49 mins
  • The MOST Important Goal to Have with Talking to Women and Dating Them | RR45
    Jun 12 2024

    In this episode, I talk about how rejection is normal and deciding how to handle it (before it happens) makes it sting less. I also talk about how to think about meeting and dating women as a “numbers game” - the RIGHT way.

    Why think about any of this? Because, this ability to prepare for rejection and bounce back from rejection (quickly) is exactly what guys who are good with women do (and you can do it too).

    Episode Notes:

    RR45. You will get rejected but you will win in the end, if you make being reboundy your goal.

    • Your “Average” in dating is this: When talking to women, what percentage of time are you having comfortable, fun interactions? Higher is better.
    • The more women interact you with in a comfortable and fun way, the more your chances for getting phone numbers and dates increases.
    • Super Joes are comfortable, fun, and cool with ALL women (even ones they won’t date). Be like the Super Joes.
    • Essence of being “reboundy” = staying balanced, focused, and going back to preparing - even after setbacks with women.
    • You are already “reboundy” in some parts of your life. You know how this feels.

    Quote to Remember:

    “You’re not here to lower your standards, settle, and date women you not that into looks-wise or personality-wise. You’re not here give up on women altogether. That’s not why you’re here. You’re here to win.”

    Learn more about the Reboundy Program: https://reboundy.com/

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    39 mins
  • One Bad Move Men Make that Drives Attractive Women Away (QUICKLY!) | RR44
    May 29 2024

    In this episode, I talk about the bad habit of being extra nice or giving star treatment to new women, just because they look good (i.e., simping). I also talk about some ways to beat this natural urge to put attractive women on pedestals (before they actually deserve it).

    Why care about all of this? Because, with a new woman who is very attractive, you might be too “nice” to her or you might try being a total jerk (as a workaround for your niceness). Both approaches are bad. Listen now to learn more about the “right” moves with a woman who is extremely attractive.

    Episode Notes:

    RR44. Remember that no woman deserves to be put on a pedestal when she hasn’t really earned it.

    • The Halo Effect = the behavior of automatically assigning positive values to someone, just because they look good.
    • Good looks are not a reliable metric for guessing at intelligence, goodness, or personality in someone new.
    • Putting a beautiful woman on a pedestal is something many guys do. If you do this, you may be lumped in with other unremarkable guys.
    • When you talking to a woman who is beautiful, look for her imperfections and think about them.
    • Don’t overcorrect your niceness tendency by being a mean jerk. Just be neutral and normal.

    Quote to Remember:

    “Watch out for the Halo Effect because good looks don’t guarantee you’re getting quality or happiness over time.”

    Learn more about the Reboundy Program: https://reboundy.com/

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    41 mins
  • The Easiest Way to Get New Women Laughing (Quickly) | RR43
    May 15 2024

    In this episode, I talk about the super-human advantage you can have with women IF you have a good sense of humor. I also talk about how to work on your sense of humor the right way - so you can be the funny guy who dates WAY out of his league.

    Episode Notes:

    RR43: If you want a killer sense of humor, listen to comedy, and share, share, share.

    • You don’t have to be a professional comedian to get someone to smile or laugh.
    • When a guy has a good sense of humor, that signals safety and fun to a woman.
    • When a guy has no sense of humor, that signals potential danger or boredom to a woman.
    • Listening to stand-up comedy and sharing (with attribution) is an easy way to get someone to smile or laugh.
    • For men, confidence combined with a good sense of humor, is magical to women.

    Quote to Remember:

    “Smiling, laughing, chuckling…all that…is good…but only when appropriate and only when it fits the conversation or situation.”

    Learn more about the Reboundy Program: https://reboundy.com/

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    44 mins
  • The Only Two Words You Need to Be More Fun in Conversation | RR42
    May 1 2024

    In this episode, I discuss how to level-up your conversational skills by using one basic idea taught in improvisational comedy classes.

    Why does this help you with women? Because, most women have a hard time feeling chemistry with a guy who is boring, or worse, a guy who is obnoxious (and doesn’t know he’s boring). Listen now to learn how to stand out from the crowd with your conversational skills.

    Episode Notes:

    RR42. Practice being a fun conversationalist by using the Yes, and idea from improv classes.

    • When you invalidate someone’s thoughts, ideas, or feelings, you become instantly annoying.
    • When you validate someone’s thoughts, ideas, or feelings, you become more likable to that person.
    • “Yes, and…” = A phrase used to agree with someone and build onto their thoughts, ideas, or jokes.
    • “Yes, and-ing” validates another person by adding onto their ideas.
    • The funniest conversations happen though interactions that are narrow, deep, and playful.

    Quote to Remember:

    “Get that badge! Play that validation game and get that Tribal Membership Badge in the Cool Kids Club.”

    Learn more about the Reboundy Program: https://reboundy.com/

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    46 mins
  • One Easy Way to Make New Women Comfortable Around You | RR41
    Apr 17 2024

    In this episode, I talk about more about being the “safe” guy around whom women feel comfortable.

    This is important to think about because where you meet her can affect how she feels about you in the beginning. That is, a new woman can see you as good guy or a Creep - depending on what you say and do. When she sees you as a good guy who is “safe,” the conditions for her to feel attracted to you go way up.

    Episode Notes:
    RR41. No matter where you are, know your reason for being there.

    • Sharing your reason for being in a place gives a stranger information about you - which fills in an informational gap in their mind.
    • When your reason for being somewhere is well-defined, you look more trustworthy...and less creepy to women.
    • When you share your reason for being in a particular place, you might have an instant conversation starter.
    • Purpose Defined Setting = A place where people are centered around a common activity, shared thoughts, or shared focus.
    • Typically, trust and rapport is more easy to establish in a Purpose Defined Setting.


    Quote to Remember:

    “When women see a guy as a creeper, it means that they ALREADY perceive the guy as weird or threatening because he’s staring, circling, hovering, lurking. So, even if the guy is a kind-hearted person, and he dresses well, and he’s in shape, and he’s good looking…it’s game over for him.”

    Learn more about the Reboundy Program: https://reboundy.com/

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    39 mins
  • How to Handle Rejections Like a Guy who is Super-Confident with Women | RR40
    Apr 3 2024

    In this episode, I talk about getting rejected and how to do that the right way.

    This is important to think about because on dating apps (and in real life), rejection is part of the process for meeting someone great. Listen now to learn the smart way to navigate those inevitable crash and burn failures with new women.

    Episode Notes:

    RR40. Treat rejections like a test. If you can stay cool and upbeat afterward, you’ve passed.

    • Women always have to worry about their safety. So giving a polite and believable rejection reason is sometimes a safety thing.
    • A “dating defense” is just an answer to this question: “What’s my next move if things with this woman don’t work out?”
    • Not all rejections mean the same thing. Rejections can be hard, soft, or used simply to buy more time.
    • Rejection is part of the world of dating and part of the process for meeting someone great.
    • Keeping you attitude up and your chin up after a rejection sets you up for success with new women (or the same woman, if it was not a “hard” rejection).


    Quote to Remember:

    “Some rejections are just 'filler rejections,’ done to fill time, because the woman does like you…but she’s nervous.”

    Learn more about the Reboundy Program: https://reboundy.com/

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    42 mins
  • How to "Sell Yourself" to Women the Right Way (and not the WRONG way) | RR39
    Mar 20 2024

    In this episode, I discuss why you never try to sell yourself to new women you hope to date. I also talk about the right way to impress new women in a way that does not make you look desperate (like most guys might do).

    This is important because the better she looks and the more you think you have a chance, the more likely you are to sell yourself or try to impress her (the wrong way). Listen now for more on all of this.

    Episode Notes:

    RR39. Don’t sell yourself. Sell the experience of being around you.

    • Don’t be one of those guys who tries to impress someone with facts and details about who you are and what you have.
    • Most women don’t care about facts and details about a guy until they start feeling attracted to that guy.
    • Most women are ONLY impressed and attracted to a new guy once they start enjoying the experience of being around him.
    • When you’re charming, fun, and easy to be around, you’re selling the experience of being around you.
    • New people who you like quickly are people who are cool and fun and easy to be around (not the most “impressive” ones or the people who “sold” themselves to you).

    Quote to Remember:

    “If you’re saying something about yourself to share information about who you are, that’s great. If you’re about to say something to make yourself sound like a good partner to her or because you think you’ll impress her and she’ll like you, STOP. Just, don’t do that!”

    Learn more about the Reboundy Program: https://reboundy.com/

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    42 mins