• How Republicans Can Win in CA in 2024!
    Jul 4 2024
    REFORM CALIFORNIA’S PLAN TO WIN IN NOVEMBER: A new poll shows voters are ready for change in CA — but we can't count on the CA Republican Party to organize effectively to win. That's why Reform California has a 7-point plan to support candidates and win the 2024 election — LISTEN!
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    18 mins
  • Stop Hit & Runs in CA: Pass Austin's Law!
    Jul 2 2024
    STOP HIT & RUNS IN CA: Have CA Democrat politicians made it too easy to get away with a hit & run? We're fighting to pass Austin's Law to crack down on crime and fix the problem — LISTEN!
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    14 mins
  • 3 Crazy New Laws in CA!
    Jul 2 2024
    CRAZY NEW LAWS IN CA: While Californians are suffering under crippling taxes and a crime wave, CA Democrats politicians are more concerned about things like making a sea shell the state symbol! Find out more about their absurd priorities — LISTEN!
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    13 mins
  • CA Charter Schools Are Under Attack!
    Jun 29 2024
    CA CHARTER SCHOOLS UNDER ATTACK: At a time when public schools are failing our children with low test scores and woke curriculum, special interests are attacking the only alternative: charter schools! Get the latest and fight back — LISTEN!
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    16 mins
  • CA's New Internet Tax!
    Jun 28 2024
    CA INTERNET TAX: CA's liberal politicians are implementing a new "Digital Tax" on certain online platforms, like Meta, Google, and Amazon — a tax that will be passed onto YOU by having to suffer through more ads or new fees! Get the details and fight back — LISTEN!
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    14 mins
  • CA to Ban Smart Phones & Fantasy Football!
    Jun 27 2024
    CA'S CRAZY NEW BANS: CA's liberal politicians are proposing a ban on smart phones and an end to betting on fantasy football! Talk about misplaced priorities and limiting our freedoms! Get the latest details on these insane ideas and help fight back — LISTEN!
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    12 mins
  • MY RESPONSE To Gavin Newsom’s “State of the State”
    Jun 26 2024
    MY RESPONSE TO GAVIN NEWSOM: CA Gov. Gavin Newsom just posted a video of his "State of the State" annual address — and it's full of LIES! Here’s my FACT-FILLED take down response — LISTEN!
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    19 mins
  • 5 Top Problems With CA’s Bad Budget Deal
    Jun 25 2024
    CA’S BAD BUDGET DEAL: Newsom and state Democrats just finalized a really BAD budget deal! I cover the top 5 worst items in the budget — LISTEN!
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    13 mins