
  • RegTech und die Verlagerung der Compliance-Anwendung in die Cloud
    Sep 28 2023
    Mein Gast: Jens Tegeler Fachreferent für Compliance und Geldwäsche bei ACTICO
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    12 mins
    Jul 30 2023
    1. Why is it important to consider RegTech? 2. Which technologies are used in the RegTech industry? 3. Do you have examples of government initiatives to support RegTech? 4. Can you give us an example of successful support for RegTechs through government initiatives in Liechtenstein? 5. How can RegTech companies collaborate with government agencies to develop solutions? 6. Can you tell us about the current regulatory landscape in Liechtenstein and Would you have a concrete RegTech use case for us? Or What are some of the unique challenges that financial institutions in Liechtenstein face when it comes to regulatory compliance, and how can RegTech solutions address these challenges? 7. What role do you see RegTech playing in the broader fintech, leagltech landscape in Europe? 8. How can financial institutions stay up to date with the latest developments in RegTech and ensure they are leveraging the most effective solutions? 9. How do you see the RegTech industry evolving in the next few years?
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    21 mins
    Jun 26 2023
    Mein Gast: Jens Tegeler Fachreferent für Anti-Geldwäsche bei ACTICO
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    14 mins
  • RegTech - Anwendungsfälle
    May 31 2023
    Link zum Onepager https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7056524514305658882
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    16 mins
  • RegTech - Innovationen im Compliance Management
    May 12 2023
    1. Wie würdest du RegTech definieren? 2. Wie kann RegTech die Compliance innerhalb einer Organisation positiv beeinflussen? 3. Was sind einige der wichtigsten Treiber des RegTech-Marktes? 4. Wie sieht der RegTech Markt aus? 5. Welche RegTech Trends siehst du für die Zukunft und warum? https://klardenker.kpmg.de/digital-hub/autoren/timo-purkott/ [RegTech-Konferenz 2023 19. April 2023 - Frankfurt School of Finance & Management](https://kpmg.com/de/de/home/events/2023/04/reg-tech-konferenz-2023.html) Wichtiger Hinweis: Der Inhalt dieses Podcasts stellt keine Anlageberatung oder Kaufempfehlung dar!
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    18 mins
  • RegTech und die Industrialisierung der Compliance-Daten
    Mar 7 2023
    Torsten Jurisch ist Partner der KPMG Compliance Praxis. Er begleitet seit 15 Jahren Banken und Versicherungen auf dem Weg zum datengetriebenen Unternehmen. Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit ist die Bekämpfung von Financial Crime mithilfe von „State-of-the-Art“ Technologien und Daten. Gregor Duschkin, SVP Customer Success und Partnerschaften bei BlackSwan Technologies. Er besitzt mit mehr als 25 Jahren Erfahrung in einer Vielzahl von verschiedenen Geschäftsfunktionen in den Bereichen Beratung, IT-Dienstleistungen und BPO, die von allgemeinem Management und Strategie bis hin zu Vertrieb, Kundenbetrieb und -bereitstellung, Umstrukturierung und Change Management, digitale Innovation und Transformation reichen. In seinen verschiedenen Funktionen in großen Unternehmen baute er als angesehener Partner und Verhandlungsführer vertrauensvolle Beziehungen zu führenden Kunden und anderen Interessengruppen in Europa, den USA und Asien auf. Er hat einen Master-Abschluss in Makroökonomie von der Universität Trier in Deutschland, mit zusätzlichen Studien in Vertragsrecht und Wettbewerbsrecht.
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    30 mins
  • Milan Cooper, Co-Founder of First AML, New Zealand
    Dec 14 2022
    First AML is an anti-money laundering technology company focused on the end-to-end customer onboarding journey for financial and professional services. The company services a range of clients including KPMG, and Grant Thornton. Milan Cooper is the co-founder of First AML, which was established in 2018. Since then, the company has seen an exciting period of growth and most recently set up shop in the UK.
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    14 mins
  • Dennis Versteeg, Compliance Innovation Lead / RegTech Innovation Board, ING Bank, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Jul 21 2022
    ‘Dennis Versteeg is leading the Compliance Innovation department at ING Bank. In this role he is responsible for exploring regulatory challenges and finding, proving and implementing innovative solutions to improve on these challenges. In his second role as chairman of the RegTech Innovation Board, which brings together RegTech demand and supply, his working domain expands across the entire bank. Fuelled by priorities set by the demand members and supported by market knowledge and capabilities on the supply side, multiple RegTech solutions have successfully been rolled-out within ING over the last years. Before joining ING, for over 20 years Dennis worked as a consultant in the Financial Services industry. His projects have taken him across the globe, working in 25 countries so far, usually in the role of Project/Programme Manager. Since the financial crisis of 2008 and the resulting regulatory tsunami, Dennis has specialised in Regulatory topics, building up specific knowledge on e.g. MiFID II, EMIR, SFTR, MMSR, BMR, SEPA, FATCA and PSD. After the implementation of MiFID II he changed to his current RegTech role. His main motivator is to continuously challenge and improve upon the status quo; the main question should be ‘how can we do things better’ rather than holding on to the ‘past and proven’ way of working. New technologies and innovations are giving us the tools to do so; through the process of trial and error the solutions that give the best contribution to the business will be filtered out. In his free time Dennis likes to spend time with his wife and two daughters, travelling to new destinations and exploring new cultures. He is also a big Formula 1-fan and plays (badly) an occasional game of golf.
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    23 mins