
  • An apology 50 years later seems kind of late!
    Aug 19 2022

    A lot can happen in two weeks. I Was away in Michigan visiting the famz over there. Now back to the podcast grind. The FBI recently finished an operation regarding human trafficking. They rescued around 200 victims. Which is a small dent against that illegal activity that no one pays much mind to. The FBI has been getting a bad rep as of late, but they shouldn't for these efforts. In California there has been mandates for middle and high school students to go to school later. They get to sleep in more, instead of dozing off in 1st period. Hopefully the move can extend to elementary students later. Rest is important, especially at that age! The last story I'm covering for the episode deals with leaders of the Academy awards issuing an apology to Sacheen Littlefeather almost 50 years after her infamous acceptance speech at the 1973 Academy awards. There was a lot of controversy with Littlefeather being at the awards show in place of actor Marlon Brando. Now 50 years later she gets sympathy, does it seem a little late? Listen in and leave with positive vibes!

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    29 m
  • Slapping yourself as self-punishment seems a bit much
    Aug 5 2022

    Welcome all, hopefully you aren't slapping yourselves. For this week's news I look across the ocean first. China has done a lot of missile tests extremely close to Taiwan. That line is close to being stepped on. This is all in response for Taiwan hosting the US Speaker of the House after warning the US not to touch down onto Taiwan. Now a bunch of ''tests'' are being done as well as a of bunch adult Chinese men slapping themselves as self-punishment for letting a US rep be in Taiwan. Over in Atlanta a music festival shuts down after guns are ruled to be allowed at the festival site. Safety first, especially when people/fans can be unpredictable. I also look at briefly on some other stories revolving around the recent mega million's winner, the monkeypox, and the verdict for Brittney Griner's case in Russia. Finally, I look at another towns potential water shortage over in New Mexico and who they are going to combat that. Listen in and leave with some positive vibes! 

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    33 m
  • Getting sucked into a sinkhole while vibin' in a pool would be traumatizing!
    Jul 29 2022

    I shouldn't have called out the heat, because the heatwave has made its way to Eastern Oregon. In this week's episode I will look at a story in Israel where two men were sucked into a sinkhole while partying in a swimming pool. Apparently, the owners of the pool didn't even have a permit to build there. In other worldwide news, it's been estimated that there are more tigers out in the wild than perceived. Now they aren't in the clear yet, but at least the tiger population is making progress. Finally, I will look at a story focusing on a bunch of different people trying to start a movement to not have lawns having only grass on it. Having a diverse lawn cuts down on water and uses of pesticides. They might be onto something when it comes to a potential water problem that might surface in the near future. Listen in and leave with some positive vibes. Remember where you came from, it will help you on your path!

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    27 m
  • Heatwaves have been freaking everyone out in Europe!
    Jul 22 2022

    Stay Hydrated! In this week's episode Boots will look at what's going down in many places in Europe as they go through an unwelcoming heatwave. Last year it was the Pacific Northwest that got hit hard with the heat, now it travels across the globe to make its presence there. Monarch Butterflies have recently made the endangered list, which is a shame to see. On the opposite side Toys R Us are making a comeback and have gotten out of the extinction list. Finally, I will look at an idol for Indian Country who finally got his dues. Jim Thorpe who is in the discussions for the greatest athlete ever has been reinstated by the International Olympic committee to be the victor of the 2 events at the 1912 Olympics. It's been a long time coming. Listen in and Leave with some positive vibes. Remember where you came from, it will help you on your path!

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    30 m
  • Walking from Missouri to Oregon with a stuffed Ox animal is kind of crazy!
    Jul 15 2022

    It's kind of different to record in a hotel room. I'm over in Oregon City for a business trip, but I still have some stories to react to. Over in space, there's new pictures being showcased from the James Webb telescope that shows how vast space really is. There's no way the human race can be alone with the idea of so many other galaxies out there. In British Columbia, a committee for the Kamloops powwow is under fire for their regulations on blood quantum and sexual orientation to participate in some events. It's a renowned long running powwow in Canada that's on the verge of being boycotted hard. Then finally i will look at a story focusing on a man from Prineville who is making a trek from Independence, Missouri all the way to Oregon City, Oregon. All he has is some supplies in an Oregon trail like wagon and a stuffed ox. The funny thing is, I seen the guy on the rez just a few days prior to recording. Listen in and leave with some positive vibes! Remember where you came from, it will help you on your path.

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    27 m
  • People tend to panic when being saved from drowning!
    Jul 8 2022

    Now we are definitely halfway through the year. For this week's episode, over in Russia WNBA player Brittney Griner pleaded guilty for her drug charges. On the surface it doesn't seem that bad, but the situation is shaping up to be very political to get Griner back into the states. All she had was a vape and now is facing harsh consequences cause a good number of countries including Russia are strict with drugs. Also over in Japan, the author of the popular Manga series 'Yu-Gi-Oh' was found dead after an apparent scuba diving accident. It doesn't matter the level of experience you have, being underwater for a time is a risk. Finally, the last story will cover a teenage hero over in Mississippi and how he saved 3 girls and a police officer from drowning. It takes a lot of courage and adrenaline to take actions like that. When others are on the verge of drowning, fear tends to kick in, but this Mississippi teen persevered. Listen in and leave with some positive vibes!

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    28 m
  • I probably wouldn't survive in a sewer for 8 days!
    Jul 1 2022

    Summer has finally reached Eastern Oregon! For this week's episode Boots will touch on a story surrounding one of his favorite hobbies of watching the NBA. The NBA free agency will be in full motion and right before that a player due for a big contract ended up beating his significant other. It's kind of wild how fast TMZ of all places can report on something. In the R&B world, R. Kelly was finally convicted to over 25 years in confinement. The dude has put out a lot of good music in his career but was definitely one the shadiest people to still walk free up to this point. Finally, I will go over a story from Germany about an 8-year-old boy who survived 8 days in a sewer before he was finally found. Luck was surely on this kid's side to ensure that the sewer wasn't going to be the kid's tomb. Listen in and leave with some positive vibes! Remember where you came from, it will help you on your path.

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    26 m
  • I might have a robot watching over me when I'm an elder!
    Jun 24 2022

    The start of summer is already here! Just returned from a vacation. So, apologies for not having an episode out these past few weeks. Again, grateful for those who stuck out through the concept changes and the way this podcast is being handled. Going to go through this episode with no edits. For this week's episode I looked at 2 of the more uplifting stories I could find on the web. First up north, the Canadian government is taking steps to get rid of plastic bags and plastic straws. Getting a drink at Starbucks can really add up to take effects on the environment for sure. Hopefully, others follow suit. The second story focuses on our older population who currently or are going to live alone. Loneliness can take a toll on your psyche. The state of New York is resorting to robots to help with the growing conflict that many of our elder's face. It's funny and weird to think about, but the solution of having a robot companion isn't as crazy as you think. Listen in and leave with positive vibes! Remember where you came from, it will help you on your path.

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    24 m