
  • Season 8 | Short Series | Colossians 1 :20
    Mar 27 2023
    Colossians chapter 1 verse 20. And through him to reconcile, to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Paul talks about Jesus till now. Telling that he is the invisible God He is The first born of all creation ,he is and he was there before, anything was created and it was created for him and through him and by him. And Paul tells us, The ultimate reality of Jesus, that He stepped into our life. By coming to earth. To reconcile us to himself. All things to himself would be made under subjection of him. Things in heaven. Things on earth And for us, who believe, Paul-tells-us He made peace for us. By his blood on the cross. That is our reality. This is what we press on the king of earth, the king of heaven, the one, and only one, who can save us has come-and done it. That is our joy.Season 8 | Short Series Colossians --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renewedtohonor/message
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    1 min
  • Season 8 | Short Series | Colossians 1 :19
    Mar 17 2023
    00:01 Colossians chapter 1 verse 19. For in him, all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. I love this portion because it gives me great encouragement. We could read it as "this is because in Him, (Jesus), all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell" What was? *That he (Jesus) is before all things. 00:32 *He (Jesus) is head of the body, the Church. *That he (Jesus) is the one worthy to give life to dead. *He (Jesus) is the one who would reconcile the entire creation to himself. *He (Jesus) has made and is making peace for us through this cross. Why is this(statement) true 01:03 about this man- Jesus? Paul explains it here. He says all this is true: Not because Jesus was a semi-god or a demi god or part god. Not because Jesus was a sage who have attained Nirvana or something of that sort. No. This is not who Jesus is. Paul-says: 01:33 In Jesus the fullness not just anything not a part, not a portion. But all the fullness of God dwelt. And it was pleasing that the fullness of God the dwelt in Jesus. That is amazing. Because 1: Jesus was filled with Only God. He was God In flesh. 02:22 That is what that verse means. It is not made up, he says pretty straightforward. Everything about Jesus reflected the fullness of God. Second(2): God was pleased to dwell. That means it was God's pleasure that 02:49 He came in form of Jesus. 02:56 Three(3): He dwelled in Jesus. It keeps us hope that one day we-too would be able to experience that dwelling with God. And that is possible because Jesus has already done it. What do we take from here? It take these points: One(1): That there's a promise that we will dwell with God. 03:31 Two(2): We have the confidence in that promise because Jesus spoke about it and he cannot lie because he was filled to the brim with God. Three(3): God was pleased that Jesus was doing it. He was joyful that he was doing it for. This joy meant that it was God's pleasure to save you and me. 04:05 And four(4): There is this invitation that God opens up for all who love and believe in Him that they too would be able to see and experience God. Though, we are sinners, we would be able to experience God through Jesus. Because He was One, who had been both God and Man. 04:43 100% God. 100% man. And that makes us Joyful, every time we feel led to temptation. We could see: It pleased God to die for my sin. It, pleased God to come in form of Jesus and be my saviour. And that is a promise that I being a sinner have. 05:14 That He who began this good work in us of sacrifying us, of purifying us, of making us Holy unto Himself will complete it till the day I will no longer be tempted by sin- Will no longer be in-the-presence of sin- Will no longer think about sin. But rejoice that those-days have been long gone, long defeated and I am with Christ and Christ alone. 05:51 God bless you. Have a wonderful day. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renewedtohonor/message
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    6 mins
  • Season 8 | Short Series Colossians 1:18
    Mar 12 2023
    00:00 Colossians chapter 1:18 and He is head of the body the church, He is the beginning. The first born from dead that everything he might be preeminent. Guys, Do you know what that means? It means Jesus is in control of the church. Everything the church does everything, the body does, everything that you and I do should, and should only reflect the head. 00:26 Him, His glory, His honour, His praises. Do you know what that means? Every songs that we sing, every word that we do-say, every action that a church, or you and me as individuals do should reflect Jesus. He is the beginning, it's all about Jesus. There's nothing before Jesus, it's all about who he is. 00:48 Not a reflection of God. He's not someone who followed God, but he is God himself. He is the first born, meaning He is the only one worthy to give life to those who are dead. He's the first born over all who are being raised to life. You and me are being raised to life because He is worthy to give us His life. 01:09 And therefore, and through this He is preeminent. He is supreme. Let the supremacy of Jesus reign in your life and make you known that you are loved by the most supreme God and this day be a blessing to you. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renewedtohonor/message
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    2 mins
  • Season 8 | Short Series | Colossians 1 :17
    Feb 26 2023
    00:00 Colossians 1:17, and he, Jesus is before all things. And in him all things, hold together. Do you know what it means? It means that Jesus was there before you Jesus was there before the world around you. In fact, he was there before the world existed, before the sun existed, before the stars existed before the time, time even existed. 00:29 He was a voice that-said Let there be light and light, it began to exist. He was a voice that said Let there be time &time began. And in him all things, hold together. How amazing's that! Hebrews chapter one, It says he upholds the whole universe by his word. 00:56 He is the ancient of days in Micah 5. He is the beginning, the alpha. He is the reason for your existence. Praise-Him --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renewedtohonor/message
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    1 min
  • Season 8 | Short Series | Colossians 1 :16
    Feb 22 2023
    00:00 Colossians chapter 1:16. For by him, all things were created in heaven and on earth. Visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things were created through him and for him. Last time we saw, the Jesus is the image the exact image of the invisible. 00:26 God, the first born of all creation saying that there was no one to create him. He is worthy of all praise and the supremacy of God supremacy of Jesus is exalted in the verse 16 that we are looking today. He says, all things that were created in heaven and on earth that means what it was here around us and all what are the things that are in this space 00:51 And way beyond in the farway galaxies were created by him. But it doesn't stop there. All things were created through him. That means he was the one who created, it was his voice that when he created, when you look at Genesis chapter 1, we see that it says God said, let there be light. 01:13 That means when protons were blasting, through the entire universe giving light, it was his voice that said, let it be light. All things are created through him and now all things were created for him. They are created to give him glory. They are created to give him praise. But wait. 01:40 Is it praise from our lips? No, all things that are visible and invisible. There are billions of massive galaxies and whirlpools of stars and black hole setup, massively huge, which our eyes will never see; on a smaller scale that are nanoparticles, atoms and molecules and electrons and protons, and neutrons, which our eyes cannot see. 02:10 There are even subatomic particles that we can only postulate about. We don't see those things. Then who is praising him. All things that were created to give him glory. Do you see that they were not for us to give him glory? All things are created to give him glory, because It speaks of a massive marvellous 02:41 awesome God whether our lips take to praise him or not. All things were created for him, and for his glory, for his rule, for his majesty. And he doesn't end there. He says whether thrones, dominions, rulers& authorities. That is a very important call that Paul is doing here. He's saying no to emperor worship 03:11 that is going on there. No, to dominions and fear of the evil one. No-to anything that is created not to angelic praise; No one is going to pray to angels because Jesus is beyond that, more powerful than angels. You say no to any authority, that is standing against God. 03:35 You say no, you were created Oh Kings- By Jesus and for Jesus &through Jesus's Word. Therefore you are not as big as Jesus. That is our pray today. In-all things, he is supreme. All things were created for him, through him by him. To display his majesty. Things that are alive. 04:07 Things that are oppressive, things that are kind things that are cute, things that are dangerous and deadly, things that a loud like waterfalls, things that are silent, like the quietness at night, things that are burning hot, like, the centres of stars and things that are freezing cold in the depths of ice. 04:37 All things: are-created to reflect his majesty. Let us, PraiseHim --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renewedtohonor/message
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    5 mins
  • Season 8 | Short Series | Colossians 1:15
    Feb 22 2023
    Colossians chapter 1:15. He is image of the invisible. God, the first born of all creation. You know, sometimes when we meet someone you would say oh he looks like his father, she looks like a mother but You know, that is not. A perfect image, they're not clones. But the word that Paul uses in chapter 1 verse 15, is that Jesus is the icon or in Greek econ, He's a copy. 00:37 He's image is exact likeness in the same form from eternity past to eternity future. He's a representation and the manifestation of God, Paul is trying to show who Jesus Christ is. Jesus is who God is. You can't see God, but you can see Jesus. And that is who he is. 01:02 Then he says, he's the first born of all creation and And you read this and you wonder. Wait, what is created? Then no, the word first born. Comes from the Jewish understanding that. He is the one who inherits The oldest child inherited at those times everything. The father had, and he think Jesus is the one who has authority of everything that is created, and this is who Jesus is, He is God, and, and he fall emphasises that in the next verse for him, all things were created and by him and for him, Isn't that amazing to meditate on and say yes, Jesus. 01:56 I believe that you are God. I believe that you and seeing you worshipping you is worshipping God. And you are. Worthy. You are preeminent of all phrase, honour and subject. Amen. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renewedtohonor/message
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    2 mins
  • Luke 16:1-15 | Being wise in an evil generation | Stand Alone Sermons
    Nov 7 2022
    Jesus talks about the bad manager and from this Jesus has a very important lesson to teach us. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renewedtohonor/message
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    39 mins
  • Hebrews 5:6 | Jesus our High Priest | Stand Alone Sermons
    Oct 17 2022

    "You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek."

    Today we will look at what priesthood means, how God is holy and what does Jesus do as our High Priest.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/renewedtohonor/message
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    31 mins