• Patricia Bathory - Building relationships for success and impact
    Jul 15 2024


    Resilience - Relationships - Connection - Success - Impact

    In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Patricia Bathory, a psychotherapist and the founder of a thriving import/export business talks about how our connections influence our achievements in both business and life. With master's degrees in business administration and counselling psychology, coupled with advanced training in psychoanalysis and family dynamics, Patricia has a blend of experience that gives her unique insight into the personal and professional problems that entrepreneurs and leaders face every day.

    For the past eight years, she has also been researching and studying interpersonal dynamics, including how our relationships directly affect our ability to succeed in business and in life. She believes that by improving our relationship skills and strengthening our connections, we feed the wheel of good and position ourselves to make a lasting impact.

    In this podcast Patricia discusses the importance of personal growth, cultural awareness, and understanding diverse perspectives in building better relationships. She also explores the potential of therapy to reimagine and re-engineer relationships, and the concept of a "Happy Ever After Contract" for outlining the terms of a relationship.

    Main topics

    • The significance of personal growth and self-improvement in building better relationships
    • The complexity of relationships and the value of diverse perspectives
    • How some relationships may seem dysfunctional but can work well for the individuals involved.
    • Why trying to impose our own perspective on others can lead to problems
    • The importance of cultural awareness and the ability to adapt to different situations
    • Bringing together different perspectives, experiences, and cultures to lead to a better understanding of ourselves and others
    • The importance of utilising these differences to improve relationships
    • The challenge of diverse generations and the importance of building a supportive "village" of connections
    • The need for a variety of relationships
    • Investing in relationships to combat the "loneliness epidemic

    Action items

    You can find out more about Patricia at https://reconnect.dev/ Her book is Connected: Building Relationships to Achieve Success and Make a Lasting Impact

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    39 mins
  • Jessica Osborn - The human element of business
    Jul 8 2024


    Resilience - Volunteering - Perspective - Kindness - Customer Experience - Leadership

    In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Jessica Osborn, Vice President of Customer Success at GoCardless, shares her personal and professional experiences including her work with UK charities and her role as a mother.

    Jessica is an advocate for human-centric leadership and is dedicated to nurturing high-performance teams while fostering individual growth. She is also committed to revolutionising customer experiences worldwide and advocates for the symbiotic relationship between customer success and sustainable business growth.

    With a career spanning pivotal roles in global customer success management, Jessica has honed her expertise in aligning business success with compassionate leadership. In this podcast she discusses the importance of customer success, the concept of volunteering, and the benefits of community engagement. She also delves into the significance of resilience, perspective, and kindness in leadership, with a focus on the human element in business and the potential of cross-sector collaborations.

    Main topics

    • The importance of perspective and how to achieve it
    • Using dissociation as a proactive tool, rather than a traumatic response
    • The significance of a loving environment in overcoming adversity
    • Finding ways to give back to the community while balancing commitments in the workplace
    • The value of team building and community engagement.
    • The importance of kindness and respect in leadership and team building
    • The need for directness and clear communication

    Action points

    Find out more about Jessica at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicareserosborn/

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    28 mins
  • Chad E Foster - Blind Ambition. From Victim to Visionary
    Jul 1 2024


    Resilience – Vision Loss – Adaptation – Trust – Communication – Virtual Work Environment –Technological Change

    In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Chad E Foster talks about his personal experience of losing his vision due to an inherited eye condition called retinitis pigmentosa. He describes how he initially struggled with the loss, exhibiting a victim mentality, but later found solace and a new perspective after meeting and living with people who faced multiple disabilities. He emphasises the transformative impact of this experience, which shifted his attitude towards one of gratitude and appreciation.

    Main topics

    • Chad's Journey of relearning and adaptation after losing his vision
    • How Chad maintains his physical health and well-being through exercise, and the adaptations he has made when practicing jiu-jitsu and downhill skiing
    • The crucial role of trust and communication in skiing with a guide
    • Why effective communication is essential for safety and performance
    • The challenges and importance of building trust and maintaining team relationships in a virtual work environment
    • The need for intentionality in creating micro interactions before, during, and after virtual meetings to foster personal connections and demonstrate care beyond transactional work
    • How the differences, including disabilities, can provide unique perspectives and skills, and should be viewed as gifts rather than obstacles
    • The growing importance of resilience in the face of rapid technological change
    • The five pillars of resilience: adopting a flexible mindset, reframing situations as opportunities, finding meaning in adversity, cultivating a growth mindset, and seeking help when needed
    • The significance of cognitive reframing, and the necessity to visualise greatness even in unfavourable circumstances to inspire action and hard work for progress
    • The importance of stepping outside one's comfort zone for growth and development
    • How pushing through discomfort and terror can lead to expansion of one's comfort zone and improved clarity of thought
    • The importance of taking advantage of perceived disadvantages and how every perceived disadvantage offers an advantage if used in the right context
    • Overcoming fear by starting small and building up confidence through a series of small victories.

    Action items

    • Find out more about Chad at chadefoster.com
    • Chad’s book is Blind Ambition: How to Go from Victim to Visionary

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    41 mins
  • Gloria Londono - Flourish in captivity
    Jun 24 2024


    Resilience - Kidnap - Trauma - Change - Challenge - Recovery - Healing - Depression - Stockholm Syndrome

    In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Gloria Londono shares her traumatic experience of being kidnapped and held in captivity when she was 25 years old and how the experience led her to leave her country and immigrate to the US. Gloria reveals how she developed an attachment to one of her captors due to the Stockholm syndrome and the challenges she faced after her release including a lack of proper support and therapy from her family.

    She recounts her journey seeking employment in the US and talks about the resilience and persistence she needed to apply for 40 jobs before securing a position in a Queens hardware store. She also discusses her subsequent job in a produce company where she overcame language barriers with the help of her manager to improve her communication skills. She eventually started her own business and then met her ex-husband. Together they built a successful company before she decided to leave the company to pursue her interests in coaching and writing.

    Gloria's experienced trauma, depression, and anxiety and she shares the coping mechanisms and tools she used to manage her symptoms, including journaling and therapy. She also talks about how writing her book, "Flourish in Captivity," about her traumatic experiences and journey towards healing, was a significant part of her recovery process.

    Action items

    You can find out more about Gloria at https://www.glorialondono.co/

    Her memoir is Flourish In Captivity and she has he own podcast, The Unbreakable Life with Glory, which offers audiences seeking healing and peace a blueprint for growth, forgiveness, gratitude, and hope.

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    30 mins
  • Max Schneider - Creating new solutions for burnout
    Jun 17 2024


    Resilience - Burnout – Retreats - Mindfulness - Wellness - Self-discovery - ROI

    In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Max Schneider from Sand and Salt Escapes shares his experience of burnout and how it led him to create a solution to help others going through similar issues. He discusses how he initially struggled to recognise and address his burnout, explaining that his high-achieving and competitive nature led him to push through physical and emotional signs of exhaustion. A significant turning point came when he developed shingles at 27, a symptom he now recognises as a warning sign of burnout.

    During a trip to Costa Rica, Max realised he needed to make a change and when Max and his wife returned from their trip, they left their jobs and started a process of self-discovery. He realised that his own behaviours and mindsets, rather than external factors, led to his burnout and took responsibility for his actions and sought therapy to understand his brain's wiring and learn how to manage it. He also found mindfulness and meditation helpful tools to prevent future burnout. This experience led him to create something to assist others who are experiencing disconnection, loss of identity, or burnout.

    Main topics

    • The rising issue of burnout in many cultures and the potential solutions
    • The importance of self-reflection, therapy, and mindfulness
    • The cultural pressure in organisations that often fuel burnout
    • The value and challenges of implementing workplace wellness programmes
    • Shifting organisational responsibility towards caring for top talent
    • The difficulty in calculating the return on investment (ROI) for such programmes
    • The challenge of getting CEOs to fund such initiatives for all employees
    • The benefits of retreats with a focus on mindfulness, self-discovery, and connection

    Action items

    You can find out more about Max at sandandsaltescapes.com or through LinkedIn or Instagram

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    31 mins
  • Nina Sossamon-Pogue - Resilience for reinvention and change
    Jun 10 2024


    Resilience - Change – Growth – Reinvention – Mental Health – Social Media

    In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Nina Sossamon-Pogue, shares her diverse career journey, from being part of the USA gymnastics team to a being a news anchor and Emmy award winning journalist. Nina discusses the importance of change, resilience, and adaptability for personal growth and innovation, with a focus on embracing novelty and maintaining a positive outlook. She also talks about the challenges women face in the US, strategies for managing mental health and social media in the face of criticism, and the implications of social media on public discourse and personal privacy.

    Main topics

    • Why we resist change but need to embrace it for personal and professional growth
    • Reinvention and its significance in our lives
    • How setbacks or changes can prompt a recalculation of route to something new
    • The challenges women face in the US in relation to societal expectations and the role of media
    • Managing mental health and social media in the face of bullying and negative comments
    • The implications of social media on public discourse and personal privacy
    • Learning from past mistakes and focusing on strengths

    Action items

    Find out more about Nina at Nina Sossamon-Pogue or through her LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram

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    37 mins
  • Evan Marks - Maximising mental performance
    Jun 3 2024


    Resilience - Coaching - Focus - Emotions - Performance - Self-awareness - Decision-making - Neuroplasticity - Brain - Intentionality

    In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Evan Marks, a seasoned mental performance coach with over 25 years of Wall Street wisdom, shares his journey from a career in finance to coaching professional athletes, C-suite executives, and Wall Street professionals. He talks about his experiences coaching NASCAR drivers and their pit teams, and the need to focus on the significance of acknowledging and utilising emotions for enhanced performance. He also discusses the mental and physical stamina required for professional drivers and the exceptional conditioning that enables them to maintain focus and performance under pressure for extended periods.

    Evan also focuses on the importance of self-awareness, emotional management, and intentional decision-making and explores the concept of neuroplasticity and its relevance to personal development.

    Main topics

    • How the human brain's perception of time and its ability to slow down and speed up can be useful in high-pressure situations.
    • Intentionality in decision-making and how it allows individuals to create beneficial behaviours despite their feelings.
    • Neuroplasticity and its relevance to personal development.
    • The importance of being conscious and intentional to create new neural pathways for personal growth.
    • The role of emotions in shaping behaviour and the importance of self-awareness in managing them.
    • The need for individuals to prioritise their values and energy to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

    Action items

    You can find out more about Evan at M1PerformanceGroup.com or through his social media LinkedIn in/Evan-Marks, x-twitter @EMarksPW or Instagram @EMarks72

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    35 mins
  • Marsha Jacobson - The wrong calamity
    May 27 2024


    Resilience - Change - Coping Mechanisms - Shifting Perspective - Reframing Challenges - Narrative Building

    In this episode of Resilience Unravelled Marsha Jacobson, an author, teacher, and writing coach from New York, shares her life story, and how she overcame her challenging childhood, abusive relationship, and personal struggles to build a successful career and a fulfilling life. She discusses her experiences with vulnerability, resilience, and personal complexity, how she felt unprepared for challenges and how she overcame them. She also discusses her resilience, her journey from teaching to consulting, and her experience in non-profit management and about her second husband's struggle with PTSD that ultimately led to their separation.

    Main topics

    • The importance of embracing change and transitions as part of personal growth.
    • Adopting coping mechanisms such as "tiny experiments" and writing fake headlines to shift perspective.
    • Reframing challenges as learning opportunities.
    • "Narrative building" as a strategy for reframing challenges.

    Action items

    You can find out more about Marsha at https://marshajacobsonauthor.com/about/

    Her memoir, The Wrong Calamity, is her debut book.

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    35 mins