• Finding Strength in Faith Through the Holy Week Experience
    Mar 28 2024

    As we tread the solemn path of Holy Week, we invite you to walk with us through the poignant contrasts of Palm Sunday and the ensuing days that shaped the very foundation of faith. In the latest episode of Resilient Faith, we'll unravel the complexities of trust, particularly during Lent, and the challenge of keeping faith amid life's inevitable uncertainties. Prepare to experience a journey through the key moments of Holy Week, as we take you from the jubilation of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem to the introspective reflection brought upon by His suffering and crucifixion. Together, we'll share a prayer and extend an open invitation to participate in the upcoming services at Brentwood Presbyterian Church, fostering a space for continuous spiritual growth and resilience.

    Amidst the trials we face, the strength of our faith is often tested. This episode of Resilient Faith is more than just a recount of biblical events; it's an exploration of how unwavering belief serves as an anchor in believers' lives, through prosperity and adversity alike. Delve into Brentwood Presbyterian Church's dedication to nurturing a resilient community in West Los Angeles, reinforcing faith's role as a sustaining force. We discuss the importance of connection in these trying times and invite you to join the conversation through our social media platforms. This Holy Week, allow the Resilient Faith podcast to guide you in cultivating a faith robust enough to weather life's storms and emerge steadfast and hopeful.

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    12 mins
  • The Essence of Trust: Embracing Faith's Power to Weave Life's Rich Tapestry
    Mar 21 2024

    Imagine the profound impact trust can have on our lives, the resilience it builds, and the depth it adds to our spirituality. That's exactly what we explore in this episode of Resilient Faith, where we delve into the beauty of the natural world and its cycles that offer us comfort and a sense of certainty. This episode will guide you through the simple yet profound act of breathing, the restorative power of sleep, and the importance of starting each day with a heart full of gratitude and hope. It's a conversation that will encourage you to contemplate the strength drawn from our connections with others, and how trust becomes an internal affirmation of our capacity to love, give, and believe in ourselves.

    Journey with us as we share inspiring stories that highlight the gifts we exchange in life, reminding us that the trust and love we foster will live on, even after our final moments. We discuss the unwavering support of friends during our darkest times and the beauty of trusting in oneself. This episode is an ode to the enduring nature of faith and the tapestry of life it weaves—inviting you to feel inspired by the power of trust, both in the divine and in the myriad interactions that define our existence. Be prepared to be moved and reassured that the trust you cultivate will continue to flourish, even in the hearts of those we leave behind.

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    8 mins
  • Navigating the Shadows: Cultivating Radical Hope and Trust in God's Plan
    Mar 14 2024

    “Not everything is going to be okay.

    And our assignment is to carry this truth without yielding to despair, and while tending to the flames of radical hope — the kind that demands our grittiest love and biggest imagination.“

    How do we hold onto hope when we're faced with the stark truth that not everything in life will turn out okay? Journey with Lora East, as we grapple with this haunting reality and the transformative power of radical hope. In this episode, inspired by the wisdom of Simone Sol, we contemplate the gritty reality of life's trials and the resilient faith required to move through them. You'll discover how to cultivate a trust in God that's as unwavering as it is necessary, even when the path forward is veiled in uncertainty. This isn't just about finding light in the darkness; it's about learning to navigate the shadows with a hope that is audacious and love that is tangible.

    As we move through our Lenten series, Trustful, we're reminded of the undeniable influence of Jesus Christ's example of gritty love and how His teachings can guide us in fostering trust. By embracing the idea that while not every outcome is within our control—or even within our lifetime—our capacity for hope and love can still flourish. Tune in and be inspired to imagine the boundless possibilities of faith and to employ the greatest version of yourself in the face of life's relentless challenges. Let's embrace this season together, understanding that although everything may not be okay, our trust in God's plan can still shape a future filled with grace and redemption.

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    12 mins
  • Harmony in Heartache: Nancy Reeves' Journey of Healing Through Faith and Music
    Mar 7 2024

    When the ground beneath you crumbles and your world is riddled with loss, where do you find the strength to navigate the uncharted waters of grief? Nancy Reeves, from Brentwood Presbyterian Church, bravely opens up about her personal story of heartache and the resilience of her spirit. She shares a poignant reflection that tested her faith and how music that helped pave the path to healing.

    In an episode that is as touching as it is insightful, Nancy discusses how the unexpected passing of her partner and mother within a short span shook the very foundations of her life. She explains how she found solace in the arts and the steadfast support of her church community. Her story is a profound reminder that amidst the depths of sorrow, there remains a hearth within our souls, a sanctuary where faith and love persist. Through her testament, we're reminded of the enduring power of faith and the arts in guiding us through the darkest of times.

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    8 mins
  • Rising from the Ashes: A Journey of Faith, Recovery, and the Mark of Transformation
    Feb 29 2024

    When the weight of the world seems unbearable, where do you turn for strength? Carol Maddon found her answer in an unlikely form—a tattoo, a symbol of her profound personal transformation and renewed faith. Embracing vulnerability, Carol recounts the tumultuous days of the mid-1980s that led her to the brink of despair. Through her gripping narrative, she shares with us the moment an unexpected figure, Scott, stepped into her life. His persistent faith despite his own battles with addiction sparked a light in Carol that ignited a journey toward healing and divine connection.

    Embark on an intimate exploration of resilience as Carol takes us through her life-altering experiences, from the depths of addiction to the peace she now knows. The conversation unveils the potency of a simple Biblical message found in Micah 6-8, a verse that Carol believes holds the key to resolving humanity's most complex challenges. Her story is a testament to the power of faith, and the peace that comes with surrendering to a higher power. Listeners are invited to discover how embracing resilience and fostering a relationship with God can lead to a most transformative and enriching life.

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    8 mins
  • Journey Through Lent: Cultivating a Resilient Faith for Easter Rebirth
    Feb 14 2024

    As we usher in the reflective season of Lent, Pastor Lora East invites you to join her on a journey of spiritual discovery and transformation. Embarking from the solemnity of Ash Wednesday, we'll traverse together through moments of self-examination and repentance, seeking the profound lessons of Psalm 51. The ashes we receive are not just reminders of our mortality, but signals of the rebirth to come through Christ. This episode is an invitation to explore the depths of our faith, as we prepare our hearts for the joyous celebration of Easter, and to contemplate the sustaining role of our beliefs in the face of life's inevitable challenges.

    In our sacred space at Brentwood Presbyterian Church, we gather not just as a congregation but as a community committed to nurturing resilient faith. Our reflection on adversity isn't just about enduring it, but finding strength and support within our belief and each other. I encourage you to immerse yourself in this conversation, where we aren't just passively listening but actively participating in the growth of our spiritual fortitude. Together, let's emerge from this season with a fortified sense of purpose and invigoration for the path that lies ahead.

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    13 mins
  • Guided by the Light of Epiphany in Modern Times
    Jan 4 2024

    As the dawn of 2024 breaks upon us, we extend the warmest wishes for a year filled with health, safety, and spiritual depth. This episode is a tender farewell to the old year, and a hopeful embrace of the new, weaving together the timeless story of Epiphany and the journey of the Magi with our modern-day quests for divine guidance. We explore the rich tradition found in the Gospel of Matthew and consider how, like the Magi, we too are called to follow the star in our own lives, seeking out the Christ child with gifts of our own hearts and spirits.

    This season of reflection reaches its zenith as we share "A Blessing for the Seekers," an evocative poem by Reverend Sarah Speed. Her words serve as a beacon for all who wander in search of wonder, hope, and the presence of God. Together, we uncover the beauty in being seekers, the joy of our discoveries, and the profound simplicity in offering our lives as gifts. Through poetry and prayer, let us journey into 2024 with eyes wide open to the manifestations of God around us, sharing love and light with every step. Join me in celebrating a blessed New Year and a joyous Epiphany.

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    6 mins
  • Illuminating the Divine Spark in Everyday Moments: A Christmas Reflection on God's Omnipresence
    Dec 29 2023

    Where do you see the spark of the divine amidst the hum of daily life? Join me, Reverend Laura East, as I guide you through a Christmas reflection that might just reignite your awareness of God's constant presence. In this special holiday installment of Resilient Faith, brought to you with warmth from the Brentwood Presbyterian Church community, we unwrap the joy and hope that faith assures us, even when life whirls in disarray. Embrace the season with a heartwarming poem from Reverend Sarah Speed, "Everywhere and Always Right Here," which we've cherished during Advent and now in the celebration of Christmas Tide.

    This episode is a tapestry of thoughtful musings, interwoven with the golden threads of God's love that show up in the simplest pleasures—pancake dinners, porch sittings, and the laughter shared with friends. As I share insights and personal stories, I invite you to become part of the conversation and contribute your own lines to this living poem. Reflect on where you've felt God's touch in your own experiences, and together, let's acknowledge the profound beauty of recognizing the sacred in our everyday lives. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more enriching discussions on nurturing a resilient faith through all seasons.

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    6 mins