• Water and the End Times – TS Wright
    Oct 7 2024
    Water and the End Times TS Wright

    Have you ever considered how important water is to our existence? Over 70% of the earth is water. Our bodies are made up mostly of water. We need water to survive. People can go weeks without eating – but only a couple of days without water.

    Have you ever noticed the importance God places on water?

    From Genesis to Revelation – water is mentioned in every book of the Bible!

    From the flood of Noah to the parting of the Red Sea; from the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River to Jesus walking on water… from the storms that tried to kill Jesus and the disciples to the storms that tried to kill Paul.. even the Book of Revelation discusses the turbulent seas that will be taking place, destroying ships, etc.

    Why all of this focus on water in the Bible?

    Well, that is why we invited our great friend, Scott Wright back again today. To answer that question. Amen!

    Help me welcome back to the program – Scott Wright! Scott, it’s a blessing to have you back with us again today!

    So, WHY water?

    What does water have to do with our relationship with God?

    How did water play such an important role in Baptism?

    How will water impact the end times?

    We know, from reading the Bible, that the last days will be some tough times. I share with people that it is going to be a lot harder than most people realize.

    Let’s just use the example of an EMP. It will take out the entire electric grid. You can have your own generator, etc. – but an EMP will fry every electrical circuit – including generators. The government says it would take DECADES to restore the electrical grid.

    We see how people react when the power goes out for two or three days… imagine if it went out for decades… and the reason I bring that up… it is illegal in most places now for people to have their own wells. You MUST rely on the water pipes to bring you water.

    But, as people find out, when the power is out, the pumps don’t work. Which means, NO water.

    Imagine if that happens… it WILL happen… and the government says, “You’re on your own…” Imagine the chaos…

    That is exactly what the end times will look like…

    So, again, share with us the importance God is sharing with us in His Word about WATER and how all of that relates to the end times…

    Scott, this has been so interesting… I could keep going, but we are up against the clock again… If someone has a question or would like to reach out to you for more information – or maybe do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

    I’ll put that information in the show notes below.

    Folks, everything Scott has been sharing with us IS going to happen. The Bible says so. IT WILL HAPPEN. The only question is – will YOU be prepared?

    You can’t prepare for the water shortage, the food shortage, the violence, etc. You CAN prepare for YOU to be spared… amen! YOU and YOUR FAMILY needs to be prepared.

    You need to become a “prepper” – not in the traditional sense of the word used today… you need to “prepare” to meet Jesus – preferably “in the air.” Amen! Not at the Judgment Seat.

    Drop down into the show notes, click the links right there and get in touch with Scott Wright. Get him on your podcast or radio program. Stay in touch… ask him questions, etc. He will get back with you. Amen!

    Folks, I want to remind you that in these days and times in which we live, we are reminded to “Look up – for our redemption IS drawing near!” Amen!



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    28 mins
  • WHY BLOOD? – Scott Wright
    Sep 30 2024
    WHY BLOOD? Scott Wright

    Anyone who has studied the Bible at all is very familiar with “ten plagues” that Moses called down on Egypt. These plagues are what convinced the Pharaoh to release the Israelites. The very first plague was turning the Nile River into a river of blood. Why Blood?

    That is what we will be discussing today with our good friend, Scott Wright. Scott is back today and is bringing his wealth of knowledge and insight into this profound topic. Scott’s ministry offers interpretations that span history, theology, and prophecy. Every time he comes on – I know I learn a lot and I know that you do as well… amen!

    Having said all of that, help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright! Scott, welcome back!

    So, WHY would God want to turn the Nile River into blood? I mean, “Why BLOOD?”

    I’ve seen a “red tide” of algae before… that basically chokes out the oxygen in the water. Then the fish die and start washing up on the shore, etc. Is this what happened to the Nile… let’s just say, “in the natural?” Maybe the people of that area “thought” it was blood because of the color?

    I’ve seen reports that some “experts” said all of this was just a natural occurrence of cascading events…

    1. The red algae looks like blood and lowers the oxygen content.

    2. Frogs leave the water.

    3. Dead fish and now dead frogs bring the flies.

    4. The flies bring the lice.

    5. The they now affect the livestock.

    6. People are affected, bitten which cause boils.

    7. A huge thunderstorm hits the area with hail, etc.

    8. The locusts are blown in on the wind.

    9. Possible volcanic eruption blows ash into the atmosphere, blocking the sun…

    10. The young, new born babies are affected by the small dust particles which causes them to have trouble breathing…and since they were all affected over the same time period (while the dust cloud blocked the sun), they all died at the same time…

    But all of this DID NOT affect the Israelites!

    How does all of this relate to or point to Christ?

    How does all of this relate to the “End Times” in which we now are on the precipice of entering?

    Scott, this is so interesting. As usual, we are up against the clock. If someone has a question or would like to reach out to you for more information – or maybe do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

    I’ll put that information in the show notes below.

    Folks, the “Ten Plagues” as recorded in the Bible DID happen. There is no doubt about that. Were they a “natural occurrence” with no input from God? I doubt it…

    God could have – and did - use nature to bring these events into play. But WHY?

    The Bible is very clear on that answer – to FORCE Pharoah to “Let God’s people go.”

    Not just let them go – but pay them 400 years of back wages, too! Amen!

    Drop down into the show notes, click the links right there and get in touch with Scott Wright. Let him know you appreciate this information he shares. Amen!

    Folks, I want to remind you that in these days and times in which we live, we are reminded to “Look up – for our redemption IS drawing near!” Amen!


    Email: gccgodcenteredconcept2038@gmail.com

    Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on...

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    26 mins
  • Are We There Yet? – Tom Donnan
    Sep 23 2024
    Are We There Yet? Tom Donnan

    When I was a young child and my family would take a trip somewhere, we would normally drive in a car. And having to sit in the back seat (where you can’t see anything)… and in the days when the car air conditioner was known as a 4-60 (four windows down and drive 60 MPH)… it was hot. And it was not unusual for me to start bugging my dad asking, “Are we there yet?”

    When I had kids of my own and taking trips – I also had to answer that same question from them…

    Well, today, I’m going to ask this question of my guest.

    Tom Donnan is back with us today as we discuss Bible prophecy in relation to current events – and do we have some current events happening right now that definitely relate to Bible Prophecy. Amen!

    Let’s start with a subject that we always seem to drift towards anyway – and that is how NATURE itself is reflecting the awesomeness of God. That can be in its beauty – but it can also be in its veracity.

    We can start with the earliest hurricane to hit CAT 5 status in history, Beryl. Naturally, the liberals are claiming “climate change,” but scientists have said it is simply the El Nino and El Nina cycle of warming water. The point I’m making though, regardless of the “natural cause” – is these things are depicted in the Bible as happening in the last days. Do you see this as well?

    What about the story about the possible solar flares that are increasing in intensity?

    I saw a story a day or so ago that discussed the core… the actual core of the earth – has now REVERSED is rotation… something that has never happened before. They had noticed it has been slowing for decades, but now, they report it has actually reversed course! They have no idea what is about to happen now!

    Let’s talk about society in general, especially here in the US, but also around the world.

    1 Timothy 3 speaks about what it will be like living in the last days… and I think we can see ourselves in this verse, which says, “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”

    Tom, what are your thoughts on this topic and “Are we there yet?”

    Just look at what has happened to most of the major metropolitan centers of influence in this nation… luxury tourist hotels are closed to the public and turned into housing for illegal migrants. Billions of dollars are being spent by cities (that, by the way don’t have billions of dollars to spend), just to pay for these hotels and taking care of these migrants.

    The Bible is very clear, a house divided against itself will not stand. We are a divided nation right now. We are more divided NOW than in the Civil War. And that is an understatement about the condition of this nation.

    ALL of the major law enforcement agencies from local to federal are warning of an immenent possibility of a major terrorist attack (bigger than 9-11). Why? Because of allowing open borders and knowing… absolutely KNOWING… that middle aged men from countries with ties to terrorism – are streaming across the border. Most are unaccompanied… and that does not even consider the “gottaway’s.” In essence, America has lost it’s hedge of protection.

    What are your thoughts on this topic and “Are we there yet?”

    Unveiling corruption at its...

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    50 mins
  • The Two Witnesses – TS Wright
    Sep 16 2024
    The Two Witnesses TS Wright

    Revelation 11 has captivated theologians and believers alike for centuries, painting a vivid picture of two prophetic figures endowed with extraordinary powers. These witnesses are said to prophesy for 1,260 days, performing miracles, and standing as a beacon of God's truth amidst the turmoil of the end times. But who are these mysterious individuals? Are they historical figures reborn, symbolic representations, or future prophets yet to come?

    To discuss this, we have our great friend, Scott Wright back with us today. Scott brings a wealth of knowledge and insight into this profound topic, offering interpretations that span history, theology, and prophecy. Every time he comes on – I know I learn a lot and I know that you do as well… amen!

    He is coming back on to discuss “who are these witnesses” as well as current events that we are seeing, right now, and how it all relates to what the Bible says will be happening in the last days – just before Jesus returns. Scott is the author of the “God Centered Concept Journal” and has a unique insight into prophecy and the end times.

    Help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright! Scott, it’s great to have you back with us today!

    Let’s jump right into it: I know some have said it’s Elijah or Moses or Enoch – the only ones that have not “tasted death.” But the big question is, “Who are these guys?”

    What is so significant about them?

    Why are they sent during the “Great Tribulation” and not before… like now? We sure could use their message now, in the current events taking place…

    Where is the “Church” while they are doing their thing while the Tribulation is happening?

    Tell us about them “Breathing fire…” that we talked about prior to the recording…

    Scott, this is so interesting. As usual, we are up against the clock. If someone has a question or would like to reach out to you for more information – or maybe do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

    I’ll put that information in the show notes below.

    Folks, the quick thing to take away is – don’t wait for the appearance of these two great witnesses… if you wait that long, it is NOT going to be “good times” in the earth. They are there for a specific reason – one last call to the lost. But the hearts will be hardened, the ears will be stopped and hardly anyone will heed the call…

    You have a chance right now to make sure you have your “ticket punched” for the first boatload out of here… amen! Take advantage of it right now…

    In fact, Scott, if you would – if someone is ready to make that decision now, right now, would you lead them in a word of prayer where they can accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior – right now?

    Drop down into the show notes, click the links right there and get in touch with Scott Wright. Let him know you prayed that prayer. Amen!

    Folks, I want to remind you that in these days and times in which we live, we are reminded to “Look up – for our redemption IS drawing near!” Amen!


    Email: gccgodcenteredconcept2038@gmail.com

    Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon

    Podcast: The God Centered Concept

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    23 mins
  • The World Without God – TS Wright
    Sep 9 2024
    The World Without God – TS Wright

    There is a growing movement, not just in this nation, but around the world, trying to “devalue” the Word of God and the morality of the Bible. This is not new… it’s actually been going on since time began. Amen! I just have to reference the FALL in the Garden of Eden as exhibit number ONE in my evidence file.

    Have you seen the erosion of morality, just in the country? Just in the last 25 or 30 years?

    The movement is to totally remove the Christian influence from society. That is why Christianity is attacked on all fronts as being “offensive.”

    What would the world be like without God’s Word or God’s Morality? For many, unfortunately, they are about to find out! The soon return of Jesus is near – and THEN they will get their wish.

    Our guest today is Scott Wright of the “God Centered Concept” podcast and journal of the same name. He is going to help us dive into this topic today. Help me welcome to the program, Scott Wright!

    Scott, it’s good to have you back with us today!

    So, the question is: “What would the world be like without God’s Word?” Your thoughts?

    How would we even function? As a society and/or personally?

    The Bible says that people who have never heard of Jesus still have the ability to SEE GOD through nature and creation, etc. Is that where “morality” would come from? From the five physical senses?

    Is it possible for someone who does not know Jesus… to “FIND JESUS” through nature and be saved – even if they (society) would outlaw publication and distribution of the Word of God. I’m talking about outlawing possession of the Bible, no preaching, no churches, etc?

    Scott this has been such an interesting discussion. I love doing “deep dives” into different, well, let’s just call them, “God Centered Concepts” of the Bible and of Worship.

    If someone wants more information or would like to ask a question, how can they get in touch with you?

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below…

    Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Scott Wright. Get in touch with him. Subscribe to his podcast. And be sure to purchase his journal and start learning all about the “God Centered Concepts” that he specializes in. Amen!


    Email: gccgodcenteredconcept2038@gmail.com

    Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon

    Podcast: The God Centered Concept

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    35 mins
  • The Happy Trap – TS Wright
    Sep 2 2024
    The Happy Trap TS Wright

    Have you ever felt trapped before? It’s not a good feeling, is it?

    It may have been a situation you were manipulated into, unaware of what was happening…

    It could have been something you willing did – hoping for a different outcome…but here you are…

    Maybe you were caught in a “Happy Trap?”

    What is that Brother Bob? I’m so glad you asked!

    Scott Wright is back today and last time he was on, we had a great discussion about the “Fragrance of Jesus.” There were a lot of interesting things brought out during that discussion… if you missed it, go back to the archives and dig it out. Amen.

    But today, Scott is going to share with us information on “The Happy Trap…” To do that, help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Scott Wright!

    Scott, it’s good to have you again – I’ve been looking forward to the conversation today!

    What in the world is a “Happy Trap?” Is it good or bad?

    How does this apply to the end times and what people will become?

    What does it “look like” in modern society?

    So this type of “happy trap” started when…?

    What should we, as Christians, take from this discussion today?

    Scott, this has been so interesting. I love doing “deep dives” into different, well, let’s just call them, “God Centered Concepts” of the Bible and of Worship.

    If someone wants more information or would like to ask a question, how can they get in touch with you?

    I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below…

    Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Scott Wright. Get in touch with him. Subscribe to his podcast. And be sure to purchase his journal and start learning all about the “God Centered Concepts” that he specializes in. Amen!

    Do it right now before you forget about it later. Amen!


    Email: gccgodcenteredconcept2038@gmail.com

    Book: “God Centered Concept Journal: Making God’s Word My Ways.” - on Amazon

    Podcast: The God Centered Concept

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    29 mins
  • Three Proofs of God - James Brown
    Aug 26 2024
    Three Proofs of God James Brown

    Have you ever tried to conduct your own Bible study about timelines in the Bible? Especially trying to calculate the “Soon Return of Jesus?” It’s difficult to do… and when you finish – or at least when I finish – my notes are so jumbled, I’m more confused than when I started… Amen!

    Well, today we are going to have a very special discussion on the soon return of Jesus! We are living in times where many are wondering just how close we are to this pivotal moment.

    To help us dive into this topic, I am thrilled to introduce our special guest, James Brown, the esteemed author of "Three Proofs of God." His book provides detailed information on the prophetic timeline of the first coming of Jesus, the timeline of His life, and most intriguingly, the timeline of His soon return.

    James has pinpointed exact dates that bring new insights into our understanding of these events. He’s conducted detailed research and I'm excited to get into today's interview and explore the profound implications of these timelines.

    Join us as we uncover the signs, prophecies, and current events that point towards the fulfillment of this significant promise. Amen!

    Help me welcome to the program, James Brown! James, I do appreciate your time today and I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to today’s interview!

    First question, other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is James Brown?”

    Three Proofs of God presents a new and surprisingly precise solution to Daniel’s passage and verifies it using objective evidence. This solution confirms God’s existence, Jesus’ Messiahship, and Scripture’s reliability.

    Your book is unique… I’ve never encountered one that goes into so much detail – but makes it easy to comprehend what you are sharing… What motivated you to write this type of book?

    How long did it take you from concept to publication?

    In the Bible, Jesus directly asked us to understand a key passage from the prophet Daniel. To this day, people have not yet fully agreed on that passage’s precise meaning. Why do you think that is?

    Share with us the “Three Proofs of God?” What are they?

    You’ve demonstrated in your book that the “Seventy Weeks of Daniel” are accurate… very accurate.

    That being the case, can you give us the “window” of the “Return of Jesus?” Are we “in that window now?”

    There have been many different books over the years that tried to pinpoint these dates… why did they get it wrong all of this time?

    One thing I’ve noticed lately is the prophecy coming true that “the entire world” will be against Israel. Recently, the United Nations, the United States and other nations have come out against Israel, basically “demanding” they surrender to Hamas by stopping all military action and leave Rapha and the Gaza Strip. The Prime Minister issued a statement that said, basically, that “Israel would fight on by itself if necessary.”

    Do you see the Hamas war as something that was included in your book?

    You have a QR code for each chapter. Can you explain how that benefits the reader?

    Your book,

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    35 mins
  • Reigning with Jesus – TS Wright
    Aug 19 2024
    Reigning with Jesus TS Wright

    Can there be any doubt that we are living in, what the Bible describes as, “The Last Days?”

    What is especially concerning to me is how the entire world is coming against Israel right now – when all they are doing is reacting to an unprovoked, barbaric attack on innocent civilians. The United Nations is even trying to impose their authority over Israel’s sovereignty! Just over the last day or so, the UN has “demanded Israel stop all attacks on Rafa and withdraw from the area.”

    Three nations came out and “demanded” a “two state solution” – in effect, telling Israel to “surrender” to Hamas.

    In addition, there is the radical leftists in Congress who also want Israel to surrender and give land to the terrorists…

    In case you haven’t read your Bible, this is the exact scenario depicted in the Book of the Revelation that will take place in the End Times.

    If there was ever any doubt that we are living in the last of the last days – what we see happening right now should prove it! Amen!

    Scott Wright is the author of the “God Centered Concept Journal” and has a unique insight into prophecy and the end times.

    Help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright! Scott, it’s great to have you back on with us today!

    If there was ever a doubt that we are drawing closer and closer to the soon return of Jesus, I just don’t think any rational person could doubt it any longer… do you?

    As we are recording this today, the jury will receive the case to deliberate in the third world trial of Donald Trump. There are hundreds of tornadoes that swept across the United States these last few days, killing and destroying, in some cases, entire towns in their wake. We have inflation running rampant; crime in the streets; emptying of prisons, what is right is called wrong – what the Bible says is wrong is called right…I could go on and on…

    Bottom line – really, truly, in my opinion, the ONLY thing we can look forward to IS the “Return of Jesus” at this point… what do you think?

    With that being said, we do have a promise given to believers by Jesus Himself… in Revelation 3:21, we read, “To him that overcomes, I will grant to sit WITH ME on MY THRONE, even as I overcame and have sit down with my Father on His Throne.”

    Share how all of this relates together and what we will be able to look forward to in the very near future (according to this verse)…

    How does all of this relate to what we opened with – the “End Times?”

    Abraham Lincoln once said, “All the armies of Europe and Asia...could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River…No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we will live forever or die by suicide.”

    I think the rope is already around the neck of this nation and we are teetering on the edge of the chair – right now.

    You’ve heard me say before, it really does not matter WHO wins this next election…in my opinion, and this is just my thoughts on the matter – if Biden wins, the USA will become a third world nation… if Trump wins, I believe World War 3 is on the horizon… and one EMP, well placed, will throw the United States back into the 1700’s lifestyle in just one day… and we will be forever cast off. I truly believe that is the reason the United States is not mentioned as an end time player in the Bible… Again, just my opinion… but there it is…

    BUT – it’s not ALL doom and gloom… why? Because WE have a promise… that promise is Eternal Life. It may not be “happy days are here again” – but it will be “Happy Days” when we get to Heaven.

    As we get ready to close, what are your thoughts, Scott?

    Folks, we are all out of time for today…

    Scott, how can someone get in...

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    35 mins