• 94: You Have Parasites
    Jul 30 2024

    It's estimated that 70-80% of the global population is infected with one or more parasites. They can cause all kinds of issues, inside and outside of the gut, and are extremely hard to even test for - so most people never know they have them!

    Parasites can be the sole cause of your GI issues, as well as dozens of other symptoms you could be experiencing, and we need to know how to identify them.


    • What parasites are and why they're a problem
    • How we can get them and what puts us at risk for infection
    • Types of parasites and symptoms they can cause
    • Protocols for removing parasites safely
    • Complications from not doing it safely
    • How long parasite protocols might be and what to expect during the partasite removal process

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    19 mins
  • 93: Learning to Heal Through Mindfulness and Microevolution - with Jeff Krasno
    Jul 26 2024

    In today’s world, having good health can seem out of reach for so many. Sometimes it feels like you have to be rich to be healthy, or that you need a good job with good benefits to afford the luxury of wellness. But that;s just not true.

    Humans are one of the most remarkable species on earth; constantly evolving in the way scientific advancements, chemistry, and technology. But some of our most impressive advancements come from something called “microevolution”.

    Today, we're meeting with celebrity wellness specialist, member of Oprah's SuperSoul 100 and founder of the largest wellness festival in the world, Wanderlust, to talk about wellness and lifestyle in a different way.


    • The metaphysical and physical components of health
    • How humans can constantly adapt to heal and overcome
    • How the supplement industry may actually be causing more harm than good
    • The trurth behind the finances required to be healthy
    • The progression of food and disease in our modern world
    • Hard truths about longevity: "health span" vs. "life span"

    More from Jeff Krasno:

    Instagram: @jeffkrasno

    Facebook: @jeff.krasno

    Twitter / X: @jeffkrasno

    Podcast: The Commune Podcast with Jeff Krasno

    Website: www.jeffkrasno.com

    Are you ready to heal your gut? Join our Reversing Crohn's and Colitis Naturally Community!

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    57 mins
  • 92: The Silent Killer in 70% of US Homes
    Jul 23 2024

    There's a silent killer lurking in more than 70% of US homes that no one is talking about. It's slowly detroying out haelth, our guts and causing diseases doctors can't fix.

    In this episode, we're talking about what it is, how it gets into your home, and what you can do to protect yourself and your family.


    • What mold is, where it comes from and how it forms
    • How dangerous it can actually be
    • How it gets into your home and what other places you may be exposed to it
    • Health complications associated with mold
    • Mold related symptoms
    • Testing for mold in your body and in your home
    • How you can reduce your risk of exposure
    • What mold does to your gut and gut bacteria
    • What it looks like to detox from mold so you can begin healing yourself

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    Mold Illness Questionnaire

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    Mold Binders chart

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    18 mins
  • 91: The Microbiome Masterclass Everyone Should Have In Their Life - with Dr. Leo Galland
    Jul 21 2024

    Did you know that you have a biome that actually leaves evidence wherever you go - like a fingerprint?

    There’s something surrounding you, called the holobiont, which surrounds us like Pig Pen’s cloud from Charlie Brown, that can leave traces of DNA wherever you go. Forensic technology is advancing so far, scientists can actually measure this at the scene of a crime, and test it against suspects to see who did it.

    This is just one of the many things we’re going to learn today about the interactions between your gut microbiomes and your body in this masterclass with one of the founding fathers of functional medicine, and mentor to celebrity doctors like Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Leo Galland.


    • Landmark gut bacteria
    • The destruction of our guts since covid
    • Leaky gut, the immuhe system and heroid immune proteins
    • Healing your gut, brain and immune system
    • The gut connection to food, allergies and asthma
    • Adrenal glands
    • Different immune cels in your gut
    • How to repair your body from the inside out using microbes

    More from Dr. Leo Galland:

    Instagram: @dr.leogalland

    Facebook: @leogallandmd

    YouTube: @PillAdvised

    Twitter / X: @LeoGallandMD

    Website: www.drgalland.com

    Are you ready to heal your gut? Join our Reversing Crohn's and Colitis Naturally Community!

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    43 mins
  • 90: Why You'll Never Get Healthy: The Most Overlook Piece of Healing
    Jul 16 2024

    We spend so much time giving our bodies the resources they need to heal, and rebuild. But rebuilding your body and cleaning the system always produces "waste" products.

    When these waste products get stuck, they wreak havoc on your immune system, preventing healing. This critical component is what most health care professionals overlook, and exactly what we're talking about today.


    • What "drainage" actually is
    • Dfferent drainage pathways and why we need them
    • The problems associated with poor or blocked drainage
    • Why we need drainage for to properly detox and heal your gut
    • Natural ways to promote draiange
    • Drainge support supplements
    • The risks of doing too much or improper drainage

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    17 mins
  • 89: Healthy Food Is Making You Sick - with Joel Salatin
    Jul 12 2024

    Have you ever wondered where food REALLY comes from? Obviosuly, it's grown somewhere, but there are massive differences between industrial farming and regenerative farming, and these differences are literally killing us.

    Joel Salatin is the most famous farmer in the world, featured in books and documentaries, as he's setting the gold standard for food and farming practices in America.


    • Why our modern food system is slowly killing us and is totally unsustainable
    • How we can grow food in a way that increases nutrients AND gives back to the earth
    • The differences between industrial and egenerative farming
    • The food waste problem in North America and what we can do about it
    • What's wrong with our view of food and nature in today's world
    • How we can change our food supply system to actually improve our immune systems and heal disease

    More from Joel Salatin:

    Instagram: @joel_salatin and @polyfacefarm

    Website: polyfacefarms.com

    Are you ready to heal your gut? Join our Reversing Crohn's and Colitis Naturally Community!

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    53 mins
  • 88: How our Gut Is Responsbile For 93% of Deaths in North America (a medical lecture)
    Jul 9 2024

    What do doctors learn about gut health in med school? This episode is actually the recording from a lecture I did for a group of doctors on the gut microbiome. Don't let the "wordiness" scare you off - it's a very understandable lecture on what's called "all cause mortality"; or "how our guts cause all types of sickness and disease.


    • What the gut microbiome actually is and how it develops from birth, life and death

    • The 3 main pathways it influences the human body

    • The cause and effect relationship between food, medications, life style and our gut health

    • The deep connections between our gut microbiomes and disease

    • What we're doing that destroys out gut microbiomes

    • How we can begin repairing them safely

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    46 mins
  • 87: How Your Vitamins Are Making You Sick - with Sage Workinger (10X Health)
    Jul 5 2024

    Everything in your body is a result of a cause and effect relationship. From your arms bening (bicep contracts, tricep relaxes), down to sickness and diseases setting in because something caused and imbalance and the effect is illness.

    Well, if you're taking the wrong vitamins for your body or your DNA, you can actually make yourself very sick! In this episode, Sage Workinger, Co-Founder of 10X Health shows us why this is happening and what to do about it.


    • How our bodies use vitamins
    • How the wrong ones can harm you
    • The vital to life process called "methylation", how it works and why we need it
    • How your DNA affects your personality: moods, tempers, perfectionism and more
    • The connection between your gut, DNA and gut motility
    • How to understand your DNA health risks, and what to do about it
    • Types of testing we can do to figure these out
    • Trestment options: the best vitamins for you, ozone, HOCATT, sound frequency, and more

    More from Sage Workinger of 10X Health

    Instagram: @sageworkinger

    Testing: 10xgenetest.com

    Gary Brecka: @garybrecka

    Podcast: The Ultimate Human

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    1 hr and 2 mins