
  • Why The Bible?
    Aug 16 2024

    Lately people have been asking me questions about the Bible. I used to have so many questions myself.

    And still to this day, I need to go to the Bible daily for my own spiritual health.

    The Christian life is filled with twists and turns. At times, confusion and doubt can come upon us like a dark fog - we get disoriented, if not completely flipped upside down.

    But nothing to fear IF we have the map! And we DO!

    The Word of God is our map, and our daily standard by which we judge every thought, every idea, every desire.

    If you aren't sure why the Bible is so wonderful...

    Here are Five AMAZING things about The Bible!

    Enjoy this episode!

    Start reading your Bible daily.

    Get a Bible app online or a cheatsheet for reading the entire Bible in one year!

    You will not be sorry!


    Thanks again for listening!

    Revive Equip website is:

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    26 mins
  • Happy Dependence Day
    Jul 3 2024

    Matthew 5-7 talks about the best sermon ever preached.
    Of course, the preacher was Jesus Himself!

    The sermon was titled "Sermon on the Mount."

    As we get ready to celebrate Independence Day, I encourage each of us to also discover true Freedom on the inside - where the deepest part of each of us dwells within our souls.

    America has more Independence than any nation or generation is history! But simultaneously we are fastly becoming a very very bound, addicted, strongheld nation! Our freedom is seemingly being lost twice as fast as we seek it!

    That's the power of sin at work. I know you and I were brought up to understand that sin was like - really bad stuff like murder, and abuse, and being a theif. But Jesus taught us that all humans have a condition that we inherited from Adam and Eve - a condition that gave us mortality, shame and death - and God allowed mankind to walk in this destructive way. Knowing that the only way out was ultimately through His Son - eventually when the time was perfect - the time of mankind brought the time of Jesus Christ.

    Watch any Episode of THE CHOSEN to understand this time more clearly.

    But for today, we are going to look at three ways we can go from Independent and bound, to totally dependent on Christ - and FREE!!!!

    Thanks again for listening!

    Revive Equip website is:

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    29 mins
  • Lord I'm Sorry
    Apr 26 2024

    People often ask "What is repentance anyway?"
    Or "What does the Bible say about repentance?"

    Great question.

    Maybe this is one of the most important questions in life. We have to learn how to repent if we hope to have everlasting life with Jesus in heaven.

    If your not sure you even want that, well maybe this episode isn't for you. Then again, maybe it is, but you just need to get this foundational truth into your mind and soul so you can think about it.

    Today we take a look at a famous parable called "The Prodigal Son" or "The Lost Son." Its about a fictional character who is the Father of two sons - a younger son, and an older son. The older son always did the right thing, but not always for the right reasons.

    The younger son starts out doing something terrible - he requests that his father give him his inheritance now, and let him leave to go and enjoy a life of sinning.

    What can a loving father do?

    The youn son was old enough to be on his own. So the father let him do what he wished.

    Great story and very much shows us the true heart of God as our Father in heaven. He loves us and very much waits for us to "come back home."

    What's great about this story is the heart change that hppened to the young Prodigal. He quickly realized life was so much better doing things his father's way.

    So the young son returns. The son was broken, contrite, sorry, sorrowful and everything one hoped for in a "repentant person."

    CHECK IT OUT TODAY and then sign up for the Break Through 24 Repentance Conference May 7-9 2024.

    If it's passed the date, you can still get replays and free PDF prayer tools!

    Thanks again for listening!

    Revive Equip website is:

    My author website

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    32 mins
  • Good Friday Thief
    Mar 29 2024

    Good Friday is probably the saddest day of the Christian calendar year for most Christians. It is sad for obvious reasons.

    And yet it is also the most necessary. He died on a Roman Cross for you and me so that we might not perish eternally, but have everlasting life.

    The night Jesus was crucified, two thieves were crucified with Him. These 2 thieves had a very enlightening conversation. It was the last conversation Jesus had with any human being before he died. Not much is mentioned in the Gospels about this conversation.

    But Luke takes sometime to tell the story of how one of the thieves seemingly has an epiphany while they are mocking Jesus. And now this thief begins to rebuke the other thief!

    The repentant thief then says to Jesus "Please, remember me when you come into your Kingdom." He had a change of heart; an apparent conversion.

    I used to think this was a shallow "confession. "

    But after further investigation of Luke 23 verses 39-43, I no longer see it like this.

    Take a ride with me to the very place where Jesus and these two thieves meet their untimely deaths together, and where two of the three enter the courts of Paradise that very same day!

    It may be Friday
    But Easter Sunday is comin'!

    Thanks again for listening!

    Revive Equip website is:

    My author website

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    31 mins
  • Nope Not Ashamed
    Mar 24 2024

    We have all been through experiences where we felt shame or embarrassment.

    Maybe you were embarrassed of your parents when you were in school, or of yourself. I relate to that.

    I share a very funny story to begin this episode where I worked at an ice cream stand with my best friend in high school, and after a few days of just getting bored of the same ole thing of scooping ice cream for 6 hours in hot sun - we made a decision to have some fun at the expense of really, everyone else... that was also fairly unwise! WARNING: laughs are very likely!

    You have to listen to this true story!

    There was a "win" in the crazy experience at the ice cream stand - I finally, at long last, stopped being ashamed of myself! I had enough of "perfect people" seeing the imperfections in me - and I did something that ironically was a victory.

    What kind of victory could that be?

    It was a victory in not being ashamed, when shame was not the proper view. Two idiots in a ice cream stand making fun of themselves and others? Yes that was more appropriately the takeaway.

    At the end of the day, we have to make a decision - are we going to live our lives always making sure others see us a certain way? If so, we may find it hard to live unashamed for Christ.

    I am not saying we should go make fools of ourselves in public! Please don't do that! But something harmless that maybe releases the real you in public where you proudly be who God has made you to be - that is where our focus should be.

    Romans 1:16 says: "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!"

    This is where being ashamed comes into play when it comes to our faith.
    Make sure if you follow Jesus, make sure not to ever be ashamed of His Gospel!

    If you are not a Christian, well of course this doesn't apply to you. But I pray that you would become one! And then I pray that you would be unashamed of the Gospel!

    If someone comes up to you and asks you if you are ashamed of the Gospel, just say this:
    "Nope! Not ashamed!"

    Thanks again for listening!

    Revive Equip website is:

    My author website

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    27 mins
  • Mega Church Rating (Part 1 of 2)
    Mar 1 2024

    It seems like every restaurant, cafe, small business asks you and I to give them a great review on facebook, Yelp or Google.

    You can even rate your local church and help others decide if it is doing a good job, or not so good.

    Well here's the thing: wether we give our church a good rating or bad rating on Google Reviews... the Bible says our church will also be given a HEAVENLY RATING!

    In the book of Revelation 1-3, John wrote down the words of Jesus Himself to the 7 churches in Asia minor. Jesus gave a rating to each church. Only 1 had a 5 Star rating. How do you think your current church would do if Jesus came and gave you a Heavenly Rating? I sure hope it would be a good one.

    But we need to be honest with ourselves and with the Lord.

    Did you know that you don't actually have to wait until Judgment Day to find out your rating from God's POV? That's right! He gave us His WORD so that we could rate ourselves now according to it and then, adjust and correct everything that is messed up.

    The bottom line for churches is this: Are we producing a final product that strongly resembles what Jesus commanded us to build when he gave His GREAT COMMISSION in Matthew 28:18-20!

    Listen to PART 1 or this 2 Part Series right NOW!

    Thanks again for listening!

    Revive Equip website is:

    My author website

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    37 mins
  • Class Act Luke
    Feb 22 2024

    This episode is about the accuracy of the New Testament, and in particular, the book of Acts. There is quite a bit of disagreement right now online and off as to whether the book of Acts was even a legitimate historical account to begin with.

    You will find many who reject both books written by Luke - The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts, because they are deemed to be full of inaccuracies and made up locations, people, et.

    So I thought this would be a perfect time for you and I to dig into the truth and discover together what the REAL HISTORICAL EXPERTS have to say about Luke and Acts!

    I can't wait for this one! You are gonna be shocked and awed as we take a look at
    CLASS ACT Luke and his outstanding 2-piece work of magnificent quality and accuracy.

    Thanks again for listening!

    Revive Equip website is:

    My author website

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    32 mins
  • Born Again Eden
    Feb 2 2024

    Hey Y'all!
    Check out last Friday's podcast episode:

    Did you ever think it would be possible for people to live forever someday?

    Well it may seem like we are getting there slowly. But in all honesty, men and women still have a hard time reaching 100 years old.

    Did you know the first man and woman (Adam & Eve) lived to be 1,000 years old?

    Don't be impressed. This was a gigantic reduction from the original intent of the Creator. You see, all people were designed originally to last forever and never age!

    In Genesis chapter 3, we see how the enemy of our souls used a serpent to tempt Eve into sin.

    And we know the rest of the story from there.

    Check out this episode for the "plot twist of all plot twists" as we discuss the fact that Jesus Christ came to earth as a man and was sacrificed for your sin and my sin!

    Why? So that through Jesus - all people could have a 2nd chance - to LIVE FOREVER!

    Now unfortunately, Jesus can't make your physical body live forever.

    But He can come inside your heart and renew you on the inside.

    The Bible teaches us that we ARE SPIRITS, we HAVE SOULS and we LIVE in BODIES.

    What can you do when your body dies? God will give you a new one IF you take His plan for your eternal salvation.

    Listen to hear exactly how you and I can receive that!

    To listen to this Podcast Episode, CLICK LINK BELOW

    Thanks again for listening!

    Revive Equip website is:

    My author website

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    30 mins