• Rediscovering the Awe and Privilege of Parenthood
    Jul 2 2024

    In this podcast episode, Denise Mira discusses the importance of raising children with a strong foundation in faith and a sense of purpose. She draws inspiration from the book of Judges in the Bible, highlighting the dangers of drifting away from God's ways and the need for intentional parenting.

    Denise emphasizes the significance of instilling in children the understanding that they are created by a living God and have a divine purpose. She encourages parents to prioritize teaching their children about God, His Word, and His plan for their lives.


    Parents have a responsibility to raise their children with a strong foundation in faith and a sense of purpose.

    It is important to teach children that they are created by a living God and have a divine destiny.

    Parents should prioritize instilling in their children a love for God's Word and a relationship with Jesus.

    Intentional parenting involves guiding children towards a life centered on God's truth and purpose.

    The most valuable inheritance parents can give their children is a deep understanding of their identity and purpose in Christ.

    Sound Bites

    "Beware of the drift."

    "Approach our children as though they will take the lead in delivering our nations from the hands of our enemies."

    "Let's ask God when, not if."


    00:00 Introduction and Setting the Context

    03:23 Beware of the Drift

    05:22 Children as Deliverers

    07:38 Asking 'When' Instead of 'If'

    09:25 Preparing for the Future

    22:36 Conclusion and Invitation

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    23 mins
  • Empowering Arsenal: Unlock Your Kids' Powerful Potential with Biblical Wisdom
    Jun 25 2024

    In this conversation, Denise Mira discusses the concept of raising children according to the Scriptures.

    She emphasizes the importance of connecting the teachings of the Bible to practical parenting.

    Denise shares a favorite scripture, Psalm 127, which compares children to arrows in the hands of a warrior. She highlights that children are not inconveniences or accidents, but powerful weapons against the kingdom of darkness.

    She encourages parents to sharpen, nurture, and mold their children to fulfill their potential as agents of change in society.


    scriptures, parenting, practical application, children, arrows, weapons, warfare, obstacles, goals, destiny, impact, aim, change


    Connect the teachings of the Bible to practical parenting.

    Children are powerful weapons against the kingdom of darkness.

    Parents have the responsibility to sharpen, nurture, and mold their children.

    Children have the potential to be agents of change in society.

    Sound Bites

    "Children are a blessing. Which one would we give back?"

    "Children are weapons of mass destruction against the kingdom of darkness."

    "Arrows are meant to penetrate. A blunt arrow is not too useful."


    00:00 Introduction: Raising Children According to the Scriptures

    03:01 Children as Weapons Against the Kingdom of Darkness

    07:50 The Four Qualities of Arrows

    13:32 The Responsibility of Parents

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    16 mins
  • Empowered Homemakers: Wisdom, Faith, and the Heroic Role of Women
    Jun 18 2024

    Denise Mira emphasizes the irrefutable importance of being a wife, mother, and homemaker as the foundation of her life.

    She shares the story of Jael from the book of Judges as an example of a wise woman who built her home and played a pivotal role in defeating the enemy.

    Denise encourages women to embrace their role as homemakers and highlights the impact they can have in nourishing their families, educating their children, and protecting them from harmful influences.

    She also emphasizes the importance of relying on God's wisdom and following His leading in all areas of life.


    Being a wife, mother, and homemaker is a valuable foundation in a woman's life.

    Homemakers play a pivotal role in defeating the enemy and protecting their families.

    Nourishing, educating, and protecting children are important aspects of homemaking.

    Relying on God's wisdom and following His leading is crucial in all areas of life.

    Sound Bites

    "You are a 'Jael' with your tent peg."

    "As you 'build your house,' you are putting the hammer to the nail through the head of those whose target is on your back."


    00:00 Introduction and Importance of Homemaking

    16:03 The Story of JL and the Power of Homemakers

    26:33 Homemakers as Agents of Change

    29:17 Homemakers and Education

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    38 mins
  • The Surprising Secret to Raising Kids with Integrity
    Jun 11 2024

    In this conversation, Denise unpacks a powerful principle to maintaining family unity and integrity: encouraging parents to guard their hearts and tongues, and to teach their children to do the same.

    She highlights the destructive nature of gossip and the ripple effect it can have on relationships.

    By speaking life, finding the good in people, and covering offenses, families can avoid unnecessary conflicts and maintain healthy relationships.


    Avoid engaging in gossip and holding offenses towards others.

    Guard your tongue and heart, and teach your children to do the same.

    Focus on speaking life and finding the good in people.

    Cover offenses and avoid unnecessary conflicts to maintain healthy relationships.

    Sound Bites

    "This is a pivotal part of great parenting, of raising extraordinary children, and of maintaining amazing relationships with your children over decades."

    "Protect your children, protect your family unity, protect your integrity, and your character and the character of your children."

    "When somebody offends us, it doesn't deserve the time of day. Just don't say it."


    00:00 The Impact of Gossip and Offenses

    05:45 Speaking Life and Building Up Others

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    12 mins
  • Refuse to be a Victim: Parenting Adults in Peace and Abundance
    Jun 4 2024


    The principle of refusing to be a victim is discussed in this conversation.

    Denise emphasizes the importance of not comparing oneself to others and not expecting others to meet one's needs. Instead, the focus should be on nurturing one's relationship with God and recognizing that everything one needs is already provided.

    By shifting the focus from others to oneself and God, one can find peace, resourcefulness, and freedom.


    parenting adults, midlife parenting, refusing to be a victim, comparison, expectations, nurturing relationship with God, recognizing what one already has, shifting focus


    Refuse to be a victim and avoid comparing oneself to others.

    Nurture your relationship with God and recognize that everything you need is already provided.

    Shift your focus from others to yourself and God to find peace and resourcefulness.

    Avoid placing expectations on others to meet your needs and take responsibility for your own happiness and wellbeing.

    Sound Bites

    "Save yourself. So much pain, so much turmoil."

    "Refuse to be a victim has many, many sides to it."

    "Nip it in the bud. Don't let it grow."


    00:00 Introduction: The Principle of Refusing to be a Victim

    01:17 Exploring the Many Sides of Refusing to be a Victim

    06:56 The Consequences of Looking to Others to Meet Our Needs

    08:26 Examining Our Expectations and Who We Look to for Salvation

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    21 mins
  • A Sure Foundation: What Your Kids Need Most!
    May 28 2024


    The conversation revolves around the importance of building a strong foundation in life and parenting based on the principles of God's Word.

    Denise shares her experience of her son's wedding and how their commitment to God and His Word brings peace and joy.

    She emphasizes the significance of teaching children to love and follow God's Word, not for religious reasons, but to have a relationship with the living God.

    Denise encourages parents to simplify their approach to parenting by focusing on God's Truth and building their lives and their children's lives on the rock-solid foundation of His Word.


    wedding, commitment, foundation, parenting, God's word, truth, discipleship, simplicity


    Building a strong foundation in life and parenting based on God's word brings peace and joy.

    Teaching children to love and follow God's word is more about having a relationship with the living God than being religious.

    Simplifying parenting by focusing on God's truth and building lives on the rock-solid foundation of His word.

    The importance of discipleship and training children in the ways of God to raise godly leaders and world changers.


    Teaching Children to Love God's Word

    Raising Godly Leaders and World Changers

    Sound Bites

    "Two adults who are anchored in Christ, who love the Lord, who love each other, who are so ideal for each other."

    "The Word of God will never fail. The Word of God is the truth."

    "God's Word has the answers for you, it simplifies."


    00:00 The Significance of God's Word in Parenting and Marriage

    06:40 Raising Children on the Foundation of Christ

    09:47 The Importance of Building a Foundation on God's Word

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    14 mins
  • The Superpower of Parenting
    May 21 2024

    Denise Mira introduces herself as a passionate advocate for parenting and shares her personal journey as a mother of five sons.

    She believes that parenting is revolutionary and has the power to shape the world.

    Denise emphasizes the importance of recognizing the potential in each child and the role parents play in their development.

    She encourages parents to see beyond the challenges and struggles of everyday life and embrace their superpower as mentors, not managers.

    The podcast aims to provide guidance, inspiration, and empowerment to parents, helping them create a revolution in their homes and ultimately impact society.


    parenting, revolutionary, potential, role, children, empowerment


    Parenting is a revolutionary act that has the power to shape the world.

    Recognize the potential in each child and the impact parents have on their development.

    Recognize the potential and power in each child and embrace the role of a mentor.

    Empower and inspire parents to create a revolution in their homes and raise children who will change the world.

    The podcast aims to provide guidance, inspiration, and empowerment to parents.

    See beyond the struggles and challenges of everyday life and focus on the long-term impact of parenting.

    Sound Bites

    "Parenting is revolutionary at every level."

    "We need a revolution in our parenting that will then trickle down to become a revolution in our nation."

    "A revolution is a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and believing."

    "Parents are the key to raising children who will change nations."


    00:00 Introduction and Personal Journey

    02:53 Parenting as a Revolutionary Act

    08:12 Unlocking the Potential in Every Child

    13:45 Embracing the Superpower of Parenting

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    17 mins