• Faith Works: The Book of James // Favoritism Forbidden
    Aug 25 2024

    Favoritism has always been a problem for God’s people. Even in the Old Testament, there was dysfunction in families because of prejudice and favoritism. Favoritism is still a problem for Christians today. However, James calls believers in Jesus not to show favoritism but to live by a higher standard - love. How can we love others this week? Let’s start at home with our spouse, children, and/or roommates, and then love the people in our church, school, and work. Let’s show mercy and not judge. Let’s love others like God loves us. Spiritual maturity is measured in love.

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    42 mins
  • Faith Works: The Book of James // Listening and Doing
    Aug 18 2024

    There are many people who have heard about Jesus. There are many people who have a Bible in their home. But, there are few people who actually live out their faith in Jesus. James tells us to “be doers of the Word and not hearers only.” We are called to live out our faith. Works do not save us, only Jesus saves us, “through faith,” but works are evidence of a transformed life in Jesus. If someone listens to what you say and watches how you live, will they see your faith in Jesus? Let’s not just listen to God’s Word today, but let’s live it out every day.

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    39 mins
  • Faith Works: The Book of James // Trials and Temptations
    Aug 11 2024

    The Christian life is all about faith. Salvation comes through faith in Jesus. But salvation is not the end, but the beginning of an incredible faith journey. Every day we have the opportunity to place our faith in Jesus. This is where we see miracles happen and God move mountains. We are called to “live by faith and not by sight.” So, where’s your faith? Is your faith in Jesus or in the things of this world? Place your life fully in Jesus and see the difference God will make in your life, your family, your future, and your eternity. Faith works!

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    38 mins
  • Masterclass: The Life of David // David and God
    Aug 4 2024

    What made David so special was his heart for God. David was an incredible leader that God used to impact His people and history. David wasn’t perfect. He sinned and made some big mistakes in his life. But after his sins, David always repented and came back to God. Even at the end of his life, he was known as “a man after God’s own heart.” Regardless of what you have done, make a commitment today to be a “man or woman after the heart of God.” Put God first in your life and live every day for Him. Then, watch God do miracles in your life. Trust God today.

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    38 mins
  • Masterclass: The Life of David // David and Israel
    Jul 28 2024

    God calls and conditions us to lead with leadership rooted in spiritual influence. Henry Blackaby describes spiritual leaders as those who guide others toward where God wants them to be, starting with their own relationship with Him. Each generation is given the opportunity to raise new leaders who, like David, defeat new giants through deep faith and trust in God. David's leadership was marked by his faith in God's past faithfulness, humility, servant leadership, and willingness to own up to his mistakes. His faith was contagious, empowering those around him to become leaders and giant killers. The question is: What does this look like for us?

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    38 mins
  • Masterclass: The Life of David // David and Absalom
    Jul 21 2024

    The aftermath of David’s sin was chaos and brokenness. His sins were forgiven, but the consequences remained. This began a generational pattern of the sons of David falling short. Jesus is the son of David, who broke the generational curse and created a new way forward. In our lives, we need to be aware of the dangers of sin and its damage to those around us and those who come after us. Through the power of the cross, we are called to follow that new way forward for ourselves and those in our circles with a life of confession, repentance, forgiveness, and healing.

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    39 mins
  • Masterclass: The Life of David // David & Nathan
    Jul 14 2024

    In 2 Samuel, Nathan uses a parable to confront David indirectly about his sin, avoiding direct accusation due to the danger involved. The parable of the little ewe lamb, symbolizing Bathsheba, triggers David's deep-seated compassion for sheep, drawing parallels to his own past as a shepherd. In the story, David condemns the rich man's actions without realizing he condemns himself. This blinds him to his own wrongdoing, revealing the danger of being unaware of your own sin. We have much to learn from this story of David’s sin, his choice to repent and turn from his sin, and the power of God’s grace and forgiveness. You’re never “too far gone” from God’s grace – and that’s what we can learn from the relationship and story of David and Nathan.

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    41 mins
  • Masterclass: The Life of David // David & Bathsheba
    Jul 7 2024

    David's story in 2 Samuel 11:1-15 shows how sin can mess things up, even for someone like the greatest king of Israel. So, because we recognize that we can slip up, praying and reading the Bible daily, having friends who keep us accountable, and knowing how to step away from temptation are all essential in our walk with Jesus. When we do make mistakes, though, asking for forgiveness and choosing repentance can bring us back to God. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says God helps us handle temptation when we stick close to Him and our community. We can learn from David's mistakes because we all struggle with sin. Finding our joy in God helps us say no to temptation and grow spiritually. And just as we learn from David’s life, no matter how you have sinned, you are never too far from God.

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    39 mins