• Episode 31: The War of Antichrist against the Church - Chapter 0
    May 14 2024

    Preface and Introduction - In this introductory episode the author lays the historical groundwork for the founding of Freemasonry, including the diabolical Voltaire, and its threat to the Roman Catholic Church and all of Christianity. This work was originally a series of lectures given by the author. The War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization is a book written in 1885 by an Irishman, George F. Dillon, DD. It was republished by Fr. Denis Fahey in 1950 as Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism. The central theme of the book alleges that atheistic Illuminism, through the infrastructure of Grand Orient freemasonry, driven by the ideology of the philosophies laid the foundations for a large scale, ongoing war against Christendom in general and Catholic Church in particular. The document claims that this had been manifested primarily through manipulating the outbreak of various radical liberal republican revolutions. Particularly those focused on atheism or religious indifferentism in their anti-Catholicism. The book details revolutionary activity in France, Italy, Germany and Ireland.
    Included within the scope of the book is material on the Illuminati, Kabbalism, Jacobinism, the French Revolution, the Carbonari and Fenianism. The Alta Vendita document was given wider exposure in the Anglosphere after being first translated for the book and placed within a historical context. The book was influential to Catholic integralism in Ireland, Britain and the United States, as well as national conservative politics. Fahey who republished the book in the 1950s founded the Maria Duce political movement—critical of Fenianism associating it with Communism, it instead proposed an Irish National Catholicism under the social and spiritual reign of Christ the King. The company who republished it, the Britons Publishing Society, described the book as "of world-wide importance". (Summary from Wikipedia) This audiobook is from Librivox and is part of the public domain. For more details and to download the entire audiobook go to https://librivox.org/the-war-of-antichrist-with-the-church-and-christian-civilization-by-george-f-dillon/.

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    26 mins
  • The Perfection of Self-Abnegation
    Oct 11 2023

    Today, St. John Eudes teaches us why we should, in a way, separate ourselves from God, that is to say from the temporal satisfactions that our pious actions give us. For if we act only for those warm feelings which we receive when we perform some pious action can we truly serve our Lord in times of despondency and despair?

    Yours in Jesus and Mary.

    From the book The Reign of Jesus by St. John Eudes (R. & T. Washbourne, 1911, pages 22-25).

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    12 mins
  • Episode 29: Sunday Sermon - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Anger and Revenge
    Oct 8 2023

    For the nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost we are told that we should not allow ourselves to be consumed by anger and thoughts of revenge but we are to love our enemy and pray for him. This is difficult to do, but necessary. Our Lord commands us to bear all pain and suffering in His name. If we are to enter the gates of Heaven we must learn to bear suffering and injustice and forgive those who wish us harm.

    Yours in Jesus and Mary.

    From the book Discourses and Sermons for Every Sunday and Principal Day of the Year by James Cardinal Gibbons (John Murphy Company, 1908, pages 466-476).

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    27 mins
  • Episode 28: The Mercies of the Sacred Heart: Reparations
    Oct 6 2023

    Blessed First Friday in October. We once again seek our Lord’s Sacred Heart waiting for us in His Blessed Sacrament. I hope you have the opportunity to go to a First Friday Mass today and to spend time in Eucharistic adoration. As you go to our Lord remember to offer up your Mass and prayers in reparation for your sins and the sins of the world. It is with a heart of reparation that we are to go to our Lord, to unite ourselves with Him on the cross in His sufferings.

    Lord Jesus have mercy on us and on the whole world!

    Yours in Jesus and Mary.

    From the book The Mercies of the Sacred Heart: Twelve Sermons for the First Fridays by Very Reverend Alex Mac Donald, D. D. (Joseph F. Wagner, 1904, Pages 20-29).

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    19 mins
  • Episode 27: Spiritual Despondency and Temptations: Chapters 4-6
    Oct 5 2023

    We must resist despondency and temptation which then leads to fear and rejection of God’s mercy. We limit God’s mercy when we believe that we are unforgivable. We mock our Lord on the Cross and reject His sacrifice when we turn away from His infinite merit. God loves you and wants you to always turn to Him when you fall and never to doubt in His infinite ability to forgive. As long as there is breath in your lungs there is hope.

    Yours in Jesus and Mary.

    From the book Spiritual Despondency and Temptations by Rev. P. J. Michel, S.J. (Benzinger Brothers, 1904, pages 26-43).

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    24 mins
  • Episode 26: Of Self-Abnegation
    Oct 4 2023

    Today I have a very short meditation on how to go about denying self to live as Christ. Jesus gives us the example of how we should have no concern for self but to only will to do what the Father desires of us. St. John Eudes first shows us the example of Christ and then gives us practical tips for accomplishing this self-abnegation.

    Yours in Jesus and Mary.

    From the book The Reign of Jesus by St. John Eudes (R. & T. Washbourne, 1911, pages 19-21).

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    13 mins
  • Episode 25: Why we should Honor Mary
    Oct 3 2023

    October is the month of the Holy Rosary and so to honor our Blessed Mother and her gift of the Rosary I will be presenting throughout the month meditations on the Rosary in honor of our Blessed Mother.

    Yours in Jesus and Mary.

    From the book The Most Holy Rosary: In Thirty-One Meditations by Reverend Eugene Grimm, C. SS. R. (Benzinger Brothers, 1887, pages 7-12).

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    18 mins
  • Episode 24: Outward and Inward Consequences of the First Sin
    Oct 2 2023

    The first sin had both outward and inward consequences. The outward consequences that man, instead of living in paradise, would now have to mete out his existence in a brutish and difficult manner. The inward consequence is that of concupiscence, our preternatural inclination to sin. Aware of the consequences to look with hope upon our Lord Jesus and His loving mercy.

    Yours in Jesus and Mary.

    From the book Meditations on Christian Dogma, Volume I by Right Reverend James Bellord, D. D. (Convent of Mercy, 1906, pages 206-209).

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    14 mins