• Sinfonia susesu nian: jornada inspiradora husi labarik Timor-oan ho tinan sia.
    Jul 13 2024
    Solomon Bravery Horta, labarik tinan sia husi familia immigrante ne'ebe hela iha Irlandia Norte. Solomon ultrapasa ona barreira kutural no linguistika hodi sai diak liu iha area oi-oin. Maski moris husi inan no aman immigrante, aman husi Timor-Leste no inan husi Indonesia, Solomon sai ona hanesan kampeaun iha kompetisaun diskursu nian, pianista ida ne'ebe matenek no artista talentu ida no susesu akademiku ida ne'ebe mak diak liu. Nia hetan ona vitoria dahuluk iha festival barak hanesan diskursu, drama iha Dungannon, no iha Portadown, nia mos simu tasa espesial sira hanesan: tasa Molly Mcnally ba orador ne'ebe promisor liu no tasa Henderson ba nota aas liu iha Puizia favoritu. Nia mos marka istoria iha kompetisaun piano iha Newry no iha Hollywood sai hanesan premeiru lugar ho marka 88 pontus. Iha parte drama nian, nia halo atuasaun mos iha BBC Teach Educational Short Films iha 2023 no 2024.
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    23 mins
  • How to lodge your tax return in Australia - Oinsá atu hatama ita-boot nia deklarasaun impostu iha Australia.
    Jul 3 2024
    In Australia, 30 June marks the end of the financial year and the start of tax time. Knowing your obligations and rebates you qualify for, helps avoid financial penalties and mistakes. Learn what to do if you received family support payments, worked from home, are lodging a tax return for the first time, or need free independent advice. - Iha Australia, dia 30 Juñu sai hanesan tinan finanseiru nia rohan no hahú tempu impostu nian. Tanba ne'e,hatene ita-boot nia obrigasaun sira no rebate sira ne'ebé ita-boot kualifika ba, sei ajuda evita penalidade no erru finanseiru sira. Buka hatene kona-ba saida maka atu halo se ita-boot simu pagamentu apoiu família nian, serisu husi uma, hatama deklarasaun impostu nian ba dala uluk, ka presiza konsellu independente gratuitu.
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    12 mins
  • Indigenous art: Connection to Country and a window to the past - Ema indijinu sira nia arte: Koneksaun ba sira nia rain no ligasaun ho pasadu
    Jun 27 2024
    Embracing their oral traditions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have used art as a medium to pass down their cultural stories, spiritual beliefs, and essential knowledge of the land. - Liu husi hakuak sira nia tradisaun oral, ema Aboríjene no ema Ilha Estraito de Torres sira uza arte nu'udar dalan ida hodi demonstra sira-nia istória kulturál, fiar espirituál no koñesimentu importante kona-ba sira nia rai.
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    10 mins
  • Unidade no rezilensia: Timor-oan sira iha Australia fó onra ba sira nia abut no sakrifísiu.
    Jun 23 2024
    Ba komunidade Timor-oan sira ne’ebe mak hela iha Mebourne, Australia selebra loron restorasaun independensia Timor nian importante tebes ba sira maski tarde oituan. Tinan-tinan sira sempre hamutuk hodi selebra loron importante ida ne’e. Ba sira selebrasaun ida ne’e hametin liu tan sira nia sentimentu de pertensia no identidade ne’ebe sira hotu orgulho hanesan Timor-oan hela iha Australia. Tinan ida ne’e sira hili tema “ fila fali ba ita nia abut” ka back to our roots hanesan tema ba sira nia festa. Tema ida ne’e tuir Presidente Endeavaour United ho Melbourne Timorese Community, Vitor Lemos’ fo hanoin ba sira hotu, liu2 ba jerasaun foun sira atu hametin sira nia kultura no hatene istoria kona-ba ita ne’e mai husi ne’ebe; ita nia inan-aman moris iha ne’ebe, nune’e bele loke sira nia neon no hatene liu tan. Iha selebrasaun importante ida ne’e iha mos animasaun husi komunidade sira liu husi kanta, dansa tradisional, toka musika Timor nian no oferese mos tradisional Timor nian. Sira hotu mos selebra no fo onra ba sira nia membru individual balun ne’ebe hetan konde korasaun husi governu Timor-Leste ba sira nia luta iha diaspora.
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    20 mins
  • Timor nia kor naroman iha selebrasaun dia de Portugal iha Melbourne
    Jun 11 2024
    Tinan-tinan, komunidade lingua Portuguese ka CPLP iha Melbourne, Australia komemora dia de Portugal liu husi festival ne'ebe membru nasaun CPLP sira mai hatudu no fahe sira nian kultura, hahan, arte no musika iha merkado Victoria, Melbourne. Ba komunidade Timor-oan sira iha Melbourne, ne'ebe reprezenta husi sira nia Asosiasaun Timorense iha Victoria (Timorese Association of Victoria) ida ne'e oportunidade diak atu mai hatudu sira nia kultura no tradisaun úniku liu husi produtu Tais, dansa, musika no mos fahe informasaun kona-ba asosiasaun ne'e rasik.
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    6 mins
  • MiniPod: We light a new light | Pronunciation practice with Janice - MiniPod: Ami fó naroman foun| Prátika pronunsiá ho Janice
    Jun 1 2024
    In this five-minute lesson you’ll improve your pronunciation by listening and following along with Janice Petersen. Learning objectives: Can pronounce /l/ and /n/. - Iha lisaun minutu lima ne'e ita sei hadi'a ita-nia liafuan inglês liuhusi rona no tuir hamutuk ho Janice Petersen. Objetivu Aprendizajen: Bele pronunsiá /l/ no /n/
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    8 mins
  • What were the Australian Wars and why is history not acknowledged? - Saida mak funu Australia no tanbasá mak istória funu ne'e la hetan rekoñesementu?
    May 27 2024
    The Frontier Wars is a term often used to describe the more than 100 years of violent conflicts between colonial settlers and the Indigenous peoples that occurred during the British settlement of Australia. Even though Australia honours its involvement in wars fought overseas, it is yet to acknowledge the struggle that made it the country it is today. - Funu Fronteira mak termu ida-ne'ebé dala barak uza hodi deskreve konflitu violentu entre povu koloniál no povu rai-na'in Australia sira ne'ebé akontese durante rezolusaun Britania-Australia durante tinan 100 liu ba. Maske Australia fó onra ba nia envolvimentu iha funu iha rai-li'ur, maibé sira seidauk rekoñese luta ne'ebé halo nasaun ne'e sai hanesan nasaun to'o ohin loron.
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    15 mins
  • Lian Esperansa husi Povu - Selebrasaun 22th anos restorasaun independénsia Timor-Leste.
    May 24 2024
    Komunidade Timor-oan iha Sydney, Australia komemora loron restorasaun independénsia ba Timor-Leste nian ba dala rua nulu resin rua iha festa komemorasaun ne'ebe halao iha dia 18 de Maio kalan no misa agradecementu hamutuk iha dia 19 de Maio. Iha komemorasaun ne'e laos deit Timor-oan sira mak mai atende, maibe mos iha komunindade no konvidadu sira seluk husi governu lokal, veteranus Australia sira, komando regiment sira no mos malae sira ne'ebe durante ne'e halo amizade ho Timor-oan sira. Iha eventu ne'e, reprezentante Timor-oan balun hato'o sira halo intervista ho Timor-oan balun kona-ba sira nia hanoin ka perspetiva kona-ba independensia ne'e. no saida mak sira hare iha futuru.
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    15 mins