• Who's Your Daddy?
    Feb 6 2024

    In these perilous times in which we live today, and as Christians out here in these streets/the world, WE need a Shepherd. It is Gods design and order that HE has placed undershepherds over HIS Church to care for the flock. These great Men of God are put in place to help us grow, develop, and mature in the things and ways of God. Thus, we become disciples to further the Kingdom of God using our own unique gifts and talents for Gods glory. I pray you will be encouraged, motivated (to action), and inspired as you listen to this episode. (Published in Aug)

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    56 mins
  • Your Other Mothers/Fathers
    Feb 6 2024

    I pray you have ears to hear what is said in this VERY SPECIAL podcast that is just for YOU! Let me just say, God the Father loves you!! And you are on His mind big-time! Enjoy this PC and leave me a comment or message afterwards. God bless!

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    45 mins
  • Your Other Mothers/Fathers
    Jan 24 2024

    Please stay tuned for the upcoming full episode of Your Other Mothers/Fathers. Be encouraged as you wait for it knowing God loves you with an everlasting love. He has promised to NEVER leave nor FORSAKE or ABANDON you! And, He have YOU on His mind! He wants you to know that if your mother or father forsakes you, He will take you up! God's decree!! Psalms 27:10 *I also speak about the spiritual mothers and fathers in the full upcoming episode.

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    6 mins
  • Happy New Year!!
    Jan 14 2024

    Happy New Year!!!! I'm sooooo excited about upcoming content! #2020FO let's go!!!

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    3 mins
    Sep 24 2023

    Who or what is stealing from you? What or who is stealing your peace? Everytime you make a move towards a positive change/direction, or take steps to make your dream or business idea manifest here comes the THIEF! If you feel any of these then this PC episode is for you. John 10:10 states, but for one reason and one reason only the theif comes to kill, steal, and destroy! Don't be road-kill for the enemy. Gird up your lions with truth! Greater is He that is in you than HE who is in the world! Thus, the thief is no match for you! #truth! The word of God is always fresh giving birth to new revelation everytime it is recieved in faith, and with purity of heart. Recieve this word that was crafted just for YOU! Selah...!

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    32 mins
  • Who's Your Daddy?
    Aug 7 2023
    In these tumultuous and PERILOUS times we are living in, I believe it is CRITICAL to have the covering of a (under) Shepherd! A man of God that leads, feeds, guides, cherishes, and protects the flock of the Lord--YOU! Jesus was moved with deep compassion and pitied the multitudes as He traveled from city to city seeing people weary, sick and harassed by the devil. He said, "They are like sheep having no shepherd." In the next episode, I will share with you from my book (Courtship vs Dating) insights from the Holy Spirit, plus my own personal experiences/stories that could have had detrimental outcomes had I NOT had a spiritual Father (Parents)... Selah!
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    2 mins
  • Don't Lower Your Standards!
    Aug 4 2023

    In this episode I discuss going against your moral compass by lowering your standards. It is imperative that as you navigate through the dating/courtship streets (which is what I like to call it ), you stay true to yourself. If you find yourself compromising a.k.a settling, it will only lead to a place of unfulfillment and regret in the end. It will also lead you into a fruitless relationship no matter who the person is-friend, family member or foe. YOU deserve Gods BEST in every area of your life, especially relationships, so don't settle for anything less... Selah!

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    23 mins