• Deliver Great Products with Giants, Legends and GOAT teams (#3)
    May 15 2024

    “If you don’t have great teams, you’ll never have great ARTs” - Mark Richards

    Mark Richards, Ali Hajou, and Niko Kaintantzis join Stephan Neck in the second ‘reprise’ episode after the initial reprise of SPC’s Unleashed with Lean Thinking People and Agile Teams from the Organizational Agility competency - we proceeded with the Dimension of Agile Teams in the Team and Technical Agility competency.

    We start by sharing our passion, followed by a deep dive into agile practices to foster the right attitude using Scrum, Kanban, or a hybrid as the team’s core method. Mark reminds us about the giants whose shoulders SAFe’s team stands atop.

    Next, we reflect on how “Legends are not made but emerge” by discussing finding the right Scrum Master/Team Coach, as they have a crucial role. We agree that naming or choosing them based on certification isn’t enough. Once you find them, you have to mentor and grow them.

    The third topic includes “GOAT Teams”: Team Topologies opened up a fruitful discussion about team collaboration rather than “categorization” and avoiding the binary “Feature teams good, Component teams bad” trap.

    Our final topic was the team responsibility wheel with the five focus areas. Our conclusion was that delivering value is the ultimate goal, and all other responsibilities lead to it.

    Stephan Neck (Moderator)

    Niko Kaintantzis

    Ali Hajou

    Mark Richards


    Team Topologies - Skelton and Pais

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    56 mins
  • You need Agile Business People to achieve Business Agility (#2)
    Apr 30 2024

    “I think a good SPC has to be a coach, too … You have to use the language of the people who have to become agile because agile isn’t the goal. It’s using the agile things to become faster, to become better, to have better user feedback” - Niko Kaintantzis

    Stephan Neck and Niko Kaintantzis join Mark Richards in the first ‘reprise’ episode. The initial iteration of SPC’s Unleashed delved into some critical dimensions in a theoretical manner. We felt the need to revisit these dimensions, infusing our unique perspectives and real-life experiences from the field. And what better place to start than with Lean Thinking People and Agile Teams from the Organizational Agility competency?

    We kick off by sharing our practical experiences of teaching the SAFe courses to non-technical audiences. Niko enlightens us about ‘Greifin’ (touching or grabbing), and Stephan underscores the significance of linking the audience’s pain points to breathe life into the concepts in their own context.

    There’s a natural progression from training to coaching, so the second topic we explore is coaching non-technical people. Stephan’s first ART was actually in HR, so he has some great stories to share. Niko stresses the importance of coaching skills and ‘using the language of the people’ to connect worlds.

    Next, we reflect on how valuable the recent evolution of SAFe’s built-in quality article has been in supporting non-technical teams.

    Our final topic was the Patterns for Agile Business and Technology. Questioning which of the five patterns was most popular revealed that we have tried making every ART a Business-Enabled ART for years. Niko and Stephan share some great insights about their experiences coaching Agile Executive Teams and Combined Portfolios.


    Mark Richards (Moderator)

    Niko Kaintantzis

    Stephan Neck


    Marshmallow Challenge

    Pair Drawing Activity

    Organizational Agility Article

    Built-in-Quality Article

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    54 mins
  • Exploring DevOps Frontiers - Stories of Collaboration and Resilience (#14)
    Apr 26 2024

    “Not having good DevOps is a lot more expensive than having DevOps” - Mark Richards

    In this enlightening podcast episode, Niko takes the reins as the host, guiding Ali, Stephan, and Mark through a rich discussion on the essence of DevOps and its implications for modern organizations.

    Niko initiates the dialogue by delving into ownership and collaboration in DevOps. Ali highlights the importance of agreements and ownership within teams, highlighting how these agreements facilitate smooth collaboration between development, operations, and other domains. Stephan chimes in, emphasizing the significance of value stream mapping and its role in fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility within teams.

    Mark redirects the conversation toward the early integration of DevOps principles in the development lifecycle. He underscores the misconception of DevOps as solely a production-focused endeavor, advocating instead for its integration right from the outset. Mark shares insights from his experience, emphasizing the importance of practicing DevOps principles during the development, testing, and pre-production stages.

    As the discussion evolves, Niko steers the conversation toward the learning journey inherent in DevOps. Stephan articulates the three fundamental ways described in the DevOps handbook: establishing flow, establishing feedback mechanisms, and continual experimentation. Ali adds depth to the conversation by highlighting the importance of resilience and proactive approaches to disaster recovery and business continuity.

    The dialogue extends to the cultural shift required for successful DevOps implementation. The panelists agree that DevOps is more than just a set of tools—it necessitates organizational cultural transformation. They emphasize the importance of embracing a people-centric approach, fostering a team-oriented mindset, and aligning goals and practices across the entire value stream.

    The key takeaway is that DevOps is not merely about adopting tools with fancy names—it’s about fostering a culture of collaboration, continuous learning, and resilience within organizations. The panelists leave listeners with a call to action, urging them to rethink their approach to DevOps and embark on a journey toward organizational transformation.

    Niko Kaintantzis (Moderator)
    Stephan Neck
    Ali Hajou
    Mark Richards

    Book References:

    • The DevOps Handbook - by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, & John Willis
    • The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win - Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford
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    54 mins
  • Learn fast by Developing on Cadence and Releasing on Demand (#13)
    Apr 16 2024

    “Can you integrate, and do you do that very frequently on a cadence? Yes, then that generates learning, and so forth, and so forth! Und so weiter, und so weiter!” - Ali Hajou

    Why is it important to Develop on Cadence and Release on Demand? How fast can you learn? Does it integrate? Does it work? Do your customers like it? In this episode, Ali, Stephan, Niko, and Mark continue in their quest to provide insight and inspiration to SPCs and other change agents by sharing their personal journeys and war stories from the field.

    Stephan hosts and begins by asking Niko, Ali, and Mark how they help teams and ARTs establish a flow system. Ali emphasizes the importance of the flow of knowledge as described in the DevOps handbook. Niko reminds us to build our cadence around people, while Mark wants to minimize the batching impact of cadence.

    Exploring the inherent variability of product development, Niko focuses on Continuous Exploration, and Ali empathizes with management and ‘real-world’ commitments. Mark balances the variability of estimates with the chance we’re building something that doesn’t meet customer needs.

    The Measure and Grow debate is divided into two camps. Ali and Niko argue for the ART demonstrating an integrated solution in the System Demo". Stephan and Mark, however, stress the importance of the ART addressing bottlenecks in the value stream.

    Stephan Neck (Moderator)
    Ali Hajou
    Niko Kaintantzis
    Mark Richards

    Book References:

    • The DevOps Handbook - by Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois, & John Willis
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    56 mins
  • Plan, commit, execute, and improve together with a Team of Agile Teams (#12)
    Mar 25 2024

    "Team of teams is not a target state, but rather an opportunity for value creation and delivery" - Stephan Neck

    As an SPC or other agile change agent, how do you bring the Team of Agile Teams dimension of SAFe's Team and Technical Agility competency to life in your organization? In this episode, Ali, Stephan, Niko, and Mark continue in their quest to provide insight and inspiration by sharing their personal journeys and war stories from the field.

    Mark hosts and begins by asking Ali, Stephan, and Niko to describe their first ART and their worst ART and the lessons they learned from both. Niko takes the opportunity to remind us that we're dealing with a living organism, not a machine, which makes a great segue to the secrets we've all found regarding ART design. Ali provides an excellent foundation for this discussion as he shares the story of an ART that took ten weeks to design. Getting an ART designed and launched is only the beginning of the journey, though, and we move on to critical moves to setting it up for self-sustaining success and avoiding the perils of the feature factory.

    The Measure and Grow debate is less divided this week. Ali, Mark, and Stephan all settled for "The ART being organized to optimize value delivery" as their favorite, and Niko provided the only contrast with his love of the trust required when "Our team can rely on the other teams to deliver work on which we are dependent."

    Stephan Neck
    Ali Hajou
    Niko Kaintantzis
    Mark Richards (Moderator)

    Show Notes

    Book References:

    • Artful Making - by Robert Austin, Lee Devin
    • Scaling Software Agility - Dean Leffingwell

    Other References:

    • 12 signs you're working in a feature factory - John Cutler
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    57 mins
  • Create an environment that supports creative thinking and curiosity if you want an Innovation Culture (#11)
    Mar 25 2024

    "Experiment like a scientist, not a mad scientist" - Mark Richards

    Have you ever asked yourself, "If Innovation was an animal, which one would it be?" That's how Niko started this episode's journey into the Innovation Culture dimension of SAFe's Continuous Learning Culture competency. It set the scene for an eventful discussion as Mark, Ali, and Stephan shared insights on lessons they'd learned and successes they'd seen.

    The conversation led from slices of cake inspiring innovation in semiconductor design through Hackathons and "Awesome Challenges" to ensuring there was time for Innovation in the IP iteration. We explored the challenges and possibilities of Pivoting without mercy and ignoring sunk costs before Niko and Stephan took us back into the world of slicing elephants of various flavors.

    No two of us agreed on a most critical Measure and Grow metric. Ali opted for "Leaders creating an environment that supports creative thinking, curiosity and challenging the status quo." Stephan asked for an organization that "cultivates the courage and aptitude for innovation and encourages risk-taking." At the same time, Niko wanted to "promote learning and exploration through experimentation without fear of failure." Mark is obsessed with "pivoting without blame or consideration of sunk cost."

    Stephan Neck
    Ali Hajou
    Niko Kaintantzis (Moderator)
    Mark Richards

    Show Notes

    Book References:

    • Lean Startup - Eric Ries
    • Running Lean - Ash Mauriya
    • The Startup Way - Eric Ries
    • Let my people go surfing - Yvon Chouinard
    • The Culture Map - Erin Meyer

    Other References:

    • Epic Fails Brought to You By the Genius Mind of Thomas Edison - Smithsonian Magazine
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Fuel the enterprise's ability to dynamically transform itself by becoming a Learning Organization (#10)
    Mar 25 2024

    "At the heart of a learning organization is a shift of mind - from seeing ourselves as separate from the world to connected to the world, from seeing problems as caused by someone or something 'out there' to seeing how our actions create the problems we experience" - Peter Senge

    As an SPC or agile change agent, how do you bring the Learning Organization dimension of SAFe's Continuous Learning Culture to life in your organization? In this episode, Ali, Niko, and Mark continue in their quest to provide insight and inspiration by sharing their personal journeys and war stories from the field.

    Ali hosts as Mark describes the tension between the slow but sustainable growth from coaching time-poor executives on the journey and the rapid acceleration when you focus at the team level. Niko reminds us that the coach's job is to make themselves redundant as he describes an organization that achieved "learning on auto-pilot." After Mark explains his love affair with the Improvement Kata for developing reflective conversation skills, Ali shares his experience with the value of templates and tools to help people start on the journey.

    Regarding Measure and Grow metrics, we are fully divided on our favorites. Ali's favorite is an "organization [that] continuously creates, acquires, shares, and transfers knowledge." Niko wants "organizations [that] encourage employees to challenge the status quo," and Mark wants "Teams [that] work collectively to achieve common objectives by sharing knowledge, solving problems, and learning together."

    Ali Hajou (Moderator)
    Niko Kaintantzis
    Mark Richards

    Show Notes

    Book References:

    • The Fifth Discipline - Peter Senge
    • Toyota Kata - Mike Rother
    • Leadership is Language - David Marquet
    • The Psychological Safety Playbook - Karolin Helbig and Minette Norman

    Other References:

    • Building a learning organization - Harvard Business Review
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Put the customer at the center of every decision with Customer Centricity and Design Thinking (#9)
    Mar 25 2024

    "Test it while it feels unfinished. Otherwise, you fall in love with your solution and defend it instead of accepting feedback." - Niko Kaintantzis

    As an SPC or agile change agent, how do you support your organization's mastery of Customer Centricity and Design Thinking? In this episode, Ali, Niko, Stephan, and Mark continue in their quest to provide insight and inspiration by sharing their personal journeys and war stories from the field.

    Stephan hosts while Niko gets passionate about an ISO standard (yep, it is possible), Ali fights the constant idea of developing a one-size-fits-all solution, and Mark gets fired up about the importance of product strategy. Ali shares a great story about how a cyber-physical company found a way to be 'first on the market,' Mark reminisces about a group of Product Owners who brought the customers to life for their developers, and Niko stresses the importance of involving teams in the design thinking process.

    As usual, we're divided on our favorite Measure and Grow metric, but Mark and Ali win Niko over to their view that the presence of true rolling-wave roadmaps implies that the organization is incorporating customer feedback. Stephan is left in the minority, fighting for ‘Empathy’ as the most critical metric.

    Stephan Neck (Moderator)
    Ali Hajou
    Niko Kaintantzis
    Mark Richards

    Show Notes

    Book References:

    • Lean UX: Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden
    • Lean Startup: Eric Ries
    • Running Lean: Ash Mauriya
    • Usability und UX kompakt: Produkte für Menschen (IT kompakt)
    • User-Centred Engineering: Creating Products for Humans (English Edition
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    54 mins