• How to do Product Demos 101 | 432
    Jul 25 2024
    Effective product demos should be customer-centric, focused on framing the issue, showing how it applies to the client, and discussing the issue resolution, while also structuring the presentation to tell them, show them, and then tell them what you just told them.
    • Presenting a simple formula for effective product demos by layering more value on top of basic presentation skills.
    • Presenting a demo sequence should focus on being customer-centric, framing the issue, showing how it applies to the client, and discussing the issue resolution.
    • Show how to view sales activities and revenue quickly and easily to save time and access information efficiently.
    • Resolve the issue by structuring your presentation to tell them, show them, and then tell them what you just told them, creating mini structures within a larger presentation.
    • Imagine how easy it will be for you to have quick access to information and meaningful conversations with your salespeople.
    • Use the same structure to address multiple customer issues by identifying and resolving them one by one.
    • Show customers that your software is easy to use, provides timely information, and tell a story through your demo to properly showcase your product's features.
    • Fast classes on the platform offer 15-20 minute content for sales training, and the key to being a great speaker is to make the client look good, not oneself.

    Summary for: https://youtu.be/08emzbC8WUE by Eightify

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    6 mins
  • Don't Value Dump | 431
    Jul 19 2024
    When presenting a product or service to a client, it is important to focus on understanding the customer's needs and presenting tailored solutions, rather than overwhelming them with too many features and justifying the price through a long presentation.
    • Stop overselling and value dumping when presenting a product or service to a client.
    • Building more value justifies the price and helps the customer rationalize, but quantity does not equal quality and can oversaturate the customer.
    • Overwhelming customers with too many features and not understanding their needs leads to value dumping and losing the sale.
    • Understand what the customer wants and needs, and present solutions tailored to their current and future needs.
    • Don't overwhelm customers with all the features of a product, focus on demonstrating what they need and establish value.
    • Focus on the essential features now, and mention future benefits to avoid overwhelming the prospect.
    • Be selective in presenting value, focus on how your product or service can help the client, and avoid justifying the price through a long presentation.
    • Sell more faster by delivering real content, engaging the audience, and motivating them to push beyond their comfort zone.

    Summary for: https://youtu.be/-CTOiIcjQAw by Eightify

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    8 mins
  • Bring on the PAIN | 430
    Jul 18 2024
    Creating a sense of urgency and demonstrating the tangible value of the product or service is crucial in driving sales and motivating customers to make a change.
    • Create a sense of urgency to overcome status quo bias and encourage customers to buy.
    • Show the customer that the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change to motivate them to move forward.
    • Use ROI calculators to show customers the cost of investment in your system.
    • After 18 months, you'll get your money back and there's a lot of upside, so use ROI calculators and break even points to show the customer.
    • Show customers how not having certain features or services is causing them to lose market share, create urgency by demonstrating cost reduction and tie it back to their ability to be more competitive and grow their business.
    • Operational cost and opportunity cost are important to quantify and communicate to customers in order to show the tangible value of what they're missing out on.
    • Quantify the customer's pain and position it as greater than the pain of change to create urgency and drive sales.
    • Selling is about understanding the customer's pain, positioning the solution, and taking care of them, not about the speaker.

    Summary for: https://youtu.be/ejmFqZxCcF0 by Eightify

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    7 mins
  • Overcoming Buyer Indecision | 429
    Jul 16 2024
    Building trust, demonstrating expertise, and keeping the customer's best interest in mind are essential for overcoming indecision and closing deals.
    • Clients who can't make decisions are often afraid, and it's the salesperson's job to reduce their anxiety and address their concerns.
    • Create a sense of urgency to push potential customers to make a decision and act now.
    • Building trust with clients involves empathizing with their point of view and being a subject matter expert in your product.
    • Understand and communicate the differences between your offerings, demonstrate expertise in the market and business, and show the customer that you have their best interest in mind to build trust.
    • Understand and guide customers towards a product that will help them without overselling or underselling, positioning yourself as a subject matter expert to build trust.
    • Build trust, demonstrate expertise, and keep the customer's best interest in mind to overcome indecision and close the deal.
    • Close more deals by demonstrating subject matter expertise, keeping the client's best interest in mind, and connecting with them to make a buying decision.
    • A great speaker delivers real content, engages the audience, and motivates them, but the most important thing is to make the client look good.

    Summary for: https://youtu.be/ZQlw3XCFRMA by Eightify

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    9 mins
  • The Sales Sherpa - What Buyers Want | 428
    Jul 11 2024
    Salespeople need to shift from selling to guiding and clarifying, becoming domain experts in order to help customers navigate the overwhelming amount of content and make informed buying decisions.
    • Understand how the client mindset has changed over time to use it to your advantage in sales.
    • Customers want more information and guidance from salespeople, as they are now 57% into the buying journey according to The Challenger Sale.
    • Customers are already forming preferences before contacting a vendor, so it's important to understand their buying cycle and the number of decision makers involved.
    • Customers are overwhelmed by the abundance of information and the increasing number of decision makers involved in the buying process.
    • Buyers are more informed and involve more decision makers, so salespeople need to adapt their approach to ensure success.
    • Your expertise as a guide is crucial in helping customers make buying decisions in the age of overwhelming content.
    • Become a domain expert in your field to guide clients to make buying decisions, shifting from selling to helping and clarifying.
    • Focus on delivering real content, engaging the audience, and motivating them to push beyond their comfort zone, always making the client look good.

    Summary for: https://youtu.be/R947o04zIVo by Eightify

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    7 mins
  • Training for Results Formula | 427
    Jul 10 2024
    Key insights
    • Using a three-part formula can help you train or coach more effectively by allocating time strategically during your sessions.
    • Take one-third of the time to explain the concept, and the second third to showcase it in action.
    • Implementing concepts in real life is where the real understanding comes from in training for results.
    • The key to effective training is not just explaining concepts and providing examples, but also showing how to apply them to real business situations.

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    5 mins
  • Level 3 Selling | 426
    Jul 3 2024
    The key to success in sales is reaching level three selling activities, which involves proactively identifying and solving customer problems, anticipating future issues, and providing long-term value to the customer.
    • Understand the three types of salespeople and where you fit in the market to differentiate yourself in a competitive market.
    • Differentiation and cost reduction can only go so far, so the key to success in sales is reaching level three sales activities.
    • Level 3 selling is about proactively identifying and solving customer problems, rather than waiting for them to tell you.
    • Level 3 selling involves anticipating and highlighting future problems for the customer, moving beyond just identifying and solving current problems.
    • Understand the market and customer base to provide long-term perspective and value to the customer.
    • Level 3 selling involves predicting and anticipating future problems for customers and guiding them, leading to less focus on price and differentiation.
    • Companies are looking for business partners, not just suppliers, in today's hyper competitive market, so strive for level three selling.
    • A great speaker delivers real content, engages the audience, and motivates them, but the most important thing is to make the client look good, not oneself.
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    7 mins
  • How to Motivate Your Team | #425
    Jun 14 2024
    Fear, apathy, and skepticism are common barriers to motivation, and managers need to address these issues by providing clear training, showing the value in employees' work, and connecting tasks with outcomes to motivate their team and reduce doubts.
    • 00:00 Fear, apathy, and skepticism are the three categories that hold people back from being motivated.
    • 01:01 Look for symptoms of skepticism in employees such as tardiness, laziness, negativity, and uncooperativeness.
    • 01:35 Employees lacking quality work may be anxious and nervous due to fear of not knowing how to do something, which can be solved by providing clear training and guidance.
    • 02:36 Managers need to show employees the value in their work to prevent apathy and lack of motivation.
    • 03:08 Connect the task with the outcome and value to overcome apathy and skepticism in sales.
    • 04:04 Show the purpose and value to motivate skeptics and reduce their doubts to be successful.
    • 04:57 Release the mental breaks of fear, apathy, and skepticism to motivate your team and show them value.
    • 05:39 Focus on delivering real content, engaging the audience, and motivating them to push beyond their comfort zone, always making the client look good.
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    7 mins