• Sanctified Reason - Imagine A World Where Love Is Taught Instead of Hate
    Sep 19 2024

    On this episode Sonn Eidem and Dan Delzell discuss teaching love not hate

    A comprehensive review of nearly 400 school textbooks published between 2013 and 2020 found that "Palestinian children are being systematically taught to hate Jewish Israelis and violently resist a Jewish presence in Israel."

    Most Palestinian parents who were indoctrinated as children to hate Jews tend to spitefully repeat the vicious cycle with their own children.

    Website RadioWarp.com

    email sanctifiedreasonpodcast@gmail.com

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    53 mins
  • Sanctified Reason - The Stranglehold of Materialism
    Sep 19 2024

    On this episode, Sonn Eidem & Dan Delzell discuss: Materialism develops within man's soul when he constantly fixates upon the splendor of his material possessions. But materialism can only exist in your heart if it has "room to breathe." Otherwise, it suffocates from lack of attention.

    What level of materialism do you have and does it have a stranglehold on You?

    Website: RadioWarp.com

    email: sanctifiedreasonpodcast@gmail.com

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    53 mins
  • Sanctified Reason - Seven Reasons Why You Need the Holy Spirit
    Aug 29 2024

    On this episode, Sonn Eidem and Dan Delzell discuss: that God consists of Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father sent His only Son to be our redeemer, and the Holy Spirit enables us to believe in Jesus and empowers us to follow Christ as our Lord and Savior.

    The Holy Spirit dwells within the body and soul of every believer. The Apostle Paul wrote to believers in Corinth: "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" (1 Corinthians 6:19)

    Regardless of your spiritual condition today, Here are 7 reasons you need the Holy Spirit

    Website: RadioWarp.com

    email: sanctifiedreasonpodcast@gmail.com

    Instagram: @sanctifiedreasonpodcast

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    51 mins
  • Sanctified Reason - Imagine If You Only Had Politics To Believe In
    Aug 29 2024

    On this episode, Sonn Eidem & Dan Delzell discuss how for those of us who know Christ to truly fathom how depressing it would be if all we had in life were politics. After all, try to imagine the hopelessness you would feel if the pinnacle of your existence was rooted in American politics. Join us for the conversation

    Website: RadioWarp.com

    email: sanctifiedreasonpodcast@gmail.com

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    55 mins
  • Sanctified Reason - Are Other People Bigger Sinners Than You?
    Aug 6 2024

    on this episode we talk about the ranking of sins. How people view sin in a ranking system thinking that some sin is less bad than other sin. However, in God's eyes all sin is equally bad and worthy of judgement. Only the saving grace of Jesus dying on the cross can save us from any and all sin.

    There is no hierarchy when it comes to sin.

    James 2:10 - For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

    Website RadioWarp.com

    email sanctifiedreasonpodcast@gmail.com

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    49 mins
  • Sanctified Reason - Counterfeit Spirituality
    Jun 26 2024

    Satan has been counterfeiting God's design for thousands of years to confuse and fool people into believing God is not real.

    Satan creates counterfeit forms of spirituality to trap people into believing in a false religion.

    Satan is skilled at tricking people into accepting counterfeits of the Gospel. To blind you from your need for the cross, and God's forgiveness and salvation. Join us for the conversation.

    Website: RadioWarp.com

    Email: sanctifiedreasonpodcast@gmail.com

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    1 hr
  • Sanctified Reason - The Ten Commandents in the Classroom
    Jun 22 2024

    On this episode we discuss the Louisiana law that allows for the posting of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms. Why is there so much outrage over this? How does this compare to having the LGBT flag in the classroom and "other" items.

    Wouldn't society be a better place if there was a focus on a standard of conduct to live by instead of the lawless and morally corrupt society we currently live in? join us for the conversation

    Website: RadioWarp.com

    Email: sanctifiedreasonpodcast@gmail.com

    Instagram @sanctifiedreason

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    59 mins
  • Sanctified Reason - Who is the Anti-Christ
    Jun 15 2024

    on this episode, Sonn Eidem & Dan Delzell discuss who the Anti-Christ might be. We look at the question of Who is the Anti-Christ? Is there only one Anti-Christ or are there many? When will the Anti-Christ appear? and How will Jesus defeat the Anti-Christ? and what about the Beast?

    Join us for the conversation.

    Website: RadioWarp.com

    Email: sanctifiedreasonpodcast@gmail.com

    Instagram: @sanctifiedreasonpodcast

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    50 mins