• Are You Not Offended?
    Feb 9 2024

    Welcome to another mind-bending episode of "Saviors of the Metaverse," where today, our co-host Jared embarks on a whimsical journey through the realms of skepticism, sensitivity, and storytelling, with his trusty new iPad Pro leading the charge (and occasionally leading him astray).

    The Story:

    In a world oversaturated with TikTok facts and the constant clamor of opinions—of which, we're told, we should have fewer—Jared finds himself pondering the art of questioning everything without falling into the abyss of cynicism. His quest is simple yet profound: to navigate the tumultuous waters of modern discourse, where everyone seems to be perpetually offended, and to rediscover the joy of writing fiction.

    Jared's journey begins with a curious Facebook prompt, igniting a spark of inspiration. He sets out, iPad Pro in hand, to explore the themes that bind our society: from Nikki Haley's latest political maneuvers and the fervor of voting in primaries, to the historical tales of Presidents Grover Cleveland and William McKinley, whose life was cut short by an assassination in Buffalo—home of the Pan American Games and a football team coached by a figure as scrutinized as any politician.

    As Jared delves into these narratives, he encounters the paradox of our times: a culture caught between the duels of the past and the victimhood of the present, where conversations falter because no one truly listens. He muses on the evolution of entertainment, noting how actors now covet roles in television (streaming, to be precise), and reflects on the scandals rocking platforms like BetterHelp.org.

    But it's not all doom and gloom. Amid the cacophony, Jared finds solace in "The Humans" by Matt Haig and the wisdom of figures like Condoleezza Rice. He considers the expectations placed on us by society, the surprisingly high average age of politicians, and the looming specter of Trump vs. Biden 2026.

    Through it all, the iPad Pro proves to be both a catalyst for trouble and a beacon of salvation. It leads Jared into the heart of the debate over whether to dwell in victimhood or embrace the challenges head-on. It challenges him to stay curious amidst the narratives of the past and present, from living in the old days to the speculative futures of presidential elections.

    In a climactic twist, Jared's foray into writing fiction on his iPad becomes a metaphor for the episode's core themes: the importance of questioning everything without succumbing to cynicism, the art of navigating a world where offense is all too common, and the transformative power of storytelling.

    As the episode concludes, Jared reflects on his journey, realizing that while the world may be fraught with challenges, there is always a path forward for those willing to question, listen, and create. And sometimes, all it takes is a new iPad Pro to set the adventure in motion.

    Join us for this episode of "Saviors of the Metaverse," where reality and fiction blur, opinions are plentiful (though we're trying to have fewer), and the quest for understanding is the greatest adventure of all.

    And now, connect with your favorite and least favorite co-hosts:

    • Eric Kasimov: Twitter | LinkedIn | content production
    • Jared Nichols: LinkedIn | leverage your future
    • Saviors of the Metaverse shorts: TikTok | YouTube


    • This episode: "Are You Not Offended?" was produced by the team at KazCM
    • Follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts
    • Follow this podcast on Spotify
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    57 mins
  • Joey from Jupiter and the Tale of Shattered Egos
    Feb 2 2024

    Welcome to an epic episode of "Saviors of the Metaverse," where we weave a tale of intrigue, ego, and cosmic conundrums, featuring our brand new beloved fictional character, Joey from Jupiter. Jupiter, Florida, that is. But don't worry; this episode goes to outer space too!

    The Story

    In the sun-drenched streets of Jupiter, Florida, Joey, an avid podcast enthusiast with dreams bigger than the Sunshine State, stumbles upon a startling revelation. Apple Podcast Analytics, the behemoth of podcast data, has revamped its reporting system. The impact is immediate and dramatic - podcasters worldwide awaken to a new reality where their download numbers no longer match their lofty self-images. Among them are the creators of a podcast, where the co-host Jared has a peculiar disdain for Neil deGrasse Tyson, seeing him as an emblem of overrated celebrity scientists.

    As Joey "delves" deeper, he discovers a parallel with the world of narrative wars and non-player characters (NPCs). In this episode, our hosts draw parallels between the podcasting world and the broader societal narratives. They explore how, like in video games, many individuals seem to operate as NPCs, following scripts without questioning the larger story.

    Joey, with his innate curiosity, questions everything. Why did Apple change its analytics? How does this mirror the larger world, where narrative wars shape our perceptions? He ponders over the iPad Pro, thinking about the social dilemmas and the Silicon Valley ethos that drive our digital age.

    In his quest, Joey encounters various characters: a group of podcasters lamenting the loss of their inflated download numbers, a tech guru from Silicon Valley obsessed with the Metaverse, and even a fictionalized version of Mark Zuckerberg, entangled in his own social dilemmas.

    Through Google Maps, Joey explores the vast landscapes of information, each pin drop a story, each route a different narrative. He realizes the impact of these narrative wars, as seen through the lens of COVID and the global response, where every piece of information seemed like a battle for truth.

    In a twist, Joey tunes into a podcast featuring a debate between Neil deGrasse Tyson and a character suspiciously resembling Donald Trump, discussing the simulation theory. Here, Jared, the co-host, can barely hide his annoyance, providing a comedic relief to the intense discourse.

    As our story concludes, Joey reflects on the journey, sipping Kirkland's Sparkling Water - Lemon Essence, the drink that somehow makes sense of it all. He realizes that in this world of shifting narratives and digital frontiers, the only constant is change, and the only truth is the one we choose to believe.

    Join us for this episode of "Saviors of the Metaverse," where reality, fiction, and the cosmic dance of podcast analytics collide in an unforgettable adventure.

    And now, connect with your favorite and least favorite co-hosts:

    • Eric Kasimov: Twitter | LinkedIn | content production
    • Jared Nichols: LinkedIn | leverage your future
    • Saviors of the Metaverse shorts: TikTok | YouTube


    • This episode: "Joey from Jupiter and the Tale of Shattered Egos" was produced by the team at KazCM
    • Follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts
    • Follow this podcast on Spotify
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    36 mins
  • Minimalism Mindset + Sunbutter Goodness, Meaning, 2.5M Podcasts
    Dec 13 2023

    Welcome back to your favorite cosmic rollercoaster, "Saviors of the Metaverse!" Strap in as we zoom through a galaxy of giggles and wisdom, tackling everything from the existential butter crisis to Shakespearean text messages. Here’s what’s cooking in today's episode. But first, hit pause and snag something you haven’t used since the last solar eclipse. Ready to donate or ditch? Great! Because we’re about to dive headfirst into the art of the minimalism mindset -- and trust us, you’ll need the extra space for all the laughs we've packed in!

    1. What Kind of Butter Do You Like?
    Butter enthusiasts, unite! Is Sunbutter the unsung hero of spreads or just a nutty imposter? Let's churn through the debate and spread some joy (and maybe some Sunbutter).

    2. We Have It Good in America
    Time to count our stars and stripes! Let's get real about the luxuries of American life. Warning: Side effects may include sudden bursts of patriotism and an urge to hug an eagle.

    3. Why Do We Do This Show?
    A moment of existential crisis, podcast style. Why are we here? For the fame, the glory, or just because we forgot to cancel the studio booking?

    4. English vs Old English and Shakespeare
    To be or not to be...confused by Shakespeare. We're decoding thy old English and wondering if Shakespeare would've used emojis. Not really.

    5. & Juliet Broadway Musical and Changing the Story
    What if Juliet didn't need Romeo to have a good time? We talk about flipping scripts and Broadway musicals that make history go, "Wait, what?"

    6. The Life of a 'Pick Me'
    Feeling like the main character in "High School Musical: The Quest for Cool"? We're dissecting the 'pick me' saga – where every day feels like a quest for the 'Most Likely to be Noticed' award. But here’s the twist: in our world, everyone's a star -- no auditions necessary!

    7. Don't Explain What It All Means
    Dive into the pool of life's mysteries – no lifeguard on duty. Sometimes, the magic is in the mystery, and sometimes it’s just confusing. Either way, no explanations allowed!

    8. Apple Has 2.5 Million Podcasts, But Only 450K Are Active
    In a sea of 2.5 million podcasts, we're the ones waving at you from the lighthouse of awesomeness. Let's chat about why the other 2.05 million might be taking a little podcast nap.

    9. 30-Day Minimalist Challenge
    Can you live with less and laugh more? We dare you to try. Clear your clutter, find your zen, and maybe misplace your car keys in the process.

    That's all for today's episode of "Saviors of the Metaverse." Remember, in a world full of podcasts, you've chosen the one that saves you from boredom. Keep laughing, keep thinking, and we’ll see you in the next dimension of delightful absurdity!

    Oh and smash that subscribe button like it's the snooze on Monday morning!

    And now, connect with your favorite and least favorite co-hosts:

    • Eric Kasimov: Twitter | LinkedIn | content production
    • Jared Nichols: LinkedIn | leverage your future
    • Saviors of the Metaverse shorts: TikTok | YouTube


    • This episode: "Minimalism Mindset + Sunbutter Goodness, Meaning, 2.5M Podcasts" was produced by the team at KazCM
    • Follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts
    • Follow this podcast on Spotify
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    28 mins
  • Virtual Hot Topics | The Credit Card Is Killing the Economy!
    Dec 8 2023

    Welcome to another electrifying Virtual Hot Topic Friday on "Saviors of the Metaverse"! Today, we're diving headfirst into the whirlwind world of "Doom Spending: The Credit Card Apocalypse!"

    Picture this: Vacations galore, the shiniest new TV, endless Amazon packages, and more stuff than you can shake a credit card at! The magic of Apple Pay transforms your sandwich dreams into reality, while Uber whisks you away on seemingly free adventures. And who can forget the thrill of snagging the latest video game without a single dollar leaving your wallet?

    But wait... there's a twist! Amidst this spending spree lurks the shadow of economic doom. The "experts" have been counting down for 3 years, predicting a market crash to rival the Great Depression. And their message? "Told ya so!"

    So, what's our response? Shop till we drop, of course! From the luxury aisles of Neiman Marcus to the cozy corners of Target, from soaring with American Airlines to chowing down at the local burger joint. Don't forget those all-important subscriptions – what's life without a little retail therapy, right?

    But here's the kicker: Could our shopping escapades be the very thing that sends the economy into a tailspin? It's time to pause, breathe (we recommend box breathing!), and put down that credit card. Join us, your trusted Saviors of the Metaverse (and, apparently, the real-world economy), as we unravel the mysteries of what's happening, what isn't, and what may never happen.

    And remember, it's Virtual Hot Topic Friday – not "Fry Yah!" Let's say no to more fries and yes to saving the metaverse (and our wallets) one hilarious episode at a time! #DoomSpending #VirtualHotTopicFriday #SaviorsOfTheMetaverse

    And now, connect with your favorite and least favorite co-hosts:

    • Eric Kasimov: Twitter | LinkedIn | content production
    • Jared Nichols: LinkedIn | leverage your future
    • Saviors of the Metaverse shorts: TikTok | YouTube
    • Related episodes: WFH Is Not For Everyone! | Laundry as a Gateway to the Gig Economy


    • This episode: "Virtual Hot Topics | The Credit Card Is Killing the Economy!" was produced by the team at KazCM
    • Follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts
    • Follow this podcast on Spotify
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    19 mins
  • Marvel's Next Film: ChatGPT vs Grok
    Dec 6 2023

    It's a clash of AI titans as we dig into the capabilities, quirks, and fictional cinematic universe where Grok and ChatGPT not only converse but compete for universe domination! Will ChatGPT behind Sam Altman and OpenAI win or does Grok and its play on 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' spell multiplanetary domination? It's a battle of bytes and wit—no infinity stones needed, just a pure artificial intelligence melee! #ChatGPTvsGrok

    And now, connect with your favorite and least favorite co-hosts:

    • Eric Kasimov: Twitter | LinkedIn | content production
    • Jared Nichols: LinkedIn | leverage your future
    • Saviors of the Metaverse shorts: TikTok | YouTube


    • This episode: "Marvel's Next Film: ChatGPT vs Grok" was produced by the team at KazCM
    • Follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts
    • Follow this podcast on Spotify
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    25 mins
  • Flash | Content Overload!
    Dec 4 2023

    Content overload! How do we make sense of the never-ending stream of content in our lives?? From social media to T.V. it seems like there is no pause button, and most of it is garbage! The Saviors share their predictions for the direction content is headed, but of course, in classic Saviors fashion, the conversation takes a few detours... So buckle up!

    What is a Flash episode?

    An ode to one of our heroes. A podcast focused on hilarity (usually), digestibility, focused wisdom, speed, and brevity. All with some "saving" involved. This episode is taken from one of our longer-form episodes. So if you want to listen to that, you should do that.

    In this episode:

    • A strange encounter with a shirtless man...
    • Learning how to create
    • Convincing people to buy your product
    • Just start publishing!
    • The never-ending amount of bad content

    Let’s work together:

    • content production
    • leverage your future
    • sports media brand & production co
    • start your own podcast or join a network

    Social media:

    • Eric Kasimov & KazSource: Twitter | LinkedIn
    • Jared Nichols: LinkedIn
    • Saviors of the Metaverse shorts | TikTok | YouTube


    • This episode: “Content Overload!” was produced by the team at KazCM
    • Follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts
    • Follow this podcast on Spotify
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    22 mins
  • Virtual Hot Topics | Power to the User Who Is You!
    Dec 1 2023

    Welcome to our first-ever virtual 'Hot Topics' Friday! In this dynamic episode, we're all about "Power to the User." From deleting apps off our phones to coping with heart-wrenching sports losses (looking at you, Ohio State), we're unpacking it all. We even dive into the unexpected world of Pinterest as a top social media choice. Amidst the big headlines, like Nikki Haley's latest endorsement and NFL coaching dramas, we find the fun in the frenzy. Plus, don't miss Jared serenading us with his guitar! It's spontaneous, it's ridiculous, it's us taking control. #UsersUnite #HotTopicsFriday

    And now, connect with your favorite and least favorite co-hosts:

    • Eric Kasimov: Twitter | LinkedIn | content production
    • Jared Nichols: LinkedIn | leverage your future
    • Saviors of the Metaverse shorts: TikTok | YouTube
    • Related episodes: WFH Is Not For Everyone! | Laundry as a Gateway to the Gig Economy


    • This episode: "Virtual Hot Topics | Power to the User Who Is You!" was produced by the team at KazCM
    • Follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts
    • Follow this podcast on Spotify
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    11 mins
  • FACT: Work From Home Is Destroying America?
    Nov 29 2023

    Join us as we unpack the "catastrophic" consequences of work from home on American soil—or so the headlines scream. Dive into a ludicrously serious investigation with us where we decipher whether our comfy couch offices are truly the nation's undoing. Tune in, laugh, and learn as we explore if "work from home" is the real American dream or just a dreamy American scheme. #WorkFromHomeRealityCheck

    And now, connect with your favorite and least favorite co-hosts:

    • Eric Kasimov: Twitter | LinkedIn | content production
    • Jared Nichols: LinkedIn | leverage your future
    • Saviors of the Metaverse shorts: TikTok | YouTube


    • This episode: "FACT: Work From Home Is Destroying America?" was produced by the team at KazCM
    • Follow this podcast on Apple Podcasts
    • Follow this podcast on Spotify
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    26 mins