
  • Architecting your perfect business (Vision vs Goals)
    Apr 18 2024

    The Art Of Crafting Your Perfect Business

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Breaking through upper limits & self sabotage (includes guided hypnosis)
    Apr 10 2024

    A breakthrough that creates clarity is often followed by doubt, anxiety, fear, worry, second guessing or some sort of sabotage.

    The main reason for this subconscious resistance is due to a deviation from your ‘set point' for ease, peace, safety and money.

    The resistance and self-sabotage, is a ‘homeostatic regulator’ which is designed to keep us at our baseline, bringing us back to our comfort zone as soon as we leave it.

    In this video I share my concept of the growth equation, and guide you through a process to minimize resistance so you can create sustainable growth.

    Topics discussed:

    - The Paradox of Founder Clarity and Self-Sabotage

    - Unpacking the Equation of Growth

    - The Psychological Battle Against Growth

    - Navigating the Yo-Yo Effect

    - Building an Unshakeable Foundation of Self-Trust

    Más Menos
    37 m
  • Addicted to growth?
    Apr 4 2024

    Striving for growth from a place of perceived deficit or a need to prove oneself is an illusion and ultimately unfulfilling.

    Instead, growth should stem from curiosity and a comfortable acceptance of where one currently is.

    A balance between appreciating what we have and maintaining the desire to achieve more, is the ideal state for entrepreneurs to aspire towards.

    Key points:

    The Essence of Growth: Beyond Ambition and Need

    The Myth of Not Being Good Enough

    Curiosity vs. Compulsion: The Dual Nature of Growth

    Embracing Stillness: The Key to Healthy Growth

    Navigating Life's Challenges: From Relationships to Self-Discovery

    The Neurochemistry of Growth: Serotonin vs. Dopamine

    Finding Balance: The Middle Path to Satisfaction and Growth

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Become competition proof
    Apr 3 2024

    In this training segment from a Scale With Psychology Accelerator Call, I talk about how innovation is diffused through a market and how you can master market dynamics to create and maintain dominance in your industry.

    The diffusion curve describes how the market evaluates your product or service and ensuing rate of adoption which results in the market share you’re able to capture.

    This applies to every single kind of business, in every industry.

    Why this is important:

    If you don’t speak to different market segments based on how they evaluate solutions, you end up wasting a lot of $$$ and time.

    If you don’t up level your positioning and messaging to match the market’s sophistication, you risk becoming obsolete.

    If you want to create a defensible business that makes you immune to competition ,you must incorporate 3 key elements into your brand.

    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Fear of slowing down | Addicted to self improvement
    Mar 23 2024

    In this live coaching segment, I dive into the nuances of the psychological aspects of motivation, fear of failure, and the desire for self-improvement.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Why you’re hard on yourself
    Mar 19 2024

    Why do successful entrepreneurs continue to be hard on themselves despite achieving significant success?

    In this coaching segment I unpack the brain's negativity bias and addictive nature of negative self-perception.

    The ultimate goal is a state of flow and abundance, achieved by minimizing self-focus and maximizing engagement with passions and contribution to the world.

    • The Surprising Truth Behind Negative Self-Talk Among Successful Entrepreneurs
    • Unpacking the Architecture of Negative Self-Talk
    • Understanding the Brain's Negativity Bias and Its Impact
    • The Addictive Nature of Negative Self-Talk
    • How Our Brain Predicts and Prefers Negative Outcomes
    • The Vicious Cycle of Confirming Negative Beliefs
    • Neurological Reinforcement of Negative Thoughts
    • Breaking the Cycle: The Path to Positive Self-Thought
    • The Ultimate Goal: A State Beyond Self-Thought
    • Embracing Abundance Through Contribution and Love
    • Achieving True Abundance by Downregulating Self-Focus
    • The Flow State: Merging with the Moment and the Divine
    • Tapping into True Abundance Through Passion and Flow

    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Are you codependent with your business?
    Mar 18 2024

    Entrepreneurs often link their identity and emotional state to their business's performance, creating a level of volatility that is extremely counterproductive to business goals.

    This issue is rooted in childhood needs, which are then projected onto the business, leading to an unhealthy reliance on its success for personal validation.

    I break it all down in this 12 min coaching segment from the Scale With Psychology Accelerator and talk about the importance of achieving a healthy separation between ourselves and the business.

    Ideas covered:

    • The Trap of Codependency in Business Success
    • The Illusion of Business Success and Personal Well-being
    • Childhood Roots of Codependency and the Journey to Independence
    • The Dangers of Business Codependency and the Path to Sovereignty
    • Achieving a Healthy Relationship with Your Business
    • The Personal Transformation Required for Business Evolution
    • Realizing the True Purpose Behind Your Business
    • Aligning Business Architecture with Personal Growth

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Why scale with psychology?
    Mar 12 2024

    Transforming Business Success Through Founder Psychology

    In this episode I outline the philosophy and approach of 'Scale with Psychology', my company dedicated to helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses by optimizing their psychology.

    I emphasizes the importance of congruence between a founder's life and their business, illustrating how misalignment often leads to self-sabotage and prevents growth.

    This unique methodology focuses on internal transformation by addressing the psychological constructs, belief systems, and subconscious patterns that influence business decisions.

    External factors like team quality, funding, and market potential are always secondary to the founder's psychology.

    In the Scale with Psychology Accelerator program, founders can expect personalized guidance to identify and overcome psychological barriers, design efficient business strategies, and achieve exponential growth while improving their quality of life, relationships, and health.

    • Introduction to Scale with Psychology
    • The Importance of Founder Psychology in Business Scaling
    • Identifying and Overcoming Psychological Barriers
    • The Scale with Psychology Accelerator Program
    • Comprehensive Support for Founders
    • Invitation to Join the Accelerator

    Más Menos
    11 m