
  • Season 4 - Episode 22 - Labour Law
    Jul 16 2024

    This time we look at European and comparative labour law with Luca Ratti, Associate Professor at the University of Luxembourg. Luca shares his journey of making labour law engaging for students and discusses his research on minimum wages and European social citizenship. Additionally, Luca provides insights into the right to disconnect, a topic that has gained prominence in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.


    About Luca Ratti: https://www.uni.lu/fdef-en/people/luca-ratti/

    Students about Luca Ratti: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tMNQQ5YDH8

    Guiding Principles on Implementing Workers' Right to Disconnect: https://www.europeanlawinstitute.eu/projects-publications/publications/eli-guiding-principles-on-implementing-workers-right-to-disconnect/

    European Law Institute: https://www.europeanlawinstitute.eu

    Directive 2022 on Adequate Minimum Wages:

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    42 mins
  • Season 4 - Episode 21 - Science Podcasting at LAML
    Jul 9 2024

    This very special episode includes fragments of biology podcasts made by students at Lycée Aline Mayrisch during an FNR-funded project.

    During the Project Week at school, the students visited the Musée de l’Homme in Paris where they got inspiration and information about one of the chosen subjects: brain development, feelings, neurological diseases and art.

    We really couldn’t be prouder of the results and would like to thank Carol Lunkes, the biology teacher who coordinated the project as well as Judith Reicherzer who helped out at various stages – including a great presentation about journalism! Last but not least, big thanks to Mattia Rheim, our technician and our external reviewer.


    Lycée Aline Mayrisch - https://www.laml.lu/en/
    FNR - https://www.fnr.lu/

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    17 mins
  • Season 4 - Episode 20 - Can We Change Time Perception?
    Jul 2 2024

    Many factors can influence the way we feel the passage of time. And it seems we can also alter it using extended reality. Listen to Dr. Jean Botev and Sahar Niknam (University of Luxembourg) and Prof. Argiro Vatakis (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences), the researchers who are developing VR/AR solutions to change our time perception. In this episode you will even get some tips on how to speed up or slow down your time perception - look for the answer to the pub quiz question.


    About the ChronoPilot project: https://www.chronopilot.eu/
    VR/AR Lab at the University of Luxembourg: https://vrarlab.uni.lu/
    About Prof. Argiro Vatakis and her lab: https://argirovatakis.com
    More about FET Open projects: https://cordis.europa.eu/programme/id/H2020-EU.1.2.1.

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    46 mins
  • Season 4 - Episode 19 - Beauty in Physics and Chemistry
    Jun 18 2024

    In our recent discussions with physicists we have often ended up discussing beauty. Wikipedia says that beauty is a feature that makes objects pleasurable to perceive. And what does prof. Alex Tkatchenko think?

    Prof. Alex Tkatchenko (University of Luxembourg), who is a chemical physicist, not only took the time to tell us what is beautiful in physics and chemistry, but also focused on his research interests such as dark energy, drug development and protein folding. A truly enjoyable episode for people who like science!


    About Alex Tkatchenko - https://www.uni.lu/fstm-en/people/alexandre-tkatchenko/
    Theoretical Chemical Group at the University of Luxembourg - https://www.uni.lu/fstm-en/research-groups/theoretical-chemical-physics/

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    45 mins
  • Season 4 - Episode 18 - Climate Change Research
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode of SciLux, we talk about climate science and policy with Dr. Andrew Ferrone, a physical climatologist and the head of the Meteorological Department at the Administration of Technical Agricultural Services in Luxembourg. Andrew shares his expertise and insights into the evolving field of climatology, the significant role of greenhouse gases, and the critical importance of reaching net-zero CO2 emissions to stabilise our climate.

    We explore the profound changes in climatology over the years and the increasing involvement of various disciplines in climate studies. Andrew also discusses the dramatic increase in extreme weather events and their attribution to climate change, highlighting recent examples such as the flooding in Dubai and Luxembourg.


    Andrew Ferrone’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewferrone
    World Meteorological Organisation: https://public.wmo.int/en
    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: https://www.ipcc.ch/
    European State of the Climate Report: https://climate.copernicus.eu/ESOTC

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    49 mins
  • Season 4 - Episode 17 - AllergoOncology
    Jun 4 2024

    Here's interdisciplinarity at its best - combining experitise in allergies and oncology we get a novel and special look at the interesting link between cancer cell growth and allergies. Listen to our guests, Dr. Aurelie Poli (LIH) and Dr. Heather Bax (King's College London) as they explain the bases of the field also touching upon new developments in the field of IgE antibodies.


    About Aurélie Poli's work - https://researchportal.lih.lu/en/persons/aur%C3%A9lie-poli
    AllergoOncology Working Group - https://eaaci.org/working-group/allergooncology/
    About Heather Bax - https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/heather-bax
    More about MOv18 IgE - https://epsilogen.com/mov18-ige/

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    40 mins
  • Season 4 - Episode 16 - Time Series and Directional Statistics
    May 21 2024

    Sometimes science is about going very deep, but it pays off to also cross disciplines and try to apply your knowledge to other fields - this is exactly what my guests try to do in their statistical research. Listen to Prof. Masanobu Taniguichi and Sophia Loizidou as they explain complex statistical concepts, but also take the time to clarify what for example distribution is.


    About Prof. Taniguchi - https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100000713_en.html
    Prof. Taniguchi's lecture at the Luxembourg - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKgOocsQUUw
    Team MIDAS - https://math.uni.lu/midas/
    About Sophia Loizidou - https://math.uni.lu/midas/people/dp/?sophialoizidou

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    33 mins
  • Season 4 - Episode 15 - Child Poverty
    May 7 2024

    It is time to design policies that will combat poverty without relying on economic growth. In the latest episode, two experts in child poverty, Dr. Anne-Catherine Guio (LISER) and Prof. Olivier De Schutter (Université catholique de Louvain) have shared their findings.

    Olivier De Schutter is also UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights and together with Anne-Catherine, Eric Marlier and Hugh Fraser he co-authored a book called ‘Escape from Poverty: Breaking the Vicious Cycles Perpetuating Disadvantage’.


    "Escape from Poverty: Breaking the Vicious Cycles Perpetuating Disadvantage" - https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/the-escape-from-poverty
    Olivier De Schutter - Report on non-take-up of rights: https://www.srpoverty.org/ntu/
    Conference "The lives of people in precarious situations in Luxembourg and the use of aid": https://www.liser.lu/?type=news&id=2450
    Chambre Des Députés conference "Challenges of the youth in Luxembourg" https://www.chd.lu/en/conference_youth

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    38 mins