• Truth, change and hope with Professor Tom Calma AO
    Nov 28 2023

    In our final episode of Seriously Social, we bring you a special interview with 2023 Senior Australian of the Year, Professor Tom Calma AO. A Kungarakan and Iwaidja Elder, educator, human rights campaigner and academic, Professor Calma has spent decades effecting positive change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In this interview, Professor Calma reflects on the things that drive him and the hopes he has for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, and all Australians, in the wake of the Voice Referendum. Don’t miss this important message of truth and hope from one of Australia’s most significant changemakers, in conversation with host Ginger Gorman.


    Watch the full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6gJKSNTn8g


    • Australian of the Year Awards 
    • The Voice referendum results The Squiz 
    • 2005 Social Justice Report Australian Human Rights Commission 
    • Close the Gap Campaign 
    • Racism. It stops with me. Australian Human Rights Commission 
    • Tackling Indigenous Smoking  
    • Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation 
    • Living First Language Platform 
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    38 mins
  • The missing middle: Getting density right
    Oct 30 2023

    As the housing crisis worsens, do we have the courage to reimagine a home among the gumtrees or are we too set in our ways to branch out? In this episode, we investigate why density is a dirty word and offer a comprehensive view of the possibilities ahead. Join host Ginger Gorman as she speaks to housing policy expert Professor Bill Randolph (UNSW City Futures Research Centre), innovative architect Lisa Garner from LIAN Architects, and Associate Professor in Urban Planning (The University of Queensland), Dr Dorina Pojani, to break ground on the problem and reimagine our cities.

    Useful Links

    • Nightingale Housing
    • Victorian Government Future Homes Initiative
    • Outrage and Optimism Podcast

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    24 mins
  • Who does Australia lock up?
    Sep 25 2023

    Incarceration rates are on the rise in Australia. Is there a crime wave or is it media hype? Join host Ginger Gorman as she cuts through the clickbait to uncover the truth about crime in Australia and who we lock up. Professor Eileen Baldry AO, a leading criminologist from UNSW, separates fact from fiction, while Justen Thomas, an advocate for vulnerable youth offers a unique perspective from firsthand experience. Get ready for a confronting discussion on the real story behind the headlines and whether incarceration is truly the answer.

    Useful Links

    • Lifeline 11 13 14
    • 1800 Respect 1800 737 732
    • Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
    • Outrage + Optimism Podcast
    • National Children’s Commissioner slams “shocking” new Queensland youth justice laws Australian Human Rights Commission
    • New South Wales Government to double penalties for knife crimes NSW Government
    • The sad story of Marlon Noble ABC Ramp Up
    • NSW police use force against Indigenous Australians at drastically disproportionate levels, data shows The Guardian
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    32 mins
  • Trust unveiled: Not all apologies are equal
    Aug 28 2023

    Which professions and brands do you trust? In this episode, Professor Nicole Gillespie from the Trust, Ethics and Governance Alliance at the University of Queensland talks us through trust—how to build it, maintain it, and what to do if we lose it. Going beyond the personal perspective, Professor Gillespie examines the factors that make an organisation trustworthy and the psychology behind building consumer confidence.

    Useful Links

    • 2023 Productivity Commission Report
    • What Australia Thinks ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods
    • Mattel recalls nearly 100 000 toys after lead paint alert The Guardian
    • AMP scandal shows the coverup is often worse than the crime ABC News
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    22 mins
  • Chatbots and body image: How AI is changing the treatment of eating disorders
    Jul 24 2023

    If you were feeling low and needed to talk, would you turn to a robot? With the rise of AI Chatbot technology, many Australians are doing just that—and seeing the benefits. In this episode, Associate Professor Gemma Sharp, head of the Body Image and Eating Disorders Research Group at Monash University, explains why chatbots can successfully bridge the gap between people living with an eating disorder and access to in-person treatments, while host of the Butterfly: Let’s Talk podcast, Sam Ikin shares how having an eating disorder that doesn’t fit the stereotype can be a barrier to seeking help.


    Useful Links


    • Butterfly: Let’s Talk Podcast The Butterfly Foundation
    • Lifeline 13 11 14
    • Sharp Body Image and Eating Disorders Research Group Monash University
    • Specialist Women’s Mental Health Service Opens in Shepparton Alfred Health


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    28 mins
  • Health halo: Is fake meat the real deal?
    Jun 27 2023

    Many people switch to a meat-free diet on the basis that it’s a healthy lifestyle choice with a low carbon footprint. But can we really believe the hype when it comes to vegan meat products?

    In this episode, Professor Christine Parker from the University of Melbourne Law School serves up the truth on the rise of imitation meat products and dives into who is responsible for ensuring the claims made on their labels are accurate. Get ready to sink your teeth into this captivating episode on ethics and the implications of the vegan meat industry. 

    Useful Links

    • The Impossible Burger
    • Food standards code: a quick guide Food Standards Australia New Zealand
    • Impossible task? Australian food law and the challenge of novel meat analogues Hope Johnson and Christine Parker
    Show more Show less
    22 mins
  • Barry Jones on unleashing truth and change
    May 29 2023

    Get ready for a thought-provoking episode of Seriously Social! The upcoming Voice Referendum presents a pivotal moment for Australia to reshape its relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and confront the truths of our history. Join us for this captivating episode with the esteemed The Hon. Dr Barry Jones AC, former politician and noted polymath. With his wealth of experience and wisdom, Dr Jones fearlessly explores the attitudes of the past and challenges us to ask ourselves a crucial question: Is it finally time to embrace honesty and ignite a change that propels us toward unlocking our nation's full human potential?

    Don't miss this captivating speech that will compel you to reflect, question, and envision a future where recognition and acceptance pave the way for a more inclusive and compassionate Australia. Tune in and join us on this remarkable journey of truth, change, and the pursuit of our collective destiny.

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    26 mins
  • The weird and wonderful world of micronations
    Apr 23 2023

    Have you ever wanted to be Queen? Perhaps Grand Poobah? How simple is it to just start your own nation, and is it even legal? In this episode, Dr Harry Hobbs from the University of Technology Sydney is our travel guide through the weird and wonderful world of micronations. Guest James Blackwell, Research Fellow in Indigenous Diplomacy at the Australian National University, uncovers how Australia’s lack of recognition of sovereign states has had serious and ongoing impacts on Indigenous sovereignty and constitutional recognition.


    • How to Rule Your Own Country: The Weird and Wonderful World of Micronations Harry Hobbs and George Williams
    • The Geneva Conventions and their Commentaries The International Committee of the Red Cross
    • Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States University of Oslo
    • Creating a Nation to Save the Planet Harry Hobbs
    • Treaty of Waitangi NZ History
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice National Indigenous Australians Agency
    • Uluru Statement from the Heart



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    23 mins