
  • The Resistance of Unbelief
    Jul 10 2024
    1 Timothy 1:12-16 — In this sermon on 1 Timothy 1:12–16 titled “The Resistance of Unbelief,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares about the danger of unbelief. The resistant unbelieving person is one who has made the decision not to believe, not merely one who has not heard the good news of Jesus Christ. Unbelief is not purely intellectual, Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches. A popular assumption among non-Christians is that secularism is an intellectual pursuit and that Christianity is the opposite. This is not helped by Christians who are amazed that other Christians could be intellectuals. When looking to the Scriptures, one sees that many Christians throughout history have proved the intellectualism of Christianity. One must merely look at the letters of Paul to see the greatness and grandeur of Christian doctrine. This doctrine is meant to feed the mind and soul of the believer who humbles themselves and puts their faith in Jesus Christ. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also exhorts his listeners that the reason so many people have not committed to Jesus Christ is because they refuse to admit that they are wrong. It is difficult to humble oneself before God and admit that one is wrong, but this is what repentance and belief requires.
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  • The Glorious Gospel
    Jul 9 2024
    1 Timothy 1:1 — Who has the answers, God or humanity? In this sermon on 1 Timothy 1:1, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows the error of putting human thinking above the wisdom of God. He shows that all sin stems from Adam and Eve putting their reason above God when they ate of the forbidden fruit. Modern humanity is no different; they look to themselves to solve the problems of the world. This is hopeless because salvation comes not through humanity’s own deeds, but it is a free gift from God. This is how God has shown the wisdom of the world to be utter foolishness. He sent His only Son to die upon a cross in the place of the very people who murdered Him. Dr. Lloyd-Jones proclaims that it is Jesus who came to die and rise from the grave in order to break the bonds of sin, and to free all from sin’s dominion and condemnation. This sermon will encourage all who are trusting in their own wisdom to turn to Jesus as the only true source of happiness, peace, and true communion with God. The message of the glorious gospel is one that commands people to turn away from themselves and look to Christ as the only Savior sent from God.
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  • The Lord of Peace
    Jul 8 2024
    2 Thessalonians 2:16 — To open his sermon, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones reads the writings of Paul in 2 Thessalonians 3:16. Within that passage, Paul reminds the reader to hold fast to teaching and press into Christ, who has given peace. Dr. Lloyd-Jones asks a question: does the Christian know this peace? For peace seems to be the opposite reaction to this world. Many people are restless and fearful. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that this is because people are at war with God and themselves. They cannot have peace because they do not have God, and their conscience will always be full because they cannot reconcile themselves. But the Christian should not feel the same way. He or she is given a relief from the fear of the world through the blood of Christ. Jesus is the mediator between God and man. He speaks on behalf of the Christian, giving and dispensing peace as He pleases, for He is the Prince of Peace. How does Jesus administer this peace? Dr. Lloyd-Jones tells us. Christ never leaves. He is always with us. At our moment of need, we can lean into Him and receive His peace, and this glorious gift is for all those who call on His name.
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  • Believer or Unbeliever?
    Jul 7 2024
    2 Thessalonians 1:8-10 — In this sermon on 2 Thessalonians 1:8–10 titled “Believer or Unbeliever?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones describes the coming judgement of Christ and the separation between believers and unbelievers. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that this separation of saved and unsaved is fundamental to Christianity since Christianity involves absolutes. The Christian is someone who hears the way of God and decides to follow it, but the unbeliever has done the opposite. Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that the unbeliever will try and apply his or her own logic and intellect to the Scriptures, when really he or she is in no position to debate them. But the believer has faith in the message of God. The believer does not try to correct the Scriptures, but rather reiterates what has already been written. A person cannot have both God and the world, Dr. Lloyd-Jones says. That is clear all across Scripture. A person must decide which choice to make. The day of judgment is coming and all will stand before the Lord. For the unbeliever, a life apart from God awaits, but for the Christian awaits eternal life with a just and loving God.
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  • Rejoice Evermore
    Jul 6 2024
    1 Thessalonians 5:16 — What should the Christian’s immediate and continual response be to the gospel and salvation? The response should be one of joy! “Rejoice evermore” is more than an emotion; it is a settled reality of all who are saved. In this sermon on 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones challenges his listeners with the direct command to rejoice evermore. A Christian is to rejoice evermore for this is the will of God. The command to rejoice is given through the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians. He states that a clear and defining characteristic of the Christian is that of joy. Having experienced the joy that came with his own conversion, the Apostle Paul now instructs all believers that this is the mark of their Christian lives. However, rejoicing evermore is a tall order. Dr Lloyd-Jones recognizes this and asks: “How are we to do this? How can we rejoice in all things? Should we wait on or work up some type of feeling?” He reminds the listener that the Christian maintains a constant attitude of joy by taking their growing knowledge of the truth and applying it by the Spirit. Salvation and the growing knowledge of the vast implications of the gospel when applied by the Spirit will enable the Christian to rejoice evermore.
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  • A Gospel of Power
    Jul 5 2024
    1 Thessalonians 1:5 — “The test of anything that claims to be Christian is the test of power.” In this sermon on 1 Thessalonians 1:5, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones teaches that whether we are speaking of the church or of the individual Christian, the test of authenticity is the test of results produced by divine power. The gospel had been delivered to the Thessalonians in word, but it did not come in word only. The gospel came with divine power to bring about results. The results included repentance of sin and pagan idol worship to the service of a living and true God. Furthermore, this gospel power was accompanied by the work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit took the words of the gospel and made them effectual in the lives of the Thessalonians and all true believers. Dr Lloyd-Jones identifies that the apostle himself brought personal conviction and assurance that was so authentic, the power of God in his message was unmistakable and effectual. What is the test of authenticity for the church and the Christian? It is the test of the gospel of power.
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  • The Warning
    Jul 4 2024
    Colossians 1:28 — What makes false teachers dangerous? It is the fact that they turn people away from Christ Jesus. In this sermon from Colossians 1:28 titled “The Warning,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones warns about the dangers of false teachers and the need for the true gospel. There were those in the early church who taught dangerous things, such as the need for other beings to stand as mediators between people and God. The apostle Paul denounces them, and proclaims the truth that Christ alone can save from sin. The gospel is found in Christ’s ability to save sinners, and He is able to save to the fullest. Those who have trusted in Jesus do not need any other Savior, nor do they need another priest to lead them to God. What is the gospel message that false teachers deny? It is the message that all are fallen and in sin. Because of this, they are under the judgement of God. But Christ died for sinners in order that all who believe in Him are saved from the righteous judgement of God. There is no other message of salvation; Jesus is the only way to God.
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  • A Full Assurance of Understanding
    Jul 3 2024
    Colossians 2:1-3 — In this sermon on Colossians 2:1–3 titled “A Full Assurance of Understanding,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focused on Paul encouraging and advising the church in Colossae. He explains that the church in Colossae was early in its development, and many of the members had not even met the apostle. And like many new believers, they were susceptible to corruption. Paul writes to the church that they may have the full riches of understanding Christ. Part of the reason new believers are so corruptible is because they don’t understand the full power of Christ. A common cult at the time was Gnosticism. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains that the cult’s teaching required multiple intermediaries between individuals and God. A fully-grown Christian knows this to be false, for Christ is the sole high priest who speaks on their behalf. Dr. Lloyd-Jones also points out that understanding Christ means to also understand His purpose for the world. Christ came to redeem the world and to bring His church to Himself. Without Christ at the center of one’s worldview, Dr. Lloyd-Jones concludes, the world is hopelessly unredeemable. However, in Christ, there is hope for the coming everlasting rule and love of the Lord.
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