
  • Episode 10 How NOT to Believe the Lies of the Enemy
    Sep 16 2021

    What do you do, when you believe the lies the enemy has told you about yourself your whole life? Yes, I said it….Your WHOLE LIFE!!!! It’s time to break the cycle of lies you’ve been believing and it is done by filling ourselves with God’s Word. 

    When you start hearing the lies:

    • Remember what God says about you!
    • Look at every situation through God’s eyes!

    Here are some questions to challenge you and encourage personal growth:

    • What are some lies the enemy has whispered in your ear throughout your life?
    • What is the life theme the enemy wants you to believe?
    • What are some limiting beliefs that you are holding on to?
    • Has this life theme affected the way you have perceived certain situations in your life?
    • Has your life theme affected your behavior and decisions?
    • What does God say about you?

    If you enjoyed this podcast be sure to SHARE on your social media and subscribe or follow on your favorite podcast app!

    Go to www.jessicafernandez.com for blog posts, sermons, and new podcast episodes. Subscribe NOW to receive a FREE eBook, 10 Ways to Become Whole (Whether you're Married or Not!)!

    Updated episodes of this podcast can also be found at  www.shamelessaudacitypodcast.com.

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    10 m
  • Episode 9 Things to Remember in the Midst of Church Hurt
    Sep 9 2021

    Church hurt is any type of emotional, spiritual, or physical harm that occurred by the church, its leaders, or its members. Maybe it was someone in your group that betrayed your trust. Maybe you feel you were wronged by the leadership in the church. Maybe you were even offended by something the pastor said on Sunday. What do you do with that? Everyone responds to church hurt differently. 

    There are some things that I want you to consider if you are thinking about walking away from the church or God, or you have walked away from the church or God. 

    • Remember, we go to church to be in a community of believers who become our family because we are brothers and sisters. 
    • Remember that hurt people, hurt people. 
    • Remember, even though we love Jesus, our character may not always represent the character of God! 
    • We must take responsibility for our own spiritual growth. 

    Here are some questions to challenge you and encourage personal growth:

    • What are you hurt about?
    • Who or what are you upset with?
    • What was your response to that church hurt?
    • Was your response the way God wanted you to respond?
    • If not, what could you have done differently?
    • Have you made amends or asked forgiveness to the person or people?
    • What did you learn from the situation?
    • Have you grown closer to God?
    • Are you fully healed from that hurt, or do you allow it to affect how you make decisions today?

    If you enjoyed this podcast be sure to SHARE on your social media and subscribe or follow on your favorite podcast app!

    Go to www.jessicafernandez.com for blog posts, sermons, and new podcast episodes. Subscribe NOW to receive a FREE eBook, 10 Ways to Become Whole (Whether you're Married or Not!)!

    Updated episodes of this podcast can also be found at  www.shamelessaudacitypodcast.com.

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    11 m
  • Episode 8 How NOT to be Complacent!
    Sep 2 2021

    What do you do when you are so complacent that you become personally unsatisfied and you know God created you for more? You are stuck in a place of mediocrity and you just don’t know how to get unstuck? Let’s talk about it. Here are some steps for not being complacent:

    • Seek God with your whole heart! 
    • Level up your spiritual disciplines!
    • Stop living off of yesterday’s victories and seek new ones! 

    Here are some questions to challenge you and encourage personal growth:

    • Have you been complacent in your relationship with Jesus? If so, how?
    • What could you do to improve your relationship with Jesus?
    • Are you truly seeking God with your whole heart?
    • Are you consistently staying connected to Christ?

    If you enjoyed this podcast be sure to SHARE on your social media and subscribe or follow on your favorite podcast app!

    Go to www.jessicafernandez.com for blog posts, sermons, and new podcast episodes. Subscribe NOW to receive a FREE eBook, 10 Ways to Become Whole (Whether you're Married or Not!)!

    Updated episodes of this podcast can also be found at  www.shamelessaudacitypodcast.com.

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    14 m
  • Episode 7 Are YOU Addicted to Approval?
    Aug 20 2021

    At some point during my childhood, I developed an addiction to approval that has carried over into adulthood. There was no pivotal moment. It was just a series of events throughout my life. We learn very quickly as children that if we get good grades, make the team, help others, do everything that is expected, then people will be pleased with us. So what has God been teaching me about breaking this addiction to people-pleasing?

    • He taught me that people didn’t die on the cross for my sins. Only Jesus did that. 
    • He taught me to refuse to be defined by people. 
    • He taught me when I’m tempted to please people, surrender to Him.

    Here are some questions to challenge you and encourage personal growth:

    • Do you desire for everyone to like you?
    • Are you afraid to say no, even when you don’t have the time or resources to complete the favor?
    • When you make a decision, do you ask 10 people for their advice before you make a decision?
    • What is driving you to please others?
    • Has your opinion about yourself been formed by other’s opinions of you?
    • What do you think about yourself?
    • What do you think God says about you?
    • Do you want to stop being a people-pleaser? Because if you don’t want to stop, then you will continue to be a slave to others.
    • If you want to stop being a people-pleaser, what are some things that you are doing now that are solely to make others happy?
    • How can you treat yourself better?

    If you enjoyed this podcast be sure to SHARE on your social media and subscribe or follow on your favorite podcast app!

    Go to www.jessicafernandez.com for blog posts, sermons, and new podcast episodes. Subscribe NOW to receive a FREE eBook, 10 Ways to Become Whole (Whether you're Married or Not!)!

    Updated episodes of this podcast can also be found at  www.shamelessaudacitypodcast.com.

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    11 m
  • Episode 6 How to Overcome Regret
    Aug 12 2021

    This week we’re talking regret. What do you do when you make a decision and after you’ve made that decision regret begins to overwhelm you? Unfortunately, there will come times when we will have regret, which If not managed correctly, becomes like an anchor that keeps us sinking to a bottomless sea of regret which then overcomes us with waves of grief. Grief?!?! Yes, I said GRIEF! 

    When you’re drowning in regret:

    • don’t get distracted by the “What ifs”!
    • remember it’s not about you, it’s about trusting God’s plan!
    • remember that God is in control and He hasn’t forgotten about you!

    Here are some questions to challenge you and encourage personal growth:

    • What is one regret that you can’t let go of?
    • What do you feel would have happened if you made the decision you thought you should have made?
    • Do you 100% know the result if you actually made the decision you are regretting?
    • How much time have you lost overthinking your decision?
    • What else have you lost because of regret? Relationships? Joy? Contentment?
    • How many times have you been distracted and it caused you not to trust God’s plan?
    • Do you truly, wholly trust God?

    If you enjoyed this podcast be sure to SHARE on your social media and subscribe or follow on your favorite podcast app!

    Go to www.jessicafernandez.com for blog posts, sermons, and new podcast episodes. Subscribe NOW to receive a FREE eBook, 10 Ways to Become Whole (Whether you're Married or Not!)!

    Updated episodes of this podcast can also be found at  www.shamelessaudacitypodcast.com.

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    9 m
  • Episode 5 Waiting for Your Promise - Holy Frustration
    Aug 5 2021

    Have you ever felt frustration that builds inside because you know your calling and you know the promises in your life, but you’re not exactly living it out? The definition of frustration is “a deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs” (Merriam-Webster, 2021). When you combine the promises of God and a deep sense of unfulfillment, I like to call it Holy frustration. 

    I wonder if that is what David felt when he was anointed king of Israel after being pulled out from the field as a shepherd boy and then sent back to the field to tend the sheep? Here are some lesson David teaches us on his journey from the shepherd field to the throne: 

    1. David teaches us that only a deep personal relationship with God is the cure for frustration! 
    2. David teaches us frustration is a waste of energy because God never breaks a promise (Psalm 89: 3-4). 
    3. David teaches us to rest in the Lord! 

    I want to give you something to think about:

    • What are you frustrated about?
    • How long have you been frustrated?
    • Has frustration caused you to act in a way that is out of character for you?
    • Have you, intentionally, presented this frustration to God?
    • Have you surrendered this frustration to God?
    • Are you allowing God to take the burden and renew your strength?
    • Have you rested in the Lord? (Meaning, are you at peace knowing God has it under control?)
    • If you never received what you are waiting for, Is God enough for you?

    If you enjoyed this podcast be sure to SHARE on your social media and subscribe or follow on your favorite podcast app!

    Go to www.jessicafernandez.com for blog posts, sermons, and new podcast episodes. Subscribe NOW to receive a FREE eBook, 10 Ways to Become Whole (Whether you're Married or Not!)!

    Updated episodes of this podcast can also be found at  www.shamelessaudacitypodcast.com.

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    8 m
  • Episode 4 Enjoying Your Season
    Jul 29 2021

    Each season of life comes with its own joys and challenges! While living through each season sometimes we can't wait for it to end and sometimes we never want it to end. I remember bringing my children home from the hospital when they were born, now they are all grown up and have flown the coop.  Here are some lessons I learned during those years:

    • Lesson #1 I learned there is a time for everything. 
    • Lesson #2 I learned how to appreciate the season I was in. 
    • Lesson #3 Don’t be afraid to enter your next season. 
    • Lesson #4 No matter your season, good/bad, it will end…

    Here are some questions to challenge you and encourage personal growth:

    • What season are you in right now? 
    • What season do you wish you were in?
    • Are you in the beginning, middle, or end of a season?
    • Are you enjoying the season? 
    • If not, what can you do to begin to enjoy this current season?
    • What is God trying to teach you through this season? In other words, what lessons are you learning?
    • Have you learned the lessons that you needed to learn to graduate to the next season? 
    • What are you passionate about in this season? Is it different than your last season? Has your passion shifted or evolved?
    • Have you done the things that God has asked you to do and walked in obedience in this season?
    • Are you looking forward to the end of this season? Or do you want to enjoy it a little more?
    • Are you afraid to enter your next season? Why?

    If you enjoyed this podcast be sure to SHARE on your social media and subscribe or follow on your favorite podcast app!

    Go to www.jessicafernandez.com for blog posts, sermons, and new podcast episodes. Subscribe NOW to receive a FREE eBook, 10 Ways to Become Whole (Whether you're Married or Not!)!

    Updated episodes of this podcast can also be found at  www.shamelessaudacitypodcast.com.

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    8 m
  • Episode 3 Dream Builders Part 2
    Jul 23 2021

    In Part 1, we spoke about Joseph in Genesis 37 where his brothers tried to kill his dream by killing him. In that episode, we discussed 6 ways you can identify people in your life who kill your dreams, passions, and ideas. This episode, Part 2 Dream Builder, describes 8 ways to identify a Dream Builder:

    1. Dream builders are people of action (Genesis 39: 2-6)
    2. They help others accomplish dreams even though they haven’t accomplished their own (Genesis 40: 5-8, 14-15, 23)
    3. Dream builders tell you the truth even if it’s not what you want to hear! 
    4. They focus on solutions, not problems (Genesis 41: 33)
    5. Dream builders can see what others can’t see. They have vision.
    6. Dream builders focus on what you have now that can help you accomplish your dreams (Genesis 41: 35)
    7. Dream builders hold on to the vision even when the circumstances say otherwise (Genesis 42: 9)
    8. They speak life into your dreams and circumstances

    Here are some questions to challenge you and encourage personal growth:

    • Do you want to fulfill God’s purpose for your life? 
    • Are you purposefully seeking out dream builders?
    • Are you a dream builder? 
    • Are you intentional about building the dreams of others?
    • Do you use your talents, abilities, knowledge, and resources to pour life into others’ dreams?

    If you enjoyed this podcast be sure to SHARE on your social media!

    Go to www.jessicafernandez.com for blog posts, sermons, and new podcast episodes. Subscribe NOW to receive a FREE eBook, 10 Ways to Become Whole (Whether you're Married or Not!)!

    Updated episodes of this podcast can also be found at  www.shamelessaudacitypodcast.com.

    Más Menos
    22 m