• Growth vs Scale: The 5 Essential Roles in Your Business
    Sep 3 2024

    How do you think about the people working in your business? More specifically, what is your thinking process concerning the roles they play?

    As an entrepreneur, you need to account for five valuable roles that you and other people hold inside your company. These roles represent different aspects of work, strategic input, and judgment in your business

    You don’t have to have all of them in place right off the bat. However, you’ll need to fill these roles as you grow and scale, if you want to do so successfully.

    In this episode of She Thinks Big, you’ll learn about the five roles people can play inside your business and how each one’s characteristics and focus differ from the others. I’ll also discuss how they work in synergy as your business levels up.

    1:51 - The need for different aspects of your business to be accounted for as you grow or scale

    3:56 - Description, characteristics, and focus of the five roles that exist inside businesses and organizations

    9:16 - How doers and implementers differ from managers, how leaders differ from visionaries, and how they all interact within your business as a whole

    Mentioned In Growth vs Scale: The 5 Essential Roles in Your Business

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Runway to Freedom Mastermind

    I’ve Got This Coaching

    Vision to Action Intensive

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    Join my email list now, you'll get access to the She Thinks Big audiobook for just 99 cents. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this amazing community.

    Don't miss out on this limited time offer, only for email list subscribers. To get inspired, stay motivated, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Let's keep thinking big together.


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    18 mins
  • Growth vs Scale: 8 Essential Steps to Build the Foundation for Sustainable Business Success
    Aug 27 2024

    Are you in the growth or scale stage of your business?

    Business owners are constantly thinking about this. Some also use these terms interchangeably, yet they’re not the same, and moving forward without understanding the difference can cause you all sorts of problems.

    So how are they different? And what do you need to know to prepare your business for a significant leveling up?

    In this episode of She Thinks Big, you’ll learn how growing your business differs from scaling your business and why understanding that difference is key to a sustainable business. I’ll also cover the eight steps you need to take to prepare your business for scaling.

    2:08 - The difference between growth versus scaling and why you need to know

    4:10 - Eight steps you must take to prepare for scaling your business

    10:20 - Quick review of what you must do to lay the groundwork before you scale your business

    Mentioned In Grow vs Scale: 8 Essential Steps to Build the Foundation for Sustainable Business Success

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Runway to Freedom Mastermind

    Subscribe to Andrea’s newsletter

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    Join my email list now, you'll get access to the She Thinks Big audiobook for just 99 cents. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this amazing community.

    Don't miss out on this limited time offer, only for email list subscribers. To get inspired, stay motivated, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Let's keep thinking big together.


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    17 mins
  • How Thinking of Time as Money Can Transform Your Life and Business
    Aug 20 2024

    You’ve heard expressions like, ‘Time is money’ or ’ Money buys you time.’ Some people might dismiss these as clichés or myths, but what if you actually equated each hour of the day to a specific amount of money?

    Perhaps you need to embrace the mindset that time is a precious resource akin to money. Then you’d make every moment count towards building success!

    In this episode of She Thinks Big, you’ll learn about how valuing time as money can transform six areas of your life and business. I’ll discuss the benefits of equating each hour to $1,000 as you consider how you allocate your time.

    2:48 - How valuing time as currency impacts your productivity and decision-making

    6:00 - How to use your brain power to figure out what to do with your time so you can create more money

    9:28 - Why recognizing the monetary value of time strengthens your financial management skills

    11:55 - Why valuing your time as you do money leads to a greater focus on your personal growth

    13:48 - How valuing time as money enhances your work-life integration

    15:55 - Why treating time as money increases your accountability and motivation

    Mentioned In How Thinking of Time as Money Can Transform Your Life and Business

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Runway to Freedom Mastermind

    Vision to Action Intensive

    Subscribe to Andrea’s newsletter

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    Join my email list now, you'll get access to the She Thinks Big audiobook for just 99 cents. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this amazing community.

    Don't miss out on this limited time offer, only for email list subscribers. To get inspired, stay motivated, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Let's keep thinking big together.


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    23 mins
  • How to Successfully Navigate the Path From College to Career with Brett Liebross
    Aug 13 2024

    School is in session! With colleges and universities gearing up for the 2024-2025 academic year, it’s prime time to get the perspective of someone who’s recently walked those halls and is days away from taking that next step into the “real” world.

    After many times (and many years) conversing over the kitchen table, this is the first time I’ve actually interviewed my son, Brett Liebross! Brett is a recent college graduate who is about to start his career in investment banking with Harris Williams in Boston, MA. And he has many valuable insights to share about his journey from college to securing his job.

    In this episode of the She Thinks Big podcast, you’ll hear about his view on the impact of networking as a freshman, how career aspirations can affect your personal happiness, and his advice for kids entering college. Brett will also reveal the key strategies, challenges, and personal motivations that shaped his path and could help you if you’re looking to transition in your work.

    4:19 - How connections were key to Brett securing his internships and job (even over academic achievements)

    11:00 - Three things that motivate Brett in regards to his career choice

    13:00 - How Brett keeps going on days when he feels tired or burned out and what gets him excited

    15:55 - The two sides to traveling down the road of success

    17:30 - What all college-bound kids (and their parents) need to know before they get to college

    21:00 - How Brett defines big thinking (with an example of a how friend bet on himself)

    Mentioned In How to Successfully Navigate the Path From College to Career with Brett Liebross

    Get the She Thinks Big book

    The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter–and How to Make the Most of Them Now by Meg Jay, PhD

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    Join my email list now, you'll get access to the She Thinks Big audiobook for just 99 cents. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this amazing community.

    Don't miss out on this limited time offer, only for email list subscribers. To get inspired, stay motivated, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Let's keep thinking big together.


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    28 mins
  • Become a Master Networker By Using These Strategies to Build Meaningful Connections
    Aug 6 2024

    Is it really worth going to networking events? This question comes up a lot and while many find them uncomfortable or think they’re not worthwhile, they can yield significant business opportunities that you don’t want to miss.

    To get the best out of networking, though, you need to approach it strategically. Depending on your goal, not all networking events are equally beneficial. So knowing how to prepare, which ones to go to, and what to do during and after the event puts you in position to craft meaningful connections and form successful relationships.

    In this episode of the She Thinks Big podcast, you’ll learn strategies that’ll help you master networking events, find clients and referrals, and show off your expertise. I’ll teach you what you need to discover prior to an event, how to offer value and build rapport, ways to establish a communication channel and use it to nurture any connections made post-event, and more!

    3:41 - Three things to research before you attend a networking event

    8:31 - How to establish rapport, be an effective listener, and open channels for post-event communication

    10:56 - How to follow up the day after the event and build and nurture relationships

    14:12 - The key to successfully tracking and measuring your results

    Mentioned In Become a Master Networker By Using These Strategies to Build Meaningful Connections

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross
    Subscribe to Andrea’s newsletter
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    Join my email list now, you'll get access to the She Thinks Big audiobook for just 99 cents. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this amazing community.

    Don't miss out on this limited time offer, only for email list subscribers. To get inspired, stay motivated, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Let's keep thinking big together.


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    20 mins
  • How to Know When It’s Time to Let Go or Hold On to a Business Relationship
    Jul 30 2024

    Are you thinking of letting go of someone on your team?

    Many CEOs struggle with deciding whether it’s time to hold on to an independent contractor, employee, or anyone else they have a business relationship with. It can significantly impact you, your team, and your company. So you don’t want to make the decision lightly.

    What do you need to consider when weighing that decision, though? You have certain tangible and intangible things to ruminate over that fall into a few categories that relate to performance, company dynamics, and more.

    In this episode of She Thinks Big, you’ll learn about the things you need to ask yourself when you’re thinking of letting someone go. I’ll also reveal steps you can take to make the termination of the relationship as smooth and fair as possible.

    3:31 - Three performance-related factors that can help you decide to let go or hold on

    6:06 - Six ways that behavior or attitude might cause you to reconsider a business relationship

    9:22 - Three ways someone you want to let go of could be in misalignment with your company culture and dynamic

    12:13 - A couple of other factors that can lead to you needing to end a relationship

    13:39 - What to do after you’ve decided to let someone on your team go

    Mentioned In How to Know When It’s Time to Let Go or Hold On to a Business Relationship

    Vision to Action Intensive

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    Join my email list now, you'll get access to the She Thinks Big audiobook for just 99 cents. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this amazing community.

    Don't miss out on this limited time offer, only for email list subscribers. To get inspired, stay motivated, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Let's keep thinking big together.


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    21 mins
  • Mastering Work-Life Integration: The Impact of Big Thinking on Your World
    Jul 23 2024

    Becoming a big thinker can be a process that never ends. As you go on the journey, you’ll continue to think bigger and bigger and bigger.

    The rebranding of this podcast is really just the next step in thinking big for me and my business. We kicked off the rebranding last week with a conversation detailing the process with my business coach Stacey Hylen, and it was going so well that we kept going!

    In this episode of the She Thinks Big podcast, you’ll hear part two of our conversation as we share even more insights and nuggets about the big thinking that went into the rebranding. Stacey and I will touch on how life can sometimes get in the way of thinking bigger, the possibilities and ripple effects inherent in the Think Big Movement, the impact of support on your big thinking success, and more!

    2:45 - How behind-the-scenes stuff can get in the way of big thinking and how personal support gives you space for it

    9:50 - What’s possible in the Think Big Movement and the ripple effects it’s already causing

    11:51 - Why you need to infuse yourself with a shot of big thinking consistently

    17:00 - How continuous support helps you get the big thinking results you want and can speed up your success

    Connect with Stacey Hylen

    Stacey Hylen is an internationally recognized business growth strategist, author and coach and was named International Coach of the Year in 2016. For over 16 years Stacey has been helping 6-7 figure entrepreneurs with powerful marketing and sales strategies to get more clients, more profit and more time off to enjoy who and what they love.

    She is the author of the book, Hidden Profits: More Clients & Cash, being published Spring 2019. She is the creator of several popular programs, "The Hidden Profits System”, "Become a Magnet: Attracting Your Perfect Clients" and “Selling with Confidence: Getting a Yes Without Being Pushy”.She served as Vice President of Consulting and a Senior Coach for Chet Holmes’ and Anthony Robbins’ world renowned Business Mastery Program.

    Stacey has been featured and quoted in CNN, INC, MSN Money, Fox Business and Entrepreneur Magazine and many other media outlets throughout North America.

    Stacey Hylen

    Stacey on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube

    Mentioned In Mastering Work-Life Integration: The Impact of Big Thinking on Your World

    Evolution of a Big Thinker: Inside the She Thinks Big Podcast Rebrand

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

    Subscribe to Andrea’s newsletter

    Vision to Action Intensive

    Join my email list now, you'll get access to the She Thinks Big audiobook for just 99 cents. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this amazing community.

    Don't miss out on this limited time offer, only for email list subscribers. To get inspired, stay motivated, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Let's keep thinking big together.


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    27 mins
  • Evolution of a Big Thinker: Inside the She Thinks Big Podcast Rebrand
    Jul 16 2024

    It started as just another e-book. Now, thanks to bigger thinking, it’s turning into a movement…and the new name for this podcast is part of it. Welcome to the first official episode of She Thinks Big!

    You might be wondering why I rebranded. You probably know by now that I believe 1,000% in the power and necessity of coaching support and that every coach should have a coach, too. My business coach, Stacey Hylen, has been instrumental in helping me think bigger about many things, including aligning everything in my business into the Think Big Movement.

    But thinking big is an evolutionary process. To show what it looks like, I can’t think of a better way to demonstrate (and kick off this rebrand celebration) than with a case study featuring yours truly.

    In this episode of the She Thinks Big Podcast, you’ll see how a big thinking evolution can change you and your business. With Stacey alongside to help guide the conversation, we’ll share the insights gained, questions asked, and mental shifts necessary that I encountered to help you start aligning everything in your business toward what you really want, too.
    2:25 - How saying no allows you to start making the shift into big thinking

    8:08 - Moving past fearful what-ifs to positive what-ifs rife with possibilities and why this isn’t a solo act

    15:05 - Why a coach is invaluable for big thinking and how you want to expand your capacity for sustainable success

    24:02 - What people fear about thinking big and why they avoid it

    28:07 - Some highlights of part one of this conversation with Stacey

    Connect with Stacey Hylen

    Stacey Hylen is an internationally recognized business growth strategist, author and coach and was named International Coach of the Year in 2016. For over 16 years Stacey has been helping 6-7 figure entrepreneurs with powerful marketing and sales strategies to get more clients, more profit and more time off to enjoy who and what they love.

    She is the author of the book, Hidden Profits: More Clients & Cash, being published Spring 2019. She is the creator of several popular programs, "The Hidden Profits System”, "Become a Magnet: Attracting Your Perfect Clients" and “Selling with Confidence: Getting a Yes Without Being Pushy”.She served as Vice President of Consulting and a Senior Coach for Chet Holmes’ and Anthony Robbins’ world renowned Business Mastery Program.

    Stacey has been featured and quoted in CNN, INC, MSN Money, Fox Business and Entrepreneur Magazine and many other media outlets throughout North America.

    Stacey Hylen

    Stacey on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube

    Mentioned In Evolution of a Big Thinker: Inside the She Thinks Big Podcast Rebrand

    She Thinks Big by Andrea Liebross

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    Business Mastery

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    Join my email list now, you'll get access to the She Thinks Big audiobook for just 99 cents. It's my way of saying thank you for being part of this amazing community.

    Don't miss out on this limited time offer, only for email list subscribers. To get inspired, stay motivated, and keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Let's keep thinking big together.


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    35 mins