• Episode 182: [SF195] Dom & Chris Chat With Wayne McRoy (Pt1) Mint Sauce Chronicles (Pt2)
    Sep 21 2024

    Total Runtime: 2:40.22

    Operation Chaos is a relentless game played by the entities who are drain energy data from every cell in our bodies. Every night they scrub the yesterdays nonsense from the barn wall and we wake to a new set of lies in the morning. We're living through a Trading Places, Monsters Inc, Groundhog Day production simultaneously along with and every other movie under the blocked out sun. Reality has been turned into a virtual concept, truth is now owned and history changed at will.

    Wayne McRoy is a author, researcher, & podcast presenter, he has amassed knowledge that needs to be taken seriously. Please check his work out the links are below.

    Alchemical Tech Revolutionalchemicaltechrevolution.com



    ATR on Spotifyanchor.fm/wayne-mcroy/subscribe

    ATR on Rumblerumble.com/c/c-5689353?fbclid=IwAR2PsQM7LdUgudyehX9XxJ63KNR3b

    Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements

    Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products*


    Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK

    Additional Info - Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net)





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    1 hr and 39 mins
  • Episode 181: [SF194] Dom & Chris Chat With Miri AF (Pt1) & Mint Sauce Chronicles (Pt2)
    Sep 14 2024

    Total Runtime: 2:48.08
    I often ask myself a number of questions like; What am I living through? Or, is this reality or are some of us experiencing this world from a totally different dimension? I ask these questions because what seems like common sense to some is seen as total madness to others. The ability for people not to close off any possibility is a rarity. There is now in fighting between people who in 2020/21 were aligned this is not a chance happening, so many operations are underway at once we have to step back and realise that the same people are orchestrating the operation as always.

    In part one of this weeks podcast we're chatting with Miri Finch, who also lives in Huddersfield, we discuss the subject of vaccines not just the 2021 de-pop time bomb that was delivered by the parasites, we also discuss all vaccines. Part 2 is just me and Chris having a chat about current events.
    Home - Miri AF

    Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements

    Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products*


    Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK

    Additional Info - Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net)





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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Episode 180: [SF193] Dom & Chris Chat With Johnny Vedmore
    Sep 7 2024

    Total Runtime: 2:36.56

    In life the paths we take are often already designed for us before we can walk, and like a deer we walk obliviously into the traps that are set by the hunter class. The hunter class look exactly like us but they're not the same. They are devoid of empathy for we are the prey they seek to quench their lust, we're here to feed their addiction. Energetic vampires feed from our lifeforce. You see, their genetics have a trait that runs through them, this 'enhancement' turns good into bad, pure into dirty, and men into women.

    johnnyvedmore.com – Real Indie Journalism

    Johnny Vedmore - YouTube

    Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements

    Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products*


    Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK

    Additional Info - Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net)





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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • Episode 179: [SF192] Mint Sauce Chronicles With Dr Mike Yeadon
    Aug 31 2024

    Total Runtime: 2:26.01
    Does it take bravery for a person to stand up to tyranny knowing that in the process of doing so they would be subjected to ridicule, and ostracised from their usual social groups? No is the simple answer. Doing the right thing is the only thing we can do even if it brings the whole weight of the state controlled media down on us like a ton of bricks. That said, to not give up takes a different kind of person, and that is who 'we' are. We're definitely not far right, racist, anti-sematic, homophobic, sexist, or thick as mince (thanks Mr Joly). The perpeTRATORS of these crimes against humanity are using these words to fire up old hatreds so we argue against ourselves. But why is that? It is because they're SCARED!
    Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements

    Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products*


    Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK

    Additional Info - Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net)




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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Episode 178: [SF191] Dom & Chris Chat With Iain Davis
    Aug 24 2024

    Total Runtime: 2:22.46

    How can a citizen protect themselves against a machine that threatens to take them down if they question the validity of the information put before them by the state as the truth? Or if we stood accused in a court of law by individuals who are backed by the state & the propagandist legacy media, should we not be allowed to present the evidence to counter their accusations, after all this is not 1930s Nazi Germany, or Stalin's Soviet Union, or Mao's China, or a 70s Argentinian Junta, or Pol Pot's Cambodia this is Great Britain the land of hope and glory, where you are innocent before being proven guilty, where at one time we at least used to give the semblance of fairness and it just wasn't cricket to be unreasonable. Well now we are living in a weird world, a world where we are all guilty of unknown crimes and have to prove our innocence against the very people who are saying they protect us. Seeking the truth & asking questions about the conventional narrative is becoming an occupational hazard.


    Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements

    Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products*


    Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK

    Additional Info - Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net)




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    1 hr
  • Episode 177: [SF190] 'The Huxley's Brave New World Order' Ep.8 UnNatural Selection Pt.2
    Aug 17 2024

    Total Runtime: 2:49.58
    UnNatural Selection is a series, within the "Huxley's Brave New World Order" presentations that documents the Huxley dynasty. In the UnNatural Selection episodes we're specifically looking at the descendants of Thomas Henry Huxley aka Darwin's Bulldog and his wife Henrietta Heathorn, who along with their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren ended up in positions of power and influence deciding on cultural change over the past 150 years in so many different professions and ideologies that leaves the mind boggled.

    This full presentation will be released as a video on YouTube, Odysee & Rumble with graphics & video support, the full audio version will be released on www.sheepfarm.co.uk, & Podomatic, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, & Google Podcasts.

    Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements

    Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products*


    Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK

    Additional Info - Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net)


    Show more Show less
    2 hrs and 50 mins
  • Episode 177: [SF189] Mint Sauce Chronicles 'Reading The Riot ACT'
    Aug 10 2024

    A Klaus Schwab said in 2020, "Vee haf to prepare for an angry 'vorld".
    And here we are in 2024, reading the riot ACT. The Machiavellian parasites use the same script and screenplay everytime, whether its banging pots and pans on your doorstep, or throwing half charlies through shop windows the populous fall for it everytime. The Riot Act, The Combination ACT, and now we'll have the new ACT for 2024.

    The very same people who were marching together in 2020 are now lobbing bricks, and starting fires, the divide and conquer strategies by our supposed governments are working. And still no one is talking about the excess deaths caused by the 3 dart finish.

    Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements

    Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products*


    Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK

    Additional Info - Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net)


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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Episode 176: [SF188] Sheep Farm RAW Live with Mark Bajerski ‘Life’s Synchronicities’
    Aug 3 2024

    Total Runtime: 2:04.01

    This episode was recoded Live on YouTube on 31/07/2024, if you want to watch the video version follow this link - https://youtube.com/live/-ZC9i-jbeSM

    Synchronicities, we’ve all had them; some are minor & some blow your mind, & that's the subject we’re going to be discussing that was recorded LIVE on 31/07/24. Synchronicities, but what does it mean? If you beLIEve the conventional narrative, the word or concept was introduced by psychologist Carl Jung to describe events that coincide in time and appear meaningfully related yet lack a discoverable causal connection. Jung held this was a healthy function of the mind, that can become harmful within psychosis. A 2016 study found 70% of therapists agreed synchronicity experiences could be useful for therapy. Analytical psychologists hold that individuals must understand the compensatory meaning of these experiences to "enhance consciousness rather than merely build up superstitiousness".

    However, clients who disclose synchronicity experiences report not being listened to, accepted, or understood. The experience of overabundance of meaningful coincidences can be characteristic of schizophrenic delusion. Is it any wonder the controller want to want to classify this occurrence as mental illness when it possibly answers the ‘what are we’ ‘why are we here’ ‘whats our purpose’ questions. I ask the question could Synchronicities in some way linked to the Jerry Marzinsky phenomenon?

    Dom's Health Bunker Health Bunker Supplements

    Use discount Code HB-SF25OFF *Only available on Health Bunker Products*


    Chris's Gaping Gobs on Etsy Gaping Gobs - Etsy UK

    Additional Info - Richard D. Hall - Legal Fund (richplanet.net)


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    2 hrs and 2 mins