
  • When your Mind Leaves the Room. Dissociating From Your Environment to Preserve Your Mental Peace.
    Apr 11 2024

    We look at how people use and experience dissociation and why. Dissociation is a break in how your mind handles information and you feel disconnected from your thoughts, feelings, memories, and surroundings. It can effect your sense of identity and your perception of time.

    We discuss the causes of dissociation and what a person can do to stop dissociating and live their life without needing the mental escape of a fantasy.

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • The Spiritual Meaning and Messages in Dreams. Dream Interpretation.
    Mar 28 2024

    Many people believe that dreams are from the higher self, spirit guides, the universe, and/or God. Dreams can be looked at as communications or visions from a higher power, to predict events, or as a reflection of ones own spiritual journey. Dreams are a way for the universe to communicate with a person to allow for spiritual awakening and transformation.

    We discuss the spiritual history or dreams, including in the New and Old Testament. We also explore how a person can interpret their own dreams in order to receive and grow from the spiritual messages given from the universe.

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • What Your Unconscious Mind is Trying to Tell You. Dream Interpretation for Beginners.
    Mar 21 2024

    We explore how the unconscious mind works vs. the conscious mind. The conscious mind is the part of ourselves that we try to train to think and act a certain way. It's the part we are aware of. The unconscious mind is an equal part of ourselves, but it's also the wild, untamable part of us. It's the part that many people ignore and try to deny exists or not face.

    Dreams are the way for the unconscious to communicate with us and bring itself to the conscious mind. In order for a person to be their true and authentic self, they have to acknowledge both aspects of themselves- conscious and unconscious.

    We explore how to interpret the communication coming from the unconscious by exploring dream interpretation and how a person can use dream interpretation to become their most powerful, true, authentic, and genuine self.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • Stop Gaslighting Yourself. How to be True to Yourself and the Reality you Live in.
    Mar 14 2024

    Today's episode discusses ways that a person gaslights themselves into believing things about themselves, their environment, and other people that are not true to their own experiences. Gaslighting yourself involves changing your own memories and perception of reality to conform to a preexisting thought pattern of oneself that aligns with a feeling of lack of self-worth.

    We will look at ways a person gaslights themselves and how to acknowledge and change your thought patterns so that you can step into your power and your true authentic self.

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • How Lack of Self-Worth can Cause you to Abandon Yourself. 5 Ways you Leave Yourself Out in the Cold.
    Mar 7 2024

    This is the second part in the two part series discussing ways a person abandons themselves. Abandoning oneself can be caused by, and reinforce a person's feelings of not being worthy of love, honor, or respect. First, we discuss how a person may fail to honor themselves or their needs. Second, we explore how suppressing your feelings can cause inner conflict and chaos. Third, we discuss how acting according to your core values is essential to being true to who you are. Next, we explore codependent relationships and the harm they can have on a person's self-worth. Finally, we focus on the necessity of speaking up for your opinions, thoughts, and feelings in order to be your true authentic self.

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • You are Worthy. 5 Ways you Abandon Yourself when you Don't See Your Own Worth.
    Feb 29 2024

    We discuss 5 ways a person abandons their true genuine, authentic self when they don't accept themselves and acknowledge their own power or worth. When you hide, deny, or don't accept your own needs, emotions, and desires and place other's needs emotions, or desires before your own, you are abandoning yourself and saying that another person's needs are more worthy then your own.

    First, we discuss how a person abandons themself when they priories other people's needs over their own needs and desires. Second, we discuss how a person denies who they truly are by not following their instincts and intuition when it comes to people and situations. Third, we address how hiding parts of yourself is a way of not accepting oneself and denying the knowledge and experience you have gained through difficult situations in their life. Fourth, we discuss the unrealist expectation of perfectionism in oneself. Fifth, we discuss the harmful thought patterns a person can adopt by being critical or judgment of themselves.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 2 m
  • When People Leave. How it Effects Your Sense of Self-Worth. How to Find You Again.
    Feb 23 2024

    In Episode 4 we discuss the effects abandonment can have on a person's self-worth and self-image. We discuss both physical and emotional abandonment, specifically taking a look at how a feeling of abandonment in children can create patterns of thought that effects a person for a lifetime if not identified and healed. The effects of abandonment of a person's self-worth, self-love, and confidence is looked at.

    We also discuss how and where you look to find your most authentic self- to your childhood self- when you have an abandonment wound.

    Episode 4 is the first of a two part series addressing abandonment. The second part of the series, episode 5 will address the damage created upon a person's authentic self when a person abandons themselves, and what self-abandonment looks like.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • How Birds Can Communicate Messages from the Universe to Guide us on our Path.
    Feb 16 2024

    Throughout the Centuries cultures around the world have seen birds as holding a special meaning and communicating messages from the Universe. Birds are thought to be closely tied to the Spiritual Realm and can bring helpful insight and omens to those who are ready to open themselves up to the spiritual messages being communicated by the Universe.

    We will discuss, the spiritual meaning behind the different types of birds. We will also discuss what the number of birds sighted might mean, along with how the bird's behavior may hold special meaning in communicating the message.

    #relationship #selfhelp #selfhealing #selfimprovement #selfesteem #selfempowerment #spirituality #spiritualawakening #happiness, #spiritualjourney #superstition #omen

    Más Menos
    52 m