• 46. Cutting it Close: The Problem with Pre-Shabbos Surgeries - Feat. Rabbi Yossi Kamman
    May 28 2024

    In this episode, Rabbi Yossi Kamman joins us to explore a fascinating responsum (Likutei Sichos, Vol. 16, p. 518) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (R. Menachem Mendel Schneerson) against scheduling elective surgeries within a few days of Shabbos. Rabbi Kamman presents us with an insightful profile of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, his approach to halachah, and what made him unique and so widely renowned. A synopsis of this topic, can be found in Rabbi Kamman's publication, a A Chassidisher Derher.

    This episode is sponsored by Lev Podelko in honor of the upcoming 30th wedding anniversary of his parents Marina and Dr. Alexander Podelko.

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    39 mins
  • 45. [Special Episode] Responsa from the RCA - Feat. Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon, Rav Mark Dratch, Rav Shlomo Weissman and more!
    May 22 2024

    We attended the Rabbinical Council of America Conference 2024 and did some rapid fire interviews with many of the rabbis who were present. They were given a few minutes to share their favorite responsa and which topic they (in theory or in practice) would write a teshuva about.

    Order of guests:

    Rabbi Mark Dratch

    Rabbi Jordan Aurebach

    Rabbi Maury Kelman

    Rabbi Yitzchak Sprung

    Rabbi Shlomo Weissman

    Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe

    Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon

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    43 mins
  • 44. Minhag vs. Halacha: The Friday Night Kiddush Controversy - Feat. Rabbanit Ayelet Schlesinger
    May 20 2024

    In this episode, we're joined by Rabbanit Ayelet Schlesinger for a fascinating exploration of a recurring question: What happens when minhag (custom) conflicts with halacha (Jewish law)? Using the case study of Friday Night Kiddush, we delve into how three responsa - Yachin U'Boaz (1:118), Or Zarua (Vol. 1, Responsum no. 752), and Yabia Omer (1:15) - addressed this tension. From the debates of the Talmud to the insights of modern poskim, Rabbanit Schlesinger guides us through the complex interplay between tradition and law. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation on the dynamics of minhag and halacha, and how they shape our Jewish practices.

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    37 mins
  • 43. The Way is Shut: A Probing of Post-Talmudic Authority - Feat. Rabbi Shmuel Phillips
    May 15 2024

    May later generations disagree with their predecessors? Can religious authority be controlled by a specific locale? Our guest, Rabbi Shmuel Phillips addresses these questions and distills several fundamental lessons from a lesser known responsum of the Rambam (Iggeres no. 18).

    More info and the best links for buying his books are at www.TalmudReclaimed.com.

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    38 mins
  • 42. Should I Study Biblical Criticism? - Feat. Rabbi Steven Gotlib
    May 7 2024

    Should I Study Biblical Criticism?
    In this episode, we provide a glimpse into the complex and often contentious world of Biblical criticism, exploring how two prominent theological schools of thought - Conservative and Orthodox - approach the study of our holy Torah. While both sides affirm the general authority of the Bible, they diverge sharply on the role of historical and cultural context, the relationship between human and Divine authorship, and the implications of scholarly inquiry for faith and practice.

    To illustrate this, our guest, Rabbi Steven Gotlib, presents a responsum from Conservative scholar R. Prof. David Golinkin and contrasts it with Rabbi Jonathan Sack's letter to Rabbi Louis Jacobs (author of Theology in the Responsa).

    Let us know if you liked our exploration of this unique teshuva topic in the comments. Enjoy!

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    37 mins
  • 41. The Epistle to Yemen - Feat. Rabbi Chezkie Glatt
    May 2 2024

    In this episode, we explore the Rambam's Iggeres Teiman (Epistle to Yemen) - a powerful and poignant letter written to the Jewish community of Yemen around the year 1173/1174. Our guest, Rabbi Chezkie Glatt explains how the letter offers words of comfort, encouragement, and hope in the face of heresy and hardship. We provide a general survey of the document to understand the Rambam's message of resilience and faith, and its enduring message for today.

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    38 mins
  • 40. [Special Episode] Letters to the Editor - Feat. The Listeners!
    Apr 12 2024

    It's finally here! In this episode, we go through YOUR reactions to previous episodes of the podcast and much more! God willing, we will return with more regular episodes following Pesach.

    Links to references made in the episode:

    1) Support the Podcast / Sponsor an Episode - Eichlers Registry.

    2) Igros Moshe Series with Tradition Online.

    3) Challenging Assumptions (Mosaica Press, 2023) on Amazon.

    4) Rabbi Moshe Kurtz's general website.

    5) Email for speaking requests and general inquiries: rabbikurtz@cas-stamford.org

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    21 mins
  • 39. Dancing on Shabbos: Where Halacha Meets Hasidut - Feat. Rabbi Dr. Zvi Leshem
    Apr 9 2024

    The Mishnah (Beitzah 36b) forbids dancing and clapping on Shabbos/Yom Tov. How do we make sense of the many ostensibly observant people, including Torah scholars, who appear to disregard this explicit stricture? R. Dr. Zvi Leshem, an expert in Chassidic thought, breaks down the unique approach of the Minchas Elazar (1:29) who argues that dancing on Shabbos/Yom tov is not just permissible...it's a mitzvah!

    A special thanks to Mr. Ben Rothke for his help with making this episode a reality.

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    36 mins