• 31 | No Time to Set Up the Routine?! Do THIS.
    Sep 4 2024

    Hi, friend!

    In today’s episode, I’m talking specifically about what to do if you know you need more consistency in your days, you want to reset your routines and habits to help you feel less overwhelmed trying to manage it all, you feel ALL OVER THE PLACE 24/7 and you know something has to change…but you just don’t have the time. What do you do when you know something needs to change, but you don’t have the time to set up the routine, you definitely don’t have the time to tweak and test and start over from scratch when the first routine doesn’t work for you in your season, and you feel like you’re just stuck. We’re going to talk all about the steps to starting where you are and how to do it in a way that is super sustainable for your busy life. I hear you-I’ve totally been there and this episode is for you. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy!




    Atomic Habits book: https://amzn.to/4cQZvAW



    Monday, September 16th-Tuesday, September 17th

    12PM PST/ 1 PM MST/ 2PM CST/ 3 PM EST

    >>> kyannmolina.com/workshop <<<

    Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: bit.ly/simplerhythmscourse

    Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/b61d7efaea

    Come join the FREE FB community: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity

    Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

    Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

    Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

    Más Menos
    30 m
  • 30 | I’m Leaving Social Media FOR GOOD! Can I Have a Successful Business WITHOUT Social Media?! (VERY RAW!)
    Aug 29 2024

    Hi, friend!

    Have you ever felt like just walking away from social media FOR GOOD?! Well, I’m doing exactly that in a world where this is VERY anti-cultural. I’m getting really personal in this episode with behind the scenes stories I’ve NEVER shared online, vulnerable truths about WHY I’m doing this, and what this means for my business moving forward.

    I am usually very careful about sharing big pivotal events or moments in my personal life (or even my business life) not in real time, not in the current moment, but once I have processed it and am in a really good place with it.

    But, I’m breaking my own rule today. I feel like God put a specific tug on my heart to share this live, in real time. I think there are some valuable lessons here that are more impactful if I share the heaviness/the weight of this decision now so I hope this will be encouraging or helpful in some way for your journey. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy!




    Listen to part 1 of my social media journey: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/25-my-unfiltered-social-media-journey-as-a-small/id1739009977?i=1000663930560

    Writing Off Social episode with Stef Gass: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/21-what-to-do-when-you-feel-trapped-by-social-media-w-stef-gass/id1676504296?i=1000633195164

    Stef Gass’s podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/online-business-for-christian-women-grow-your-business/id1437868374

    The Gift of Limitations: https://amzn.to/4e2DP5B


    Simple Home Systems You Can Implement In 15 Minutes/Day (or less!)

    Monday, September 16th-Tuesday, September 17th

    12PM PST/ 1 PM MST/ 2PM CST/ 3 PM EST

    >>> kyannmolina.com/workshop <<<

    Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: bit.ly/simplerhythmscourse

    Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/b61d7efaea

    Come join the FREE FB community: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity

    Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

    Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

    Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • 29 | The #1 Thing Stealing Your Productivity As a Work From Home Mom
    Aug 27 2024

    Hi, friend!

    Do you ever feel like you get to the end of the day, crawl into bed, and wonder what you even accomplished at all?! You know you weren’t just laying around, but also feel like you were just constantly “hot potato-ing” from one task to the next, without fully ever finishing a single one. (I FEEL THIS and have so been there!)

    In today’s episode, I’m going to be sharing the NUMBER ONE thing that is STEALING from your productivity as a work from home mom. Balancing raising kids, faith, running our home, investing in our marriages is a LOT…and then when you throw in a dream or desire to grow a business or side hustle in the cracks of time we have-sometimes it can feel like jumping aboard a sinking ship if we’re being honest.

    I’m here to go deep into this today and reveal the #1 thing I believe is truly stealing from your productivity that will make a huge difference in how you manage your days in this area. And if you’re a full time stay at home mom, there is so much in this episode for you as well so stay tuned! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy!






    Monday, September 16th-Tuesday, September 17th

    12PM PST/ 1 PM MST/ 2PM CST/ 3 PM EST

    >>> kyannmolina.com/workshop <<<

    Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: bit.ly/simplerhythmscourse

    Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/b61d7efaea

    Come join the FREE FB community: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity

    Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

    Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

    Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

    Más Menos
    22 m
  • 28 | 3 Ways to Say No So You Can Have More Time With Your Kids
    Aug 21 2024

    Hi, friend!

    Do you feel like your schedule is just TOO full? Does it feel like you never have the time to actually slow down and spend time with your kids like you really want to?

    In today’s episode, it’s time to get real. We ALL want more time in the day, we all feel like we never have enough time to really balance all of our roles well. And one thing that I keep seeing come up again and again is you’re feeling like you just don’t have enough time in the day to really spend quality time with your kids the way you want to.

    Trust me, I’ve been there and it’s so frustrating. You’ve dreamed of motherhood for so long, you’re finally here, and it feels like you are just constantly rushing through every day trying to accomplish all the things and cross off all the items on your to do list or get to the next appointment on time and not enough time in the day to simply soak up time with your kids and be present the way you want to.

    SO, in today’s episode, I’m going to break down 3 simple ways for you to say NO in order to have MORE time with your kids. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy!




    Emily P. Freeman blog: https://emilypfreeman.com/how-saying-yes-and-no-shape-a-life-story/

    Sign Up for the STOP the Overwhelm in Motherhood Challenge: kyannmolina.com/workshop

    Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: bit.ly/simplerhythmscourse

    Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/b61d7efaea

    Come join the FREE FB community: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity

    Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

    Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

    Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 27 | Always Choosing the Next Thing To Do Over Your Kids?! THIS Time Management Hack Will Help.
    Aug 15 2024

    Hi, friend!

    Do you really want to carve out more time with your kids? Are your kids your absolute TOP priority, but you also struggle with getting caught up in all the things that practically need to get done each day?

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing with you a time management hack that I’ve been using in my life recently that has really been helping to make sure I’m building in the time to focus on my kids the way I really want to, without just getting distracted constantly by all the things I have to do.

    We all have things that need to get done each day and if you’ve ever struggled with constantly choosing the next thing that needs to get done (whether that’s in business or housework) over prioritizing sitting down to enjoy quality time with your kids, this episode is for you.

    I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy!




    Listen to episode 12 on daily rhythm for intentional time with your kids: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/12-constantly-thinking-about-what-to-do-next-1-habit/id1739009977?i=1000656654868

    Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: bit.ly/simplerhythmscourse

    Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/b61d7efaea

    Come join the FREE FB community: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity

    Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

    Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

    Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

    Más Menos
    29 m
  • 26 | The TRUTH About Why You Never Stick to Routines. 3 Consistency Secrets You NEED.
    Aug 7 2024

    Hi, friend!

    Today’s episode is for the mom listening that has tried routines in the past, you’ve tried all the things-super specific routine charts outlined down to the minute, sleep routines, chore charts to get things done around the house, all of it. And no matter what it is, you just CANNOT stick to it for longer than a couple days max before giving up entirely.

    You want more organization in your life, you want to know what to expect each day (for both you AND your kids), and you want systems to help you turn your brain off at the end of the day and just truly rest and unplug, to recharge for the next day.

    You’re overwhelmed trying to balance it all and you need some help, but you know that routines are NOT the answer because they’ve never worked for you in the past. In today’s episode, we’re diving into WHY you’ve never been able to stick to routines previously and the 3 time management secrets you NEED to finally be consistent in this area. I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy!




    Listen to episode 2 about building your morning routine: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/02-struggling-with-waking-up-before-your-kids-how-to/id1739009977?i=1000651890562

    Listen to episode 16 on my current morning routine with 3 kids 4 & under: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/16-my-current-morning-routine-with-3-kids-4-under/id1739009977?i=1000658674076

    Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: bit.ly/simplerhythmscourse

    Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/b61d7efaea

    Come join the FREE FB community: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity

    Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

    Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

    Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 25 | My UNFILTERED Social Media Journey as a Small Business Owner of 10+ Years
    Jul 31 2024

    Hi, friend!

    Is it even possible to run a business without social media?! You know you want to be on your phone less, but you can never find boundaries that actually work because you have to be on your phone to market your business! Is balance in this area even realistic at all?! Especially as a mom of littles who REALLY wants to be present and not waste the little years being so distracted on social media constantly.

    If you’ve ever asked any of those questions or wondered how other moms and small business owners navigate social media, I’m pulling back the curtain in this episode for all the vulnerable (and frankly EMBARRASSING) stats and journey of what my social media usage has looked like over the years in all 3 of my businesses to date.

    Where I failed, where I’ve grown, the boundaries I swear by now, and most importantly, how the Lord has convicted my heart in a whole new way in the past year on this topic. This is going to be a juicy one, friends! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy!




    Online Business for Christian Women Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/online-business-for-christian-women-grow-your-business/id1437868374

    Stefanie Gass resources: https://stefaniegass.com/

    Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: bit.ly/simplerhythmscourse

    Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/b61d7efaea

    Come join the FREE FB community + enter the GIVEAWAY: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity

    Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

    Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

    Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • 24 | 10 Ways to Embrace REST as a Busy Mom When Your Brain NEVER Shuts Off
    Jul 23 2024

    Hi, friend!

    Do you feel like you are constantly hustling, always thinking about the next thing that needs to get done, errand you have to run, or item you need to cross off your daily to do list?!

    In today’s episode, I’m talking to all my mom friends that feel like you can NEVER get your brain to just shut off. Maybe you know you want to REST more and slow down, be fully present, but honestly you don’t even know HOW to rest.

    I’m going to break down 10 simple ways to embrace REST before the summer ends…tiny ways to fully rest even as a busy mom of littles, unplug and unwind to ultimately serve your family better by giving them the BEST version of yourself. Some of these you probably haven’t thought of before and prioritizing rest in your daily rhythms is so much simpler than we make it out to be! I pray this episode is encouraging for you! Enjoy!




    5 signs you’re living beyond your capacity episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/09-overwhelmed-trying-to-balance-it-all-5-signs-youre/id1739009977?i=1000654847736

    Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: bit.ly/simplerhythmscourse

    Download my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/b61d7efaea

    Come join the FREE FB community: bit.ly/simplerhythmscommunity

    Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

    Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

    Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com

    Más Menos
    23 m