• Sabbath Keeping EP1
    Sep 3 2024
    9.1.24 Pastor Chris Stephens
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    40 mins
  • Truth Worth Living – S3E6 – The Beatitudes 8.27.24
    Aug 29 2024
    Welcome back to Truth Worth Living, where we seek to understand God’s word so we can live in God’s will. Today, we continue our journey through the Beatitudes, where Jesus shares the surprising blessings found in God’s kingdom. In Matthew 5:5, Jesus says: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” To the crowd on that mountainside, this statement was shocking—meekness didn’t get you ahead in life, it got you pushed around. But Jesus was turning the world’s values upside down. He wasn’t talking about the meekness of resignation, where people shrink back out of fear or insecurity. Jesus was talking about the meekness of resolution—where true strength is held back for the sake of others. Think of it like this: You have the power to knock out a horse with one punch (like legendary boxer Joe Louis), but you choose patience and gentleness instead. That’s the kind of meekness Jesus blesses in His kingdom. This meekness isn’t weakness—it’s strength under control, driven by a deep sense of who we are in Christ. Meekness by resolution is a quality worth cultivating, and this is truth worth living! 🙏✨ #TruthWorthLiving #TheBeatitudes #Meekness #StrengthUnderControl #ChristianLiving #FaithJourney #BlessedLife #JesusTeaches
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    7 mins
  • Passing the Torch - Happiness - EP3
    Aug 27 2024
    Pastor Chris 8.24.25
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    44 mins
  • Truth Worth Living – S3E5 – The Beatitudes 8.20.24
    7 mins
  • Passing the Torch - Truth - EP2
    Aug 20 2024
    Pastor Chris Stephens 8.18.24
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    41 mins
  • Passing the Torch - Truth - EP1
    34 mins
  • Truth Worth Living – S3E4 – The Beatitudes 8.6.24
    Aug 8 2024
    Welcome back to Truth Worth Living, where we seek to understand God’s word so we can live in God’s will. In our last three editions, we laid the groundwork for understanding the Beatitudes. Today, we dive into the first one found in Matthew 5:3: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” What does it mean to be "poor in spirit"? There are two kinds of poverty in scripture: Poverty of Subsistence: Like subsistence farming, it's about just getting by with what you can grow or earn without outside help. Abject Poverty: An all-encompassing poverty that can only be overcome with outside assistance. Jesus uses the word for abject poverty here. So, "poor in spirit" means being utterly convinced of our unworthiness of God's love and acceptance, feeling spiritually bankrupt. In Luke 18:9-14, Jesus illustrates this with a parable about a Pharisee and a tax collector. The Pharisee boasts of his righteousness, while the tax collector humbly asks for God's mercy, recognizing his spiritual poverty. Jesus says it’s the humble tax collector who goes home justified before God. This Beatitude invites us to acknowledge our reality—we are in a hole we can’t climb out of without God's help. For followers of Jesus, it’s a reminder of our beginnings and who sustains us. Poverty of spirit is where we all start, but in Jesus, God offers us the riches of His heavenly kingdom. That’s a truth we must believe, and this is truth worth living! 🙏✨ #TruthWorthLiving #TheBeatitudes #Blessed #SermonOnTheMount #FaithJourney #BibleStudy #SpiritualGrowth #ChristianLiving
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    7 mins
  • Crazy Talk EP9 8.4.24
    Aug 6 2024


    Chris Stephens

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    45 mins