
  • 804 Grow Tent at Home Grown Va, February Fire Event
    Apr 4 2024

    In the heart of Virginia's vibrant cannabis community, the "February Fire" event at Homegrown VA emerges as a confluence of innovation, camaraderie, and a shared passion for the cultivation and enjoyment of cannabis. Amidst this lively gathering, a podcast session hosted by the esteemed MadManPlant shines a spotlight on an inspiring figure in the realm of cannabis cultivation: the person behind 804 Grow Tent. MadManPlant, known for delving into topics that sit at the intersection of mental health and cannabis cultivation, brings his audience an intimate conversation with 804 Grow Tent. This dialogue not only celebrates the cultivation of cannabis but also explores its profound impact on mental health and personal growth. 804 Grow Tent shares his journey into the world of cannabis, which began in his early teens. Initially influenced by peer behavior, his relationship with cannabis evolved into a deeply personal connection, transcending mere habit to become a significant part of his life. This story mirrors MadManPlant's own introduction to cannabis, highlighting a common narrative within the community: an initial skepticism followed by a profound appreciation for the plant's benefits. Discussing the therapeutic aspects of cannabis, 804 Grow Tent opens up about his battles with depression, sparked by a tragic loss at a young age. Cannabis became a solace, a means of navigating the tumultuous waves of grief and finding equilibrium in the aftermath of heartbreak. This candid revelation underscores the potential of cannabis to serve as a companion through life's darkest moments, offering not just escape but healing. The conversation shifts to the joys and challenges of cannabis cultivation. 804 Grow Tent, relatively new to the growing scene, shares his excitement and aspirations within this green endeavor. An accidental foray into breeding, resulting from an unintended pollination event, marks the beginning of what he hopes will be a fruitful journey into cannabis genetics and breeding. His approach to cultivation is one of curiosity and reverence for the plant, focusing on flavor and the overall experience it offers. The technical aspects of cultivation are explored, from the choice of growing medium to the decision between various growing techniques. 804 Grow Tent's preference for soil and organic methods reflects a broader trend within the community towards sustainable and health-conscious cultivation practices. The discussion of future goals, including a desire to breed unique strains and to provide medicinal cannabis to those in need, highlights the altruistic potential of cannabis cultivation. MadManPlant's interview with 804 Grow Tent serves as a microcosm of the broader cannabis community's journey: from initial experimentation to a deep-seated appreciation for the plant's multifaceted role in our lives. It is a narrative of personal loss, resilience, and the quest for knowledge and growth, both in the garden and within oneself. As the podcast session concludes, the invitation to connect with 804 Grow Tent on social media and to explore further stories on MadManPlant's platform reinforces the community aspect of cannabis culture. It's a reminder that, at its core, the world of cannabis is built on stories of transformation, healing, and the unyielding pursuit of passion. This episode, set against the backdrop of the February Fire event, is more than just a conversation; it's a testament to the power of cannabis to forge connections, inspire change, and cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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    8 mins
  • Kusai Cultivation at Home Grown Va, February Fire Event
    Apr 4 2024

    In the vibrant heart of the cannabis community, the "February Fire" event hosted by Homegrown VA stands as a beacon of innovation, camaraderie, and knowledge sharing. This gathering, celebrated for its warmth amidst the cold February chill, not only showcases the latest in cannabis cultivation but also fosters connections within the community. As part of this dynamic event, MadManPlant, a revered figure in the realm of cannabis content, brings to light the stories and experiences of those at the forefront of this green revolution. Among the notable guests is Kusai Cultivation, a name synonymous with passion and expertise in the field of cannabis gardening. The podcast episode kicks off with MadManPlant expressing gratitude to the sponsors who made the event possible, including the silver package sponsors, AC Infinity and Simple Solvents, and the bronze package sponsors, Hygrozyme, No Clone Left Behind, and GoodLuckStef Production. Amidst the bustling atmosphere of the event, MadManPlant is joined by Kusai Cultivation, a guest whose journey from a previous podcast appearance at MadManPlant’s home to the present is marked by growth, both metaphorically and literally. Kusai Cultivation, whose venture into the world of gardening was sparked by cannabis, shares their newfound excitement for vegetable gardening. This evolution from exclusively growing cannabis to embracing a broader spectrum of gardening endeavors highlights a common pathway for many within the community, where cannabis serves as the gateway to a deeper appreciation for the cultivation of various plants. Kusai is particularly enthusiastic about growing tomatoes, cabbage, and peppers alongside their cannabis plants, showcasing a harmonious blend of agricultural interests. At the heart of Kusai Cultivation’s current projects are four plants, including two Hero logos and the highly anticipated Dominion G from Jolly Farm, a testament to the local talent and expertise within the cannabis breeding community. These cultivations are not just about the plants themselves but represent a journey of learning, experimentation, and connection with fellow cultivators who share their wisdom and experiences. The conversation takes a personal turn as Kusai reflects on the transformation from concealing their cannabis cultivation due to family reservations to now having their own space where creativity and experimentation flourish. This personal growth underscores the importance of self-expression and authenticity in one's cultivation journey. Kusai's relationship with their supportive boyfriend, who has recently taken an interest in growing, adds another layer to the narrative, illustrating the communal aspect of cannabis cultivation and the shared joy it can bring. Mental health emerges as a pivotal theme in the discussion, with Kusai opening up about how cannabis serves as a grounding force in their life. The plant's ability to provide a moment of calm and reflection is invaluable, especially for individuals navigating the complexities of mental health challenges such as ADHD. This personal testament to cannabis's therapeutic potential echoes a sentiment widely shared within the community, highlighting its role beyond recreational or medicinal use—it's a companion on the journey toward self-care and mental well-being. As the conversation winds down, Kusai Cultivation shares their intentions for the coming year, emphasizing a desire to return to the basics and expand their horticultural knowledge. This step back from the digital realm to focus on personal growth and learning is a reminder of the ever-present need to balance our engagement with the world with our mental health and personal development. The podcast episode, set against the backdrop of the February Fire event, is more than a mere interview; it's a celebration of growth, community, and the ever-evolving relationship with cannabis. Kusai Cultivation's story, shared with warmth and openness, offers insights and inspiration to both seasoned cultivators and those newly acquainted with the green thumb. As the episode concludes, MadManPlant promises more enriching conversations, leaving listeners with a sense of anticipation and a deeper appreciation for the vibrant tapestry of the cannabis community.

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    5 mins
  • How Julian Lost His Arm at Home Grown Va, February Fire Event4
    Apr 4 2024

    In the heart of Virginia's burgeoning cannabis culture, the "February Fire" event at Homegrown serves as a vibrant platform for enthusiasts and advocates alike to share their stories, insights, and triumphs in the world of cannabis cultivation and consumption. Amid this fervent gathering, MadManPlant, a voice synonymous with the intersection of mental health and cannabis advocacy, introduces his audience to an inspiring figure: Julian, a guest whose story of resilience and adaptability offers a profound narrative on the therapeutic potential of cannabis amidst life's unforeseen challenges. MadManPlant's podcast, known for its deep dive into the symbiotic relationship between cannabis and mental well-being, finds in Julian a compelling testament to the plant's role in navigating the aftermath of a life-altering incident. Julian, who had never been on a podcast nor much engaged with social media, brings to the conversation an authenticity and perspective that is both refreshing and enlightening. Before the accident that led to the loss of his arm, Julian was already familiar with cannabis, a relationship that predated his ordeal. However, it was through the journey of recovery and adaptation that cannabis assumed a more significant role, serving as a beacon of comfort and mental relief amid the physical and emotional upheaval that followed his off-roading accident in Colorado. The incident, which resulted in Julian being medevaced after a UTV flipped onto his arm, marks a pivotal moment in his life, compelling him to navigate a new reality with unwavering courage and a renewed sense of purpose. Julian's narrative is not just about loss but about the indomitable spirit to persevere and thrive despite life's unpredictable turns. His philosophy, encapsulated in the mantra "you fucking don't stop," speaks to the resilience required to face life head-on, embracing the changes that come with it without succumbing to despair or resignation. This outlook, as Julian suggests, is a muscle that must be continually strengthened through the challenges we undertake, whether they be daily responsibilities or the pursuit of personal growth. In the wake of his accident, Julian's life underwent a transformation not just physically but also professionally. From a construction worker to an engineer, his journey reflects a remarkable adaptability and an unwillingness to let circumstances define his capabilities or diminish his aspirations. His story is a powerful reminder of the human capacity for reinvention and the pursuit of new beginnings. MadManPlant's conversation with Julian transcends the individual experience, touching on broader themes of faith, gratitude, and the transient nature of life. It's a dialogue that underscores the importance of acknowledging our vulnerabilities and finding strength in adversity. Julian's reflection on the role of cannabis in his life—both before and after the accident—offers an intimate glimpse into the plant's multifaceted role as a companion through times of hardship and a source of physical and mental relief. This podcast episode, set against the backdrop of the "February Fire" event, is more than an exploration of cannabis culture; it's a celebration of human resilience and the power of personal narratives to inspire, educate, and connect. Julian's story, while unique in its details, resonates with universal themes of overcoming adversity, finding solace in nature's gifts, and the ongoing journey of self-discovery and healing. As MadManPlant concludes the episode, the invitation to engage with Julian's story extends beyond the immediate audience to the wider community, encouraging listeners to reflect on their own journeys and the role of cannabis in navigating life's challenges. In sharing these narratives, MadManPlant not only illuminates the diverse experiences within the cannabis community but also fosters a deeper understanding of the plant's potential to enhance our lives in meaningful ways.

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    8 mins
  • Sean Barry American Autoflower Cup 2024 Interview - SmokeBusters Podcast
    Apr 4 2024

    In this vibrant episode of the Smoke Busters podcast, hosted by MadManPlant at the American Autoflower Cup, listeners were treated to an insightful conversation with Sean, a dedicated grower and cannabis enthusiast. The episode kicked off with acknowledgment of the event's sponsors, highlighting the support from AC Infinity and Simple Solvents in the Silver Package, and Hygrozyme, No Clone Left Behind, and GoodLuckStef in the Bronze Package. This support underscores the collective effort fueling the endeavors of the cannabis community. Sean shared his journey as a cultivator, focusing on photoperiod strains, with a particular emphasis on his cherished Master Kush. He recounted the strain's storied origins, tracing back to Afghanistan, where it was saved by Marines during a mission and eventually made its way to California. This narrative not only highlighted the historical and cultural dimensions of cannabis cultivation but also underscored the personal connections growers often have with their strains. The discussion delved into the technical aspects of cannabis cultivation, exploring topics like monster cropping, STS spraying for genetic preservation, and the benefits of micro-growing. MadManPlant provided valuable insights into these techniques, emphasizing the potential for home growers to produce high-quality cannabis regardless of space constraints. This part of the discussion served as an educational primer for listeners, offering a glimpse into the intricate world of cannabis genetics and cultivation strategies. Sean's approach to harvesting, aiming for a late pull to achieve a high amber trichome count, reflects a grower's dedication to quality over quantity. This preference underscores a broader theme within the cannabis community—the pursuit of personalized cultivation practices that cater to individual preferences and needs. The episode also touched on the challenges and nuances of growing cannabis, from managing a grow space to decisions around strain selection and cultivation methods. Sean's story of transitioning from a more intensive perpetual grow setup to a simpler, more manageable approach resonated with the realities many home growers face, balancing their passion for cultivation with the practicalities of daily life. Listeners were encouraged to explore the resources available on MadManPlant's website and YouTube channel, highlighting the wealth of knowledge available to those interested in deepening their understanding of cannabis cultivation. This invitation to learn and grow alongside the community encapsulates the episode's core message: the empowering nature of knowledge and the transformative potential of engaged cultivation. As the episode concluded, Sean shared his social media details, extending an invitation for listeners to connect and follow his journey as a grower. The presentation of the swag bag, courtesy of the sponsors, symbolized the appreciation and support that defines the cannabis community, celebrating the shared passion and dedication that bring growers, enthusiasts, and industry supporters together. This episode of Smoke Busters not only showcased Sean's personal journey with cannabis but also delved into broader themes of cultivation techniques, community engagement, and the profound connection between growers and their plants. It served as a testament to the dynamic and evolving nature of the cannabis culture, offering inspiration, education, and a call to embrace the diverse facets of cannabis cultivation.

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    13 mins
  • Jeff Davenport American Autoflower Cup 2024 Interview - SmokeBusters Podcast
    Apr 4 2024

    In an engaging episode of the SmokeBusters podcast, hosted by MadManPlant at the American Auto Flower Cup, listeners were treated to an insightful exploration of cannabis cultivation, with a special focus on its personal and communal benefits. The episode opened with heartfelt thanks to the sponsors who have played a crucial role in supporting the podcast's journey and the wider cannabis community. These sponsors include AC Infinity, Simple Solvents, Hygrozyme, No Clone Left Behind, and Good LuckStef Productions. Their contributions underscore the collective effort that underpins the endeavors of the cannabis culture. The guest for the episode, Jeff Davenport, shared his personal journey from Richmond, Virginia, to Southern California, highlighting the shifting landscape of cannabis legalization and its influence on individual decisions. Jeff's involvement with cannabis spans both personal enjoyment and mental health, showcasing the multifaceted relationship people have with the plant. He has a strong preference for using soil and auto flowers in his cultivation, reflecting the diverse methods and approaches within the growing community. This choice illuminates the broader debate on the merits of different cultivation techniques, including the quick turnaround of auto flowers versus the potential for larger yields from photoperiod plants. The discussion delved into the specifics of growing practices, from nutrient choices to strategies for maximizing plant health and yield. The mention of products from brands like Fox Farm and Advanced Nutrients highlights the array of resources available to cultivators. Furthermore, the conversation emphasized the critical role of genetic selection and environmental control in achieving desired cultivation outcomes, marrying the science and art of growing cannabis. Jeff's personal narrative of experimenting with strains like Sour Stomper and his preference for sativas for their energizing effects shed light on the individual choices that guide cultivation and consumption. The nuanced decisions growers make, such as when to harvest based on trichome maturity, offer insight into the meticulous care and knowledge that goes into producing high-quality cannabis. The episode also featured a showcase of the swag bag provided by sponsors, celebrating the tangible support for the cannabis community at events like the American Auto Flower Cup. Jeff's minimal presence on social media, with a nod towards future engagement, reflects a common theme among growers: a focus on the cultivation process and the plant itself, sometimes more than on creating a digital presence. This SmokeBusters episode not only offered a platform for sharing personal stories of cannabis cultivation but also highlighted the knowledge exchange and communal support that define the cannabis community. It emphasized the significance of events like the American Auto Flower Cup in fostering connections among enthusiasts, celebrating shared passions, and advancing the culture of cultivation. Jeff Davenport's transition from Richmond to SoCal, along with his cultivation experiences, serves as a microcosm of the broader cannabis culture, driven by personal passion, community support, and a collective love for the plant.

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    12 mins
  • Green Dynasty Farms Talks Cannabis Competition and Journey at Cowboy Cup
    Jan 17 2024

    In this episode of the SmokeBusters Podcast, host MadManPlant welcomes a representative from Green Dynasty Farms at the Cowboy Cup. The discussion kicks off with an insight into the fascinating world of cannabis cultivation, highlighting the engineering and innovation that goes into producing strains like Tropicana Cookies. The interviewee shares a personal journey, including a battle with cancer, adding a poignant and human element to the conversation. The podcast delves into the intricacies of the cannabis market, emphasizing the importance of delivering high-quality products to consumers, especially medical patients. The conversation touches on the challenges of indoor cultivation, the need for meticulous care in growing processes, and the efforts to educate customers about the nuances of different strains. Green Dynasty Farms' representative discusses the significance of participating in events like the Cowboy Cup, which serve as platforms for knowledge sharing, community building, and showcasing the best in the industry. The interview highlights how state laws affect the cannabis business and the importance of adapting to different regulatory environments. The episode also explores the mental health aspects and educational initiatives within the cannabis community. The guest talks about Green Dynasty Farms' journey in the industry, from their early days of growing popular strains like Girl Scout Cookies to their current status as a well-recognized brand. Towards the end, the conversation shifts to personal growth, the passion driving the cannabis industry, and the importance of staying focused and enjoying the process. The interview concludes with an invitation to listeners to explore more content from SmokeBusters, promising further insightful discussions and updates from the dynamic world of cannabis. Throughout the podcast, MadManPlant and the representative from Green Dynasty Farms engage in a lively and informative discussion, blending personal stories with professional insights, and highlighting the broader cultural, legal, and business aspects of the cannabis industry.

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    13 mins
  • UFCW's Joe and Hue Discuss Cannabis Industry Labor Rights at Cowboy Cup - SmokeBusters Podcast
    Jan 17 2024

    In this insightful episode of the SmokeBusters Podcast, host MadManPlant is joined by Joe and Hue from the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) at the Cowboy Cup. The conversation spans a variety of topics, focusing on the intersection of the cannabis industry with labor rights and societal issues.

    Joe and Hue from UFCW kick off the discussion by emphasizing the importance of recognizing and respecting workers in the cannabis industry. They highlight UFCW's commitment to ensuring fair treatment and proper recognition for the skills and efforts of these workers, drawing parallels with other skilled professions.

    The duo shares personal experiences and challenges faced by individuals working in the cannabis sector, touching on the societal stigma and discrimination associated with cannabis. They recount stories of personal struggles in various social and professional circles due to their involvement with cannabis, including their interactions with groups like the Freemasons and the Boy Scouts.

    The conversation also covers the diverse legal and social landscape of cannabis across different states. Joe and Hue discuss the necessity of a consistent, patient-centered approach in the cannabis industry and the crucial role workers play in ensuring patient care and safety.

    As the episode draws to a close, the focus turns to how listeners can connect with and support the UFCW's initiatives. Joe and Hue mention the availability of information through QR codes at their trailers and discuss their nationwide reach, particularly in states like Texas and Oklahoma.

    Throughout the podcast, MadManPlant, Joe, and Hue weave together personal stories, industry insights, and discussions on labor rights and societal perceptions of cannabis. This episode of SmokeBusters Podcast offers a comprehensive perspective on the complexities and nuances of working within the cannabis industry, highlighting the vital role of organizations like the UFCW in advocating for worker rights and safety.

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    20 mins
  • 2 Kings 3D Printing Talks Innovation and 3D Printed Dicks! He Make Dino Penises!!!! Cowboy Cup 2023
    Jan 17 2024

    In this fascinating episode of the SmokeBusters Podcast, host MadManPlant welcomes Joseph from 2 Kings 3D Printing, capturing the essence of innovation at the Cowboy Cup. Joseph delves into his intriguing journey in the world of 3D printing, showcasing how a simple idea can evolve into a captivating enterprise. Joseph shares the backstory of 2 Kings 3D Printing, highlighting the unique and humorous 3D-printed objects that have become the hallmark of his company. He talks about the diversity in the sizes of his creations, with the largest models reaching an impressive two feet in width. The conversation takes a deeper dive into the technical realm of 3D printing, where Joseph discusses the challenges he faced, the learning curve he navigated, and his preference for Fusion 360 in the design and manufacturing process. Throughout the podcast, Joseph's anecdotes bring a personal and humorous touch to the discussion. He recounts amusing stories, including how his mother finds unconventional uses for his 3D prints, adding a relatable element to the conversation. The episode also explores the entrepreneurial aspects of 2 Kings 3D Printing. Joseph discusses the potential for expanding his product range and the importance of participating in industry events like the Cowboy Cup for networking and incubating new ideas. Reflecting on his experiences at the event, he emphasizes the value of community, creativity, and collaboration in both the 3D printing sector and the broader creative industry. As the episode concludes, Joseph shares his future aspirations and plans for 2 Kings 3D Printing, leaving listeners intrigued and looking forward to what's next. MadManPlant, through the SmokeBusters Podcast, continues to engage and inspire the audience with unique and thought-provoking content from the frontiers of creativity and technological innovation.

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    10 mins