
  • Dr. Strangelove (1964)
    Sep 18 2024

    YOU KNOW THAT GIF WHERE THE GUY IS RIDING A BOMB AND ITS BLACK AND WHITE AND HE'S WAVING THE COWBOY HAT? That's this movie. Sorry I yelled. If you're like me (and my ego is too small and weak to assume otherwise) then you cannot make yourself watch this movie. ITS TOO OLD. But great news: We watched it! So now you can sit in your future car and hear all the coolest parts and then later when you're at a party or memorial or whatever and people are talking about this movie you can nod enthusiastically with the comfort of knowing you can probably cite one or two scenes that convince them that you too are cultured and cool and sorry for their loss.

    A film about what could happen if the wrong person pushed the wrong button -- and it played the situation for laughs. U.S. Air Force General Jack Ripper goes completely insane, and sends his bomber wing to destroy the U.S.S.R. He thinks that the communists are conspiring to pollute the "precious bodily fluids" of the American people.

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    51 mins
  • The Shaggy DA
    Sep 10 2024

    ENOUGH KID STUFF. WE'RE GETTING BACK TO GRITTY ADULT INTENDED MOVIES. Today we watched the Shaggy DA, the hit sequel to the Shaggy Dog. Did you miss our Shaggy Dog episode? DON'T WORRY. IT DOESN'T EXIST. Many fan theories insist that the the Shaggy Dog cinematic universe actually begins with the sequel and if you watch it in reverse it's the story of a dog overcoming nearly impossible odds to become a crooked human lawyer. More on that in the episode.

    When successful lawyer Wilby Daniels (Dean Jones) returns from vacation to find his home has been burglarized, he decides to clean up the town by running against the corrupt John Slade (Keenan Wynn) in the upcoming district attorney election. However, just as Wilby begins his campaign, he learns that a ring has been stolen from a museum that has the power to turn him temporarily into a sheepdog. Knowing he could transform at any moment, Wilby attempts to win the election.

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    51 mins
  • Grave of the Fireflies (1988)
    Aug 28 2024

    WE DID IT. Summer of animation is coming to a close and dear listener I would like to thank YOU most of all for putting in the TIME and EFFORT to watch all of these movies with us (I know you did. C'mon of course you did. YOU WOULDN'T MAKE US DO THIS WITHOUT YOU RIGHT!?) This week we are closing it out with the iconic, Grave of the Fireflies. It's got war. It's got famine. It's got more tears than your high school glee club's semi-district-regional competition! GET IN HERE AND LET US CRY AT YOU.

    A devastating meditation on the human cost of war, this animated tale follows Seita (Tsutomu Tatsumi), a teenager charged with the care of his younger sister, Setsuko (Ayano Shiraishi), after an American firebombing during World War II separates the two children from their parents. Their tale of survival is as heartbreaking as it is true to life. The siblings rely completely on each other and struggle against all odds to stay together and stay alive.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Fire and Ice (1983)
    Aug 20 2024

    I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A TASK. I am to communicate to you that you may email us at sdyli204@gmail.com. I have been instructed to request from you contact if you so choose. Please do not sell us anything. We are not interested in your magazines or your alternative health style.

    THIS WEEK WE WATCHED FIRE & ICE. A well known and loved movie animated using rotoscope. Stylistically a titan to witness BUT DOES THE PLOT COMPARE!? Delivering some hard truths on this episode. Buckle up! (we loved it (or did we))

    This fantastical animated movie by cult filmmaker Ralph Bakshi finds the villainous Nekron and his mother, Queen Juliana, attacking the human race from their frigid fortress. Creating mass destruction with huge glaciers, Nekron and Juliana incur the wrath of Larn, a warrior whose entire village was destroyed by ice. When Nekron's underlings kidnap the beautiful Princess Teegra, Larn sets out to rescue her, assisted by the fierce and enigmatic Darkwolf.

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    47 mins
  • Loving Vincent (2017)
    Aug 13 2024

    WE'RE BACK. Okay this one, as usual, is on me (the editor). BUT THIS ONE IS CRAZY YALL. WE'RE BACK WITH A BANGER. Loving Vincent is like stop motion, but harder. Like a hand drawn animation, but way way way harder. Every frame is a painting done in different art styles and giving a glimpse at the potential life of Van Gogh. I DON'T TYPICALLY WRITE THE SYNOPSIS CAUSE MY BRAIN IS BAD BUT THIS ONE WAS TOO COOL TO NOT TALK ABOUT. TUNE IN NERDS.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Heavy Metal (1981)
    Jul 17 2024

    ITS THE 80s. C'monnnnn times were different. Music was cooler! Cigarettes were good for you! And animation! was! Weirderrrrrr! We got a lot opinions on this one folks. It's cooky. It's spooky? And it's all-in-all a WEIRD VIBE. In fact we gotta talk about it. GET IN HERE.

    Adventures from deep space to futuristic New York, and beyond. Each world and story is dominated by the presence of the Loch'nar -- the sum of all evils manifest as a glowing green sphere whose power infects all times, all galaxies, all dimensions. To some, it appears as treasure, a green jewel they must possess. Others worship it as a god. Few escape it. Even in death and through death its powers continue. From war to war and world to world it seems invincible.

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    1 hr
  • Deep Sea (2023)
    Jul 9 2024

    WE'RE VULNERABLE TODAY OKAY? Why don't you get off your high horse and come look at me in my face. Did I cry? Yeah. Did I mean to cry? NO. Am I moved? Changed, even? Confronting existence with the humans I'm surrounded by and appreciative of their presence and role in my life even if at times that presence may be a turbulent one? Yeah... Deep Sea hurt. And it's really good. And I hope you listen to this one.

    Swept into the sea during a family cruise, a young girl named Shenxiu stumbles upon a mysterious restaurant under the waves. There, she meets the scheming head chef and his ragtag crew of adorable otters and sarcastic walruses. They join forces to save the restaurant and reunite Shenxiu with her mother.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Flight of the Dragons (1982)
    Jul 3 2024


    Anyway. We watched Flight of the frickin Dragons yall. And I didn't know what the heck this movie was until I googled it and then I was like OHHHHHH and yall.... it's a trip. Listen in cause this one? This one is weird. Just read the synopsis, and dive in:

    A Boston writer travels back in time to an age of dragons, wizards, and knights where science is barely known and he must lead a quest for a red crown.

    Bonus line: what do yall think about posting on Wednesdays? Is this wild? Is this crazy? Mondays starting next week again but like... look at us! Wednesday people!

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    56 mins