• EPS:022 12 Days Of Impacful Podcasting- Strategic Implementation of CTAs
    Jul 30 2024


    In this podcast episode, Anthony Porter discusses the art of the call to action (CTA) and its importance in monetizing a podcast. He emphasizes the need for listeners to take action, such as spreading the word, rating and reviewing, opting into an email list, and making purchases. Porter explains that CTAs should be rotated and implemented strategically throughout episodes to avoid overwhelming listeners. He also discusses the three main ad placements for CTAs: pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll. The episode concludes with a mention of the upcoming episode on the language of CTAs.


    A well-timed and effective call to action is crucial for monetizing a podcast.

    Listeners should be encouraged to take action, such as spreading the word, rating and reviewing, opting into an email list, and making purchases.

    CTAs should be rotated and implemented strategically throughout episodes to avoid overwhelming listeners.

    The three main ad placements for CTAs are pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll.

    The language used in CTAs can greatly impact their effectiveness.


    00:00 The Art of the Call to Action

    02:29 The Money is in the List

    04:09 Encouraging Listeners to Take Action

    06:23 Strategic Implementation of CTAs

    10:56 Ad Placements for CTAs

    19:03 The Impact of Language in CTAs

    Sound Bites

    "Let's dive into the art of the call to action."

    "The money is in the list."

    "Your listeners will be thrilled to take action."

    call to action, monetization, podcast, spreading the word, rating and reviewing, email list, purchases, ad placements

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    23 mins
  • EPS:021 12 Days Of Impacful Podcasting- The Power of Reaching 100% Podcast Listeners
    Jun 24 2024


    In this episode, Anthony Porter discusses the strategy of podcast guesting as a way to grow your podcast audience. He explains that when you are a guest on another podcast, you are reaching 100% podcast listeners, unlike on social media where only 40% of people listen to podcasts. Porter emphasizes the importance of being professional and studying other shows to improve your own podcasting skills. He also highlights the significance of networking with other successful podcasters and not being afraid to share and collaborate. Porter provides tips for successful podcast guesting, including targeting the right shows, crafting a compelling pitch, and being persistent.


    Podcast guesting is a great way to reach 100% podcast listeners and grow your audience.

    Being professional and studying other shows can help improve your podcasting skills.

    Networking with other successful podcasters can provide support and shortcuts for growth.

    Crafting a compelling pitch and targeting the right shows are key to successful podcast guesting.

    Persistence is important in podcast guesting, and it's crucial to have a clear call to action for listeners.

    Sound Bites

    "When you're a guest on another podcast, 100% of the people you reach at that particular point in time are podcast listeners."

    "Networking is very important. If you want to be a successful podcaster, it'll be faster, easier, and more fun to grow if you network with other successful podcasters."

    "You have to be able to use information to retain. And once you start retaining information, you can start to become that person, that go-to figure."


    00:00 Introduction and Overview

    01:09 Leveraging Social Media to Grow Your Podcast

    04:06 Being Professional and Studying Other Shows

    05:40 Networking and Collaboration for Podcasting Success

    08:22 Common Mistakes in Podcast Guesting

    12:43 Crafting a Compelling Pitch for Podcast Guesting

    19:30 Don't Give Up Too Soon

    21:33 Targeting the Right Shows for Guesting

    24:22 Implementing a Systematic Approach to Guesting

    26:59 Conclusion and Next Steps

    podcast guesting, podcast growth, leveraging social media, professional podcasting, networking, storytelling, pitch

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    30 mins
  • EPS:020 12 Days Of Impacful Podcasting- How To Maximizing Audience Growth Through Social Media
    Jun 17 2024


    In this episode, Tony Porter discusses audience growth and the role of social media in promoting a podcast. He emphasizes the importance of engaging with the audience, keeping them up to date with new episodes, and expanding to reach new audiences. Tony provides tips on using social media platforms effectively, such as choosing one platform to focus on, planning posts in advance, and using hashtags. He also shares strategies for engaging with the audience, including the 'dollar 80 rule' and creating content that is relevant to the podcast's target audience.


    Engaging with the audience is crucial for podcast growth.

    Social media allows podcasters to engage, inform, and expand their audience.

    Choosing the right social media platform and planning posts in advance are key.

    Engaging with the audience through comments and detailed responses is important.

    Creating content that is relevant to the target audience is essential for success.

    Sound Bites

    "Maximizing audience growth through social media"

    "Engaging and informing your audience on social media"

    "Choosing the right social media platform for promotion"


    00:00 Introduction to audience growth

    02:07 Maximizing audience growth through social media

    05:58 Choosing the right social media platform

    07:36 Engaging with the audience and building a community

    09:20 Creating relevant content for your target audience

    14:18 The importance of planning and consistency in social media posts


    audience growth, social media, engagement, promotion, target audience, posts, hashtags

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    17 mins
  • EPS:019 12 Days Of Impacful Podcasting- The Power of Clear and Specific Episode Titles
    Jun 12 2024


    In this episode, Tony Porter discusses the importance of crafting persuasive titles and descriptions for podcast episodes. He emphasizes the need to win the play and grab the attention of listeners in a crowded podcasting landscape. Tony explains that the title and description should be clear, specific, and unique, and should highlight the value and usefulness of the episode. He also touches on the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and provides tips for optimizing episode packaging for humans. The episode concludes with a mention of upcoming topics on promoting podcast episodes.


    Crafting persuasive titles and descriptions is crucial for winning the play and grabbing the attention of listeners.

    Episode titles should be clear, specific, and unique, and should highlight the value and usefulness of the episode.

    Descriptions should provide a teaser that builds upon the title and entices listeners to press play.

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is important for making your podcast discoverable.

    Promoting podcast episodes on social media and through email can help increase visibility and engagement.

    Sound Bites

    "We've got loads of competition and very little time. Our episodes must win quickly, must win that play quickly."

    "Crafting the perfect title for your episode. We call it the perfect title, some call it persuading the title. Your episode title has to have one goal and that's to make listeners press play."

    "Your episode title has to be top notch. Your podcast can be killer, but if your title is not something that somebody wants to look at or listen to, nobody's going to look at or listen to."


    00:00 Introduction and Overview

    03:22 The Challenge of Getting Listeners to Press Play

    12:01 Crafting Persuasive Episode Titles

    14:31 Writing Effective Episode Descriptions

    26:28 Promoting Podcast Episodes: Social Media and Email Strategies

    28:45 Conclusion and Call to Action


    podcasting, episode titles, episode descriptions, winning the play, persuasive packaging, search engine optimization (SEO), promoting podcast episodes

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    26 mins
  • EPS:018 12 Days Of Impacful Podcasting- Structuring Podcast Episodes for Audience Engagement
    Jun 7 2024


    In this podcast episode, Anthony Porter discusses the importance of creating podcast episodes that keep listeners engaged and wanting more. He emphasizes the significance of asking a single question that serves as the overall mission of the episode and how it helps in crafting engaging content. He also shares insights on retaining listeners, structuring podcast episodes, and the impact of early question posing in content creation.


    The importance of creating podcast episodes that keep listeners engaged and wanting more

    Crafting content around a single question that serves as the overall mission of the episode

    The impact of early question posing in content creation and its role in engaging the audience

    Sound Bites

    "How podcast episodes keep listeners engaged and wanting more"

    "Understanding the importance of retaining listeners and completion rates"

    "Being the Michael Jordan of podcasting: Crafting sharp and relevant content"


    00:00 Crafting Engaging Podcast Episodes: The Art of Audience Retention

    13:30 The Power of Posing a Single Question in Podcast Content

    Any questions email us at Socialmojopodcast@gmail.com

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    25 mins
  • EPS:017 12 Days Of Impacful Podcasting-The Importance of Retaining Podcast Listeners
    Jun 4 2024


    In this conversation, Tony Porter discusses the importance of retaining podcast listeners and how to improve completion rates. He emphasizes the need to focus on the listeners you already have and ensure they stick around. Porter explains that the average completion rate is a key metric for podcast health and growth. He advises podcasters to hook their audience in the first few minutes with a compelling intro and to avoid distractions like ads or calls to action. Porter also shares a case study of a podcaster who significantly increased their downloads by improving their intro. He concludes by highlighting the ongoing work required to keep listeners engaged and the importance of having great episodes beyond just the intro.


    Focus on retaining the listeners you already have, not just gaining new ones.

    The average completion rate is a crucial metric for podcast health and growth.

    Hook your audience in the first few minutes with a compelling intro that clearly communicates the value of the episode.

    Avoid distractions like ads or calls to action in the intro.

    Improving the intro can significantly increase downloads and listener retention.

    Continuously work on creating great episodes beyond just the intro to keep listeners engaged.

    Sound Bites

    "Retention is key to podcast success."

    "Hook your audience in the first three to five minutes."

    "A good completion rate depends on your podcast format and episode length."


    00:00 The Importance of Listener Retention in Podcasting

    01:19 Understanding Completion Rates and Episode Intros


    podcast, listeners, retention, completion rate, intro, hook, case study

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    22 mins
  • EPS:016 12 Days Of Impacful Podcasting-Choosing the Right Podcast Format
    Jun 3 2024


    In this episode, Anthony Porter discusses the importance of podcast format and explores the three main types of podcast formats: guest interviews, solo episodes, and discussion and talk shows. He emphasizes the significance of choosing a format that serves the listener's mission, is enjoyable to create, and can be sustained long-term. Anthony also shares insights on the skills required for interviewing guests and the benefits of both solo episodes and guest interviews. He concludes by teasing the next episode on retention.


    The format of a podcast plays a crucial role in serving the listener's mission, enjoyment of content creation, and long-term sustainability.

    Interviewing skills are essential for conducting engaging and insightful guest interviews.

    Both solo episodes and guest interviews have their own benefits, and it's advantageous to incorporate both formats into a podcast strategy.

    Sound Bites

    "Your format is a structural backbone. The format, how you do your show, period, explains it so well, how you do your show."

    "A format that serves your listeners mission. A format that you will enjoy making. A format that you can sustain long-term."

    "We're at level one, where we wanted to get to, right? Now we gotta get to level two, that's retention."


    00:00 Introduction to the 12 Days of Podcasting

    01:03 The Importance of Podcast Format

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    25 mins
  • EPS:015 12 Days Of Impacful Podcasting-Defining Your Podcast's Mission
    May 31 2024

    Day 3


    In this episode, Anthony Porter discusses the importance of defining your podcast's mission. He emphasizes that the mission should be the core promise of what your show will do for its listeners. Porter explains that a well-defined listener's mission serves two major purposes: it makes it clear to potential listeners why they should tune in, and it helps you as a podcaster by simplifying decision-making and providing a clear direction. He also highlights the significance of crafting a podcast tagline that conveys your listener's mission in 10 words or less.


    Your podcast's mission is the core promise of what your show will do for its listeners.

    A well-defined listener's mission makes it clear to potential listeners why they should tune in.

    Crafting a podcast tagline that conveys your listener's mission in 10 words or less is crucial.

    Your listener's mission should focus on tangible outcomes that your audience seeks and help them achieve their goals.

    Sound Bites

    "Your mission is to define, is to show them exactly what it is you're going to discuss and how it relates to them."

    "A well-defined listener's mission makes it crystal clear to potential listeners why they should tune in."

    "If you don't have a listener's mission, you will not get listeners."


    00:00 Introduction

    00:38 The Importance of a Podcast Mission

    04:10 The Power of a Listener's Mission

    09:03 The Consequences of Not Having a Listener's Mission

    12:28 Crafting a Podcast Tagline

    21:43 Conclusion

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    21 mins