
  • MMS #96 - Sales Success: From Value Creation to Objection Handling with Bob Burg & Jeff West
    Jul 25 2024

    In episode 96 of "Mastering Modern Selling," we had the privilege of hosting Bob Burg and Jeff West, the brilliant minds behind the book "Streetwise to Saleswise."

    This engaging conversation delved into transforming sales approaches, overcoming objections, and the importance of personal development in achieving sales success.

    The Importance of Personal Development:

    Bob Burg emphasizes that success in sales is deeply rooted in personal development.

    He shared his journey from struggling in sales to becoming successful by devouring books from sales legends like Tom Hopkins and Zig Ziglar. The takeaway? Cultivate your inner growth to see outer success.

    Understanding and Overcoming Objections:

    Jeff West introduced the concept of "becoming objection-proof."

    He highlighted that objections are often not the real issues but manifestations of underlying concerns. By controlling emotions, empathizing with the prospect, and asking insightful questions, salespeople can uncover and address the true objections effectively.

    The Role of Empathy in Sales:

    Both Bob and Jeff underscored the power of empathy in building relationships with prospects.

    Validating a prospect's thought process and concerns fosters trust and opens up genuine dialogue, making it easier to address their needs and offer appropriate solutions.

    Systematic Approach to Handling Objections:

    Jeff elaborated on a systematic approach to handling objections: control emotions, empathize, ask questions to understand the prospect’s perspective, and then gently shift their frame to offer solutions.

    This approach not only resolves objections but also strengthens the relationship with the prospect.

    Merging Sales Skills with Personal Growth:

    The discussion brought to light that sales skills and personal growth are intertwined.

    Bob Burg shared that mastering the mechanics of selling and understanding human nature are crucial, but integrating these with continuous personal development leads to sustained success.

    The episode with Bob Burg and Jeff West was a treasure trove of wisdom for sales professionals.

    Their insights into personal development, empathy, and systematic objection handling provide a robust framework for enhancing sales performance.

    For those looking to elevate their sales game, this episode is a must-watch.

    Dive into the full episode to gain more in-depth knowledge and practical tips from these seasoned experts.

    Don't miss out—your next big idea could be just one episode away!

    This Show is sponsored by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Check out our Live Show Events here: Mastering Modern Selling Live Show

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  • MMS #95 - Authentic Sales Strategies: Bridging Passion and Purpose with Liz Wendling
    Jul 18 2024

    In Episode #95 of Mastering Modern Selling, Liz Wendling joins us to share her insights on authentic sales strategies.

    With a background spanning 30 years in sales, Liz offers a unique perspective on connecting with potential clients by treating them as humans rather than mere sales targets.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Embrace Authenticity:
      • Liz highlights the importance of being genuine in sales interactions. She recounts her early career where she succeeded by treating prospects like family, which led to her being the top salesperson despite not following traditional sales training.
    2. Personalization Over Automation:
      • Avoid generic, templated messages that feel impersonal. Instead, craft emails and messages that speak directly to the recipient, making them feel valued and understood.
    3. Ditch the Fluff:
      • Liz advises against starting emails with phrases like “I hope you’re doing well.” These often come off as insincere. Instead, get straight to the point and provide value from the first sentence.
    4. Balanced Serving and Selling:
      • Authentic selling involves a balance between serving and selling. Liz compares it to inhaling and exhaling – you need both to survive. Being overly focused on serving without aiming to close the sale can be just as detrimental as being too pushy.
    5. Effective Follow-Up:
      • Follow-up should be thoughtful and value-driven. Liz emphasizes the need to continue providing meaningful insights and addressing the prospect’s needs rather than repeatedly asking if they’re ready to buy.

    Liz Wendling’s approach to sales focuses on authenticity and genuine connections.

    By personalizing interactions, avoiding unnecessary fluff, and balancing serving with selling, sales professionals can build trust and ultimately achieve better results.

    Don't miss out—your next big idea could be just one episode away!

    This Show is sponsored by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Check out our Live Show Events here: Mastering Modern Selling Live Show

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  • MMS #94 - Transforming Sales Leadership: From Managers to World-Class Coaches with Keith Rosen
    Jul 11 2024

    Dive into the latest episode of Mastering Modern Selling, featuring renowned sales leadership expert, Keith Rosen.

    This episode unpacks the essentials of effective sales coaching and the transformation of top sales performers into exceptional leaders.

    The Allure and Reality of Sales Management

    Keith Rosen sheds light on the common misconceptions about sales management. Many high-performing salespeople are enticed by the perceived power and authority of managerial roles but often lack the necessary training, leading to challenges in leadership and team dynamics.

    The Critical Role of Coaching

    Effective sales leadership goes beyond managing numbers. Keith emphasizes the importance of having a universal coaching methodology and framework. Without proper coaching, managers often revert to being super-sellers, solving problems for their team instead of fostering independence and growth.

    Creating a Culture of Accountability

    Keith introduces the concept of an "accountability partnership," where managers and team members hold each other responsible for maintaining high standards and core values. This approach promotes a supportive environment and encourages continuous improvement.

    The Pitfalls of Being a Super Seller

    Managers who take over deals and solve all the problems for their team create dependency, hindering the development of their salespeople. Keith advocates for empowering team members to become independent critical thinkers, thereby enhancing their confidence and performance.

    Aligning Personal Values with Business Objectives

    Understanding what motivates each team member is crucial. By aligning personal values with business goals, leaders can create a shared vision that drives both individual and organizational success. This alignment fosters a motivated and engaged workforce.

    Keith Rosen's insights emphasize that great sales leadership is built on a foundation of care, accountability, and continuous coaching.

    By focusing on these principles, sales managers can transform their teams into high-performing sales forces.

    Don't miss out—your next big idea could be just one episode away!

    This Show is sponsored by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Check out our Live Show Events here: Mastering Modern Selling Live Show

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    1 h y 9 m
  • MMS #93 - Why Personal Branding Matters: Lessons from the First Six Months of 2024
    Jul 4 2024

    In this episode of Mastering Modern Selling, hosts Brandon Lee, Carson Heady, and Tom Burton dive into the importance of personal branding, reflecting on the lessons learned from the first half of 2024.

    They explore the strategies and benefits of building a strong personal brand in today's competitive market.

    Key Points:

    1. Consistency Compounds:
      • Carson emphasizes the power of consistency in personal branding, describing how regular and meaningful engagement over time can transform a small influence into a significant impact. This approach not only builds recognition but also establishes credibility and trust within your network.
    2. Leveraging LinkedIn:
      • Brandon shares insights on using LinkedIn effectively to rise above the noise. By posting content daily, engaging with others, and showing genuine interest in the community, professionals can enhance their visibility and create a sense of familiarity among their audience. This consistent presence leads to higher engagement and better business opportunities.
    3. Personal Branding as a Career Catalyst:
      • Hosts discuss how a strong personal brand can significantly impact career growth. Carson recounts how his personal branding efforts have opened doors and created opportunities within his organization and beyond. He highlights that showcasing your expertise and experiences can de-risk hiring decisions and attract new prospects.
    4. Creating Valuable Content:
      • The importance of producing content that resonates with your audience is underscored. Brandon talks about the strategy of generating content from interviews and transcripts, ensuring that the messages are authentic and in the voice of the individual. This method helps professionals share their knowledge without the pressure of constant content creation.
    5. Building Trust and Relationships:
      • The episode highlights that personal branding is not just about self-promotion but about building genuine relationships and trust. By consistently providing value and engaging with your audience, professionals can foster meaningful connections that lead to business growth and career advancements.

    The episode concludes with a powerful message about the critical role of personal branding in today's business environment.

    Our hosts encourage listeners to take actionable steps towards building their brands, emphasizing that it's not about perfection but about showing up consistently and authentically.

    They urge professionals to embrace personal branding as a long-term strategy for success and to leverage platforms like LinkedIn to their full potential.

    To dive deeper into the insights shared in this episode and learn more about building a robust personal brand, watch the full episode of Mastering Modern Selling.

    Join the conversation and start your journey towards becoming a recognized and trusted voice in your industry.

    Don't miss out—your next big idea could be just one episode away!

    This Show is sponsored by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Check out our Live Show Events here: Mastering Modern Selling Live Show

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    1 h y 3 m
  • MMS #92 - Crafting Connections Using Humor: B2B Transformation with Jon Selig
    Jun 27 2024

    In the latest episode of Mastering Modern Selling, our hosts had an engaging discussion with Jon Selig, a seasoned sales professional and stand-up comedian, about the transformative power of humor in sales.

    This episode dives deep into how salespeople can break through the noise with memorable and impactful messaging using humor.

    Here are five key takeaways from this enlightening conversation:

    1. The Power of Relatability:
      • Jon emphasizes that humor can make sales messages more relatable and memorable. By addressing common frustrations or challenges with a lighthearted touch, sales professionals can create a connection with their prospects. This relatability helps to break the ice and establish a rapport that traditional sales messages often fail to achieve.
    2. Understanding Your Audience:
      • A critical element in using humor effectively is knowing your audience. Jon points out that it's essential to tailor your jokes and humorous messages to fit the specific pain points and interests of your target personas. Whether addressing C-level executives or mid-level managers, the humor should resonate with their daily experiences and challenges.
    3. Avoiding Generic Messaging:
      • One of the major pitfalls in sales is the tendency to stick to bland, generic messaging. Jon argues that taking calculated risks with humor can set you apart from the competition. While it's important to remain professional, a well-crafted joke can capture attention and make your message stand out in a sea of sameness.
    4. Balancing Humor and Professionalism:
      • Jon discusses the importance of striking the right balance between humor and professionalism. The goal is not to become a stand-up comedian but to use humor as a tool to engage and provoke thought. The humor should always be relevant to the sales context and should never overshadow the primary message or solution being offered.
    5. Practical Applications and Examples:
      • Jon shares practical examples of how humor can be integrated into various stages of the sales process. From opening lines in cold emails to icebreakers during sales calls, he illustrates how humor can be a versatile tool. For instance, a joke about the hassle of disposing of printed programs at events can highlight the value of digital solutions in a memorable way.

    Jon Selig's insights underscore the potential of humor to revolutionize sales messaging. By making interactions more enjoyable and memorable, sales professionals can build stronger connections and drive better engagement.

    As the conversation wraps up, Jon encourages sales teams to embrace creativity and take measured risks in their communication strategies.

    Stay tuned for more episodes, and as always, happy modern selling!

    This Show is brought to you by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Don't miss out—your next big idea could be just one episode away!

    This Show is sponsored by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Check out our Live Show Events here: Mastering Modern Selling Live Show

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    59 m
  • MMS #91 - Unlocking Curiosity: Leadership and Culture with Carl Lubbe
    Jun 20 2024

    Welcome to Episode 91 of Mastering Modern Selling!

    We had the pleasure of hosting Carl Lubbe, a renowned curiosity coach.

    Carl brings a wealth of experience and unique perspectives on sales leadership and the power of curiosity in driving sales success.

    This episode is packed with insightful and transformative advice for sales professionals aiming to elevate their game.

    Key Points:

    1. The Importance of Presence in Sales: Carl emphasizes the significance of being truly present during sales interactions. He introduces techniques like the "30-second micro meeting" and taking deep breaths before a call to help salespeople stay focused and engaged with their clients.
    2. Curiosity as a Superpower: Carl believes that curiosity is a critical trait for successful salespeople. By approaching conversations with genuine interest and curiosity, sales professionals can create stronger connections and uncover deeper insights about their clients' needs and challenges.
    3. People Over Product: One of Carl's core messages is that people, not products, are the profit in sales. He encourages sales leaders to foster a culture that prioritizes understanding and serving the people behind the transactions, leading to more meaningful and successful engagements.
    4. Overcoming Sales Challenges: Carl discusses common pitfalls in B2B sales, such as the pressure to rush through interactions and the tendency to focus on numbers rather than individuals. He offers strategies for slowing down, being present, and truly connecting with clients to drive better outcomes.
    5. The Eight-Year-Old Mindset: In a unique twist, Carl advises sales professionals to tap into their "inner eight-year-old" by maintaining a sense of wonder and curiosity in their interactions. This mindset helps to alleviate fear and anxiety, making sales conversations more authentic and effective.

    Carl Lubbe's insights provide a refreshing and transformative approach to sales.

    By emphasizing presence, curiosity, and genuine human connection, he offers practical strategies for sales professionals to enhance their effectiveness and build lasting relationships.

    For a deeper dive into Carl's methods and to hear more of his valuable advice, be sure to watch the full episode!

    If you found these insights valuable, don't miss the full episode for a comprehensive exploration of Carl Lubbe's innovative sales strategies.

    Join the conversation and share your thoughts on how curiosity and presence have impacted your sales success!

    This Show is brought to you by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Don't miss out—your next big idea could be just one episode away!

    This Show is sponsored by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Check out our Live Show Events here: Mastering Modern Selling Live Show

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    1 h y 5 m
  • MMS #90 - Sales Success with Mindset, Mental Models, and More Meaning with Bernadette McClelland
    Jun 13 2024

    In this episode of Mastering Modern Selling, special guest Bernadette McClellan shares her wisdom on transforming sales strategies to better align with today's buyer expectations.

    Drawing from her extensive experience and her latest book, "The Shift and Disrupt: Stop Selling Widgets, Start Selling Wisdom," Bernadette provides a roadmap for sales professionals to elevate their game and connect more effectively with clients.

    Key Takeaways

    • Embrace Change and Inspire Buyers: Bernadette emphasizes the importance of salespeople inspiring change in their buyers. She identifies three key skill sets necessary for modern sales success: creativity, complex problem-solving, and critical thinking. Sales professionals need to help buyers see new perspectives and uncover needs they might not even know they have.

    • From Saboteur to Sage: Salespeople often sabotage their success by not fully committing to their value and role. Bernadette introduces the "Identity Influence and Impact Index," which guides salespeople from self-sabotage to becoming trusted advisors. By owning their value and demonstrating relevance, salespeople can turn buyers from skeptics into super fans.

    • Internal, External, and Essential Stories: Bernadette's book outlines the importance of internal, external, and essential stories in sales. Internal stories are the narratives salespeople tell themselves about their buyers and their value. External stories involve the conversations salespeople have with buyers, focusing on bringing new insights and value. Essential stories are about deeply understanding the buyer’s needs and context.

    • Visual Storytelling: Effective communication in sales goes beyond verbal interactions. Bernadette highlights that 83% of communication is visual. She encourages salespeople to use visual storytelling techniques to engage buyers more deeply and make complex ideas more accessible.

    • Be a Consultant, Not a Salesperson: Buyers today expect more from salespeople than just product pitches. Bernadette underscores the need for sales professionals to act as consultants, helping buyers understand their own businesses better and offering solutions that truly address their challenges. This approach builds trust and fosters long-term relationships.

    Bernadette McClellan's insights offer a fresh perspective on modern selling, emphasizing the need for salespeople to adapt, inspire, and truly connect with their buyers.

    By focusing on internal confidence, delivering unique value, and engaging in meaningful visual storytelling, sales professionals can transform their approach and achieve greater success.

    For a deeper dive into these strategies, explore Bernadette's book, "The Shift and Disrupt: Stop Selling Widgets, Start Selling Wisdom."

    This Show is brought to you by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Don't miss out—your next big idea could be just one episode away!

    This Show is sponsored by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Check out our Live Show Events here: Mastering Modern Selling Live Show

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    53 m
  • MMS #89 - Leading Change in an Era of AI: Empowering Sellers with Bill Kirst
    Jun 6 2024

    In episode 89 of Mastering Modern Selling, hosts Tom, Brandon, and guest host Kristie Jones, engage in a riveting conversation with Bill Kirst, a renowned change management expert.

    The discussion dives deep into the transformative potential of AI in sales and the critical role of empathy and effective change management in leveraging this technology.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The Importance of Empathy in Change Management:
      • Bill emphasizes empathy as his greatest skill set, crucial for understanding and supporting individuals through change. Empathy counters apathy and inertia, significant risks in any organization. It helps build trust, fosters relationships, and supports the human side of technological transitions​​ .
    2. AI’s Role in Enhancing Sales Efficiency:
      • AI tools like Microsoft's Sales CoPilot (formerly Viva Sales) aim to free up time for sellers by automating administrative tasks. Bill shares statistics showing that sellers spend 70% of their time on non-selling activities. AI can reduce this burden, allowing sellers to focus on building relationships and strategic thinking .
    3. Adapting to AI: Embracing Change:
      • AI is set to drastically change jobs, particularly in sales. It’s crucial to help individuals understand how their roles will evolve with AI rather than just focusing on how to use the technology. This change management should be 90% about adapting to new roles and 10% about the technology itself .
    4. Building a Culture of Continuous Learning:
      • AI implementation should come with support for continuous learning and professional development. Sales leaders need to ensure their teams are not just using AI tools but are also enhancing their sales skills and adapting to new ways of working. This involves coaching and mentoring to fully leverage the benefits of AI .
    5. The Future of Work with AI:
      • As AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it will teach us more about ourselves and our work. Leaders need to prepare their teams for this shift by fostering a culture of curiosity and adaptability. This includes encouraging critical thinking and reducing over-reliance on scripts and rigid processes .

    Bill Kirst’s insights shed light on the transformative potential of AI in sales and the essential role of empathy and effective change management.

    By focusing on human connections and continuous learning, organizations can successfully navigate the changes brought by AI.

    Dive into the full episode to explore more about leveraging AI in sales and learn practical tips for effective change management.

    Stay ahead in the game by understanding how to integrate these innovations into your sales strategies.

    This Show is brought to you by Fist Bump.
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Don't miss out—your next big idea could be just one episode away!

    This Show is sponsored by Fist Bump
    Your prospecting partner to authentically fill your pipeline with ideal customers.

    Check out our Live Show Events here: Mastering Modern Selling Live Show

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    1 h y 1 m