• Playing the Game of Life at Any Age
    Feb 23 2024

    Ever chuckled at the thought of your own obituary reading? JG and I certainly did, but that sparked a much deeper discussion about aging and its impact on our relationships. Join us as we explore the labels society slaps on 'old' and how our roles as parents, spouses, and friends evolve over time. Revel in the tales of friendships that defy age barriers and lean into the wisdom shared across generations, affirming that age is truly just a number.

    Technology, with all its bells and whistles, might seem daunting as we rack up the years, but it's also a golden ticket to staying relevant and connected. This episode isn't just about keeping pace with the latest apps or becoming a social media sensation; it's a heartfelt conversation around embracing change and making gaming an inclusive adventure for the whole family. We're all about strategies for not just keeping up with the times but mastering them, with a nod to the younger minds who guide us along the way.

    Finally, we take a sobering yet spirited look at managing the delicate balance between life's routines and the curveballs it throws. The fear of losing our zest for life as we age is real, but so is the joy in finding beauty in the everyday. Our chat navigates through the anxieties and triumphs that come with life's milestones, and why the resilience we build along the way is invaluable at every age. So, whether you're blowing out a few candles or a whole cake's worth, remember that your experience is the real gift to the world.

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    37 mins
  • Bonus Episode: Weighing on the Chris Rock Special
    Feb 23 2024

    When laughter meets controversy, it often leaves a sting that lingers far beyond the initial uproar. Chris Rock's recent comedy special threw that very dynamic into the limelight, and we couldn't resist peeling back the layers on how humor can ignite selective outrage, especially when Hollywood heavyweights like Will Smith are involved. The discourse doesn't end there; we wrestle with the concept of accountability in the digital age—one where cancel culture looms over public figures, and a tweet can cost you your reputation.

    Navigating the murky waters of workplace inclusion and consumer choices, I open up about the personal conflicts that arise when the brands we love don't align with our values, citing my own Chick-fil-A conundrum as a prime example. As we traverse these topics, the conversation seamlessly transitions to broader societal issues. We take a hard look at systemic inequality and selective outrage, questioning why some injustices spark public fury while others, equally deserving of attention, slip through the cracks. This chapter isn't just about social commentary; it's an invitation to ponder the deeper implications of our collective responses and personal responsibilities.

    Ending on a note closer to home, I share the quirks and milestones that make us who we are. Reflecting on my own journey, from the chessboard to the JROTC, I underscore the significance of embracing our individual paths, no matter how offbeat they may seem. In the spirit of camaraderie, we wrap up with personal updates, celebrating life's simpler joys—from the thrill of the lacrosse season to the anticipation of a concert. This episode is more than just a thought-provoking discussion; it's a heart-to-heart that reminds us to cherish our unique narratives and the unwavering support of friends who see us through it all.

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    48 mins
  • Life's Lessons: Navigating the Crossroads of Education and Street Smarts
    Feb 23 2024

    Ever found yourself at the crossroads of pursuing formal education or diving headfirst into the school of life? We've all been there, and in our latest episode, we tear down the walls of conventional thinking to explore the merits of street smarts versus the halls of academia. Sharing anecdotes that'll have you both nodding in agreement and chuckling at our misadventures, we reminisce about the dream schools that tugged at our hearts and question the very purpose of a college degree. We're not just discussing the road less traveled – we're mapping out the entire journey.

    Remember when smoking was the epitome of cool, and now it's all about vaping? Well, we're not here to endorse either; instead, we unravel the cultural shifts that have led to these new norms, and how perceptions within family dynamics have evolved. Join us as we consider the balance of duty and downtime that college imparts and the broader lessons on cultural navigation. Whether you're a parent pondering the future for your kids or a student figuring out your next step, our conversation is a compass for those steering through life's educational crossroads.

    As we wrap things up, get ready for an honest take on the pressures of higher education, and some heartfelt applause for first-gen students charting their own course. We're breaking the mold by lauding the craftsmen and entrepreneurs who've found success off the beaten path. My personal journey through grad schools and my tryst with trade skills like HVAC and hair cutting will have you rethinking the one-size-fits-all approach to education. So, plug in, sit back, and let this episode of Something Relevant be the soundtrack to your next big decision – in learning, and in life.

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    43 mins
    Feb 23 2024

    Ever caught yourself sneaking a bite of your banana sideways just to avoid raised eyebrows? Or felt the unspoken tension of a "guys' brunch"? We're peeling back the layers on these laughable yet pervasive social norms dictating 'manly' conduct. Join me as we swap stories and chuckle over the unwritten codes that stubbornly cling to men's everyday lives, from food faux pas to the language of male bonding. This episode isn't just about poking fun at society's expectations; it's about questioning the why behind them and the impact they have on us all.

    Emotions aren't just for the silver screen tearjerkers; they're real, and they're ours to share or suppress. Here, I open up about my own brush with vulnerability, shedding light on the struggle that many men, especially within the Black community, face when confronting their feelings. We navigate through the often-murky waters of showing affection among friends, the strength it takes to break generational expectations, and the healing power of talk therapy. This heart-to-heart isn't just about the moments that crack us open but also about the journey to glueing ourselves back together, stronger and more connected than before.

    As we wrap up, I want you to think about the last time you challenged a stereotype, especially those tied to the old-school image of stoic masculinity. We'll share personal anecdotes that underscore the importance of balancing the roles of provider and nurturer and the shifts we've encountered in modern expectations for men. By mixing in humor with earnest discussion, we aim to inspire a fresh look at the evolving roles in relationships, self-care, and the joys of occasionally donning the apron for some home-baked goodness. It's about time we redefine what it means to be a man—one homemade cake and heartfelt conversation at a time.

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    51 mins
    Feb 23 2024

    Remember the tunes that got your feet moving on a Sunday morning, or the unique 'weapons' your mom brandished when you stepped out of line? Relive those moments with us as Damien L. Butler, Corey, and I spin tales from the black experience that are as deeply resonant as they are entertaining. We kick things off reminiscing about the nostalgic journey from the kids' to the adult table at family gatherings and the unspoken languages of neighborhood play that marked our childhood.

    This episode is brimming with laughter and earnest reflection as we navigate the complexities of family dynamics, gender roles, and the stereotypes that have long shaped the perception of African Americans in sports, media, and society. We dissect the portrayal of black American women and the cultural appropriation that often accompanies their influence, all while sharing our own personal anecdotes. Meanwhile, I offer a peek into my social media strategy for content creation, blending the earnestness of my professional endeavors with the joyous spirit that personal branding should evoke.

    Join us for a celebration of the black community's strength, challenges, and contributions, particularly the strides made by black women in education and the workforce. We also honor the black officers in the military who carry the weight of representation on their shoulders. Each story shared is a thread in the rich tapestry of our collective identity and progress. Come aboard this heartfelt journey, and be sure to bring your memories—and a sense of humor—along for the ride.

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    56 mins
    Feb 21 2024

    Finally some guy talk! We talking sports!

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    53 mins
    Feb 21 2024

    Have you ever put on a jacket and felt like it was made just for you? That's the kind of individuality we're talking about on today's podcast, except we're draping it over your life, not your shoulders. Together with my special guest, we unravel the threads of self-discovery, sharing personal stories of resilience and growth that are as unique as your favorite piece of clothing. From tackling conformity with the boldness of a sartorial statement to the intimate moment of that first unforgettable football hit, we're peeling back the layers to reveal the core traits that define us.

    Life's a series of roles—parent, partner, professional—and trying to give 100% to each can leave us wondering who we are at the end of the day. Our chat navigates these changes and the necessity of carving out time for personal reflection. We reflect on how our past, from high school triumphs to standing up for what's right, has shaped our ability to adapt and communicate. And it's not just about clinging to the identity we've known, but also about allowing ourselves the space to evolve and mature.

    Pull up a chair and join us as we lay the groundwork for "For the Campers," an exciting new project aimed at building a community that thrives on shared wisdom. Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and whether it's the sting of growing up amidst substance abuse or the warmth of preparing for parenthood, we've got the stories that resonate with the heart. So let's celebrate the journey, embrace the changes, and cherish the values that make us who we are. After all, every challenge we discuss, every story we tell, is a step towards the transformative power of our collective experiences.

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    47 mins
  • Couple Conversations Part 2
    48 mins