• #25 Gender Intelligence… A Teaser
    Jul 25 2024
    Summary In this conversation, Soulstenance discusses the podcast they listened to by relationship guru John Gray, author of 'Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.' They highlight the importance of understanding the hormonal differences between men and women and how they affect relationships. They emphasize the need to honor and respect these differences biologically while navigating the challenges of modern relationships. They also touch on the importance of blood work and optimizing hormone levels for overall health and relationship satisfaction. Takeaways Understanding the hormonal differences between men and women is crucial for navigating relationships. Honoring and respecting these differences can help maintain passion and polarity in relationships. Optimizing hormone levels through blood work can contribute to overall health and relationship satisfaction. Modern relationships require adapting to new paradigms and finding ways to communicate effectively. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Podcast Update 01:32 Discussion of John Gray's Work 08:25 The Impact of Hormones on Relationships 15:48 The Importance of Open and Authentic Communication 24:57 Navigating Gender Differences in Relationships 35:47 Optimizing Hormonal Health for Stronger Relationships 44:39 Conclusion and Invitation for Feedback Keywords gender intelligence, relationships, hormones, masculinity, femininity, communication, biology, blood work, fluidity Books ReWild Yourself Podcast with Daniel Vitalis #71 - Mars, Venus, and Gender Intelligence with John Gray https://open.spotify.com/episode/5mEa5B9dkak0tht6V1d42c?si=b8b7ed7cbceb40bf Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex Paperback by John Gray Conscious Men: A Practical Guide to Develop 12 Qualities of the New Masculinity- John Gray https://a.co/d/2TYDWzA The Masculine in Relationship: A Blueprint for Inspiring the Trust, Lust, and Devotion of a Strong Woman by GS Youngblood Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament by Michael A. Singer The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire by David Deida King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Robert Moore and Doug Gillette Our website/links info: Dustan Drake: https://linktr.ee/dustandrake Joe Nix: https://www.instagram.com/joenixcoaching
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    46 mins
  • #24 Secrets of Hypnotherapy & The Subconscious Mind
    Jul 18 2024


    -Hypnotherapy is a powerful technique that helps bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious mind, allowing for reprogramming of disempowering beliefs and behaviors.

    -Hypnotherapy can be used to address a wide range of issues, including sleep problems, chronic pain, fears and phobias, anxiety, and more.

    -Building trust and rapport with the subconscious mind is crucial in hypnotherapy, as it allows for deeper and more effective transformation.

    -Hypnotherapy is compatible with different belief systems and can enhance spiritual and transformative experiences.

    -There are many tools and techniques available, such as hypnotherapy, that can empower individuals to create lasting change and live a more fulfilling life.


    In this episode, Dustan and Joe discuss hypnotherapy and its history, as well as the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind. They explain the concept of hypnosis and how it can be used in therapy. They also address common misconceptions about hypnotherapy and emphasize the importance of building trust and rapport with the subconscious mind. They highlight the wide range of issues that can be addressed through hypnotherapy, such as sleep problems, chronic pain, fears and phobias, anxiety, and more. They also discuss the spiritual and transformative aspects of hypnotherapy and its compatibility with different belief systems.


    00:00 Introduction

    03:11 Exploring the Power of Hypnotherapy

    09:31 Understanding the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind

    15:28 Applications of Hypnotherapy: Sleep, Pain, Fears, and More

    25:37 Dispelling Misconceptions about Hypnotherapy

    31:28 Hypnotherapy and its Compatibility with Different Belief Systems

    36:20 Conclusion

    Sound Bites:

    "Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation or a state of trance."

    "Your conscious mind is like a 1980s calculator and your subconscious mind is like an AI supercomputer."

    "Hypnotherapy is a very powerful technique to surpass the bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind."


    hypnotherapy, conscious mind, subconscious mind, hypnosis, misconceptions, trust, rapport, sleep problems, chronic pain, fears, phobias, anxiety, spiritual, belief systems


    -Dustan Drake: ⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/dustandrake⁠⁠⁠

    -Joe Nix: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/joenixcoaching⁠⁠⁠, ⁠⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/joe.nix.581⁠⁠⁠

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    49 mins
  • #23 (Jillie Johnston) The Ripple of Courage
    Jul 11 2024


    In this conversation, Dustan Drake and Jillie Johnston discuss the power of authenticity, vulnerability, and showing up in relationships. They explore the impact of overcoming fear and anxiety and the ripple effect it has on our lives and communities. They share personal experiences of hiding their true selves and the journey towards self-acceptance and self-love. They emphasize the importance of being seen and seeing others, and the transformative power of living authentically. They also discuss the role of social media in creating connections and the desire for genuine and meaningful relationships.


    Authenticity and vulnerability have a powerful impact on our lives and relationships.

    Overcoming fear and anxiety allows us to show up fully in the world.

    Being seen and seeing others is essential for genuine connections.

    Living authentically brings depth, meaning, and joy to our lives.

    Social media can be a platform for creating connections and inspiring others.

    Building safe and supportive relationships is crucial for personal growth and self-acceptance.


    00:00 Introduction

    00:33 The Power of Authenticity and Vulnerability

    07:27 Hiding Our True Selves and the Impact on Self-Worth

    14:54 The Transformative Power of Being Seen and Seeing Others

    20:42 Creating Safe Spaces for Courage and Vulnerability

    38:55 Conclusion


    authenticity, vulnerability, relationships, fear, anxiety, self-acceptance, self-love, being seen, social media, connections, courage, I see you, seeing others,


    Jillie Johnston





    30 day Self-care Journal/Planner link: https://jilliejohnstoncoaching.myflodesk.com/cdxiu6es2x

    1. Dustan Drake:

      • https://linktr.ee/dustandrake

    2. Joe Nix:

      • https://www.instagram.com/joenixcoaching

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    48 mins
  • #22 Unlocking The Power of Time
    Jul 4 2024


    In this episode, Joe and Dustan discuss the concept of time and its perception. They explore the idea that time is a construct of the mind and that all we ever experience is the present moment. They delve into the impact of our attachment to past and future thoughts, and the potential for growth and change in the present moment. They also touch on the age of Aquarius, global consciousness, and the exponential growth of technology and connectivity.


    Time is a perception of our conscious mind that we layer on top of our experience.

    All we ever experience is the present moment, and everything we have ever done or will do happens in the present moment.

    Our attachment to past and future thoughts can pull us out of the present moment and hinder our ability to fully participate in it.

    The age of Aquarius represents a shift towards a more spiritual, holistic way of living and an awakening of global consciousness.

    The exponential growth of technology and connectivity has created new opportunities for collective thinking and change.


    00:00 Introduction to the Concept of Time

    16:44 The Illusion of Time and the Present Moment

    26:01 The Impact of Technology and Connectivity

    35:36 The Age of Aquarius and Global Consciousness Keywords:

    time, perception, present moment, construct, attachment, growth, age of Aquarius, global consciousness, technology, connectivity

    Sound Bites:

    "All we've ever known is the now."

    "Our thoughts about the past or regrets or memories or anxiety in the future, those habits need to shift in how we think about them."

    "Our perceptions and our societal agreements about those frameworks, about those realities that we allow to become a framework."


    -Dustan Drake: ⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/dustandrake⁠⁠

    -Joe Nix: ⁠⁠https://www.instagram.com/joenixcoaching⁠⁠, ⁠⁠https://www.facebook.com/joe.nix.581⁠⁠

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    49 mins
  • #21 (Clara McGonigle) Finding the Light: Why Playfulness and Heart Connection Are Essential for Healing
    Jun 27 2024


    In this conversation, Dustan, Joe, and Clara discuss the process of learning and personal growth. They talk about the importance of starting even when it feels natural, the opportunity for reflection and growth in times of change, and the balance between taking healing seriously and finding joy in the journey. Clara shares her journey of moving to Spain and how it was prompted by a desire for change and self-discovery. They also discuss the difference between intuition and fear, and the importance of being comfortable with the unknown. The conversation explores the themes of low-grade depression, heart opening, and embracing change. Clara shares her experience of moving to a new country and how it chipped away at her old lifestyle, leading her to attend a Joe Dispenza retreat and practice meditation to cure her depression. Dustan emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with the heart and finding harmony between the inner and outer worlds. They discuss the different ways people can show up for change, whether through physical relocation or embracing growth in their current circumstances. They also touch on the interconnectedness of joy and grief, and the power of holding multiple emotions at once. The conversation concludes with a reminder to embrace authenticity and let go of perfectionism.


    Starting is important, even if it feels natural to begin

    Change and major life events can provide opportunities for reflection and growth

    Finding joy and playfulness in the healing journey is important

    Moving to a new place can be a catalyst for self-discovery and personal growth

    Distinguishing between intuition and fear is crucial in decision-making

    Being comfortable with the unknown is essential for personal growth Low-grade depression is a real and often overlooked form of depression that can manifest as a sense of gloom and disconnect between the inner and outer worlds.

    Heart opening and reconnecting with the heart can be a powerful way to heal and find harmony in life.

    Change can be embraced through physical relocation or by finding growth and acceptance in one's current circumstances.

    Joy and grief are interconnected and can coexist, leading to a deeper appreciation for the beauty and complexity of life.

    Embracing authenticity and letting go of perfectionism can lead to greater self-acceptance and a more fulfilling life.


    00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage

    03:29 Following Your Intuition: Clara's Journey to Spain

    06:41 Embracing the Unknown: The Power of Trusting Yourself

    12:28 Work-Life Balance: Escaping the Trap of Workaholism

    20:00 Stepping into Oneself and Embracing the Present Moment

    23:30 Distinguishing Intuition from Fear

    27:29 Reconnecting with the Heart through Meditation

    44:04 Change and Growth in Any Location

    47:44 Embracing the Journey of Life

    49:41 The Interconnectedness of Joy and Pain

    52:09 Being Mirrors for Each Other

    55:57 Celebrating Goodbyes and Hellos

    01:06:57 From Perfectionism to Embracing Imperfections


    learning, personal growth, starting, reflection, change, healing, joy, journey, Spain, intuition, fear, unknown, low-grade depression, heart opening, change, meditation, joy, grief, authenticity, perfectionism


    Becoming Supernatural - Joe Dispenza



    Clara McGonigle


    Our website/links info:

      1. Dustan Drake:

        • https://linktr.ee/dustandrake

      2. Joe Nix:

        • https://www.instagram.com/joenixcoaching

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    1 hr and 14 mins
  • #20 Witness Consciousness Unveiled
    Jun 20 2024


    In this conversation, Joe and Dustan discuss the power of witness consciousness and the impact it has on their lives. They explore the concept of being present in the moment and the difference between doing and being. They share personal stories and insights from their own meditation practices and how it has transformed their experiences. Dustan also introduces the idea of witness consciousness and the importance of recognizing that we are not our thoughts, emotions, or physical bodies.

    Overall, the conversation highlights the profound effects of being present and living from a state of being. In this conversation, Dustan and Joe discuss the concept of living from a soul level rather than identifying with the body, senses, emotions, and thoughts. They reference the teachings of Alan Watts and how people often seek fulfillment through external things like money, status, and spirituality, only to realize that true fulfillment comes from within. They emphasize the importance of experiencing this state of being rather than just understanding it intellectually.


    -The power of witness consciousness and being present in the moment

    -The difference between doing and being in meditation and in life

    -The impact of being present on our experiences and relationships

    -The importance of recognizing that we are not our thoughts, emotions, or physical bodies Living from a soul level means not identifying with the body, senses, emotions, or thoughts.

    -External things like money, status, and spirituality often fail to provide true fulfillment.

    -Experiencing the state of being is more important than understanding it intellectually.


    00:00 The Power of Being Present

    07:49 The Role of Habits in Personal Growth

    12:32 Applying Presence to All Aspects of Life

    19:45 Connecting with Our Authentic Selves

    21:14 Exploring the Concept of Being

    24:03 Living from the Soul

    29:59 The Paradox of Being

    36:12 Connecting with the Deeper Self

    43:51 The Familiarity of Remembering

    Books Discussed:

    Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament

    The Presence Process: A Journey Into Present Moment Awareness

    Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives

    Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives


    -Dustan Drake: https://linktr.ee/dustandrake

    -Joe Nix: https://www.instagram.com/joenixcoaching, https://www.facebook.com/joe.nix.581


    witness consciousness, presence, meditation, being, doing, mindfulness, soul level, Alan Watts, fulfillment, external seeking, presence, being, Michael Singer, The Presence Process, Michael Brown, Many Lives Many Masters, Journey of Souls

    Sound Bites:

    "You finally started listening to the fan."

    "You're not your body, you're not your senses, you're not your heart, you're not your emotions, you're not your mind, you're not your thoughts. Then not who are you, but what are you?"

    "It's not just listening to the fan. It's how much can I listen to the present moment as much of my waking state as possible."

    "Living from a soul level means not identifying with the body, senses, emotions, or thoughts."

    "External things like money, status, and spirituality often fail to provide true fulfillment."

    "Experiencing the state of being is more important than understanding it intellectually."

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    52 mins
  • #19 Psychedelics & Ketamine Uniting Science and Spirit
    Jun 13 2024


    In this conversation, Joe and Dustan discuss the use of psychedelics and ketamine in a holistic and clinical setting. They explore the merging of the clinical and spiritual realms and the benefits of these substances in treating anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional struggles. They emphasize the importance of mindset, environment, and intention in the psychedelic experience. They also highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to personal development and the integration of different tools and modalities. Overall, they celebrate the growing openness of these two worlds to each others tools and the potential for growth and healing.


    Psychedelics and ketamine can be used in a holistic and clinical setting to treat anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional struggles.

    The merging of the clinical and spiritual realms is creating new opportunities for growth and healing.

    Mindset, environment, and intention are key factors in the psychedelic experience.

    A comprehensive approach to personal development involves integrating different tools and modalities.

    The use of psychedelics can help individuals feel more connected and less isolated.


    00:00 The Integration of Psychedelics in Clinical and Personal Development

    15:52 The Clinical Use of Psychedelics for Personal Development and Emotional Integration

    23:29 The Importance of Mindset, Environment, and Intention in Psychedelic Experiences

    33:41 The Potential Benefits of Psychedelics in Emotional Release and Spiritual Connection


    psychedelics, ketamine, holistic, clinical, merging, spiritual, mental health, emotional health, mindset, environment, intention, personal development, integration, growth, healing, woo woo, woo-woo, return, open, tool, path, option, empowerment, development, bridge

    1. Dustan Drake:

      • https://linktr.ee/dustandrake

    2. Joe Nix:

      • https://www.instagram.com/joenixcoaching

      • https://www.facebook.com/joe.nix.581

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    41 mins
  • #18 (Preston Braathen) Trusting Intuition & Embracing Responsibility
    Jun 6 2024


    -Trusting your intuition is important and unique to each individual.

    -Taking extreme responsibility for your actions and decisions can help release baggage.

    -Simplifying things and being present can lead to living authentically.

    -Avoid adding new baggage by realizing that everything is your fault.


    In this conversation, Preston Broughton discusses the importance of trusting your intuition and taking responsibility for your life. He emphasizes that intuition is unique to each individual and is connected to their values. Preston shares that he has learned to release baggage by taking extreme responsibility for his actions and decisions. He believes that everything is his fault, which allows him to have more control over his life and avoid adding new baggage. Preston also highlights the significance of being present and simplifying things in order to live authentically.


    intuition, trust, responsibility, values, baggage, authenticity, present moment, control


    00:00 Opening and Gratitude

    09:42 Letting Go of Baggage: It's All Your Fault

    19:10 Releasing Blame and Victimhood: Embracing Radical Self-Responsibility

    26:50 Understanding the Spiral Dynamics of Values

    37:51 Embracing Self-Acceptance and Living Authentically

    Books Discussed:

    Hung by the Tongue: What You Say Is What You Get


    Preston Braathen

    • LinkedIn
    • braathen22@gmail.com


    Dustan Drake

    • https://linktr.ee/dustandrake

    Joe Nix

    • https://www.instagram.com/joenixcoaching
    • https://www.facebook.com/joe.nix.581
    Show more Show less
    49 mins