• S04E38 🎧 Listening | Book Review「このミス大賞:ファラオの密室」 (5/5)
    1 m
  • S04E37 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 2 (from S04E31)|〜っぱなし:~ keeps on happening; ~ stays as it is, to leave ~ as it is
    Jul 20 2024

    〜っぱなし:~ keeps on happening; ~ stays as it is, to leave ~ as it is


    Yesterday, I was standing outside all day since morning in the scorching sun for work. As a result, I got sunburned and my feet became extremely tired, so when I got home, I went straight to bed.

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    3 m
  • S04E36 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 1 (from S04E31)|どれだけ〜したら、・・・するのかなぁ?I wonder how much more you need to do ~ to do...?
    Jul 19 2024


    I wonder how much more you need to do ~ to do...?

    * = (Casual ver.) どれだけ〜したら、・・・するのかなぁ?

    ・彼は、どれだけ失敗したら、自分がおかしいってことがわかるのかなぁ? I wonder how many more times he has to fail to realize that there is something wrong with himself? (Talking to yourself)

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    1 m
  • S04E35 🐸コラボ動画 Chat with Aeru (5) Last one!
    Jul 12 2024

    [0:00] なんでまだ日本語を教えてるんですか?

    Why are you still teaching Japanese?

    [2:00] 早口なイケおじに日本語を習うとこんなメリットが!笑

    JLPT listening section will be a piece of cake!

    [3:10] 日本語の先生「アエル」奮闘中!

    Pursuing my career as a Japanese teacher

    [7:27] アエル先生のPatreon、みんなのぞいてみてね!

    Aeru has Patreon! Check that out!

    [12:03] ポッドキャストが続いてしまう理由

    Why I am still doing my podcast "Shadow & Repeat in Japanese!"

    [14:40] アエル「今日自己紹介でしたっけ?笑」

    Wait, are we introducing ourselves today? lol

    Más Menos
    16 m
  • S04E34 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 3 (from S04E30)|〜せずにはいられない (can't help but do ~), 何とも〜です (It's quite ~)
    Jun 22 2024

    なので、その日の晩はお酒を飲まずにはいられなかったらしいんですよね。何ともかわいそうな話ですよね。 So it seems they couldn't help but drink alcohol that night. It's quite a pitiful story.

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    2 m
  • S04E33 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 2 (from S04E30)|おまけに (on top of that: often with negative/surprising situations)
    Jun 21 2024

    おまけにプレゼンの資料も人数分なかったらしくて、踏んだり蹴ったりだったみたいですよ。 On top of that, it seems there weren't enough handouts for everyone at the presentation, so it was just one thing after another.

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    1 m
  • S04E32 🗣️ Shadow & Repeat 1 (from S04E30)|どうやら〜らしい (It seems/appears that ~)
    Jun 20 2024


    It seems that after staying up all night to somehow finish the presentation, she/he ended up being late for the meeting the next morning.

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    2 m
  • S04E31 🎧 Listening | Book Review「このミス大賞:ファラオの密室」 (4/5)
    Jun 18 2024

    Source article: https://ddnavi.com/review/1227418/a/

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    1 m