
  • All in with God
    Jun 21 2023

    Spirit In Motion - All in with God

    Being All in with God is based on belief, faith, and trust. Belief in God the Father and of the Son, faith that He knows you, and cares about what happens to you, and trust that if you do the first two, He will guide you to your purpose in life. 

    Thankfully we have the incredible story of Paul in the book of Acts and how he truly dedicated his life to serving Jesus and spreading the Gospel. The Lord took him on journeys that made such a big impact which are hard to fathom but are truly inspiring. It wasn’t always that way with Paul, who was also called Saul before his encounter on the road to Damascus. 

    Paul did a complete 180* turn around and instead of persecuting Christians, he started making them. As we move forward, you will see what it truly takes to be “all-in.”

    For sure, this is one of the big question marks, isn’t it? If we go all in with Jesus, then what will that actually look like? Can I handle it? Will God take care of me? Who will it benefit the most?

    I will be speaking about Paul and what his life looked like when he went all in. 

    My hope is to help paint the picture of the journey you will take with Jesus.

    It is also our hope that as you move forward with this message, you will be inspired not to just want to go all in with Jesus but to start taking actual steps to live this out. We know that if you do, life will never be the same! 

    Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®
    Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.
    Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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    15 mins
  • Focus on what’s important
    May 16 2023

    316 Ministry - Spirit in Motion – Focus on what’s important

    The Book of James in the Bible, hits us right in the face with this ominous truth. When we are living a worldly lifestyle, we set ourselves against the will of God and miss out on God’s wisdom and guidance.

    We are put into this world, not by our choice but by God’s choice. We begin with a soul full of sin because of the fall in the beginning, but through understanding of God’s grace, we are expected to rise above that worldly understanding to a position near God.

    Worldly sin and disobedience to God separates us from knowing God and earning his guidance and blessing.

    Ok, so how can we access the Spirit inside of us and live set apart from the world, the world that we are expected to live in?

    We desire so many things in the world. Relationships, friends, achievements, awards, attention, and many other things. We are surrounded by a culture that tell us “Treat yourself”, and “do whatever you want to do”, and “be true to yourselves.” But, living in a manner that chases those ideas can actually lead to some very dark places. Chasing after the temporary things of this world finds us more alone and more depressed than before because those desires don’t truly satisfy.

     Our Primary Scripture Today will be:

    James 4:1-12

     Secondary Scriptures will be:

    Romans 12:2


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    13 mins
  • Temptation
    Mar 24 2023

    316 Ministry - Spirit in Motion – Temptation

    Temptation is a part of life. Everyone who claims to be a Christ follower and who takes discipleship seriously must deal with resisting temptation and take it very serious.

    Temptation is loosely defined as something we want but should not have because of our limitations imposed by ourselves, society, or our faith. All three are very good reasons but it’s seems almost always easier to indulge our urges than to resist them. If it is imposed by ourselves, it is easier to give in. Imposed by our faith, it is difficult to see the consequences. Imposed by society, well, that’s what prisons are for.

    So this part is very important. In James 1: 13-15, it is made very clear that God does not tempt you. Each person is tempted when they are, here is an important word, “dragged”, away by their own evil desire and enticed. Make no mistake, you are in for the fight of your life when you try to combat temptation. In the world of a Christian, temptation leads to sin and sin leads to death of the spirit. The more you give into temptation, the spirit dies a little bit more. It is a bit like a drug. When you do it, it might be satisfying but you always come down and you are right back where you started, wanting it again. Again and again turns into a habit which then becomes self-justifying. 

    Secondary Scripture:

    1 Corinthians 10:12-13
     Romans 7:21-23
     Ephesians 4:22
     Psalms 119:11
    2 John 2:1
    James 1:14-15
    1 Corinthians 10:13
    Galatians 5:16-17
    Ephesians 6:10-11
    Palms 119:9
    Genesis 39:9
    Job 31:1
    Philippians 3:8
    1 Timothy 6:11
    Psalms 97:10
    James 4:7
    Matthew 4:10
    Hebrews 2:14-18
    Philippians 4:13

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    13 mins
  • The Great Commission
    Mar 13 2023

    316 Ministry - Spirit in Motion - The Great Commission

    In this lesson we will be discussing our mission as Christians to the rest of the world. We will be discussing The Great Commission in detail along with some support for those that are not yet Christians. We will spend some time explaining the relationships between the Christian Disciple in today’s time and how easy it is for a non-Christian to become a Disciple of Jesus Christ. How do you start a conversation with someone that is not a Christian? Be sure to leave feedback and if you enjoyed this episode, follow us for our next release.


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    13 mins
  • Will you follow Jesus?
    Mar 8 2023

    316 Ministry - Spirit in Motion - Will you follow Jesus?

    This lesson gets to the heart of discipleship. Jesus, as he was so good at doing, pared away all of the fluff and cut to the chase: “If you want to follow me, you have to follow me with abandon.” Jesus helped his followers—and potential followers—understand that he must be at the center of our lives. Our love and devotion for God must trump our love and devotion for all else. In this lesson, you will discover Christ’s call to radical discipleship.

    To learn more about what topics we will be covering in this series, please visit:


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    12 mins