
  • Your "Secret Place" & the "Dark Side" of Manifesting Explained.
    Jan 23 2024

    For more about your host, Shireen Louw - visit www.shireenlouw.com

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

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    13 m
  • Why God Is Not "Surprised" by our Prayers!
    Sep 2 2023

    Trust God in every situation. Our Prayer Life should not be used as a "spare wheel" to our lives. It should be a daily communication with God.

    God can change the situation, your heart, understanding, attitude, etc. In HIS time, it all will work out for your benefit and for His Glory.

    There are eternal reasons for temporary trials, so be thankful that your future is in God’s hands, not human hands. 

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

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    13 m
  • Fire vs Faith
    Dec 4 2022

    The power that delivered Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego and raised Christ from the dead is available to us too.

    Trust God in every situation.

    There are eternal reasons for temporary trials, so be thankful that your future is in God’s hands, not in human hands. 

    And remember that miracles still occur today.

    Too often we dismiss God’s work in our lives as coincidence or we give credit to the ingenuity of human minds.

    Look for ways that God protects His people supernaturally and you will be amazed.

    Then let your amazement motivate you to follow God with even greater conviction and courage.

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Temptations Then VS Now {Spiritual Warfare}
    Nov 27 2022

    When temptations seem especially strong, or when you find yourself wanting to rationalise giving in, consider whether Satan may be trying to block God’s purposes in your life.

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

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    7 m
  • The Battle Of Jericho VS Now
    Nov 20 2022

    To defeat the city, God gave a list of complicated instructions. The battle ready soldiers must have been very perplexed when they received these orders.

    Why did God do this though?

    Through these instructions God was making it undeniably clear that the battle would depend upon Him not upon weapons or expertise of the Israelites.

    This is why priests not soldiers led the Israelites into battle.

    This strange military manoeuvre was a test of the Israelites faith and their willingness to follow God completely.

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

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    6 m
  • King David & His/Our Destiny
    Nov 12 2022

    We all know the story of David killing Goliath, a story of unshakable faith in the Almighty God, that delivered an entire nation from the hands of the enemy.

    But what if we look deeper into the story of David, Saul & Samuel.

    What if I told you that David had to fight not only a physical threat but also a spiritual battle in the 13 years between his anointing by the prophet Samual and him stepping into the role as King of Israel?

    What if I told you that for 13 years his life was in constant danger due to the Jealousy of King Saul, and that the devil was trying everything he could to cause David to sin so he could have legal right to destroy his destiny.

    The struggle David went through turns out to be the same struggle we face today, the same attacks the devil wage against humankind.

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

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    9 m
  • The Battlefield Of Your Mind
    Oct 30 2022

    he location of the biggest battle you will ever fight is in your mind.

    The mind is a powerful tool that can be used against you, to turn you against yourself.

     The enemy will throw everything at you, to make you stumble and fall, and if he can get you to start doubting God, he is winning ground in your life.

    Discouragement is one of the biggest weapons the enemy uses against us, he will try to use any situation or person he can against us.

    Not only do we face challenges in our daily jobs/businesses but also in our personal and family lifes. We are under daily attack from all fronts.

    We have to fight temptations and to close our minds, ears and hearts to the lies the enemy wants us to believe, not only about ourselves and circumstances, but in God’s ability, power and protection.

    What happens when we focus on our troubles instead of on God?

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

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    6 m
  • Your Family Under Spiritual Attack!
    Oct 23 2022

    The family is the cornerstone of society, and the devil knows that if he can destroy families and relationships, he essentially decays society to a point where people dont even realise they are operating right into his strategically laid plans.

    We must always remember, that our enemy is walking around like a lion, ready to devour all in his path. 

    Our relationship with God, our spouses, our kids…are all under daily attack, and it is up to us, to use what God’s word teaches us, to not only protect ourselves but to overcome Satan and his plans.

    If God is with us, who can be against us! Stand true in God’s word and love your family with the kind of love God wants us to show towards them.

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

    Credit: @iksonmusic

    For more about your host visit www.shireenlouw.com

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    4 m