
  • The Secret Power of Journaling
    Apr 22 2024

    When I was 15 years old or so, my oldest sister gave me this book, and it was actually photocopies of a book bound together. She must’ve photocopied it at uni and then put it together herself….

    She had read it already, and I could tell because I could see her notes and squiggles… And I remember feeling like this book was a special thing… like I should treasure it and keep it safe. And I kept it for years together with a lined notebook with all my notes from the book… In fact, I probably still have it somewhere…

    Now, this book was published in the '90s, but it talked about an ancient practice aimed at unlocking all my creative potential… so obviously, I paid attention!

    The book gave a 12-week program, aimed at all types of creatives and it hinges on daily journaling.

    At 15, in that moment of my life, this book came as a sort of therapist. In my family we were going through some major upheaval, my parents were divorcing, and it was not very amicable, so I was surrounded by chaos, so I held on to this book for dear life all through that time.

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    13 mins
  • Mimicking The Masters
    Apr 15 2024

    Welcome to Episode 9 of our Monday Monologues. In this episode, I’ll discuss a very powerful and underrated accelerator to getting to where you want to go, wherever that might be, professionally or personally.

    And to illustrate this powerful method, I’ll tell you the story of Tony Robbins… I am sure most of you have heard of Tony Robbins… Today, he is probably the most famous personal development coach, motivational speaker and author.

    In his early years, Tony Robbins was fascinated by the concept of modelling, a principle he learned from the work of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) co-founders, Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

    One of NLP’s principles focuses on the potential to achieve rapid personal change by modelling the behaviours, thought processes, and strategies of highly successful individuals. Tony Robbins started applying these methods in his own practice as a coach… He studied videos and recordings of top performers and influential speakers, dissecting their patterns, tonality, body language, and communication structure.

    He understood that to accelerate his path to success, he needed to absorb and replicate the essence of what made these individuals exceptional.

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    14 mins
  • Trusting the Process
    Apr 8 2024

    In our last episode, we discussed how to identify your North Star, highlighting the importance of aligning it with your core values and long-term vision.

    This episode is, in many ways, the perfect continuation of creating a North Star because it is all about trusting the process.

    Since I was very young, I have been obsessed with Greek mythology. Eventually, I read Joseph Campbell’s book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, in which he outlines the Hero’s journey. The book provides a powerful narrative framework that resonates across time and cultures, and it illustrates the archetypal journey of personal transformation.

    Entrepreneurs, much like heroes in myths, start with a call to adventure—a vision or a dream that pushes them out of their comfort zone and into the unknown.

    This call often aligns with their North Star, a guiding vision that directs their path and decisions.

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    15 mins
  • Your North Star
    Apr 1 2024

    Welcome to another episode of our Monday Monologues. In this episode, I will explore the role of having a clear direction, a vision, and a North Star in personal and professional growth.

    I want to start with a question I’d like to put out to you… Do you have a crystal clear vision in your mind of where you want to be, let's say… in 5 years?

    If not, and there is absolutely no judgment here, but do you feel you make decisions more as you go? Reacting to life’s events as and when they happen?

    Whatever your answer here, in this episode, I’m going to be making a case for how having a clear direction, a clear vision, and what we call a North Star will give you a massive amount of power and peace of mind to determine your personal and professional.

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    13 mins
  • Author's Chat with Ellie Luther
    Mar 25 2024

    Welcome back to Stand Out! In today's episode, we're diving deep into the art of content generation with one of the fastest authors at Monogram Publishers, Ellie Luther. She has been published twice in less than two years, writing two long-form books on Italian wine and becoming an automatic authority in that niche, which is an amazing achievement!

    She has been a consultant in the sustainability space for years, and she leads the content strategy for global agriculture alliances, so she knows exactly what it takes to create content that speaks to a specific industry and amplifies reach.

    Ellie is joining us to share her journey and share some tips because I know that one of the biggest blockers people have when faced with the prospect of writing a book is that it feels daunting and overwhelming.

    And Ellie will be able to simplify this process, so by the end of this podcast, you will feel super excited and empowered to get started on this journey yourself.

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    24 mins
  • You Are Your Ideal Customer
    Mar 18 2024

    In this episode, we’ll talk about a really interesting approach to targeting customers.

    In episode 2, we talked about why it is so important to define who your ideal customer would be; we also talked about creating customer avatars and deeply understanding who they are, their needs, desires, pains and challenges.

    And why does focusing on the right customer matter so much?

    Imagine trying to speak to a crowded room where everyone has different interests. Your message might get lost in the noise. But when you speak directly to those who are genuinely interested, your message not only gets heard—it resonates.

    In this episode, we take a slightly different approach to this, and you’ll be happy to know it’s 100 times easier. And it’s the idea that you could be your own ideal customer.

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    11 mins
  • How to Find Your True Tribe
    Mar 11 2024

    In this episode, we’ll talk about how, in business, it's vital to identify and connect with the people who not only love what you do but also buy from you and engage with your brand actively.

    These are the people who champion your cause, share your passion, and are instrumental in sustaining your business.

    But how do you find these loyal enthusiasts?

    This episode is not just about finding your audience; it's about discovering your community—those who will journey with you, champion your brand, and grow alongside you.

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    18 mins
  • Building Your Personal Brand
    Mar 4 2024

    In this episode of our Monday Monologues, I’ll be talking about the importance of creating a Personal Brand. This concept has been gathering momentum lately, and I thought it would be an excellent theme for today.

    I talk about what an 'Attractive Character' is and how you can create your own to represent your brand.

    Finally, I go through steps in which you can build your personal brand and put it into practice in your business activities.

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    12 mins