
  • If you accidentally assaulted someone, how do you help?
    Apr 17 2024

    This is one of our favourite questions we’ve been asked! Adie and Tom talk through
    what we can do if we realise we’ve caused harm to someone, ways we can reflect
    and how we can change behaviour. The episode also discusses the lack of good role
    models in owning our mistakes and the gap in our community support for young
    people who have caused harm but want to change.

    Findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS) (ANROWS Insights, Issue 01/2019). Sydney: ANROWS. P. 22 are referenced in this episode.

    You’ll find more questions and answers on our Instagram.com/sticky_qs
    This podcast is produced at Tasmania’s Sexual Assault Support Service, find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sasstasmania
    Or online at https://www.sass.org.au/

    We understand that sometimes what we discuss might cause distress or concern for listeners. 24/7 support is available in the following ways:

    • Tasmania Wide: 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)
      • https://www.1800mysupport.org.au
    • Australia wide: 1800 737 732
      • https://www.1800respect.org.au
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    24 mins
  • What do you do if you are getting weird vibes from a guy in the street and you can’t do anything?
    Apr 9 2024

    Sadly, this is a pretty common experience. In this episode, Tom & Adie
    talk about the warning signs our body gives us when we feel unsafe, what our
    options are, and what it means to be an ‘Ethical Bystander’ when we see someone
    in distress.

    You’ll find more questions and answers on our Instagram.com/sticky_qs
    This podcast is produced at Tasmania’s Sexual Assault Support Service, find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sasstasmania
    Or online at https://www.sass.org.au/

    We understand that sometimes what we discuss might cause distress or concern for listeners. 24/7 support is available in the following ways:

    • Tasmania Wide: 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)
      • https://www.1800mysupport.org.au
    • Australia wide: 1800 737 732
      • https://www.1800respect.org.au
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    23 mins
  • If you’re in a toxic relationship and they tell you they will do something to themselves, how do you get out of that relationship?
    Apr 2 2024

    This can be a really scary prospect for people. What do we do when a breakup feels
    like it’s becoming unsafe? Adie & Tom walk through what our rights are and what
    kind of supports we can access personally and professionally.

    You’ll find more questions and answers on our Instagram.com/sticky_qs
    This podcast is produced at Tasmania’s Sexual Assault Support Service, find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sasstasmania
    Or online at https://www.sass.org.au/

    We understand that sometimes what we discuss might cause distress or concern for listeners. 24/7 support is available in the following ways:

    • Tasmania Wide: 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)
      • https://www.1800mysupport.org.au
    • Australia wide: 1800 737 732
      • https://www.1800respect.org.au
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    22 mins
  • A guy with a girlfriend messaged me saying he’s attracted to me etc., and that he just wants to have a bit of fun
    Mar 26 2024

    Technology moves faster than we can keep up with. Young people are dealing with
    social situations and expectations that adults often can’t even comprehend. In this
    episode, Tom & Adie talk about the crazy world of online messaging, sexting, nudes
    and how to manage your boundaries in a constantly changing landscape.

    You’ll find more questions and answers on our Instagram.com/sticky_qs
    This podcast is produced at Tasmania’s Sexual Assault Support Service, find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sasstasmania
    Or online at https://www.sass.org.au/

    We understand that sometimes what we discuss might cause distress or concern for listeners. 24/7 support is available in the following ways:

    • Tasmania Wide: 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)
      • https://www.1800mysupport.org.au
    • Australia wide: 1800 737 732
      • https://www.1800respect.org.au
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    27 mins
  • What is the best thing to do when you know someone that has been assaulted but they don’t want you to tell anyone?
    Mar 19 2024

    Heads up, this episode will include explicit conversation around sexual harm. This is
    a tough one – There are so many reasons why someone might not want to get help
    after an assault, and it can feel like an impossible task to know but also keep it to
    yourself. In this episode, Adie & Tom talk through our options when someone
    discloses to us but asks us to keep it to ourselves – Who the professionals are, what
    our obligations are, and how we can support the person in the moment.

    You’ll find more questions and answers on our Instagram.com/sticky_qs
    This podcast is produced at Tasmania’s Sexual Assault Support Service, find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sasstasmania
    Or online at https://www.sass.org.au/

    We understand that sometimes what we discuss might cause distress or concern for listeners. 24/7 support is available in the following ways:

    • Tasmania Wide: 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)
      • https://www.1800mysupport.org.au
    • Australia wide: 1800 737 732
      • https://www.1800respect.org.au
    Show more Show less
    26 mins
  • What is sex?
    Mar 8 2024

    Adie & Tom are ready to tackle the big question: What even IS sex? They discuss
    how to answer this very sticky question in an age-appropriate way, share their own
    experiences with ‘the talk’ and deep dive into understanding values and boundaries
    around sex.

    You’ll find more questions and answers on our Instagram.com/sticky_qs
    This podcast is produced at Tasmania’s Sexual Assault Support Service, find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sasstasmania
    Or online at https://www.sass.org.au/

    We understand that sometimes what we discuss might cause distress or concern for listeners. 24/7 support is available in the following ways:

    • Tasmania Wide: 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)
      • https://www.1800mysupport.org.au
    • Australia wide: 1800 737 732
      • https://www.1800respect.org.au
    Show more Show less
    18 mins
  • Is it okay to try and recommend to my partner how to act around my parents?
    Feb 27 2024

    A common conundrum! Your partner is about to Meet The Parents and all you can think about is how many ways there are to upset the folks. In this episode, Tom and Adie discuss the difference between healthy discussions and power plays, and how they navigate these things in their own worlds.

    You’ll find more questions and answers on our Instagram.com/sticky_qs
    This podcast is produced at Tasmania’s Sexual Assault Support Service, find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sasstasmania
    Or online at https://www.sass.org.au/

    We understand that sometimes what we discuss might cause distress or concern for listeners. 24/7 support is available in the following ways:

    • Tasmania Wide: 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)
      • https://www.1800mysupport.org.au
    • Australia wide: 1800 737 732
      • https://www.1800respect.org.au
    Show more Show less
    20 mins
  • Do your parents need consent to clip your toenails?
    Feb 20 2024

    Sounds like a crazy idea right?! Join Adie and Tom as they talk about what it actually means to be consenting, why it’s not just about sex, and why consent might be both simpler and more complicated when we’re younger.

    You’ll find more questions and answers on our Instagram.com/sticky_qs
    This podcast is produced at Tasmania’s Sexual Assault Support Service, find us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/sasstasmania
    Or online at https://www.sass.org.au/

    We understand that sometimes what we discuss might cause distress or concern for listeners. 24/7 support is available in the following ways:

    • Tasmania Wide: 1800 697 877 (1800 MY SUPPORT)
      • https://www.1800mysupport.org.au
    • Australia wide: 1800 737 732
      • https://www.1800respect.org.au
    Show more Show less
    22 mins