
  • It is planned, so it is NOT REAL. Or is it?
    Apr 9 2024
    I recently saw a clip on the internet where a lady was warning the public on how everything in church is planned and therefore it is not authentic. While it is not a secret that a lot of planning goes into making even the smallest event happen, I was moved to respond to the deeper question herein. That question is this: what is the measure of authentic worship and spiritual experience? Authenticity is definitely NOT measured by spontaneity or by the absence of order and structure. This episode explores and seeks to expose a truth about what planning, and excellence in execution of tasks has to do with authenticity of worship. Shout out to Gloria Wakesho, Claire Muthoni, and Hezbon Orange for sharing their thoughts on the conversation. #Stridethepodcast Daily Conversations For a Daily Christian Faith
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • So, my mom died... I mean rested.
    Aug 8 2023

    Grief, mourning, questions, loss... and faith in the midst of all these.

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • Confessing, each one to another, but as a testimony.
    Apr 24 2023

    Realizing that as we worship, we worship from a place of victory changed my life, right side up.

    This realization has the same application to even how we handle situations in life. One of the things that keeps servants in a state of docility, is awaiting a victorious moment for them to share a testimony, whether that testimony be about a personal struggle, a prayer they are awaiting to be answered, or a battle they are trusting God for.

    It struck me that I always waited for the calm to return, for the victory bells to roll and the giants to be slain before I shared about God's incredible work in my life. However, realizing that as we worship and pray, we do so not to attain victory but rather from a place of victory, it challenged my theology. It is possible and actually right to speak to your giant about your God who never loses a battle and since the battle belongs to God, then we surely have victory guaranteed.

    Yet I realised that I rarely speak from the angle of " I am here now and God is working something about my situation" but always wait for "I was there then and God did it." Maybe God allows us to go through circumstance, not just to help people when we make it out of the mud, but to also hold hands with the people in the murk at that particular time as us, to be the light within the dark spots.

    I am sounds is a confession that can also serve as a testimony.

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • In retrospect, God's actually been working in my life, same for you I am sure!
    Apr 24 2023
    One of the things that seems to scream at me as I read through Exodus is simply this... " Ya'll forget too much too fast!". Honestly what were the Israelites on? How do you even begin forgetting some things? Somebody explain to me how these guys forget the miracles that God performed while they were still in Egypt and the things He did while they were travelling in the desert? From plagues to splitting the Red Sea, to a rain of food, to water out of a rock, a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night... where do they get the strength to doubt God's power, plan and purpose for them? Then I pause, reflect, and find myself just as guilty as they were. Too often we are lost in panic and anxiety caused by the urgent and emergent issues of life we forget that God has brought us through similar or even worse situations. We forget his provision in the past, His healing, His protection, His redemption and gift of salvation... We sometimes have a hard time trusting God during testing moments because we forget what God has already done for us in the past. However should we take time and reflect, in retrospect, we shall realize that indeed God has been working in our lives, doing such wonderful things already such that whatever mountain be before us, we can trust that God who did it can and will do it again, that God did not bring us this far to let us fail. Enjoy this episode and share to whoever you think will benefit from it, I always appreciate feedback and remember to put into practice what you learn. Bless
    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Love Episodes. Ep 1 with the Githuis
    Mar 7 2023

    So much can be spoken about love. We can talk about love all year round and still never quite exhaust it. February is usually the month labelled love Month, because it houses Valentine's day. However Love is the one thing that the world needs most and therefore we can not just wait for one month in a year to talk about love. Everyday is a good day to speak about love. Although this episode series was supposed to be out in Feb, 2023, it is here and we shall be listening to it years later too, because it is always a good time, to talk about love. 

    On this particular love series, young Christian couples tell us their stories about how they have managed to find and keep love and above all, how God has been active and involved in their married lives. I interviewed a number of couples with some sets of questions for each couple and while the couples bonded over the questions, the audience is going to learn and hopefully be stirred to be unafraid to love in a way that glorifies God. 

    NB: these couples are not perfect, they are just young married Christians sharing their stories of how God has been active in their lives, their married lives, and telling stories about God's work in our lives is what Stride The Podcast is all about. 

    Enjoy this episode as our first couple, Eunice and Kimani Githui, share there experience.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • What I have learnt from doing puzzles for the last 4 months.
    Feb 1 2023

    Four months and more, I have been going with this particular set of puzzles. Even I am amazed by my tenacity. I expected that maybe I would give up sooner, probably not last this long. Yet here I am. Yeaaaaaa

    I have picked up a few lessons from the habit and exercise of doing puzzles. In this episode, I share some of those lessons, from how puzzles are a part of life and we can not do without them to how it applies to our relationship with God and our outlook on life. 

    Have a listen, share and be blessed.

    Más Menos
    31 m
  • Quiet in the noise
    Feb 1 2023

    Is it just me or have you also realised that there is just so much noise nowadays, and I do not mean just the physical noise (although there is plenty of that where I live and probably where you live too if you area near an urban centre) but also other kinds of noise such as cultural (we are not even speaking of cultural noise but rather a cultural war, with every culture trying to superimpose itself atop of others), psychological, technological (social media especially) among others. 

    Yes, how then do we find quiet in the middle of all this noise? You might be wondering, why is quiet something to be sought after anyway? Well, it is because God usually speaks quietly, softly and we need to actively lock out some things that are noise. Yeap, listen and share what you took away from the episode, don't forget to do all the other nice things too, such as sharing, rating, and actively putting to action what you learn from the episode.

    Más Menos
    33 m
  • Afraid to believe...
    Feb 1 2023

    Caught in the motions, traumatized by times when you once believed and it did not work out, so now you are afraid to believe...in anything. 

    Once beaten twice shy, a child that's been burnt loathes fire. 

    You now tread with caution, afraid to put your entire weight on the plane that's carrying you huh...
    Very true things, and so often they also relate to our relationship with God.
    Join me in this honest conversation, naked honesty.

    Más Menos
    37 m