• How to overcome obstacles to meet your goals with Julia Pimsleur
    Jun 16 2021
    Julia Pimsleur is a scaling coach, mindset expert, speaker and best-selling author. She is the founder of Million Dollar Women, a New York City-based social venture, which has helped thousands of women entrepreneurs scale up their businesses. Prior to that, she founded and built Little Pim, language learning for young children, into a multi-million dollar company.

    Pimsleur is the author of the best-selling Million Dollar Women (winner of Axiom Business Book Award) and Go Big Now: Eight Essential Mindset Practices to Overcome Any Obstacle and Reach Your Goals, about getting and keeping the go big mindset. She speaks on entrepreneurship, mindset and building mental resilience. See here for more on her talks or to bring her in as a speaker.

    Pimsleur interviews guests and shares go big tips on her live show, CEO Check-In (on IGTV) and on the Million Dollar Mind podcast.  Pimsleur lives in New York City with her family and is an avid scuba diver. Her mantra is “Fortune Favors the Brave.”
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    36 mins
  • Creating Confidence in Chaos with Becky Graebe
    May 5 2021
    Becky Graebe is Senior Director, Communication Expert at Dynamic Signal, the leader in employee communication and engagement platforms headquartered in San Bruno, CA.

    Based in Raleigh, NC, she works with global organizations and communicators to help connect, align and engage employees in modern and meaningful ways, wherever they are and in the manner they choose. She is an advocate for empowering the workforce to reach beyond individual roles, connect to subject matter experts throughout the enterprise, and influence the organization’s overall image and reputation via social advocacy.

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    29 mins
  • Don't Let the No Own You: The Ultimate Freedom with Christina Ho
    Mar 3 2021
    Christina received the US Treasury Secretarial Meritorious Service Award in recognition of her superior achievement in leading the government-wide implementation of the DATA Act in 2017.  She also received multiple awards from industry for her innovative work and leadership in technology, open data, and GRC (governance, risk and compliance). She is a frequent blogger and public speaker and has been featured in publications including AICPA Issue Brief, IBM Center for the Business of Government Magazine, AGA Journal, Nextgov, NACUBO Business Officer Magazine, Federal News Radio, and Government Matters TV.


    Key Takeaways:

    0:00 Intro

    2:21 Christina shares her background and story on what led her to the topic of saying no today

    5:06 Christina explains why it is so hard for people to hear the word no, and what to do to get used to it more often 

    8:57 Christina talks about why people should view no as a necessary step to the yes and to the success and as an important perspective and mindset that helps us think about no differently

    13:32 Christina talks about saying no and shares her thoughts, experience and advice around being able to say no strategically

    16:40 Christina advice people to have an accountability partner to help us as we continue to grow and practice, either being able to say no or yes, depending on the situation

    18:12 Christina talks about how she personally is not afraid of getting a no answer now as compared to the past and how she has developed that ability 

    21:26 Christina talks about practical steps to help people who are practicing to say no and overcoming fear of not being perceived as a team player when you say no

    24:15 Christina also talks about how as a leader you can help others to really embrace the power of the no

    25:28 Christina also shares some tips on what makes her feel strong and grounded to do what she does 

    Shows Mentioned: 
    Kids Baking Championship: Under Duff Goldman and Valerie Bertinelli's guidance, young bakers under the age of 12 compete against each other in a series of challenges to win the grand prize.

    Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu Limited, commonly referred to as Deloitte, is a British multinational professional services network. Deloitte is one of the Big Four accounting organizations and the largest professional services network in the world by revenue and number of professionals, with headquarters in London, England.

    Elder Research: They hand-craft innovative data analytics solutions that inform decisions, deliver value, and transform businesses.

    Quotes Mentioned:
    “A lot of time we self eliminate ourselves before other people do because we are so afraid of that rejection”
    “We should be able to say yes to ourselves.”
    “No is a necessary step to yes.”
    “Hurry up and get to the failure so you could pivot and then get to the success ultimately.”
    “If you take the no as a starting point where you can pivot and understand the no, and then that will get you to the ultimate yes.”
    “If we let that initial no to stop us or even try, we would not even get to the yes at all.”
    “It’s better to get to that no and then you can move on to get one step closer to the yes.”
    “Practice makes perfect.”
    “Auditors always have to go to places where people are not welcoming.”
    “The key no and yes is do you have a vision for yourself to be the best you can be and reach your fullest potential.”
    “Start with something small that you don't have as much at stake.”
    “It always takes someone who knows you to see your potential.”

    Guests Social Media Links:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina-ho-859b751/ 
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/policy_insights 
    Website: http://www.policyinsights.us/ 
    Website: https://www.elderresearch.com/people/christina-ho/ 
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    28 mins
  • Staying Power - How to Keep Employees Longer with Cara Silletto
    Feb 10 2021
    Cara Silletto is a national speaker and consultant on bridging generational gaps in the workplace, and currently sits in a unique sweet spot for this specialty. She is an early Millennial herself, born in 1981, yet she has more than 13 years of experience learning the unwritten expectations of seasoned managers and business owners in order to advance her own career. As the Founder and President of Crescendo Strategies, she is committed to reducing unnecessary employee turnover for clients by making managers more effective in their roles. Cara earned a Corporate Communication degree from the University of Indianapolis and an MBA from the University of Louisville’s top-ranked Entrepreneurship program. Cara is a true connector and active member of several professional associations. In 2013, she was featured in both “Today’s Woman” and “BG” magazines as the featured young entrepreneur, and in early 2014, she was named a Top 3 Finalist for the One Southern Indiana James W. Robinson Young Professional of the Year Award. She was recently named a “Game Changer” by Workforce magazine in Chicago, and is the co-author of “What’s Next in HR.”


    Key Takeaways:
    0:00 Intro

    2:32 Cara shares a little bit of background about her journey and what led her to focus on retention

    4:38 Cara shares some of the reasons that make employees leave or stop working in a certain company 

    7:51 Cara talks about what managers and business owners can do remotely due to Covid to instill the sense of belongingness and make their employees feel valued 

    11:10 Cara talks about the importance of checking in with your people as an employer and how it affects the business and the employees 

    12:14 Cara also talks about how leaders or managers keep their employees informed and in the know

    15:23 Cara talks about the challenges that comes with the boomers, the Gen X, the Millennia's and the Gen Z and how they play into retention

    21:12 Cara talks about how the pandemic caused more layoffs and the advice she would give managers expecting people left at work to work two or three people's jobs

    24:37 Cara talks about what she is working on next especially the disconnect between frontline workers and managers and what is next in the field of retention 

    29:14 Cara shares some tips on what makes her feel strong so that she can keep doing what she does 

    Books Mentioned:
    Staying Power; Why Your Employees Leave and How to Keep Them Longer by Cara Silletto and Leah Brown

    Shows Mentioned: 
    Magnet Culture: We shift manager mindsets and bridge generational gaps to dramatically reduce turnover costs, increase employee loyalty, and ensure high-quality products and services are delivered.


    Quotes Mentioned:
    “You have to solve a business problem, so keep your ears open.”
    “Work smarter not harder.”
    “People won’t even entertain other offers if they're happy and if they feel valued.”
    “Check in with your people when you contact them.” 
    “It is not all about business.”
    “Are you really approachable and do your people feel like you have the time and energy for them?”
    “People were raised differently and yet we expect the people around us to have a similar outlook on life that we do.”
    “Don’t ever depend on a company because they can cut you any day.”
    “You have got to have a plan.”
    “The whole model of do more with less, that's supposed to get people through a tough time.”
    “Getting in tune with the reality of the day to day struggles and priorities of your frontline workforce can make you a much stronger leader and help retain workers.”
    “Continue to invest in your people.”
    “You can't fill everything and you can't be everything to everyone.”

    Guests Social Media Links:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carasilletto/ 
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cara.silletto 
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MagnetCulture 
    Website: https://www.magnetculture.com/speaking/ 
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    31 mins
  • Manifesting Goals: Step Up. Step Aside. Step Back. with Amanda Moskowitz
    Feb 3 2021
    Amanda is a strategic creationist, engagement advocate, and compulsive planner. She love's the number three, alliteration, and pink. She support Microsoft in their stance on the great space debate (one, not two). And she has a deep passion for using communication, content, and creative to connect communities and create change. She's the author of two books, "Alice the Bee" and "Baba the Monkey and all That Noise" She recently left her corporate career to venture out on her own. The universe doing what she does, led her to a part-time consulting gig at BlackRock Center for the Arts. She fell in love with the people, the work, the mission. After just three short months, she became the Director of Marketing Communications at a cultural arts center that is not only providing access to the arts for all but has evolved into providing life-saving relief for vulnerable community members impacted by the coronavirus. 
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    45 mins
  • Banish Burnout with Janice Litvin
    Jan 27 2021
    Janice Litvin is on a mission to help leaders and teams banish burnout in their organizations. She does this through keynote speeches, workshops, and accountability groups. As an award-winning speaker, certified virtual presenter, and official SHRM Recertification Provider, she wants to help as many people as possible take care of their physical and mental health, including teaching them to manage stress to prevent burnout, fall in love with fitness, and eat healthier. In these ways, she is helping people change their lives. She has developed unique strategies to maximize engagement in workplace wellness and has also developed a stress management methodology available through her workbook, Banish Burnout Toolkit.Key Takeaways: 0:00 Intro2:11 Janice talks a little bit about her background, her journey and what led her to focusing on banishing burnout4:40 Janice talks about ways in which the pandemic is impacting stress for employees and just for everyone in general8:08 Janice shares advice and tips to managers to tap into emotional intelligence and be there for their employees especially in these difficult times such as giving employees a break12:32Janice talks about the importance of starting a meeting with some fun and funny icebreaker exercises instead of going straight to who’s doing what13:20 Janice explains the importance of also having some kind of personal interest interactions going on once a week in a company to reduce stress of work and the pandemic 14:40 Janice also explains how people start to know some of the triggers and the things that are leading to burnout17:08 Janice talks about resting and why it is important for people who are working to rest after working hard19:06 Janice talks about why people should try to find something different to do for fun on the weekends to you get the happiness chemicals21:24 Janice also talks about how managers should treat their employees to help them prevent a burnout23:25 Janice explains how as an employee you set your own healthy boundaries at work especially in the environment right now such as pausing and thinking before you react26:45 Janice shares advice and tips to people who didn’t lose their jobs due to Covid on how they can work more effectively and efficiently without getting the burnout29:01 Janice talks about her book and how ‘should’ is another way of saying I'm not good enough and how to consciously start to shift and use different language32:58 Janice talks about how parents play a big role in instilling the limiting beliefs that children have and how they can help them overcome them 34:46 Janice explain that it’s up to you to take charge and only you can change the way you react to stress by banishing your burnout35:50 Janice shares the things that make her feel strong and keeps her focused on doing what she does Books Mentioned: The Banish Burnout Toolkit by Janice Litvin Shows Mentioned: Zumba is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Pérez during the 1990s. Zumba is a trademark owned by Zumba Fitness, LLC. True Grit: On a mission to find her father's killer, a 14-year-old girl and the US Marshall she hires are joined by a Texas Ranger. The trio's true grit is tested as they embark on a quest for justice.Gallup, Inc. is an American analytics and advisory company based in Washington, D.C. Founded by George Gallup in 1935, the company became known for its public opinion polls conducted worldwide.Quotes Mentioned:“Most people hate to exercise.”“Loneliness is a huge problem, a very big feeling of disconnection and isolation.”“A good manager has to be able to read between the lines.”“Expectations have to be lower in these difficult times.”“If you just care, sometimes that really goes a long way.”“People need to have a break and sleep.”“We are human beings, not machines.”“People forget that it's the little things that can make you really, really happy.”“The more you can be your employee’s backbone during a stressful time, the more they really appreciate you, trust you and be loyal for you.”“The more you can stay grounded, the more you'll be taken seriously.”“You can only run so fast on that hamster wheel for so long before you experience the burnout.”“Look at how you speak to your children and look at how your parents spoke to you and try to think back to how that made you feel.”“Children need to be treated with love and respect.”“Goals have to be specific, measurable, achievable and put on the calendar.”“Nobody can take care of you the way you take care of yourself.”“Whatever goals you set for yourself, set a plan, write it down and make a way for them to happen.”Guests Social Media Links:Website: https://janicelitvin.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janicelitvin/ Book Website: https://janicelitvin.com/banish-burnout-toolkit-workbook/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaniceLitvinSpeaks/ ...
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    41 mins
  • Lead With Confidence with Denise Harris
    Jan 13 2021
    Denise is a certified executive leadership coach, who engages other entrepreneurs and executives through one-on-one coaching, enterprise consulting and accelerated coaching programs. She speaks publicly about women and transition, and has facilitated numerous workshops on a variety of topics.

    When she works with clients, they create a trust-based relationship together. This mutual trust allows them to get to the heart of the matter. Working together, they'll focus on your inner strengths and resolve any problems that are keeping you from moving forwards. Any long-term patterns of behavior and thinking that do not support your success will be overcome. How does it happen? She provide tools, skills training and creative practices that are designed to allow you to focus on the business and personal outcomes you desire. 

    Key Takeaways:
    0:47 Intro
    3:00 Denise shares a little background of herself and her journey on what led her to really want to focus on helping women excel
    5:01 Denise talks about confidence, what it is and discuss three major things about confidence which are self-awareness, courage and resilience
    6:30 Denise gives her advice to women who have self-doubt to really start to step in to confidence
    9:40 Denise talks about why she thinks the brain is much more willing to accept negative thoughts than to accept the positive ones
    11:50 Denise explains the importance of fear, but she further advices entrepreneur especially women to learn how to manage that fear and why it’s important
    15:05 Denise shares advice to parents who are raising girls on how to help their girls to be more confident and them as well
    16:21 Denise also talks about other components that are also very helpful in instilling self-confidence to young girls that will help them become women of substance in the future 
    18:54 Denise explains the importance of surrounding yourself with great people and make them your role model and how setting your own goals can boost your confidence 
    20:59 Denise talks about taking the strategic pause in our lives and strategically thinking about what we have accomplished and how that can boost our confidence 
    23:27 Denise talks about the major challenges that women face especially in the corporate world that makes them lack confidence 
    25:01 Denise talks about in-service and how that helps other women be confident when they see other women in C-suite levels celebrating their success 
    27:38 Denise talks about the role that confidence play in leadership and how it helps a leader create a strong personal brand that many respect 
    28:39 Denise talks about her Internal Values Proposition assessment, how it helps people identify their core values and get aligned with them 
    30:11 Denise shares her tip on what makes her feel strong and always come out victorious in whatever she does 

    Books Mentioned: 
    The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine

    Big Magic: How to Live a Creative Life, and Let Go of Your Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

    Enough As She Is by Rachel Simmons

    Shows Mentioned: 
    The O Magazine: is an American monthly magazine founded by Oprah Winfrey and Hearst Communications and primarily marketed at women. 

    Quotes Mentioned:
    “Confidence is a muscle and it's something that you have to work at every day.”
    “Know your self-worth.”
    “Always celebrate your wins.”
    “Acknowledge yourself for the things that you do well.”
    “There is a part of our brain that is assigned the task of negative thinking.”
    “Negativity is what holds us back from taking risks.”
    “The brain always wants us to be comfortable.”
    “The cave that you're afraid to enter holds the treasure that you seek.”
    “Fear is good.”
    “Dance with fear and take the lead.”
    “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
    “If you really love what you do and you are really enjoying it, the confidence is going to show up and that's your brand.”

    Guests Social Media Links:
    Website: https://www.deniseharrisonline.com/ 
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denise-harris/ 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DeniseOnline18/ 
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    32 mins
  • Get Out of Your Head: Intuition as Your Secret Weapon with Shelley Row
    Jan 6 2021
    Shelley Row, P.E., CSP works with forward-thinking managers and leaders to grow their skills, their organization and their bottom line. She does that by enhancing their infotuitive skills and bringing more insight into their leadership.


    Shelley’s work is grounded in more than just her research. Her life experiences taught her to think, feel, and act… and it made all the difference.

    Key Takeaways:

    0:00 Intro

    1:57 Shelley shares her background and her journey on what led her to focus on intuition

    4:20 Shelley talks about the importance that came with bringing intuition into her leadership, if it was a usual practice and how to use it to make decisions 

    7:54 Shelley explains how intuition fit into complex decisions made by leaders that are data driven decisions

    9:54 Shelley talks about blending the data and the hard facts with intuition and come up with a decision

    12:41 Shelley also talks about why you need to examine the feeling of fear or being in comfort zone for you to be able to make the right decision 

    13:38 Shelley talks about if there are any particular decisions that would benefit more from tapping into one’s intuition

    16:02 Shelley shares her thoughts on what she thinks holds leaders back from using their intuition to make decisions 

    21:00 Shelley talks about how the corporate environment has shifted and there has been adoption of collective consciousness and mindfulness and the impact it has on intuition 

    23:25 Shelley explains why it is important for leaders to give their brains time to rest when they are overwhelmed or want to come up with a solution to a problem 

    26:14 Shelley shares if there are gender differences when it comes to intuition

    28:37 Shelley shares tips on how one as a leader can tap into their intuition to help the in making their decisions 

    32:23 Shelley talks about her book and what inspired her to write it and why she gave it that title 

    33:50 Shelley explains how she came up with the name of her company, what it does and why she is rebranding it

    36:06 Shelley speaks of what makes her strong and keep on doing the things she does 

    Books Mentioned: 
    Think Less Live More by Shelley Row 

    Shows Mentioned: 
    fMRI Studies: Functional magnetic resonance imaging or functional MRI measures brain activity by detecting changes associated with blood flow. This technique relies on the fact that cerebral blood flow and neuronal activation are coupled.

    Quotes Mentioned:
    “Trust things that may not necessarily just be right inside of you, but something you're feeling inside.”
    “Use all the data you have in the time frame that you have to make the decision.”
    “When we get into stretch zone, that's where we really grow as leaders.”
    “We don't necessarily make strictly logical decision.”
    “There are no places for feelings at work.”
    “The credibility of intuition in our Decision-Making process is not very well recognized.”
    “Always trust your gut.”
    “Innovation is really dependent a lot on your intuition.”
    “Some quiet time is when the brain literally comes up with ideas.”

    Guests Social Media Links:
    Website: www.bluefjordleaders.com
    Email: shelley@bluefjordleader.com 
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shelleyrow/ 
    Website: https://www.shelleyrow.com/ 
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    39 mins