
  • Do You Need A Trademark For Your Beauty Brand?
    Apr 30 2024

    Ever wonder how to protect the brand you work so hard to build? Welcome back trademark law expert, Kelli Jones who teaches us the ins and outs of how a trademark process works, when you might want to consider securing your brand, and what you should look out for before protecting your brand identity.

    Get our FREE Marketing Guide for more business tips.

    If you missed our previous episode on contracts, click HERE.

    Instant access to our Business Marketing Course HERE.

    Key Take-Aways:

    1. A trademark is a part of your brand which identifies your good & services.

    2. The difference copyright and trademark: copyright protects original work of author. Trademark protects words, phrases, symbols, or designs that distinguish the source.

    3. The point of a trademark is to prevent consumer confusion.

    4. Two things that are unrelated can exist.

    5. Even if you’re using a brand name first, whoever files a trademark has the most rights.

    6. Before creating the branding for your business, do a basic search on uspto as well as Google Search.

    7. Hiring a lawyer for applying for a trademark adds further safeguard due to the extended search.

    8. It’s important to file the branding with the words used for the business instead of only the logo, so that it’s always covered even when changing the branding colors and logo.

    9. The beauty industry is one of the harder industries to get a trademark due to general wording that overlaps in the industry.

    10.The trademark process can take a year or more after filing.

    11. Trademarks can also negotiate terms specific to the state, but its typically federal.

    12. If you’re using a name before someone registers and sends a cease and desist, you can appeal it.

    13. A federal trademark will trump a state trademark in court.

    Save on your product cost with SalonScale & add 10% off your order with code SSA10.

    Enjoy 15% off our favorite skincare line with code SSA15

    Find Kelli on Instagram HERE

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    28 mins
  • Future-Proof Your Beauty Biz: Essential Contract Clauses Explained
    Apr 23 2024

    Feeling overwhelmed by salon contracts? Don't risk your business! Join us as lawyer Kelli Jones breaks down everything salon owners & hairstylists NEED to know about crafting ironclad contracts. Learn key terms, avoid hidden pitfalls, and discover strategies to maximize profits & protect your business. Listen now & gain the legal edge for your beauty business!

    Our FREE template to creating a giveaway for your business.

    Maximize your marketing efforts with our Marketing Course!

    Key Take-aways:

    1. There are different contacts for your business in different states.

    2. You can put anything in a contract, but it doesn’t mean it can be enforced in your state.

    3. Don’t charge for things that are unreasonable, for instance the full service price.

    4. Make sure your policy is clear, written and easily found on your website.

    5. If a client is booking online and checks a box to agree to the policy, it’s in written form and easier to enforce the charge.

    6. If you don’t have clarity on how charges work, when and what the stipulation is, it will be harder to legally hold the charge against the client.

    7. Usually what can legally be held against you as a service provider is what you don’t include, not what you do include.

    8. Be careful when asking to hold credit card information, you need to get authorization to charge their card.

    9. As far as holding a non-compete for an employee, it is meant to protect both parties. It’s a red flag if a salon has you sign a non-compete if you are a 1099.

    10. A non-compete shouldn’t prohibit an employee from being able to work if they left.

    11. As an employee, consider negotiating the terms of the contract before finalizing.

    12. As a freelancer when signing a contract with a brand, if asked for a non-compete for a longer duration, negotiate either a higher rate or for a shorter timeframe. Keep in mind, the brand’s contract doesn’t typically work favorably for the artist.

    13. Look for words like perpetuity because the intellectual property can belong to the brand if you don’t negotiate it down.

    14. Make sure you license it to them rather than them taking ownership of it.

    15. Once you publish something online, you hold the copy-write to it. You need to give permission to someone else using your content, it could be copy write infringement.

    16. It’s easier to escalate as necessary rather than deescalate a situation.

    17. Try reaching out to the brand directly first before reporting, this is where you can negotiate a paid relationship with them.

    18. If you feel nervous about signing a contract, think of it as a way to protect both parties and to prevent miscommunication.

    Find Kelli @lawyerkelli_ on Instagram

    Save thousands annually, and track your color usage in real-time with SalonScale. Use code SSA10 to save an additional 10% off & a free scale!

    Get 15% off our favorite skincare line, Pharmagel, with code SSA15.

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    32 mins
  • What To Look For In A Salon: As A Hairstylist
    Apr 15 2024

    Finding the right salon home goes beyond just a pretty space. As a hairstylist, prioritizing a salon that fosters your professional growth can make or break the longevity of your success behind the chair. Discover how to find a supportive team environment that fosters professional growth through education and skill development. We'll discuss the importance of a salon culture that values your creativity and allows you to showcase your talents. Plus, we'll tackle practical considerations like added support and resources to look for in your salon home, that aligns with your experience and goals. Tune in and get ready to find the perfect salon to launch your dream career!

    Join our Newsletter & be the first to hear what we have coming your way for ALL beauty professionals!

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    Key Take-Aways:

    1. Look at the salon culture. How is everyone treating one another.

    2. Pay attention to the atmosphere. How is the interaction with clients?

    3. Is there opportunity for you to grow as a stylist?

    4. Reputation & integrity: Community, clients, and team/staff.

    5. Look over reviews and visit in person.

    6. Does the salon conduct a working/shadow or technical interview?

    7. Is there a mentorship/coaching program?

    8. What is their turnover rate? If it’s high, consider interviewing a couple of stylists first.

    9. Is the salon open to Indie education? Do they cover the cost of classes?

    10. Does the space fit the season of life you’re in? How much participation is required?

    11. Find out what the compensation, expectation, and do they have a benefits pack?

    12. Look out for cleanliness and organization, which shows you the foundation is there.

    Get the #1 Salon money-saving tool, SalonScale with a free scale and an added 10% off: https://signup.salonscale.com/mz9lj/ambrosiacarey code SSA10

    Take 15% off our favorite skincare line, Pharmagel with code SSA15: http://www.pharmagel.net/discount/ssa15?redirect=%2F%3Fafmc%3Dssa15

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    25 mins
  • Unlock Your Power: How Boundaries & Self-Awareness Fuel Success
    Mar 27 2024

    Feeling overwhelmed, undervalued, or like you're constantly saying yes? Do you ever wonder how to achieve your goals and live a truly fulfilling life? The answer lies within you! This empowering episdoe explores the twin pillars of self-awareness and boundaries with Sarai Speer.

    Drop a review on Spotify or Apple now & get automatically entered to win a Pharmagel skincare bundle: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/successful-stylist-academy/id1584273127?i=1000629282175

    Join our Newsletter for our monthly guides, special invites, and added resources!

    Key Take-aways:

    1. Boundaries can have a negative connotation, but they look different to everyone.

    2. Self care isn’t selfish.

    3. We are guaranteed to wake up with one person for the rest of our life & it’s ourself.

    4. Boundaries can be discovered through being self-aware.

    5. Practice 7 layers of why for self-awareness.

    6. Write out what you will and won’t put up with, and where you need help.

    7. Clear communication which is a beautiful self protection piece. Use “I” statements.

    8. Practice consistency and role play with someone you trust.

    9. Self care, which is ways to practice self love.

    Find Sarai on Instagram

    Cover your color costs, manage inventory, and organize your orders in one place with SalonScale, get an additional 10% off with code SSA10: https://signup.salonscale.com/mz9lj/ambrosiacarey

    Enjoy 15% off our favorite skincare line, Pharmagel with code SSA15: http://www.pharmagel.net/discount/ssa15?redirect=%2F%3Fafmc%3Dssa15

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    34 mins
  • The Client Magnet: How a Happy Salon Team Boosts Business
    Mar 19 2024

    Does your salon feel like a revolving door for stylists? Are you struggling to attract and retain top talent? The secret weapon you might be missing is a happy and positive work environment! In this episode, we dive deep into the power of team morale. Learn how a thriving salon culture can become your ultimate client magnet, and lead to a more fullfilling career behind the chair.

    Get on the waitlist for our Member Portal: HERE

    Get access to our 10 day Business Challenge:

    Key Take-aways:

    1. Don’t overlook the small things: one person makes a difference.

    2. Be intentional to create a great moral for a long-lasting business.

    3. Be open and transparent: to foster an open culture, have an open door policy.

    4. There’s so much power in listening; perception is reality. Praise publicly and critique privately.

    5. Have monthly or quarterly meetings which invites open communication and a way to connect.

    6. Associate each smaller goal to a deeper, meaningful goal. Have others hold you accountable or work with one of our coaches.

    7. Have projects that you can work on with a team member as a collaboration.

    8. Don’t forget to celebrate; and show up for one another.

    9. Learn the 5 love languages and apply them to clients.

    10. Provide opportunities for professional development.

    Save your color cost and track your inventory with Salon Scale plus and addition 10% off using code SSA10

    Get 15% off our favorite skincare line, Pharmagel with code SSA15

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    33 mins
  • Hairstylist Branding 101: Brand vs. Branding Explained
    Mar 5 2024

    Feeling lost in the world of "brand" and "branding"? You're not alone! This episode w/ host Ambrosia Carey & special guest Nina Kovner of Passion Squared breaks down the key differences between these often-confused terms. Join us as we delve into the essence of what makes a powerful stylist brand, and how to translate that into tangible strategies for building a thriving salon. We'll explore everything from brand identitity to brand story, empowering you to attract your ideal clients and elevate your business to new heights. Tune in and unlock the secrets to building a memorable brand that stands out in the crowded salon landscape!

    All reviewers are automatically entered into our next giveaway with Pharmagel to win a skincare starter pack! Leave your review HERE!

    Join our FREE 10 day business challenge: https://small-kiwi-98108.myflodesk.com/735cf720-d034-4fba-b64c-afc986c3ecc6

    Key Takeaways:

    1. The brand is the story.

    2. Branding is the identity of the brand, the aesthetic & logo

    3. Branding is meant to help tell the brand story. It is not the brand story.

    4. The first step is brand story then we design around that, including content.

    5. One of the biggest misconceptions is to build your brand on social media, but that’s marketing.

    6. It all starts with brand purpose: what problems are you solving.

    7. Brand promise, how are we solving those problems.

    8. Who are we serving (target audience), and what solutions do we have (products & services.

    9. When approaching your story telling, the most powerful way of speaking is to an audience of one & making them the hero.

    10. An exercise in helping you create this story is by listening to your clients.

    11. If energy is put into brand identity but not story, there can be a mismatch in what people expect vs what they receive & it can hurt a business

    12. Changing your branding every few years can hurt your business, consistency builds trust.

    Find more info on Nina of Passion Squared & Instagram HERE

    Independent Stylists and Salon Owners, get the #1 cost saver on product with SalonScale, use code SSA10 for an additonal 10% savings: https://signup.salonscale.com/mz9lj/ambrosiacarey

    Enjoy our favorite sincecare line, Pharmagel, with 15% off using code SSA 15: http://www.pharmagel.net/discount/ssa15?redirect=%2F%3Fafmc%3Dssa15

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    33 mins
  • What Is A Private Membership Salon?
    Feb 27 2024

    Do you crave more freedom, financial security, and a community in your business? Join us as salon owner Nick Mirabella, shares his journey and bold move – transitioning to a private membership model. In this episode, you'll discover: The why behind Nick's decision, the how of the PMA approach, and the benefits of going private.

    Drop a review and get automatically entered into our bundle giveaway with Pharmagel skincare now!

    Get our FREE Marketing guide here: https://small-kiwi-98108.myflodesk.com/ke6k90nlq2

    Key Takaways:

    1. Private memberships allow you to practice your business under a private domain through a membership program.

    2. Statutory compliant means you’re complaint to what the state & government tells you to what you can do vs non-statutory which is complaint to your private association.

    3. Changing the structure of your business to private offers an opportunity to rethink how you can marginalize profits.

    4. ESOP program, employee stock options as a percentage to pool from different forms of income of the business to employees with vested interest.

    5. Having a private business face a few challenges such as State Board & distributors due to the license.

    Cover your product cost with our #1 tool, SalonScale. Get 10% off with code SSA10 https://signup.salonscale.com/mz9lj/ambrosiacarey

    Get 15% off our favorite skincare line, Pharmagel with code SSA15 http://www.pharmagel.net/discount/ssa15?redirect=%2F%3Fafmc%3Dssa15

    Follow Nick on his journey here

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    40 mins
  • Recession-Proof Your Business: 10 Powerful Strategies to Thrive
    Feb 21 2024

    Worried about a recession impacting your salon business? This episode is your lifeline! We'll dive into 10 proven strategies from cutting costs to attracting clients, helping you maximize efficiency, boost revenue, and recession-proof your success. Learn from 24 year hairstylist and salon owner Ambrosia Carey and gain valuable tips on financial planning, marketing adjustments, and operational optimization. Don't wait until times get hard in your business - take control and secure your future today!

    Celebrating our 100th episode & over 10,000 downloads! Drop a review on Spotify or Apple now & get automatically entered to win a Pharmagel skincare bundle: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/successful-stylist-academy/id1584273127 winner will be chosen and annouced March 19th!

    Join Salon to CEO with Ambrosia & Fulton Accouting March 11th HERE

    Start using SalonScale, get your cost covered & track your inventory, save 10% using code SSA10: https://signup.salonscale.com/mz9lj/ambrosiacarey

    Key Take-Aways:

    1. GDP requires 2 consecutive quarters.

    2. Inflation: Consumer price index remains high.

    3. Federal reservce interest rate climbing, but S&P has increased.

    4. Review & optimize expenses: look over monthly expenses & cut back on non-essential costs: subscriptions, utilities, inventory.

    5. Build an emergency fund 3-6 months of operating expenses to cover unexpected costs during slowdown.

    6. Explore options to lower interest rates or extend payment terms on existing loans.

    7. Focus on services with higher margins like scalp care, treatment add-on, bundle options (menu options in previous episode linked in our shownotes), above all focus on essential services.

    8. Secure a line of credit w/ favorable terms to access additional funds if needed.

    9. Loyalty programs & rewards, good time to reintroduce.

    10. Optimize your search on both website & social media for local searches; showcase specials or giveaways. Products that aren’t moving, bundle a giveaway or host a contest.

    11. Community partnerships: collab w/ local businesses for joint promotions.

    12. Optimize scheduling, how can you shrink timing down on services? (Treatment to end while roots on, rescheduling then getting next step ready while processing, use 10 min express colors)

    13. Reduce waste: SalonScale tracks all inventory usage & cost, stores formulas, creates a suggest re-order menu.

    Find more on our top downloaded episode here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/successfulstylistacademy/id1584273127?i=1000603222567

    Start saving with SalonScale using code SSA10: https://signup.salonscale.com/mz9lj/ambrosiacarey

    Save 15% on our favorite skincare line, Pharmagel with code SSA15 here: http://www.pharmagel.net/discount/ssa15?redirect=%2F%3Fafmc%3Dssa15

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    10 mins