
  • My White Man Message to donald j trump! Sad so sad LOVE!
    Mar 19 2023

    What I and the world think of YOU!
    Sad so sad LOVE!

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    26 m
  • Donald J Trump is not Man Enough to Testify says NANCY PELOSI! TRUE! SAD SO SAD LOVE!
    Oct 31 2022

    Donald J Trump is not man enough to testify what Nancy Pelosi said and she's right you have to be a man to be able to testify and he's a mama's boy teddy bear holder. The fake baby bone spurs a scaredy cat. What did Donald Trump say only criminals plead the Fifth that's why he pleaded the 5th more than 400 times the last time in court.

    SAD so sad LOVE!

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    36 m
    Sep 17 2022

    Ron DeSantis picked on children just like Donald J Trump not a decent bone in their body. DeSantis is the same as Trump he lies to people straight face and thinks it's funny to harm children. We need to change the laws to remove these people from society. The immigrants were asking for Asylum and he lied to them with the Goofy map of the United States and told them they were going someplace else. He enjoys Harming people just like Donald J Trump and they're proud of their lies. They are representations of the sickness that's in the world. They think taking away a woman's right to an abortion is cool and covid-19 is a democratic hoax trying to take Trump down. Climate change isn't real and Trump can use a Sharpie to move a hurricane map two match his tweets. He is the chosen one he can do whatever he wants he's God-like. My God, they hold a trumpy bear that is a Teddy bear, get them babies a pacifier, and put them in a cage.


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    13 m
  • Donald J Trump going to PRISON! SAD SO SAD LOVE! #DONALDTRUMP
    Sep 7 2022

    Donald J Trump going to prison would be so sad love! Donald Trump did an Insurrection and hasn't gone to jail for it. He also kidnapped 2200 children and didn't go to jail for that, what was he going to do sell them to Jeffrey Epstein. How many crimes must Trump do to go to jail? Donald J Trump's took secret documents from our government and it's still walking around free. None of the documents Trump took were his, they belong to the United States, not Donald J Trump that thinks he's a king dictator. How many of our allies did he put In Harm's Way? How many Secret Service and military people did he put In Harm's Way? The Republicans that stick with this guy means they're just as evil as he is.


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    31 m
  • Donald J Trump is what's Wrong with the World!
    Aug 26 2022

    Donald J Trump is what's wrong with the world.

    Donald J Trump never grew up he's a mama's boy. He never stops lying. How do we know he never stops, he said he is the chosen one from God, the person that slept around on all three of his wives and paid Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal $130000 + $150000 to stay quiet. And Michael Cohen is the one that went to prison for lying for Trump. Donald Trump kidnapped 2600 children from parents that loved them and didn't go to prison for that one also explain that to me because I got kids. The Republicans are very sick people to think that's okay! Picking on defenseless Children is Disgusting. United Nations got involved and said it was wrong, but sick people don't care. The love of money and staying in power, no matter the cost is what the Republican Party does now. Doesn't matter who gets hurt in the process!

    Donald Trump is a 22 Time Business failure and he never pays people. He has six bankruptcies. He loves dictators like Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin. Bullies love other bullies. Pedophiles love other pedophiles. Predators love other predators. Liars love other Liars.


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    36 m
  • Never vote Republican's Again! Hear WHY! January 6th Coup Attempt
    Jan 6 2022

    I will never vote Republican again because for some reason they think cheating is winning. How is it okay to overthrow an election? Explain that to me! They cheat with gerrymandering and that's not enough? You got voter suppression and intimidation also And not let us forget about slowing the mail. They tried to do a coup and are still saying it's okay! I have never seen so much sickness in my entire life in my country. I knew there was going to be violence on January 6. I just didn't think Trump had that much control of all of the police, the military, and the National Guard. Donald Trump was silent for 187 minutes as people were being beaten and I watched on live TV the horror in real-time. He 100% planned it because he didn't do anything to stop it. There were 100 Republicans End on the Overthrow of a Legitimate Election. This is Vladimir Putin's Playbook and those 14 secret meetings that Trump had with him show everything that he learned from Putin. Putin is a murdering dictator that has been in power for 17 years and he now has a 30-year term. Trump wanted to rule for life, where he can get richer off of us and golf 24/7. So we pay him to golf at his golf course and he does nothing for us. The virus is 100% real and he was pushing it a democratic hoax to take him down. Remember Donald Trump lied when he said he didn't know Vladimir Putin, he had his beauty pageant in Russia before he was president on May 15, 2016. The only way to have a beauty pageant is to go to Vladimir Putin. It's a dictatorship, people.

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    14 m
    Nov 9 2021

    KKK KUCKOO KUCKOO KUCKOO Rep. Paul Gosar AFRAID OF AOC, GOT TO ATTACK FROM BEHIND on TWITTER! PAUL GOSAR did a cartoon video with AOC's face put on it and he murdered her from behind. This is a very sick man. He should already be arrested. That is a threat to human life. He is a coward, he is a scum of the Earth. If that was my daughter I'd be knocking on his door. Why are the republicans not being removed from OFFICE! Freedom of speech is not freedom to threaten. If any other American would do what he did we would be arrested. I'm sick and tired of the sickness in my country. These teddy bears people think they're strong and powerful when they are holding a teddy bear! This is insane!

    Republicans must be removed from office! I will never be a republican again but do not blame me for Donald J Trump, I did not vote for the KKK leader.

    They want to threaten someone, threaten me in a RING, let's Rumble leave the woman and children ALONE!

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    10 m
  • PEE PEE Tape Real or Fake of Donald Trump that a GERMAPHOPE? But pays for SEX!
    Oct 27 2021

    Is the pee-pee tape of Donald J Trump really fake because Donald J Trump said he's a germaphobe so he wouldn't do that. Because he's a germaphobe, and we all know germaphobes would never do that! He would never watch women peeing on a bed that President Barack Obama was in. Not Donald J Trump that hates President Barack Obama, a black man beat Donald J Trump becoming a REAL PRESIDENT Donald J Trump had to cheat to win his election against a woman with Vladimir Putin. Trump begged for 30,000 emails and got it in 24 hours from his lover Putin!

    Sad so sad LOVE!

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