• METTA LAB - Weekly Slow Session 10
    Jul 6 2024

    Welcome to Mettā Lab @suttameditationseries

    Mettā Lab is a weekly YouTube livestream Dhamma session on the Sutta Meditation Series channel to develop and intensify our loving kindness (mettā) practice.

    — Timestamp —

    00:00 Mettā Lab - First Doorway to Nibbāna - 6 July 2024

    04:00 Recap on the first four steps of Painful practice with slow realisation to reach the heavenly or divine abode

    19:58 First right striving (including the connection to Āneñjasappāya Sutta) to protect reaching the divine abode

    22:22 Thoroughly contemplating the Noble Truth of Suffering

    37:45 With the insight and wisdom up to this point, making the Determination for Truth (for Nibbāna)

    45:05 Fulfilling the Concentration due to Desire

    48:20 Why restraint of the sense faculties is needed to protect our mind and what we've developed in this insight pathway

    55:04 Connecting to the Karaṇīyametta Sutta at "controlled at the sense faculties" (santindriyo) to reach immeasurable loving kindness

    57:20 How a deeper understanding of the noble truth of suffering provides a strong foundation for the development of immeasurable loving kindness

    01:00:38 How to reach the Beautiful Liberation (subhavimutti) from immeasurable loving kindness

    01:01:15 Advice on developing the First Doorway to Nibbana or Painful Practice with Slow Realisation and other resources on Sutta Meditation Series

    01:04:33 Brief overview of the key inflection points in this insight pathway

    01:09:30 Revisiting the Dhammapada verse 40

    01:14:20 Taking a break from Mettā Lab weekly slow sessions to develop and practice these meditations (Karaṇīyametta Sutta and Painful Practice with Slow Realisation) towards immeasurable loving kindness

    01:16:03 Sharing the merit and blessings

    The focus is on developing *supramundane* loving kindness in accordance with the Buddha's teachings in the Pali Canon.

    (1) We will begin with the Buddha's instructions on how to develop mettā in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)

    (2) Then we will develop the First Doorway to Nibbana or Painful Practice with Slow Realisation which culminates in immeasurable mettā, based on the Asubha Sutta (AN 4.163) and Suttavebhaṅgiya (Pe 9). It also draws on what we learn in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)

    (3) Then we will develop mettā with the seven enlightenment factors (bojjhangas), based on the Mettāsahagata Sutta (SN 46.54), which distinguishes the Buddha's teaching of mettā from all others. And liberation of mind by loving kindness (mettācetovimutti)

    These are purposely "slow sessions" to gradually learn (or revise), develop and practise each step of these sutta meditations. Each session will be 1 to 1.5 hours duration. And during the session there will be short meditation periods. It may take a few weeks to complete each sutta meditation.

    Mettā Lab is for beginners and meditators who wish to refresh and deepen their loving kindness practice. Everyone is welcome.

    To watch the YouTube livestream - https://t.ly/ZHHq3

    For all enquiries - suttameditationseries@gmail.com

    Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • THE WAY TO THE IMPERTURBABLE (Poson livestream)
    Jun 21 2024

    Welcome back to the Sutta Meditation Series Podcast.

    In this livestream Dhamma session on Poson full moon poya, we examine the Buddha's teaching in the Āneñjasappāya Sutta (MN 106) on the way to the imperturbable.


    00:00 The Way to the Imperturbable

    01:40 What we'll cover

    04:11 What is “āneñja” and the context for this teaching?

    18:35 Examples of the Buddha and the imperturbable

    22:30 Overview of the Āneñjasappāya Sutta (MN 106)

    23:45 “Deep dive” into the Buddha’s teaching on sensuality

    46:04 "Deep dive" into the Buddha's teaching on the three ways directed to the imperturbable

    1:01:58 "Deep dive" into the Buddha's teaching on the three ways directed to the base of nothingness

    1:33:52 "Deep dive" into the Buddha's teaching on the three ways directed to the base of neither-perception-nor-non-perception

    1:45:28 "Deep dive" into the Buddha's teaching on noble liberation

    2:00:35 Encouragement towards investigating

    2:03.38 Sharing the merit and blessings

    In this session we cover:

    — What is “āneñja” and the context for this teaching?

    — Examples of the Buddha and the imperturbable

    — Overview of the Āneñjasappāya Sutta (MN 106)

    — “Deep dive” into the Buddha’s gradual teaching on sensuality, the higher concentrations and noble liberation

    — Encouragement from the Buddha towards investigating

    Bohoma pin to the person who requested this sutta.

    The video of this talk has been published to the Sutta Meditation YouTube channel - https://t.ly/q3Bwi

    Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai

    To find the YT Sutta Meditation Series playlists visit: https://www.youtube.com/c/SuttaMeditationSeries/playlists, or click on 'Playlists' in the top menu bar.

    Selected tables, slides and documents are shared via the Sutta Meditation Series Telegram channel - https://t.me/suttameditationseries

    For all enquiries - suttameditationseries@gmail.com

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    2 hrs and 5 mins
  • METTA LAB - Weekly Slow Session 09
    Jun 16 2024

    Welcome to Mettā Lab @suttameditationseries

    Mettā Lab is a weekly YouTube livestream Dhamma session on the Sutta Meditation Series channel to develop and intensify our loving kindness (mettā) practice.

    — Timestamp —

    00:00 Mettā Lab - First Doorway to Nibbāna - 15 June 2024

    03:32 Recap on the four profitable directions (modes of practice)

    09:30 Painful practice with slow realisation

    14:05 The five contemplations or profitable perceptions

    31:34 Activating or developing the noble eightfold path

    32:43 Fulfilling the first jhāna

    38:14 Buddha's simile for the first jhāna

    46:29 Context within higher training

    48:22 Short meditation

    1:01:07 First establishment of mindfulness

    01:03:24 Arising and passing away of form

    01:13:15 Heavenly abiding

    01:21:52 Sharing the merit and blessings

    The focus is on developing *supramundane* loving kindness in accordance with the Buddha's teachings in the Pali Canon.

    (1) We will begin with the Buddha's instructions on how to develop mettā in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)

    (2) Then we will develop the First Doorway to Nibbana or Painful Practice with Slow Realisation which culminates in immeasurable mettā, based on the Asubha Sutta (AN 4.163) and Suttavebhaṅgiya (Pe 9). It also draws on what we learn in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)

    (3) Then we will develop mettā with the seven enlightenment factors (bojjhangas), based on the Mettāsahagata Sutta (SN 46.54), which distinguishes the Buddha's teaching of mettā from all others. And liberation of mind by loving kindness (mettācetovimutti)

    These are purposely "slow sessions" to gradually learn (or revise), develop and practise each step of these sutta meditations. Each session will be 1 to 1.5 hours duration. And during the session there will be short meditation periods. It may take a few weeks to complete each sutta meditation.

    Mettā Lab is for beginners and meditators who wish to refresh and deepen their loving kindness practice. Everyone is welcome.

    To watch the YouTube livestream - https://t.ly/SBjai

    For all enquiries - suttameditationseries@gmail.com

    Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai

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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • METTA LAB - Weekly Slow Session 08
    Jun 8 2024

    Welcome to Mettā Lab @suttameditationseries

    Mettā Lab is a weekly YouTube livestream Dhamma session on the Sutta Meditation Series channel to develop and intensify our loving kindness (mettā) practice.

    — Timestamp —

    00:00 Mettā Lab - Mettā Q&A - 8 June 2024

    04:43 Short meditation - Karaṇīyametta Sutta

    15:55 Mettā Q&A

    16:02 What meditations would you recommend to prepare the mind for loving kindness?

    23:56 What should I do if my mind wanders off while I am taking my own example?

    27:40 What's the best way to teach my children Buddha's loving kindness? Do they have to be a certain age to understand?

    34:28 Do you have any advice on how to overcome grudges as part of developing mettā?

    50:50 Can I spread loving kindness to a relative or friend who has passed away?

    53:30 Can you comment on the flow of how we're supposed to develop this Karaṇīyametta Sutta? How much time developing the qualities and then spreading loving kindness?

    56:54 When we develop mettā using this method (Karaṇīyametta Sutta) is it linked to the jhānas?

    1:03:50 First Doorway to Nibbāna - context and overview

    1:30:53 Sharing the merit and blessings

    The focus is on developing *supramundane* loving kindness in accordance with the Buddha's teachings in the Pali Canon.

    (1) We will begin with the Buddha's instructions on how to develop mettā in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)

    (2) Then we will develop the First Doorway to Nibbana or Painful Practice with Slow Realisation which culminates in immeasurable mettā, based on the Asubha Sutta (AN 4.163) and Suttavebhaṅgiya (Pe 9). It also draws on what we learn in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)

    (3) Then we will develop mettā with the seven enlightenment factors (bojjhangas), based on the Mettāsahagata Sutta (SN 46.54), which distinguishes the Buddha's teaching of mettā from all others. And liberation of mind by loving kindness (mettācetovimutti)

    These are purposely "slow sessions" to gradually learn (or revise), develop and practise each step of these sutta meditations. Each session will be 1 to 1.5 hours duration. And during the session there will be short meditation periods. It may take a few weeks to complete each sutta meditation.

    Mettā Lab is for beginners and meditators who wish to refresh and deepen their loving kindness practice. Everyone is welcome.

    To watch the YouTube livestream - https://t.ly/NSZmV

    For all enquiries - suttameditationseries@gmail.com

    Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai

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    1 hr and 32 mins
    Jun 3 2024

    Welcome back to the Sutta Meditation Series Podcast.

    This unique Dhamma session was held over Vesak via zoom on "DISPELLING BUDDHIST MYTHS". In this session, we tackled about 6 common Buddhist myths, though we had a longer list of Buddhist myths.

    One of our kalyanamittas was keen to have an interactive and fun session during Vesak to debunk or dispel some of the common Buddhist myths that exist, particularly in Buddhist countries.

    As always, take what is useful.

    — TIMESTAMPS — 00:00 Dispelling Buddhist Myths 01:25 Introduction 05:09 Buddhist myth 01 - Only the wealthy can make merit 16:05 Buddhist myth 02 - Buddha only taught Dhamma to monastic disciples and not lay people 35:35 Buddhist myth 03 - Lay people cannot attain path and fruit 49:43 Buddhist myth 04 - Buddhism is for those worried about life after death, and irrelevant to wellbeing in the present 1:02:59 Buddhist myth 05 - Buddhism is not for the youth, you have to wait till your hair turns grey 1:17:18 Buddhist myth 06 - A child's interest in Dhamma should not be encouraged as they will lose interest in life 1:34:16 Sharing of merit and blessings

    Much merit (bohoma pin) for the invitation to be part of this session, coming up with our initial list of Buddhist myths and helping to facilitate this session for the benefit of others.

    The video of this talk has been published to the Sutta Meditation YouTube channel - https://t.ly/TGlaR

    Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai

    To find the YT Sutta Meditation Series playlists visit: https://www.youtube.com/c/SuttaMeditationSeries/playlists, or click on 'Playlists' in the top menu bar.

    Selected tables, slides and documents are shared via the Sutta Meditation Series Telegram channel - https://t.me/suttameditationseries

    For all enquiries - suttameditationseries@gmail.com

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 35 mins
  • METTA LAB - Weekly Slow Session 07
    Jun 1 2024

    Welcome to Mettā Lab @suttameditationseries

    Mettā Lab is a weekly YouTube livestream Dhamma session on the Sutta Meditation Series channel to develop and intensify our loving kindness (mettā) practice.

    — Timestamp —

    00:00 Metta Lab - Karaṇīyametta Sutta - 1 June 2024

    05:50 Insight pathway and where we ended in the last session on 25 May 2024

    08:26 Understanding and applying Buddha's example of a mother and her one and only child

    16:22 How we spread loving kindness in all directions without obstruction, hate and hostility

    19:07 Four postures, without drowsiness

    21:15 Remembering or being mindful - what we have developed is a "divine abode"

    24:48 Virtuous - 9 skilled states

    27:31 How we get to the insight (wisdom) of developing this Karaṇīyametta Sutta meditation and noble attainment (path and fruit of non-return)

    42:48 Recap of insight pathway meditation - 15 steps

    53:34 Short meditation

    1:09:12 Info on Upcoming session - First Doorway to Nibbana (Painful Practice with Slow Realisation)

    1:13:27 Sharing the merit & blessings

    The focus is on developing *supramundane* loving kindness in accordance with the Buddha's teachings in the Pali Canon.

    (1) We will begin with the Buddha's instructions on how to develop mettā in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)

    (2) Then we will develop the First Doorway to Nibbana or Painful Practice with Slow Realisation which culminates in immeasurable mettā, based on the Asubha Sutta (AN 4.163) and Suttavebhaṅgiya (Pe 9). It also draws on what we learn in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)

    (3) Then we will develop mettā with the seven enlightenment factors (bojjhangas), based on the Mettāsahagata Sutta (SN 46.54), which distinguishes the Buddha's teaching of mettā from all others. And liberation of mind by loving kindness (mettācetovimutti)

    These are purposely "slow sessions" to gradually learn (or revise), develop and practise each step of these sutta meditations. Each session will be 1 to 1.5 hours duration. And during the session there will be short meditation periods. It may take a few weeks to complete each sutta meditation.

    Mettā Lab is for beginners and meditators who wish to refresh and deepen their loving kindness practice. Everyone is welcome.

    To watch the YouTube livestream - https://t.ly/P214s

    For all enquiries - suttameditationseries@gmail.com

    Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai

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    1 hr and 15 mins
    May 29 2024

    Welcome back to the Sutta Meditation Series Podcast

    Updated on 5 June 2024 for extended version to include Q&A

    This is the guided meditation, Dhamma talk and Q&A with Metta Centre (SYD) on "The Mastery of Buddha's Instructions - How it leads to noble attainment and freedom from suffering". This session was conducted via zoom.

    — TIMESTAMPS — 00:00⁠ The Mastery of Buddha's Instructions

    ⁠04:47⁠ Guided meditation on loving kindness based on Karaṇīyametta Sutta

    ⁠24:35⁠⁠ Dhamma talk on the Mastery of Buddha's Instructions

    ⁠53:32⁠⁠⁠ Q&A

    ⁠1:30:39⁠⁠⁠ Sharing of merit and blessings

    The Buddha praised the mastery of instruction over the mastery of psychic power and the mastery of telepathy because it leads to noble attainment and culminates in complete liberation. Lay people received gradual instructions from the Buddha and attained the fruit of stream entry and more.

    Now more than 2,500 years after the parinibbāna of the Buddha, if we have faith or conviction in the Buddha, incline towards understanding the Buddha’s gradual instructions and diligently practice in accordance with them, we can still expect wonderful results.

    In this Dhamma session we will examine the Buddha’s gradual instructions from the Pali Canon and why they are so valuable and powerful.

    Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai

    The full Dhamma session is available on Metta Centre's YT channel - https://t.ly/r8O3d

    To find the YT Sutta Meditation Series playlists visit: https://www.youtube.com/c/SuttaMeditationSeries/playlists, or click on 'Playlists' in the top menu bar.

    Selected tables, slides and documents are shared via the Sutta Meditation Series Telegram channel - https://t.me/suttameditationseries

    For all enquiries - suttameditationseries@gmail.com

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 32 mins
  • METTA LAB - Weekly Slow Session 06
    May 25 2024

    Welcome to Mettā Lab @suttameditationseries

    Mettā Lab is a weekly YouTube livestream Dhamma session on the Sutta Meditation Series channel to develop and intensify our loving kindness (mettā) practice.

    — Timestamp —

    00:00 Metta Lab - Karaṇīyametta Sutta - 25 May 2024

    05:02 Quick recap

    20:38 Short meditation - up to "May all beings be happy"

    30:21 Loving kindness and the noble eightfold path

    33:45 Right view leads to Right thought (understanding twofold thought)

    37:47 Range or spectrum of living beings

    44:35 "Let no one deceive another"

    47:50 "Nor despise anyone anywhere"

    52:24 "With anger or ill will, one should not wish another to suffer"

    53:53 How do we remove anger (byārosanā)?

    1:00:44 How do we remove ill will (paṭighasañña)?

    1:09:45 Sharing the merit & blessings

    The focus is on developing *supramundane* loving kindness in accordance with the Buddha's teachings in the Pali Canon.

    (1) We will begin with the Buddha's instructions on how to develop mettā in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)(2) Then we will develop the First Doorway to Nibbana or Painful Practice with Slow Realisation which culminates in immeasurable mettā, based on the Asubha Sutta (AN 4.163) and Suttavebhaṅgiya (Pe 9). It also draws on what we learn in the Karaṇīyametta Sutta (Snp 1.8)(3) Then we will develop mettā with the seven enlightenment factors (bojjhangas), based on the Mettāsahagata Sutta (SN 46.54), which distinguishes the Buddha's teaching of mettā from all others. And liberation of mind by loving kindness (mettācetovimutti)

    These are purposely "slow sessions" to gradually learn (or revise), develop and practise each step of these sutta meditations. Each session will be 1 to 1.5 hours duration. And during the session there will be short meditation periods. It may take a few weeks to complete each sutta meditation.

    Mettā Lab is for beginners and meditators who wish to refresh and deepen their loving kindness practice. Everyone is welcome.

    To watch the YouTube livestream - https://t.ly/YSxB1

    For all enquiries - suttameditationseries@gmail.com

    Blessings of the Triple Gem. Theruwan saranai

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 11 mins